No. 382. Price One Penny. THE CHIPPING NORTON Deanery JYCagazine. Sor tt)e "g'arisbes of CHIPPING NORTON. FIFIELD A IDBURY. SALFORD. CIIARLBURY A SHORTH AMPTON. HEYTHROP. MILTON i LYNEHAM. CIIADL1NGTON. HOOK NORTON. RAMSDEN. CHURCHILL ASARSDKN. FINSTOCK. SHIPTON Je LANGLKY. CORNWELL. LITTLE ROLLRIGHT. SPELSBURY. ICNSTON K GREAT ROLLRIGHT. CHASTLKTON. i DAYLESFORD. January. CAhENDAK. 1915. 1 I F Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 i S S> 2nd Sunday after Christmas. M T5 I Tu 6 I W The Epiphany. Magistrates1 Meeting. Th ; -F S. Lucian, P.M. 9 1 S 10 ■ Si I 1st Sunday after Epiphany. 11 ! M 12 ! Tu 13„ W ' S. Hilary; B.C. Meetings of Board of Guardians and Assessment Committee. 14 > Til 15 F 16 I S 17 £i 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. 18 M S. Prisca, V.M. T 2019 !I w S. Fabian, B.M. Magistrates' Meeting. 21 Tt.Tn S. Agnes, V.M. 22 I F S. Vincent, D.M. 23 S 24 1 2 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. 25 M Conversion of S. Paul. 26 Tu 27 W Meetings of Board of Guardians and Rural District Council. 28 Tit 29 F 30 S King Charles, M. 31 * Scptuagesima. Full Moon, 1st. Ob. 21m. p.m. New Moon. 15th. 2h. 42m. p.m. Last Quarter, Sth, 9h. 13m. p.m. First Quarter, 23rd, 5b. 32m. a.m. Full Muon, 31st, 4.41 a m. __ I W. C. HAVKS. I.TU., PRINTERS. CHIPPING NOltlON. JANe CHIPPING NORTON DEANERY MAGAZINE. Notes for the next Magazine should be sent not later than i In view of the War in which the Country is so on January a5th, to the EDITOR, CORNWELL RECTORY, ' painfully engaged, most people have neither the CHIPPING NORTON. lieart nor the money for the usual festivities that r, All business communications to be addressed to the eome on after Christmas; a few for children and Publishers, IV. C. Hayes, Ltd, Chipping Norton. some others are being held; but most people will ------- | feel that money and time had better be now spent in ways more necessary and more serious. I Christmas Day the Parish Church was very bright ^«rocf)ini £iotes. I and the Services as well attended as formerly. CHIPPING NORTON. I -------------- FINSTOCK and FAWLER. (S. Mary the Virgin.) Baptism. — Violet Irene, daughter of Francis Baptisms.—December 6th, Moiitecriffe Nelson, Charles and Lizzie Oliver of Finstock. son of William and Ursula Bunting.—Dec. 27th, i On Christmas Day, Holy Communion was cele- Margaret, daughter of James and Eliza Gertrude ; brated at 8.15 and Mid-day. There were about the Thein."" —Denis■' ' John,T1 —son of JohnT k- 'Thomasrl and i j usual number of Communicants. Evensong was Florence Edith Barnett.—December 28tb. Gerald ;■ said at 3 p.m., after which carols were sung. Bertram, son of Bertram Edward and MaryLiliey.— Ij The morning collection on Dec. 6tli was given December 30th, William Janies, son of Joseph ' to Princess Mary’s Fund for supplying Christmas William Thomas and Eva Annie Benfield (privately). ' gifts to the soldiers at the frout and amounted to Bl'IiUtS.—December 9th, Constance Mary Smith, £1. aged 14 weeks.—December 10th, Martha Ann Hall, j On Sunday, November 29th, the Rev. A. W. R. aired 49 years.—December loth, Matilda Bull, aged Turner preached morning and evening on behalf of I 86 years.—Dec. 16th. Fred elick George Ackerman, Dr. Baruardo’s Homes. The collections for these aged 8 years.—December 30th, William Leslie j! excellent homes amounted to £1 19s. 4d. Stickley, aged 15 mouths. We are now able to announce the result of the C.L.1J.—Mrs. T. H. Brown has received the : first three months’ working of the Free-Will Offer- fol.owing: “ Dear Madam, Will you please convey to : ing Scheme. Considering the many calls that have I the ladies who have worked so hard to send us 50 been made upon us lately, the result must be con- I body belts for ottr C.L.B. Battalion of the K.R.R., . sidered very satisfactory. I my gratitde for their kindness, and assure them Home. Foreign. Home. Foreign. that their labour has not been in any sense wasted, ■ £ s. d. £ s. <1. £ s. d £ s. d. lint I i.ope rewarded by the knowledge that every I 1 0 16. 11 man in the Battalion has now been served out with ' 2. 6fc 17. 1 0 6fc a belt and has found great benefit from it in the . 3. 1 1. 18. 1 1 4. 2 10 1 0 19. 3 3 recent hard weather. Yours truly, Edgai: Rogehs, 5. 1 1 20. 6 Headquarters Chaplain." . 6. 3 0 1 0 21. 6k 5 Io the list of C'.L.B. Lads from Chipping Norton i 7. 1 0 1 0 22. 11 Company now serving with the colours, should be 8. 6 6 6 6 23. 10 9. 1 1 24. 10 added the name of John Richard Withers (of ■ 10. 