17 St John’s Hill Grove Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy St John's Hill Grove Appraisal & Management Strategy A Introduction 4 Map of the conservation area 4 The purpose of this document 5 Public consultation 5 Designation and adoption dates 5 PART ONE: CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL 1 SUMMARY OF SPECIAL INTEREST 8 Location and context 9 2 HISTORY & ARCHAEOLOGY 10 3 SPATIAL CHARACTER 13 Introduction 13 Townscape map 13 Townscape 13 Streetscape 15 Trees 16 Green space 17 Boundary treatments 18 Views 19 4 ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER 20 Introduction 20 Building use 20 St John's Hill Grove 20 St John's Hill 23 Brussels Road 31 Cologne Road 31 Louvaine Road 32 Wandsworth Conservation & Design Group St John's Hill Grove Appraisal & Management Strategy Oberstein Road 33 Plough Terrace 34 5 CONCLUSION & ASSESSMENT OF CONDITION 35 Appendices 1 Listed buildings 36 2 Locally listed buildings 37 PART TWO: MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 1 Introduction 40 Boundary extensions 40 The planning process 40 Positive buildings 41 Communication with residents 41 Listed buildings 42 Locally listed buildings 42 Trees 42 Streetscape 43 Guidance 43 Enforcement 43 New development 44 Grants 44 Section 106 agreements 45 2 Conservation area guidance 46 3 What works require consent? 50 4 How to make a planning application 52 Wandsworth Conservation & Design Group St John's Hill Grove Appraisal & Management Strategy Further Information & Contacts Further information 56 Contacts 59 Wandsworth Conservation & Design Group St John's Hill Grove Appraisal & Management Strategy A. Introduction Map of the conservation area o 76 H 3 7 74 o u s e 1 6 18 1 r 7 w L T 5 2 2 7 50 2 6 2 5 1 3 2 3 0 4 3 7 P 0 2 8 try 0 2 6 n 1 L 6 Ga 7 S 7 1 2 4 O 0 75 1 5 1 3 4 1 2 7 U 0 1 1 G 2 l 8 2 oo 9 ch 179 g S 6 nin 69 3 i s) 1 ra ay T ilw Ra sh riti 1 (B H 0 1 10 1 3 3 8 4 1 3 1 6 1 5 1 5 3 1 4 9 R 9 1 2 4 141 O 1 11 05 7 1 1 4 1 A 07 127 ad 8 1 0 2 2 o 1 D R 1 t 15 115 u 2 9 b 2 1 Har 19 8 2 101 1 16 131 5 22 8 1 87 4 1 1 5 5 6 3 d 111 2 0 a 3 a 2 o 3 R S 7 e 8 a 2 n 9 2 7 4 g 8 0 3 o 1 2 l High View 3 LB 1 4 1 3 8 1 t o 4 2 o Primary School 6 6 6 0 5 3 C 1 3 5 4 3 7 t o 7 1 L 2 SSS t SSS a o SSS n SSS g 1 5 4 f 5 o a 3 8 2 r 3 l tttt ta d 1 ta tttt S E S tttt Sub M b J J JJJJJ El e u 1 J JJJJJJ J JJJJJ w S J JJJJJ P 7 JJ JJJJJ s L c 7 O 3 6 4 6 4 U 5 3 5 0 G 5 ooo 4 ooo ooo H 1 2 8 1 d T hhh E hhh 6 hhh a R R t o o A 3 4 ''''''' C ''''''' 6 ''''''' R 1 E '''''s''sss 1 ssss 3 sss 7 2 n 3 1 3 i H H HHHHH 4 1 6 H HHHHHH e B t 0 s 5 8 9 8 3 r 5 iiiiiii e 4 iiiiii r to 23 iiiilililllll b 1 lllllll s lllllll w 1 House 1 lllllllll l l G GGGGGG u e lllll ll G GGGGGG O h M llll ll G GGGGG ug 1 lo 2 t P o r t u 1 o L s 7 C 1 2 n ra e in rrrr o s F Shelter 9 1 4 ooo ooo 1 e 4 4 u 1 4 4 vvvv 6 vvvv 1 4 vvvv 1 l o t o t D eeee v 6 o eeee s eeee 2 eeee 1 C r 2 c H 1 o a 2 u s 1 r a 0 t 9 1 A s 1 1 B 1 7 R C i T Y R 5 n 2 Hall D o O 7 H 3 3 4 7 e ON 1 C a 1 1 2 5 a 5 9 d 1 H r R 1 3 1 to 12 6 W 1 b St Peter and 8 E Johnson 2 o Court 8 St Paul Church o 2 A L u e Old 2 S a 2 2 u Y 1 to 8 2 L 4 rg armacy 1 e t 3 2 r 1 y 7 5 6 d E 2 R The Old 92c T 1 h t o Laundry e El C 1 2 ta o C S u 2 ub 4 r o S 9 t 1 y