Ti Tn T i T i 7 1 COURIER AND OKANAGAN ORCHARDIST VOLUME 5 Kelowna, British Columbia, Thursday, September 24, 1908 NUMBER 8 tius on the bridge as the gentle­ WHAT IS OUR FLAG? man who happens to be Minister Since the provincial govern­ of Education in British Columbia Wait for our E ARE OFFERING for a Cg ment of Manitoba led the way for at the present time.” MILLINERY City Property W few weeks only a number (oh western provinces in the practice Since when, may we ask, were For Sale of lines at greatly reduced prices. of hoisting a Hag—we use “a” in­ the arm s of the provinces of OPENING Among these are: stead of “the’’ with all due cau­ Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, on or about tion — over school-houses, a Alberta, Saskatchewan and Brit­ on Very Easy Terms squabble has been going on inter­ ish Columbia incorporated in the SEPTEMBER Quarter Oak Dressers and ;£1 mittently amongst school boards, so-called “Canadian Flag?” If 21st to the 23rd One ten-acre lot in high utnte of cultivation newspapers and private individu­ any flags have been made or used w ith 750 trcewthat will bear fruit next year. Wash Stands als as to the proper flag to hoist. with the coats of arms of the pro­ One new brick cottage with nine good rooms We will show you the and good cellar, with one-half acre of ground; With the sturdy independence vinces incorporated with the orig­ corner lot; about 300 feet street frontage. Reduced from $35.00 to $28.00 cash characteristic of a young nation, inal coat-of-arms of the Dominion latest pattern hats i One new brick house with nine good rooms the prevailing sentiment favours as created in 1867, they are her­ land good cellar with lot'to suit purchaser; can from New York and ! be made corner lot If desired; over 200 feet street a Canadian Hag, that is a flag aldically incorrect, and there is frontage; all planted out to choice fruit. felt Mattresses which, while showing its com­ absolutely no authority for their Paris. A number of building lots in the choicest oca- mon citizenship with the rest of use. If the reader has the time tlon where you can have a cellar under your Reduced from $13.50 to $9.00 cash house; with or without bearing trees; in sod or the British Empire, shall also and patience to hunt up any book iunder Cultivation; in lots of twenty-rfive feet up; proclaim to the world that it rep­ of reference containing a coloured ;facing North, South, East or West. These lots are thte highest and beat drained within the Other Lines In Proportion resents a country with a name of plate of the “Canadian flag,” he •City. Call and see them before you buy else- its own, a self-governing Domin­ will find it is the red ensign, i. e. i Where. ion. Officialdom, on the other a -flag with red Aeld and the Union t hand, is divided on the question, Jack in the top left hand corner, and the provincial government of While on the field or fly appears R. E. DeHART British Columbia, no doubt puz­ a shield made up of the armorial KELOWNA FURNITURE zled by the conflicting claims ad­ bearings of the FOUR provinces vanced by advocates of what is which entered into the Dominion termed the “Canadian ensign” at Confederation. This flag was and of the Union Jack, have de­ authorised by the British Admir­ cided on the latter as certainly alty three or four years after being British and the symbol of Confederation for use by the Union. The result is much merchant marine of those feder­ KELOWNA OUTFITTING STORE wrath amongst those who de.em ated provinces, not as a national W. B. M. CALDER,Prop. VTHE BIG STORE v* the Union Jack to represent the emblem, but for convenience in United Kingdom of Great Britain recognising at sea the country of and Ireland only, and the school registry of Canadian vessels. trustees of New Westminster, Does any loyal Canadian ven­ PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN for instance, have flatly refused ture to say that such a flag is an Planned For B. C. to comply with the government’s adequate representation of the (Vancouver Province, Sept l~f) mandate, saying they will fly the Canada of today, a flag that ig­ The next big publicity cam­ “Canadian ensign” or none. nores the five provinces which paign of the Western Canada When the breezjr western mind joined the confederation in later Immigration association is to be Gan receive full satisfaction here in materials, enters into questions of heraldry years? If so, he must be of the devoted to British