1 1 ] 1 25. 1 1 Portland Place), who was a keen member in Capt. ' if 6k. 26. 7 Blait s day; for 9 years he has served with the • 12. 1 1 • 1 1 27. 5 Oxfords, ami recently in India won promotion to 13. 1 1 14 Vi 2nd I.ient., and is now serving with the 2ml North j 14- 1 1 1 1 1 13 Ofc 1 Staffordshires in the N.W. Provinces. V.’ h 15. 1 We congrats- Total for three months • £2 7 7. late Ina family on the distinction brought■vrvlat toI.. it byL. ■* the wii.niug of a Commission in recognition of special i On Wednesday afternoon, December 23rd, Mrs. efficiency. ; Aiderton very kindly--j ---------distributed the medals and In reply to the appeal we ventured to make last prizes to the school children, ■nonth for a few games for use on Recreation Night, vOn„ Boxing Night a very successful concert was 4 wr aie giateful for those kindly sent by Miss Howes given' in' the Schools.' The proceeds which amounted and for the loan of an excellent bagatelle board bv to £1 Ils. 3d. were given to the widow of Jesse Mr.T. H. Burbidge. J Shayler, formerly of Finstock. The following ladies Classes in preparation for Confirmation on and gentlemen contributed to the programme : Mrs. Thursday, Febiuary lltli, are now being regularly Cary-Blwes, Miss Vera Bois, Messrs. D. Weltou, held. On Sunday afternoons at 3.30 for luds and Fred Claridge, Jim Harris, Francis Hunt, G. H. gills, and at other times by arrangement, with the Hois and N M. Bois, and Master Leary and tho Chrgy. Vicar. JAN. CHIPPING NORTON DEANERY MAGAZINE SARSDEN-oum-OHURCHILL. Some of the children were dressed up in Indian Sir. Anson is, we trust, on the road to the recovery costumes, which were explained to the s.-holars. of his health. He was present at. School on Monday, The Burn! of Hope and the Mothers’ Meetings Tuesday and Wednesday before Christmas. The have been held as usual this winter. prizes were given away by Miss Johnson on Wed­ nesday afternoon, December 24th—when the School CHARLBURY. broke up for the Christmas holidays. Marriage.—November 29th, Ernest Margetts, of Mr. Blair who is, as is well known,, an able, 2nd Gloucester Regiment, and Ivy Tims, of Charlbury. willing and energetic organiser, was busy on Tuesday Burials—December 1st, Donald Shilson, aged evening, December 22nd, raffling presents from kind 22 years.—December 5th, Joseph Stayte. aged 76 parishioners, in the shape of pigs, turkeys, geese, years.—December 12th, Jesse Shayler, aged 43 years. poultry, rabbits, etc., which were valued at .£8, for —December 19th. Ellen Stayte, 63 years. which he gained £14 for the local Belgian Fuad. At Shorthampton Church.—Dec. 1st, William Mr. Ger ald Watts’ Rifle teams have been compet­ Jarvis Barrett, of Chilson, aged 49 years.—Henry ing for the Oxfordshire County League. Team A., Bradley, of Waterman’s Lodge, aged 61 years. consisting of himself, Messis. Blair, L. Bushrod, A. Much sympathy was shown to the wife and family Sole, W. Stubbs and J. Stevens, were drawn against of Mr. William Barrett, and his funeral was largely Banbury Britannia, with the result of a win for attended. He received the Holy Communion shortly Churchill who scoi’ed 506 points against Banbury’s before his death; and valued very much the 502 points. Team B., consisting of C. Sanders, H. consolations of the Church. Salter, R. Dick, and E. Claridge, lost to Banbury The Bishop of Oxford intends to hold a Confirm­ Reserves. Team A. shot later on against Kidling- ation in Charlbury Church, on Monday, March 151I1, ton, while Team B. and Deddington B. competed at 4 p.m., for Candidates from Charlbury, Chadlington, together. and Chilson, as well as the neighbouring parishes of Messrs. W. A. Treweeke's and Blair’s Special Finstock, Ramsden and Spelsbury. The Vicar Constables’ Company have been meeting weekly wishes to receive the names of all in Chaiibury and since the 3rd November' for drill and instruction in Chilson who wish to join the classes, so that we may patrol duty. begin the preparation as soon as possible. It is pleasing to hear' from two of onr elderly Foreign Missions.—Our Advent collections al village wise men that in their opinion this terrible Charlbury amounted to /'13 is. 9d.. of which /"j ss. Eur opean War will be at an end next March. Time came from our Children's Missionary Guild. alone will shew. Christmas Day.—The Church kept up the bright­ The Bishop of Oxford has given formal directions ness of the Christmas Festival in the number of to Mr.
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