a 1 r L 4 2 d 9 1 a 1 O 1 4 S 4 4 d u 1 r g VVVV S e LB e VVVV Alexander Studios r 8 ad y 10 r Pa 6 0 e 4 to 12 E 3 Th AAA 1 6 AAA 1 to AAA Hilltop 0 1 11 8 1 PO 3 Court 1 RRR 14 RRR 7to o22 5 15t 1 ns DDD io 4 DDD Haz 1 s DDD el Court H 4 n 4 1 Ma 12 0 to3 S 23 EEEE 1 2 EEEE A PH rd EEEE 5 va 1 r 4 3 a c H 1 NNN 6 4 NNN 1 8 NNN 2 1 p NNN 1 4 NNN 4 3 Y 5 NNN 3 b a 1 1 4 3 SSSS e 2 SSSS H D SSSS a y 1 d a 8 1 1 o n b t n o O 1 1 to 34 5 H 5 1 RRR 5 RRR 1 1 RRR 7 RRR o 5 RRR Hill 0 3 RRR u 14 s c Lodge PH 3 e El Sub N lll OOO Sta llllll e 4 iiilll 4 iii 1 iii AAA 6 AAA W 14 r AAA 2 9 HH 2 HH1 HH7 8 14 1 ss DDD '''ss 4 R DDD A nn''' 2 nn 1 8 Y hh 3 o oo a oo 4 1 8 9 JJoJJo a 8 JJ 2 St John's Therapy Centre tt JoJo tt 1 SS d 3 SS 6 2 4 2 0 PH 1 1 10 2 0 7 2 ter P 3 el H Sh 1 7 2 TCBs 2 1 7 8 P H 12 2 2 1 9 2 5 22 7 26 8 1 V 1 1 ic d a a r o 1 a R 9 6 ge g 3 n e lsy ns nn E o oommmmoo i hh CC oonn 1 ddsswwoorrttthh CCoommmmoonn eeee WWaas nnddsswwoorrttthh CCoommmmoonn SS WWaann sswwoorrttt CCoommmm nn n sw n SSeeee WWaannt ddsswwoorrttthh CCoommmmoonn SSeeee WWaanno ddsswwoorrttthh CCoommmmoonn SSeeee WWaannddsswwoorrttthh CCoommmmoo SSeeee aan ndd oorrttthh SSeeee WW n1 nddssww SSeeee WWMaa 0 2 7 5 7 t o 9 4 3 4 5 2 CCoonnsseerrvvaatttiiioonn AArreeaa mmaapp PH 1 2 2 1 1 Nursery 3 7 4 1 5 2 a 8 H 2 e n r y 1 H 9 a 2 4 r 2 1 r is to o 4 n 8 7 C o 1 u to r t 7 0 2 5 9 8 3 1 to 5 Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Wandsworth Licence Number:18 1000192708 (2009) 1 0 t 0 20 0 Figure 1 The boundary of St John's Hill Grove Conservation Area 4 Wandsworth Conservation & Design Group St John's Hill Grove Appraisal & Management Strategy The purpose of this document A.1 Conservation areas are "areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character and appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance" as set out in the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990. Conservation Area Appraisals are documents that define and analyse this special architectural and historic interest according to guidance published by English Heritage and justify their designation as conservation areas. A.2 Under the same Act the Council has a duty to publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas. The management strategy in the second part of this document sets out how the Council manages the conservation area in accordance with guidance from English Heritage. A.3 Together, the conservation area appraisal and management strategy are material considerations in the planning process and provide a sound basis for planning policies, decisions and appeals. Public consultation A.4 Residents and businesses in the conservation area were consulted for their views on this document in November and December 2008 and a public meeting was held at St John's Methodist Church on St John's Hill on 2 December 2008. The public meeting was attended by 11 people. Concerns raised included the loss of character through roof extensions and loss of original shopfronts. There was concern over the condition of St Paul's Church which was locally listed as part of this review. Other issues were traffic problems and paving condition which were passed to the Council's Highways Engineers.
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