GENDER DATA IMPACT CASE STUDY | NOVEMBER 2019 Data Breaks the Silence on Violence Against Women: A Case Study of Vietnam Executive Summary Background In Vietnam, violence against women is traditionally In 2010, survey data shed light on a hidden perceived as a private issue — a matter between issue affecting more than half of women in husband and wide that should remain behind close Vietnam. A nationwide survey by the General doors, without state intervention. Many women are Statistics Office (GSO) of Vietnam found reluctant to share their experiences or seek help due that 58% of women reported experiencing to stigma, lack of support from family members and physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by their authorities, and fear of possible repercussions for husbands, and 87% of women who had themselves and their children. Even talking about experienced physical or sexual abuse had not sexual violence within a marriage may be regarded sought any form of help. as inappropriate, with many believing it should be The data catalyzed a public conversation tolerated for the sake of “family harmony.” Due to its about the nature of violence against women, traditional taboo nature, the true extent of violence raised awareness around coping strategies and against women in Vietnam remained hidden for many available support services, and informed new years. government strategies and policy responses As the issue of violence against women gained addressing violence against women, most international prominence in the 1980s, the notably the National Strategy on Gender Government of Vietnam began taking steps to Equality (2011-2020). As a result of these promote formal gender equality. Starting with the government strategies, Vietnamese women ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of experiencing violence at home are now able all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to access a range of counseling, health, legal, in 1982 and the Beijing Platform for Action in 1995, and shelter services. the government committed to ensure that national This case study demonstrates the vital domestic violence laws, policies, and programs importance of engaging policymakers in were introduced, funded, and actively monitored. all phases of data collection, analysis, and Specialized laws on gender equality and domestic dissemination. In Vietnam, this helped violence were eventually adopted in 2006-7 following ensure data was used to inform and monitor concerted advocacy efforts by community activists policy commitments. and development partners. Almost ten years on, the GSO is about to Yet despite these improvements to the legal framework, complete its second nationwide survey on the extent of violence against women in Vietnam violence against women, while other nations was still not well understood. A dedicated nationwide in the Asia Pacific region are looking to survey was required to accurately assess the incidence emulate their successes. of violence and its impact on society. Policymakers needed solid evidence to develop preventative strategies, design responsive services, and measure progress on implementing the newly introduced domestic violence law. Conducting a qualitative survey was also needed to unearth community perceptions in order to challenge the cultural stigma and myths surrounding violence against women. 1 Physical violence Sexual violence Physical or sexual violence The Data 45 40 In 2009, the General Statistics Office (GSO) of 35 30 Vietnam, with support from the World Health 25 Organization (WHO), United Nations Population 20 15 Fund (UNFPA), and development partners, conducted 10 5 a nationwide survey of 4,838 ever-married 0 women aged between 18-60 years old about their Vietnam experience of physical, sexual, and emotional Highlands Central Coast SoutheasternMekong Delta violence in marriage. The study sought to obtain Red River Delta detailed information on the prevalence and nature North Midlands/Mountain of violence against women, the indirect and direct Figure 1. Prevalence of physical or sexual violence by husband impacts on health, community attitudes towards among ever-married women by region, in Vietnam domestic violence, and women’s coping strategies. For the first time in Vietnam’s history, both Family members quantitative (population-based survey) and Neighbors qualitative (in-depth interviews and focus group discussion) techniques were employed to produce a Friends comprehensive national picture of violence against women. The final report, National Study on Domestic Others Violence against Women in Viet Nam (NSDV) was No one launched in November 2010 via awareness-raising seminars and workshops organized by UNFPA, GSO, 0 20 40 60 Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism (MoSTC), Figure 2. Proportion of women who told someone among and Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs women who experienced physical or sexual violence by (MoLISA) targeting the media, policymakers, health husband, Vietnam care professionals, service providers, civil society organizations, and the general public. KEY FIGURES ON PHYSICAL, SEXUAL, AND EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE IN MARRIAGE The survey results were startling. An alarming 58% IN VIETNAM of respondents reported having been physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by their husbands, 4,838 ever-married women between 18-60 and 87% of women who had experienced physical years were surveyed in 2010 in Hanoi, Hue, or sexual violence had not sought any form of help. and Ban Tre provinces in Vietnam. The study found that domestic violence victims who 58% of respondents reported having been did seek help most commonly turned to local leaders physically, sexually, or emotionally abused by who dismissed domestic violence as a “family issue.” their husbands. Domestic violence also had a significant impact on health, with 26% of respondents reporting physical 34% of respondents reported having suffered injuries, and 60% reporting having been injured from physical or sexual violence by their multiple times. Qualitative interviews revealed that husbands at some time in their lives. women and local authorities were also generally 87% of respondents who reported having unaware of the law on domestic violence. experienced physical or sexual abuse from their husbands had not sought any form of help. 26% of respondents who reported experiencing physical or sexual abuse from their husbands also reported physical injuries as a direct result. DATA2X | GENDER DATA IMPACT CASE STUDY 2 Reactions to the Data On the back of the national survey, efforts were also launched to build the capacity of policymakers and The national survey stimulated wide public government officials to implement violence against discussion around a formerly taboo topic. women policies. Gender-based violence training Awareness-raising efforts, including a video featuring was conducted for law enforcement officers and testimonials of domestic violence survivors, and others within the justice sector with support from a multi-country tour for government officials to the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC), while observe programs designed to address gender-based gender sensitization activities were organized to violence, helped to bring the survey data to life. support program implementers across various sectors Community outreach activities including speeches, including Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Children parades, arts performances, exhibitions, and music and Youth, and Agriculture and Rural Development. videos also helped disseminate the survey’s findings at provincial and local levels. Almost ten years later, the survey data has become a regular feature in civil society and government Significantly, the survey prompted concrete policy speeches and awareness raising activities like and programmatic decisions. This came as a result the “Stop Violence Against Women” campaign. of a prolonged period of engagement, advocacy, Originally a UNFPA initiative, this has become an and data literacy building among policymakers annual event that unites government, civil society, within key government agencies. As Ha Thi Quynh and development partners. The survey data has Anh, program specialist, human rights and gender, also been utilized for monitoring and reporting on at UNFPA Vietnam reflects, “That was a very long Vietnam’s international commitments to eliminate process. We couldn’t push the government to violence against women. According to UNFPA believe in our findings, or to use our findings right Vietnam, the exercise of implementing the NSDV has from the beginning.” strengthened the GSO and co-implementing bodies’ Findings from the survey provided critical baseline long-term capacity for gender data collection, indicators and targets for several new national action coordination, and analysis. plans, including the National Strategy on Gender The global community is taking note of Vietnam’s Equality (2011-2020), the National Plan of Action pioneering work to comprehensively change survey for Domestic Violence Prevention and Control rates, coping mechanisms, and attitudes towards (2014-20), and the National Thematic Proposal on violence against women. Neighboring countries Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence from the Asia-Pacific region are now seeking to (2016-2020, vision to 2030). While the National replicate the NSDV study, with government officials Assembly may have created the first law on domestic from Mongolia and Indonesia conducting study tours violence in 2007, prior to this survey there was no to learn about
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