LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CITY OF MONROVIA HILLSIDE WILDERNESS PRESERVE AND HILLSIDE RECREATION AREA AUGUST 2008 DRAFT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA APPENDIX F SPECIAL INTEREST SPECIES SUMMARY FOR THE MONROVIA WILDERNESS PRESERVE P:\CNV0601\Management Plan\Final Management Plan- August 2008\Final Admin Draft.doc (08/08/08) F-1 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CITY OF MONROVIA HILLSIDE WILDERNESS PRESERVE AND HILLSIDE RECREATION AREA AUGUST 2008 DRAFT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA APPENDIX F SPECIAL INTEREST SPECIES SUMMARY FOR THE MONROVIA WILDERNESS PRESERVE Species Status Habitat and Distribution Activity Period Occurrence Probability Plants Aster greatae US: – Perennial herb (rhizomatous) found in June through Moderate-High. Suitable CA: SP broad-leaved upland forest, chaparral, October habitat present within the Greata's aster CNPS: 1B cismontane woodland, lower montane study area. Recorded coniferous forest, riparian occurrences in Spanish Cyn. woodland/mesic; elevation 300 to (1915) and Monrovia Cyn. 2,010 meters (1,000 to 6,600 feet). near Sawpit Dam (1928). Known from Los Angeles County. Astragalus brauntonii US: FE Perennial herb considered a limestone Blooms March Observed. Observed CA: SP endemic and dependent on fire. through July approximately 100 Braunton's milk-vetch CNPS: 1B Typically associated with the fire- individuals along a portion of dependent chaparral habitat on Lower Clamshell Motorway limestone and on down-wash sites. adjacent to sage Elevation is below 640 meters (3,000 scrub/chaparral habitat (LSA feet). Los Angeles, Orange, and 2006). Populations on site Ventura Counties. also observed by Pacific Southwest (1999). Calochortus clavatus var. US: – Shaded foothill canyons in areas of March through Moderate. Suitable habitat gracilis CA: SP chaparral; typically 360 to 1,000 June present within the study area. CNPS: 1B meters (1,200 to 3,300 feet) elevation; Slender mariposa lily known only from San Gabriel Mountains of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Calochortus plummerae US: – Perennial herb of sandy or rocky sites Blooms May Observed. Observed a group CA: SP of (usually) granitic or alluvial material through July of approximately 50 Plummer's mariposa lily CNPS: 1B in valley and foothill grassland, coastal individuals, and scrub, chaparral, cismontane approximately 20 scattered woodland, and lower montane individuals adjacent to Lower coniferous forest at 100 to 1,700 Clamshell Motorway in open, meters (300 to 5,600 feet) elevation. rocky area within sage Known from the Santa Monica scrub/chaparral community. Mountains to San Jacinto Mountains in Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Centromadia parryi ssp. US: – Margins of marshes and swamps, May through Low. Lack of suitable habitat australis CA: SP vernal pools. Often in disturbed sites November within the study area. CNPS: 1B near the coast, also in alkaline soils Southern tarplant with saltgrass; below 1,500 feet elevation. P:\CNV0601\Management Plan\Final Management Plan- August 2008\Final Admin Draft.doc (08/08/08) F-2 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CITY OF MONROVIA HILLSIDE WILDERNESS PRESERVE AND HILLSIDE RECREATION AREA AUGUST 2008 DRAFT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA Species Status Habitat and Distribution Activity Period Occurrence Probability Chorizanthe parryi var. US: – Annual herb of dry sandy soils in April through Low. Lack of suitable habitat parryi CA: SP chaparral or coastal scrub at 40 to June within the study area. CNPS: 3 1,750 meters (100 to 5,700 feet) Parry's spineflower elevation. Known only from Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and possibly extending into Los Angeles County. Dodecahema leptoceras US: FE Gravel soils of Temecula arkose April through Low. Suitable substrate or CA: SE deposits in openings in chamise June growing conditions in the Slender-horned CNPS: 1B chaparral in the Vail Lake Area, or on study area not present due to spineflower sandy soils in opening in alluvial scrub highly degraded state of (usually late seral stage) in floodplain alluvial fan scrub in project terraces and benches that receive area. Not observed during overbank deposits every 50 to 100 LSA survey (2006). years from generally large washes or rivers; 200 to 760 meters (600 to 2,500 feet) elevation. Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. Dudleya cymosa ssp. US: – Granitic soils in chaparral; elevations April through Low-Moderate. Suitable crebrifolia CA: SP 275 to 425 meters (900 to 1,400 feet). July habitat present within the CNPS: 1B Also granitic cliffs, walls, and outcrops study area. Records indicate San Gabriel River near coastal sage scrub and chaparral. type locality for this species dudleya Known only from type locality along outside of study area in Fish San Gabriel River. Canyon, east of Monrovia Cyn (1986). Dudleya densiflora US: – Found in granitic soils and on cliffs March through Moderate. Suitable habitat CA: SP and canyon walls in chaparral, coastal July present within the study area. San Gabriel Mountains CNPS: 1B scrub and lower montane coniferous Records indicate presence of dudleya forest. Elevation 300 to 520 meters this species outside of study (1,000 to 1,700 feet). Known from area in Fish Canyon, east of approximately five occurrences. Monrovia Cyn (1989). Galium grande US: – Perennial herb found in chaparral, Blooms March Low-Moderate. Habitat CA: SP lower montane coniferous through July relatively suitable throughout San Gabriel bedstraw CNPS: 4 forest/granitic, sandy; elevation 425 to much of the study area. 1,500 meters (1,400 to 4,900 feet). Populations observed in Sawpit Canyon near Boy Scout Camp (1910), and near the study area on a ridge between Monrovia Cyn and Fish Cyn (2000). Horkelia cuneata ssp. US: – Sandy or gravelly soils in chaparral, or February Low-Moderate. Habitat puberula CA: SP rarely in cismontane woodland or through relatively suitable throughout CNPS: 1B coastal scrub; 70 to 825 meters (200 to September much of the study area. Mesa horkelia 2,700 feet) elevation. Known from San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties. Believed extirpated from Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego Counties. Lasthenia glabrata subsp. US: – Marshes, playas, vernal pools, February Low. Lack of suitable habitat coulteri CA: SP grassland; sea level to 3,000 feet through June within the study area. CNPS: 1B elevation. Inland Southern California Coulter’s goldfields and along coast from San Luis Obispo County to Baja California. P:\CNV0601\Management Plan\Final Management Plan- August 2008\Final Admin Draft.doc (08/08/08) F-3 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. CITY OF MONROVIA HILLSIDE WILDERNESS PRESERVE AND HILLSIDE RECREATION AREA AUGUST 2008 DRAFT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLAN CITY OF MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA Species Status Habitat and Distribution Activity Period Occurrence Probability Lepidium virginicum var. US: – Dry soils in coastal sage scrub and January through Low-Moderate. Suitable robinsonii CA: SP chaparral, typically below 500 meters July substrate or growing CNPS: 1B (1,600 feet) elevation. In California, conditions marginally Robinson's pepper-grass known only from Los Angeles, present. Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and San Bernardino Counties. Linanthus concinnus US: – Annual herb associated with lower and May through Low. Lack of suitable habitat CA: SP upper montane coniferous forest; found July within the study area. San Gabriel linanthus CNPS: 1B on dry rocky slopes, often in Jeffrey pine/canyon oak forest; 1,675 to 2,800 meters (5,500 to 9,200 feet) elevation; known only from Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Linanthus orcuttii US: – Annual herb of openings (often Blooms May Low-Moderate. Suitable CA: SP gravelly) in chaparral, pinyon and through June substrate or growing Orcutt's linanthus CNPS: 1B juniper woodland, and coniferous conditions marginally forest at 915 to 2,145 meters (3,000 to present. 7,000 feet) elevation. In California, known only from Los Angeles (believed extirpated), Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. Ribes diveracatum var. US: – Deciduous shrub of riparian woodlands Blooms Low. Not observed within parishii CA: SP at 65 to 100 meters (200 to 300 feet) February the study area, though CNPS: 1B elevation. This plant is known from through April suitable habitat may be Parish's gooseberry Los Angeles and San Bernardino present. Last known Counties; may potentially be documentation of this species extirpated. in this area was during 1882 collection by M.E. Jones. Thelypteris puberula var. US: – Perennial herb of streams and seepage January through High. Documented and sonorensis CA: SP areas 50 to 610 meters (170 to 2,000 September collected in Monrovia CNPS: 2 feet); from San Jacinto Mountains and Canyon in 1967. Suitable Sonoran maiden fern San Gabriel Mountains west in habitat present in several Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los canyons within the study Angeles Counties. area. Fish Catostomus santaanae US: FT The Santa Ana sucker’s historical Year-round Low. Marginally suitable CA: CSC range includes the Los Angeles, San habitat present within the Santa Ana sucker Gabriel, and Santa Ana River drainage study area. systems located in Southern California. An introduced population also occurs in the Santa Clara River drainage system in southern California. Found in shallow, cool, running water. Gila orcutti US: – Perennial streams or intermittent Year-round Low. Marginally suitable CA: CSC streams with permanent pools; slow habitat
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