CHAPTER 2 Executive Branch Thomas Jefferson Statue. (Missouri State Archives) OFFICE OF GOVERNOR 61 Bob Holden Governor Elected November 7, 2000 Term expires January 2005 BOB HOLDEN (Democrat) was sworn in as Mis- economy of the future. In 2003, Holden signed souri’s 53rd Governor on January 8, 2001. As the into law legislation aimed at allowing Missouri to first Governor to take office in the new millenni- become a leader in the rapidly expanding life sci- um, Holden, a Democrat, has focused on meet- ences industry. He also proposed and signed a ing the challenges of a new economy with a spe- law that will help rebuild infrastructure in down- cial focus on education. town areas and support job creation in both rural Even during a time of national recession, and urban communities. Holden has not backed down on his priorities of Governor Holden’s efforts on behalf of Mis- improving Missouri’s schools, protecting Missouri souri seniors include the establishment of a pre- senior citizens, improving the health and safety of scription drug plan for seniors who could not Missourians, and creating jobs for the future. afford the high cost of medicine. To accomplish At a time when 17 others states were cutting this goal, he ordered a special session of the Mis- elementary and secondary education, Missouri souri legislature in 2001 to enact the SenioRx added funding, passed one of the nation’s program, which has now aided thousands of strongest educational accountability bills, and Missouri senior citizens. Holden also led the initiated an innovative new character education fight for greater protection of nursing home resi- program into the schools. Despite severe budg- dents and in 2003 signed the Senior Care and etary challenges, Holden continues to fight for Protection Act. The law holds unscrupulous higher education funding and has provided mil- nursing home owners accountable for their lions of dollars in support for university research actions and keeps bad actors out of the state. as a means of fueling the state’s economy and Under Holden’s leadership, Missouri was the moving Missouri toward the knowledge-based first state in the nation to name a Homeland economy of the future. Security Director following the terrorist attacks of Raised on a farm in the Ozarks, Holden 9/11. This prompt action by the Governor result- respects and supports the role of agriculture in ed in increased federal funding for homeland Missouri. He has worked to improve the link protection efforts in Missouri and an improved between agriculture and life sciences research. He security response system for all Missourians. has also improved agricultural marketing efforts Holden has worked to protect the health of including a new focus on the value-added side of Missouri children through the Children’s Health agriculture, which allows farmers to expand mar- Insurance Program, MC+ for Kids, providing one kets and increase economic opportunities. of the best health care plans in the nation for Holden has balanced Missouri’s budget and low-income children. In his first legislative ses- maintained the state’s AAA bond rating, which sion as governor, Holden passed the landmark demonstrates the financial market’s endorsement Women’s Health Initiative, which dramatically of the state’s fiscal management and responsibility. increased health care access and coverage for Governing magazine gives Missouri a 4-star rating, Missouri women. the highest possible, for good management. Governor Holden’s life is an affirmation of the Holden’s success has placed him in a leader- American Dream. Born in Kansas City, raised on ship position among Governors nationally. He a farm in the Ozarks near Birch Tree, Holden was elected chair of the Midwestern Governors’ attended a one-room school and went on to grad- Conference where he is leading the Midwestern uate from Southwest Missouri State University states’ efforts to stimulate the economy by focus- with a degree in political science. He also attend- ing on education and research. Holden has also ed the John F. Kennedy School of Government at chaired the Governor’s Ethanol Coalition and Harvard University where he took courses specif- represented fellow Governors on the National ically tailored for government executives. Medicaid Reform Task Force. Holden met his wife Lori Hauser Holden Holden developed Missouri@Work, a job during his first campaign for the state legislature growth plan to create and retain high-quality jobs and they have two boys, 13-year-old Robert and as the economy moves into the knowledge-based 9-year-old John D. 62 OFFICIAL MANUAL Office of Governor State Capitol Jefferson City 65102 Telephone: (573) 751-3222 JANE DUEKER MARY STILL Chief of Staff Director of Communications Qualifications The chief executive officer of the State of Missouri must be at least 30 years old, a U.S. cit- izen for at least 15 years and a