Kashrus done right. One Standard, Everyday. (Q)l~1I At Empire Kosher, kashrus standards don't change by the hour or by the case. Multiple standards don't make it more kosher, just more confusing. Our partnership with KAJ and OU has created one standard for everything. Every product, everyday. Our Rabbonai Machshirim - RavYisrael Belsky, shl'ta, of the OU, Rav Zachariah Gelley, shl'ta and Rav Yisroel Mantel, shl'ta of K'hal Adath Jeshurun ensure that every Empire chicken and turkey meet their high standards before leaving our door - so that you can be confident that the chicken and turkey in your kitchen meets the standards of the most exacting Mashgiach - You. L_ www.empirekosher.com IN THIS ISSUE 6 NOTED IN SORROW: RABBI SHMUEL BERENBAUM 7 ':Jt 8 READERS' FORUM THE JEWISH OBSERVER YERUSHALAYIM, ETERNAL ... AND INDIVISABLE {ISSN) 0021-66/5 JS P!i8L!Stn:o MONTJ!!.Y, EXCEPf Jl'I.Y & AUGUST I 14 ETERNAL SOURCE OF STRENGTH, based on an "-NO A COMBINED !SS!.'E FOR I J,>.NllAl!YiFEBRtJARL 6Y THF address by the _f\/ovominsker Rebhe N'"tJ}7w AGUDATH ISR-"-F:l. OF ,'\_\lf:R!CA. 42 fiRO.-U)\\'AY, NEW Yoru.:. NY 10004. 19 THE CHALLENGE OF KOL YISROEL I !'Ul!ODILAl.S POSTAGE PAID IN NEW YORK. NY. S11ns<.:RIPT!ON 525,00/YE.<>,R; AREIVIM ZEH LAZEH, based on an address 2 rt·:ARS. S4B.oo: l YEARS. S69.oo. I OtiTSlDF OF THE L'NlTFD STATES (l.'S Rabbi !vlatisyahu Sa!on1on N"P}?\:!J I FUNDS ORAWN ON A US BANK O'.'iLY) S!s.oo SURCHARGE J'FH YEAR. SJNGJ.f, I COPY SJ.SO; OUTSIDE NY .'\HEA S:l.95: 23 GREETINGS FROM THE HOLY CITY, fro1n an address I FOREIGN $4,50. by the fvlayor of Yerushalayim, Uri Lopo!iansky POSTMASTER: SEND ADD RF.SS CHANGES TO: i Tu. 212-797-9000, FAX 646·254-1600 LETTER FROM JERUSALEM i'R!NTFO Ji\; THE LJS.J\ 25 OuR CURRENT Focus: BEYOND YERUSHALAYIM, RAU!H NtssoN WOLPl.'<. l:dttor I Yonoson Rosenh!urn Fdiforial Board RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS. Chairman RA881 AR!JA BRllOJ'>' 30 HEALTH (ARE: WHERE IS THE MASHGIACH? JosErtl f'RlEDENSON RABii! YlSROf:J_ MEIR KlRZNER Barbara A. Olevitch, Ph.D RABIH NosSON ScJlf:RMA:"i PROF. AARON TWERSKI ! 35 LEARNING FROM REB ZEIDEL EPSTEIN )"~\, I f-imndcrs Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky J)R. Ef{NST I,. BODENHEIMER Z"L I RA!Hll MOSHE St!F.RER Z""l. I 42 A LESSON FROM GLOBAL WARMING, Yisrae/ Rutrnan Manaqcment Board I NAFTOl.l HtRSCH, iSAA(: K!RZNf:!{, RABBI SttLOMO l.ESIN, 0AVJD SINGER, NACllUM STEIN POSTSCRIPT: "TEACH YOUR CHILDREN ... " M!{S. LEAH ZAGEUJAllM. 45 INTERVIEW \NITH RABBI MosHE GOLDSTEIN, Ad1'erlisin9 !lfa11a9er translated by Libby lazevvnik Pheterson I Puar.1-~HED BY i i\GUOATH ISRAE!. OF AMEHICA 49 (HINUCH AT ITS BEST, l_!.S. TRAUF. IJJSTlHBUTOR Rabbi Dr. Abraharr1 J. Tvverski i FEl.D!IE!M l'UfH.!SHf:RS 208 Airport Eret:utivc Parh !\/am1ct, NY 10954 I 50 OF PUBLIC RECORD BRITISH REPRf:SENTAT!Vf I M.T. Bl BELMAN MUSINGS Grnwrnor librh-5 l· ! Mo1Jnt l'lcasant Ifill 51 ! I t.ondon f.:; 9N!:, fNGIAN/J TYPESETTER, Rabbi Hi/tel Goldberg , . F'RE,"<CH REPRESENTATIVE If '! 1 ·1 RAsB BA.\HIERGf:R 53 MEETING RABBI YERUCHAM LEvovirs J"::n 21 /Joulrmrd !bixhrms I ) s1000 Metz, FRANC1: fro1n the A1emoirs of Rabbi Shlo!YJO Lorincz !I, I lSRAEU RF.PIU>'>ENTAT!VE 58 INDEX TO ARTICLES: AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS . INTNI.. MEDIA PLACEMENT l'O!J 71-95 / 97.faffii Road 'I 1I 1 Jerusalem 94:140. ISRl!f:.'l. STATEMENT OF Pot.ICY r· llELGTA."< REPRESENTATIVE 1 MR. E. APTER T!-iE JEWISH OBSERVE!{ HAS DEVOTEJ) A GREAT DEAL OF SPACE TO ! [ J.angeKirvitstr. 2,9 THE PERILS OF THE INTEHNET ANO TO THE NFEf> FOR EVERYONE TO ' 2018 Antwerp. tJ!::LGIUM I ! BE EXTRt:MELY VIGILANT IN !fS USE. \VE HAVE f.CllOF:f) THE Pf.FAS I I '""'" AH«CANR::.:::~if~;~I;~I~ Tflf JEWISH OBSERVER""'' NOT AmMc ~~~:::::::::~:'.:~•::,::~.:•:•~:,~~::"~;~~,;~,':~~~·:::: 1,1 2124 $01/lfl AfR/CA RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE KASHRUS OF ANY PROOUCL TROLLED TO EVE HY POSSlBLE DEGREE. OUR GEf>OLIM RECOGNIZE Tl-lAl I PUBl.lCAT!ON, OR SERVICE ADVET~TISED IN ITS PAGES MANY PEOPLE ANO IHJSJNESSES REQUIRE !TS USE. AND TBEREFOJU: !'! I I AOSTRAUAN HEPRESENTAT/VE ' OR. A. DINNEN © (OPYR!GHT 2008 HAS NOT BEEN BANNED. THIS IS WHY WE ACCEPT .<>.DVERTJSEMEYfS ! I 77 Birriga Road I L1 -~ ...... ·-·· __ ::··:·"······'"·~· .