S10564 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 16, 2002 pick up the slack and pay for this led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the zeal against the forces of tyranny and country’s military, security, law en- National League for Democracy—ring oppression. These men have earned our forcement, and other needs, many of hollow. Nation’s enduring respect for their ac- which benefit the companies avoiding I am in complete agreement with his tions and deeds in defense of the United their fair share of taxes. I plan to spend assessment. States. a significant amount of time over the It is past time for the SPDC and its But of course their story is also next year looking at issues related to armed forces to respect the human unique. In addition to being one of the offshore tax evasion and corporate non- rights and dignity of the people of most successful air combat units in the payment of tax. Burma and to punish those in the mili- Second World War, the Tuskegee Air- A few years ago, this country had bil- tary who are responsible for killing and men, whose pilots trained at the lions of dollars in surplus and a grow- injuring innocent men, women and Tuskegee Army Air Field in Tuskegee, ing economy. But that is over. One children. AL, overcame a pattern of rigid seg- contributing cause is the corporate I was appalled to learn this week regation and prejudice that questioned scandals over the last year. Those ar- that Burma Army Column Commander their ability to serve as Airmen and guing for tepid reforms or the status Khin Mau Kyi, who is reportedly re- prevented them from training and quo will not provide the leadership sponsible for burning churches and vil- working with their white counterparts. needed to end the corporate mis- lages and torturing pastors and Bud- Led by the recently departed General conduct and investor fears now plagu- dhist monks, said. ‘‘I don’t respect any Benjamin O. Davis, the first black gen- ing U.S. markets. We need not only to religion, my religion is the trigger of eral in the Air Force, the Tuskegee complete the implementation of the my gun.’’ Airmen flew over 15,500 sorties, com- Sarbanes-Oxley law, but also to move Mr. President, Khin Mau Kyi’s so- pleted over 1,500 combat missions, and ahead with additional measures needed called ‘‘religion’’ is, according to infor- downed over 260 enemy aircraft. They to restore investor faith in U.S. busi- mation I have received, responsible for even sunk an enemy destroyer. Amaz- ness. The one-year anniversary of the the murder of the following people at ingly, no bomber escorted by the Enron scandal is a good time to renew Htee Law Belh on April 28, 2002: Saw Tuskegee Airmen was ever downed. But the call for that unfinished business. Hto Paw, Naw Hsar Kay, Naw Kri Htoo, 66 Tuskegee pilots flying escort did f Naw Ble Po, 5 years old, Daw Htwe Ye, make the supreme sacrifice for our Na- Naw Mu Tha, Mu Pwat Pwat, 7 year tion and another 32 were taken as pris- LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT old, Saw Ka Pru Moo, Naw Plah, 5 oners of war. Collectively, these ac- OF 2001 years old, Naw Dah Baw 2 years old, tions won the Tuskegee Airmen 3 Pres- Mr. SMITH of Oregon. Mr. President, and Naw Pi Lay and her infant. idential Citations, 95 distinguished I rise today to speak about hate crimes The State Department should pub- Flying Crosses, 8 Purple Hearts and 14 legislation I introduced with Senator licly condemn the SPDC for these Bronze Stars. KENNEDY in March of last year. The atrocities, and call on the SPDC to in- Upon returning home from war, these Local Law Enforcement Act of 2001 vestigate these crimes and bring those Airmen found a society still deeply would add new categories to current responsible to justice. Unfortunately, segregated. The Tuskegee Airmen hate crimes legislation sending a sig- there is no reason to believe the SPDC themselves remained segregated from nal that violence of any kind is unac- will act against its own officers. the larger military and were unable to ceptable in our society. We and the international community provide their skills and aptitude to I would like to describe a terrible should do our utmost to provide assist- other units that were in dire need of crime that occurred September 15, 2001 ance to the SPDC’s victims. In the qualified airmen. It was not until in San Francisco, CA. Two men, Robin days to come, I will confer with my President Truman issued Executive Clarke and Sean Fernandes, were bru- friend from Kentucky on appropriate Order 9981 that segregation was ended tally attacked by a man who thought actions we can take to help refugees in the United States Armed Services. Fernandes was an Arab. The assailant