Columbia. It style, workmanship and fit. Then there is and blazonry it often goes sadly kind to whom Ontario or Quebec will result in settling thousands astray, as these are matters spells Canada. of Americans from the middle a very worth while saving as well, because our which belong to such relics of the The truth is we have no pro­ west in the Kootenays, theOkaria- mediaeval ages as the College of per Canadian flag, and those who fine 20th C e n t u r y B r a n d clothing is agan and in the Fraser river val­ Heralds and seem as out of place would seek .. to foist on us the ley. The agricultural and fruit­ as certainly as they are'out of-the “Canadian ensign” as the proper growing possibilities of the pro­ Fully equal range of knowledge of the West. emblem to hoist over our British vince are to be exploited as they Yet, when the matter is a simple Columbian schools show little never have been before. to the one pertaining to the “national pride in their home province that This was the statement made to lag,” it is almost beyond belief they consent to its obliteration The Province to-day by Mr. John best ordered tailoring that such a reputable and usually on the national flag in favour of F. Langan of Chicago, a pro­ well-informed paper as the Mani­ four only of the original prov­ minent member of the associat­ We ■ are showing all the smartest and toba Free Press would show ig­ inces.* If the “red ensign” is to ion. Mr, Langan will be joined most advanced ideas in Fall Suits and Over­ norance of what the “Canadian bear a distinguishing badge on here next .week by Mr. Walter eusign” represents. Some time its fly, let it show the beaver or Gunn of the Gunn-Vanderhoff coats. Everything a well dressed man should ago it took the B. C. government the maple leaf, both of them em­ Publishing company of Chicago. know about clothing we are prepared to tell to task in an editorial article blems typical -of Canada as a Together they Will tour the pro­ nearly a column long for order­ Dominion and found from the vince to obtain data for the pub­ him. ing the Union Jack to be used in­ Atlantic to the Pacific. We do licity campaign to be waged We solicit the order for your new fall stead of the “Canadian Flag,” not ask that provincial pride under the auspices of the assoc­ i s & s L and it made the following remark­ should receive a sop by the in­ iation. Mr. Langan is already suit and overcoat and in return promise a able statemeht, which was faith- clusion of the arms of all the pro­ familiar with many sections of gafment of sterling worth. oily copied with entire approval vinces in the shield on the fly. the province. by scores of weekly papers At a few feet distance, the pre­ “The association intends to throughout the country: sent heraldic jumble is only a expend $6000 in advertisipg4Bj*iti PRICES OF FALL SUITS meaningless blot to the human RANGE FROM FIFTEEN TO “As a matter of fact, the only ish Columbia in one American THIRTY-THREE DOLLARS difference between the British eye, and it would make confusion magazine alone. It started the red ensign and the Canadian flag worse confounded to add the influx of Americans to the prairie is that the latter carries in the vari-coloured coats-of-arms of provinces and will do the same Lequime Bros. & Company fly the arm s of the Dominion. five more provinces to the shield. for British Columbia. When the Let us have a symbol which will The Leading Dry Goods and Grocery Store Both are made up in chief of the movement was launched Calgary Union Jack. The heraldic “ecu adequately represent national had 7000 people. To-day its unity instead of administrative PHONE NO. 22. complet,” the complete shield, is population is 27,000. Mr. Emer­ made up of the arms of the var­ divisions, but if we cannot have son Hough, a noted writer, is pre­ ious provinces. In the arms of it, far better that we should use paring a serial entitled Sowing, Ontario and Manitoba the cross- the old Union Jack, the symbol dealing with the prairie provinces of imperial unity, than suffer the and British Columbia. He was of St. George signifies British out here some time ago. His nationality. In the arms of Que­ humiliation of the greater being r f — .— ------------------1 work will later be issued in book bec, New Brunswick, Prince Ed­ represented by the less. The form. As it deals with foreign Orchard City Realty Mart so-called “Canadian flag” that the D.
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