' * ' 9^ : *• ■ <' VEBAGB DAILY dBOULAHON * TBB WBATliBB tor tiM- Month of February, USX Fbreoaat -ef O. II. Weather Barhha 5335 Bartferd Member of Audit Bureau Fair toaifht, Saturday laoMaBiB of Circulation. olondfuew, eaoir S a ta i^ y uigltt; adt :®a«tteatpr ? modi ehaage hi temperatur* (CXaealSed Advertlelnf on Page lA) VOL. U ., NO. 138. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, BIARCH 11, 1932. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE tBREE CENTS THIS TOT KNEW TRUCK RAMS TOO MANY WORDS So Parents Had to Get Him NEW LINDBERGH a U E INTO BRIDGE Out of (Courtroom Before He Bankrupted Them. ATOAKLAND Ehranston, 111., March 11.— (AP)—Junior Smith at two and a half years, knows a lot of POINTS TO MID-WEST words. New York Driver Arrested So large is his vocabulary bis father, 8. H. Smith, bad to de­ Word Comes From MicUpm Charged As Reckless; clare a verbal "moratorium" to keep from paying for junior’s Mother on Same Floor words at the rate of SI each. That ^litale Lawyer b None Serionsly Hnr^ Judge Harry H. Poter was telling Mr. and Mrs. Smith to compose their differences when When Child Disappeared Working Tbere—Be Says Thone Pole Snapped OR. Junior spoke up. "Dry up," be said, among By Robert J. Oavagnaro ^downstairs with her husband and other things. (Copyright 1922 By A. P.) that Betty Gow, the nurse, found Baby b Safe Bat SSOjIOO Three New York men were "Sir and Madam," said the the crib empty and rushed down to Hopewell, N. J., March 11 (AP) the parents with the announcement treated for minor injuries at the judge, "one more peep out of —Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh was on Ransom Has Been b- Memorial bospitsU this morning fol­ that lad and I’ll fine you each of the kidnaping. the same floor as the nursery when But it was authoritatively deter­ lowing a bad automobile truck acci­ 15." the kidnaping of her baby was dis­ This figured at a dollar a mined today that at 10 o’clock of creased — Personak h dent at the Oakland bridge. One of word so Jtmior was rushed out covered a week ago last Tuesday, it that night Mrs. Undbergh was in a the three, the driver of the truck, was learned today, and the mother bathroom on the second floor, where of the judge’s range of bear­ and nurse were not Immediately was arrested and will appear In ing, Then the Smiths made up. the nursery is situated, preparing New York Papers Ap­ police court tomorrow morning to alarmed, both thinking Col. Und- to take a bath. answer the charge of reckless driv­ bergb must have taken the child When Miss Gow, who had only pear To Come From die ing. downstairs. been called to the Lindbergh estate Snaps Pole All previous reports have indi­ The seven-ton truck loaded with JAPS MUST LEAVE, cated that Mrs. Undbergh was (Continued on Page X) Kidnapers. wool and psdnt was enroute from New York City to Boston when It left the road on the curve just west IS CHINA’S DEMAND Hopewell, N. J.. March 11.—(AP) of the bridge, snapping off a tele­ A Communist demonstration in front of the Ford offices on Broadway, New York, waa given no oppor­ phone pole and then re-crossing the tunity to assume menacing proportions. As soon as the growing number of pickets threatened to halt traf­ AIRSHIP The tmderworld move to return road and crashing hesui-on into the fic on the busy thoroughfare, police broke up the gathering, as pictured here, without resort to violence. The AKRON IS 0. K. the kidnaped Lindbergh baby to Its bridge which prevented It from demonstration was made as protest against the killing of four workmen in a riot at the Ford automobile parents pointed today toward the toppling into the Hockanum River Refuse Peace Settlement Un­ plant in Dearborn, Mich. west—possibly to Michige**. below. SENATE Forced Off Boad COMMITTEE FINDS A statement by New York coun­ The three occupants of the truck til AD Troops Are Ont of sel for Salvatore Spitale, go-be­ claimed they were forced from the tween named by Col. Lindbergh to road by a car boimd in the opposite the Country. PLANE DROPS FOOD No Poor Werkmanskip Or deal with the kidnapers of his son, direction which was "hogging the PRINCE LENNART WEDS ‘SOMANHIS’ TAKES highway" This car, If such there that Spitale would “leave for the was, apparently did not stop. Two Fanity Material h It, Re­ west” on a tip that "looks pretty of the men riding beside the driver Shanghai, March 11.