and internally displaced persons in This Executive Order played a vital passed the two men on the street, Burma, including engagement with role in the subsequent integration of called Fernandes a ‘‘dirty Arab’’, then Thailand to ensure that Burmese flee- our Nation. The valor and dedication of punched both men and stabbed Clarke ing SPDC abuses can enter into Thai- the Tuskegee Airmen played a vital in the chest. The assailant escaped in a land, that international journalists are role in changing our Nation’s attitude blue Mustang coupe after the attack. given free and unfettered access to ref- toward integration and racial diver- I believe that Government’s first ugee camps and ethnic minorities, and sity. duty is to defend its citizens, to defend the UN High Commissioner For Refu- In recent years, our Nation has right- them against the harms that come out gees is allowed to provide a safe haven ly sought to honor those who served in of hate. The Local Law Enforcement for those fleeing SPDC oppression. the Second World War and to recognize Enhancement Act of 2001 is now a sym- f the challenges faced and overcome by bol that can become substance. I be- the Tuskegee Airmen. I know my Sen- THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN 17TH lieve that by passing this legislation ate colleagues join me in commending ANNUAL SALUTE and changing current law, we can the Tuskegee Airmen for their willing- change hearts and minds as well. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, this week- ness, to paraphrase Philip Handleman, f end hundreds of individuals from an aviation historian from Oakland throughout the Nation will be gath- County, MI, to fight two wars at the BURMA ering in my hometown of Detroit, MI, same time: one war against the forces Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I want to to honor, remember, and pay tribute to of totalitarianism abroad and the other add my voice to the growing chorus in one of the most illustrious and feared against the forces of intolerance and Washington condemning the State U.S. Army units in the Second World prejudice at home, and to have the de- Peace and Development Council’s bru- War, the Tuskegee Airmen. These indi- termination to win them both. tal and inhumane treatment of the peo- viduals will be gathering for the f ple of Burma—including refugees and Tuskegee Airmen National Historical internally displaced persons. Museum’s 17th Annual Salute Recep- THE ALL-CALIFORNIA WORLD We recently heard from the senior tion and Dinner. SERIES Senator from Kentucky, Senator The story of the Tuskegee Airmen is Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I MCCONNELL, who has been a consistent, unique in many ways but starts with rise today to commend and congratu- strong voice for human rights and de- similarities to the story of so many late the two teams from California who mocracy in Burma. He spoke of the members of the ‘‘Greatest Generation’’ will compete for the 2002 World Series many abuses committed by the SPDC who fought in the Second World War. It Championship: the National League and his concerns that the SPDC’s pro- is a story of young men who answered Champion San Francisco Giants, and claimed interest for reconciliation the call of duty and fought to defend the American League Champion Ana- with the legitimate leaders of Burma— our Nation with courage, pride, and heim Angels. VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:38 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S16OC2.REC S16OC2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY October 16, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10565 This will be the fourth All-California three home runs in a playoff game in implementing policies which reflect a World Series—following the 1974 and the deciding game 5 of the American commitment to the rule of law, a com- 1988 Los Angeles Dodgers-Oakland Ath- League Championship Series. mitment to end support for separate letics match-ups and the 1989 ‘‘Bay Every great team has a great man- Republika Srpska institutions, and a Bridge Series’’ between the Giants and ager and the Giants and the Angels commitment to ensure and protect the the Athletics—and I am confident it have two of the best: three-time Na- rights of minority groups. will go down in history as one of the tional League Manager of the Year Progress toward those goals has been best. Dusty Baker and Mike Scioscia, who made. But it has been slow, and the Both teams have beaten the odds and has led the Angels to a World Series in FRY has an inconsistent record of com- overcome huge obstacles to advance to only his third year as manager.
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