~ .... ~·~ ~· ~~:=~::;:;;~:: ::::·::.::;·:::::.:.. ] Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum ""YT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -=l THE JE\VISl-I OBSERVER -------------------------·-----·----------·------------------------------·-----------·--------------------------------------- ' come in and talk to him in learning. He Students would frequently pose incon­ route to the airport following the levaya would still be learning at 2:00 or 3:00 sequential questions in learning to Reb at the Mirrer Yeshiva, Reb Shmuel, a a.n1. V\Then at times, for whatever reason, Shmuel, often telling over explana­ father stricken with the incomparable I had to be awake early at 5:00 or 6:00 tions that were far ren1oved from the pain oflosing a child, turned to his son­ a.m., I would see that the Rosh Yeshiva true explanation. Reb Shmuel's endless in-law, Rabbi Hershel Kaminsky, and was already awake and learning." patience for his students \vas rooted expressed his concern for the critically For close to fifty years, Reb Shmuel in his love and deep desire to see each ill, seven-year-old son of a close student. served as a rebbi to his students, retain- and every student grow and develop to He requested that while he would be in Bretz Yisroel accompanying his son on his final journey, Rabbi Kaminsky With his passing, our generation has lost one should make sure that the yeshiva of its last binding links with the greatness, glory students daven for the child. Despite the pain of his own heart-rending and grandeur of the Torah giants raised in tragedy, the Rosh Yeshiva transcended the Eastern European Torah centers his personal suffering to maintain the presence of mind necessary to ensure that someone else's travail would not be forgotten. Although it is true that the Rosh Yeshiva's entire life was a long song of learning and loving Torah, the period of his life that was most clearly defined by the words of "Ki heim chayeinu" was the time of his illness. It was then that it became most evident that Torah was truly his very lifeblood, his o~-ygen; that the Rosh Yeshiva was a living manifesta­ tion of ruchniyus; that it was Torah and nothing else that kept him alive, endow­ ing him with energy and vitality. Although throughout his life, he saw i his sole mission as one of learning and ! i teaching Torah, during the last decade of I his life, he also began to involve himself i in public matters outside of his yeshiva, as well. Most notable was his creation of Part of the crowd at the levaya in Brooklyn a super fund to grant stipends to needy, I ing that relationship even when they their utmost. kollel yungeleitin Eretz Yisroel, who were became rebbei'im and roshei yeshiva. Material matters such as food, honor, suffering terribly from the drastic cut- I Reb Shmuel, despite having been raised and the like were completely insignifi- backs initiated by the Israeli government I in pre-War Europe, developed a keen cant to the Rosh Yeshiva. His detachment a number of years ago. He succeeded in ! understanding of the American men­ from the material aspect of life, however, raising and sending millions of dollars I tality. He was privy to the world of was not because he worked on himself to Eretz Yisroel for this purpose. Reb An1erican teenagers and had an uncan­ to become an ascetic. Rather, his love for Shmuel would also frequently travel I ny ability to reach them and elevate Torah, the importance that he attached to yeshivas in New York and beyond i them. One indication of his limitless, to Torah, the delight that he derived to deliver shiurim and chizuk to both ! supreme devotion to his students can from Torah, simply superseded all other teachers and students. be gleaned from the fact that although worldly pleasures. With his passing, our generation has ! every moment of Torah learning was Reb Shmuel's legendary middos were lost one of its last binding links with I precious to him, he made himself avail­ such that even when he himself was the greatness, glory and grandeur of I able to any student who needed him for undergoing the greatest of personal the Torah giants raised in the Eastern I whatever length of time was necessary. tragedies, his instincts spurred him to European Torah centers, with those He was there for them in every aspect worry about others. Several years ago, who came to the United States and I , of their lives, at any time. his beloved son Reb Leibel was taken helped transplant and create a flourish- I Of course, this devotion was most from this world in his prime, after hav- ing Torah community in a place that had I I evident when it came to learning itself. ing suffered from-a dreade~illness. En -~nee been-a ve~itable Torah desert. °' 1 7 JANUARY/f'EBRUARY 2008 RE AD l'OR APPRECIATION FOR RABBI HEADS OR TAILS! DR. SOROTZKIN RESPONDS: SCHERMAN'S MUSINGS MAXIMIZING YOUR CHILD'S BENEFIT 1o the Editor: To the Editor: To the Editor: I appreciate Rabbi Jung's comments I was deeply moved by Rabbi Nosson In your Dec.
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