— (AP) — FOR MAROONED MEN good,” was followed by a dispatch Chinese authorities were adamant AND RENOUNCES TITLES FIRST AT COLUMBIA of the truck told different stories from Detroit quoting a lawyer, today in refusing to accept any wheh questioned by a Herald re­ port States—No Sabotage identified by the Detroit News as porter. One said It was another peace settlement which did not in­ Spitale’s attorney, as declaring the truck that forced them off the road clude an unconditional wltbdrawtil Twenty Men On Freighter In baby was safe. while the other insisted it was a Grandson of Sweden’s King STATE COPS HUNT Was Committed. Leads 1,000 Stndent Pnbli- small car. of Japanese troops from the Shang­ This statement was attributed to hai area. Lake Erie Stranded For Isaiah Leebove, in a dispatch to the The Occupants Marries Commoner In caioins In 800 To 1,500 News from Claire, Michigan, which These two men are William Vic­ As a result although both the FOR BLACK SEDAN Washington, March 11.—(AP)— also quoted Leebove as saying the tory, 25, of West 102nd street. New Chinese and Japanese accepted the Last Two Days. The House Naval committee agreed York City, and Arthur Savage, 23, resolution of the League of Nations London; His Mother Does ransom would ..e higher than the of 609 West 42nd street. The driver adopted March 4 looking toward a unanimously today there now is no Pnpds Class. $50,000, generally mentioned as the was Arthur Maggio, 22, of 522 settlement of hostilities here, no “poor workmanship or faulty ma­ sum demanded by the kidnapers la West 89th street AH suffered lac­ peace was in sight today. Not Attend Ceremony. First Seen In New Britain; Wndsor, Ont, March 11—(AP)— terial" in the Edrshlp Akron. a note pinned to the windowsill of erations and abrasions but aU were Relief was brought to the ice-bound New York, March 11.—Manches­ the baby’s room. |A ' The Chinese reiterated they were Without objection, it approved a Associates in LeeboVe’s New able *to leave the hospital after unwilling to enter into a conference freli^ter Fellowcraft in Lake Erie, report by a special subcommittee ter, Conn., waa honored here today treatm ent One had X-ray pictures on any other basis than uncondi­ May Have a Connection York office confirmed the state­ London, March 11.—(AP)—^Prince off Pelee island, today by an air­ which said: when it was announced at the ment that he was an attorney for taken of his left ankle but no tional withdrawal of Japanese Lennart, grandson of King Gustave "The subcommittee finds from the Eighth Annual Columbia Scholaztio bones are believed to have been troops and Japanese diplomatic With Lindy Case. plane sent out by the Nicholson testimony submitted if there was Spitale and Irving Bitz, alleged fractured. circles, although they said they of Sweden, and Miss Karin Niss- Transit (Company, owners of the any poor workmanship or faulty Press Association convention n< henchman of Spitale, although Meu Queetianed y r m not only willing but anxious yandt daughter of a wealthy Stock­ V«^l. material used.in construction in sessloQ at Columbia University Spitole, reached during a recess la Following tnsatment the three to enter into a conference' with Uie of the Akron , that the 'same was that "Somanhis," published by atu Mb liquor smuggling trial in Brook­ holm bustnesf man, were married New Britiflii, Mhrch 11—-fAP) ^ S^fluolone droppc4foo<|j?»d other lyn, declined to comment men ware queiiioned at ’vigth by Chinese, tnSeated it *va^ Impera­ at the Prince’s Row registry office provistbns to the 20 mSinbers uf the corrected b^ore the ship was com­ dents of Manchester High school Chief of Police Sapauel G. Gordon tive that the two sides get to- Police throughout the State were re­ pleted.’* Many Tips at 11 a. m., today. crew who have been marooned has won the .cOyeted first ribbon of ^e Manchester PioUce depbrt- geth« on an interpreta jon of the ported to be watching for a black aboard the vessel for two days. The ,Tha subcommittee emphasized that award for gonenl excellence In its Authority for tto statement that ment, who visited the scene of the League’s resolution. The Prince and his fiancee came sedan without registration plates in “no direct testimony vraz presented class in contest with hundreds of Spitale had received himdreds of accident soon after the crash and It was apparent the Japanese be­ to London a fortnight ago for their (Continued on Page 2) by any person who had first hand school perioulcals all over the Unit­ tips, one of which was so good he ordered pictures taken of the badly lieved unconditional withdrawal of wedding. They came here because which a man, woman and child were information relative to the charges es* States and territories. Total stu would leave for the west as soon as wrecked truck which partly blocked troops was not intended by the King Gustav refused his consent to said to be riding which passed of sabotage, faulty material, poor dent publications entered in contest hlo trial was concluded, was Spt- traffic until it was later hauled League as a condition for the peace the m arrvge and it could not be through here early this morning.
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