resident of Mis- souri for at least 10 years before being elected Governor. The Governor is elected to a four-year term during the same year as a presidential election and may seek re-election to a second four-year term. No person may hold the office for more than two terms. Responsibilities DAVID COSGROVE LOIS WAIBEL The Governor appoints the members of all Chief Legal Counsel Assistant to the Governor boards and commissions, the heads of all de- partments in state government and fills all va- less than the revenue estimates upon which the cancies in public offices unless otherwise pro- appropriations were based. vided by law. The board members of Missouri’s All bills and joint resolutions passed by both state universities and colleges are appointed by houses of the legislature are submitted to the the Governor. The Governor also selects the Governor for his consideration. The Governor members of the Supreme and Appellate Courts must return the legislation to the house of its of Missouri from names submitted by the State inception within 15 days after receiving it. The Judicial Commission. He appoints members to Governor may either approve a bill, making it the state’s six urban election boards, two police law, or return it to the legislature with his objec- boards and the Board of Probation and Parole. tions. When the legislature is adjourned, the Most appointments require the advice and con- Governor has 45 days in which to consider a sent of the Senate. bill. The Governor addresses the General Assem- bly on the state of government and recommends Additional Duties and Powers changes or other actions to be taken. A budget is submitted by the Governor to the General The Governor performs many other duties Assembly within 30 days after the assembly con- assigned by constitution, statute or custom. For venes. The budget contains the Governor’s esti- example, he issues writs of election to fill vacan- mates of available state revenues and an item- cies in either house of the General Assembly. The ized plan for proposed expenditures. Governor also has the power to grant reprieves, commutations and pardons, but this does not The Governor may object to one or more include the power to parole. items or portions of items of appropriations of money in any bill presented to him while In addition to his other duties, the Governor approving other portions of the bill. On signing is a member of a number of boards and commis- the bill, he appends to it a statement of the items sions, such as the Board of Public Buildings and or portions of items to which he objects and the State Board of Fund Commissioners. such items or portions will not take effect. The Moreover, the Governor is the conservator of Governor may control the rate of expenditure in peace throughout Missouri and is commander- other areas whenever the actual revenues are in-chief of the state’s militia. He may call out the OFFICE OF GOVERNOR 63 CHRIS BROWN ROB CROUSE JENNIFER DEAVER ANGELA ELSBURY Director of Boards and Executive Speechwriter Director of Operations Director of Scheduling Commissions DANIEL HALL BETH REEDS HOFHERR PATRICK LYNN TINA SHANNON Senior Policy Advisor Assistant to the First Lady Senior Policy Advisor Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs militia to execute laws, suppress threats of dan- ger to the state, and prevent and repel invasion. The Governor has the authority to remit fines and forfeitures when he believes an injustice is done or great hardship suffered by the defen- dant. Executive Department The executive department consists of all state elective and appointive employees, except those of the legislative and judicial departments. In addition to the many duties that are specif- TED WEDEL KEN FRANKLIN ically assigned to the Governor in the Missouri Director of Legislative Affairs Policy Analyst - St. Louis Office Constitution, he has many other duties, which are assigned to him by statute and by custom. Personnel, Office of Governor: Page 928 64 OFFICIAL MANUAL Governor’s Mansion (Mary Pat Abele) Missouri Governor’s Mansion ing grounds are always a whirlwind of activity. Passers-by are often treated to basketball games, Governor Bob Holden, First Lady Lori Hauser baseball practice, skateboarding, or bicycle rides Holden, Robert Lee III and John D. are very around the Mansion drive. The Holdens’ two proud to be living in “the people’s house”—the Missouri Governor’s Mansion. dogs, Nike and Silver, may also be frequently viewed romping across the Mansion lawn. First occupied by Governor B. Gratz Brown and his family in 1872, this stately three-story Family comes first for First Lady Lori Hauser brick building is one of the oldest and most beau- Holden, although public service and dedication tifully restored Governors’ homes in the United to the Missouri communities she dearly loves States.
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