• 4 e Dr. Raymond Bowen Joins College ,As It's Second President September 1st D r. Raymond C. Bowen, who for nearly twenty years has been a lead· Assemblywoman ing fi gure in two-year coUege educa­ tion, joined laGuardia September 1st Nolan to Receive as its new president. President's Medal Or. Bowen, who has served as At Commencement president of Shelby State College in Memphis since 1982, succeeds Dr. Martin C. Moed, the college's vice president, who for the past year has been acting president. Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan, In announcing the appointment, a long-time LaGuardia supporter, will City University Board of Trustees receive the college's prestigious Presi­ Chairman James P.Murphysaid: "Dr. dent's Medal during the Seventeenth Bowen is an outstanding academic Annual Commencement ceremonies leader who will head thecollegewith on September 24. distinction and purpose." Also during the exercises State President Raymond C. Bowen Dr. Bowen comes to the institution Commissioner of Social Services on the eve of its 20th anniversary, an marks a return to a college where he Cesar Perales will deliver the key­ event which will celebrate one of the has already served four years. In note address to some 1.000 graduates most successful experiments in 1971 he came to laGuard ia as associ­ and their guests in Queens College's American higher educa tion. Since its ate deanoffaculty. During his tenure Colden Auditorium. founding in 1971, laGuardia has been he also served as dean of the Sa tellite Awards will also be bestowed the fastest growing college in New College and then d ean of academic u pon th ree cooperative education York State and a nationaUy recog­ affairs, w hich post he held in 1975 employers for their role in the col­ nized innovator in the areas of coop­ ~hen he left to become vice president lege's interns hip program. Receiv­ erative education, basis skills devel­ of the Harbor Campus of Commu­ ing Co-op Recognition Awards will opment, high school! collegeroUa b<r nity College of Baltimore. be National Westminster Bank, Pan rations, community outreach and After seven years at Baltimore, American Airways and Elmhu.rst programs for the deaf. where he also held the posts of vice General Hospital '1 look forward to the challenge of president for academic affairs and 'Throughout her tenure, Assem­ building upon the achlevements of vice president for academic affairs blywoman Nolan has steadfastly the college," said President Bowen. and student affairs, he was named supported the college's mission of "as together we seek to expand and president of Shelby State Commu­ bringing education to the residents of strengthen its mission as we move nity College, where he served until western Queens," said President into laGuardia's third decade." his appointment at laGuardia. Raymond C. Bowen. For Or. Bowen the appointment Continued on page fWO , column rhree Continued on page rwo, column one LaGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CUNY SEPTEMBER 1989 • • New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico and Virgin Island's area. Prior to his current position, Mr. Perales served as president and gen­ eral counsel of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Education Fund. The commissioner is also chair­ man of the Governor's Inter-Agency Task Force on Immigration Affairs, which monitors the implem !ntation of the federal Immigration Reform Act of 1986. He serves, w th Mrs. Matilda Cuomo, as co-<:hair of the Citizens Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect and is co-<:hainnan of the state's Emergency Task Force on the Homeless. Mr. Perales is also AsKmblywoman Nolan chairman of the American Public Commissioner Perales Welfare Associations Employment Commencemenl.. Committee. He also serves on the land High School and went on to COn/inlled from page one Governor's Task Force on Poverty New York University as a University The President's Medal is the high­ and Welfare and is a memb 'r of the Scholar. Upon completing her bache­ est award presented at graduation. Governor's Task Force on Jt.IDS, the lor's requirements in three years, Ms. Past recipients of this coveted award State Developmental Di ~a biliti es Nolan attended NYU Graduate were Assemblyman Saul Weprin, Planning Council, theStateCommis­ School of Public Administration. former Congresswoman Geraldine sion on Child Support and the State Ferraro, and the Ford Foundation. Commission on Child Care. President Bowen... Commencement speaker Perales Since 1985 Assemblywoman No.­ Continu~d from pag~ on~ was appointed commissioner by lan has represented Sunnysid e, Ridge­ Under Dr. Bowen's leadership at Govem orCuomo in 1983. As head of wood, Astoria, Long Island City, Shelby State, the college established Social Services, he is responsible for Maspeth, Queenbridge, Hunter's an on-campus high school for poten­ all public assistance programs, in­ Point and Blissville. tial dropouts based un Middle Col­ cluding Medicaid and Child Support In the Legislature, she serves on lege High School, a mltionally recog­ Enforcement, as well as Disability the committees related to aging, vet­ lized alternative high school devel­ Detenninations,AdultHomes,Child eran's a nd consumer affairs, corpora­ )peel at LaGuardia du ring the period Protective Services, Foster Care and tion commissions and authorities, and he also served at the l.."Ollege. Adoption. economic development. In another innov; live move, Dr, Mr. Perales began his ca reer in Prior to holding public office, Ms. Bowen established al Shelby the En· public service upon graduation from Nolan was appointed by Governor trepreneuriai Development Institute, Fordham University School of Law Cuomo in 1983 as the Queens Om­ which enables minorities and women when he becamea neighborhood legal budsman for the Department of Sta teo from small businesses in Tennessee services lawyer. And from 1970 to In this role, she worked with Secre­ to bid competitively on the state's 1972, he served as general counsel for tary of State Gail Shaffer investigat­ multibillion dollar highway construc­ the New York City Model Cities in'g complaints by citizens and com­ tion projects. Those who have com­ Administration. In 1975, he was munity groupsconceming the deliv­ pleted the program have won con­ a ppointed director of the city's Crimi­ ery of services by state agencies. She tracts worth more than $16 million. nal Justice Coordination Council. also dealt with citizens questions and Dr. Bowen, 55, received his Ph.D. During the Carter Administration, comments on state la. I/S, policies and in parasitology and biochemistry Mr. Perales served as assistant secre­ programs. Prior to h~r oml"iudsman from the University of Connecticut, ta ry of Human Development position, Ms. Nolan worked for the his M.s. in biology from the Univer­ Services-the social services arm of New York City Department ofHous­ sity of New Mexico and his B.A. in the U.s. Department of Health and ing Preservation and Development zoology from the University of Con­ Human Services. He stepped into in an administrative capacity. necticut. that post after serving as head of the The life-long resident of Queens, He has also served as assistant department's regional office for the she graduated from Grover Cleve- Continl/ ed on page eight, column on~ selor will be available to work indi­ $250,000 Liberty Grant Funds vidually with each student on career and educational plans. [n addition, a Local School Collaboratives social worker at 1.5. 126 and a com­ munity liaison person at Newtown will provide counseling on such T he college has received a $250,000 from succeeding. For each school the matters as school attendance and State Liberty Partnerships Program college has developed a comprehen­ performance, substance abuse, teen­ grant to establish a collaborative sive and replicable model. age sexuality and family neglect or program with two local publicschools Students at the intermediate school violence. designed to improve academic will integrate the regular academic An integral part of the program achievement and retention among curriculum with a variety of enrich­ are activities designed to increase high-risk students. mentand remedial activities, such as parental involvement in their child's The schools participating are 1.5. com pu ter literacy, computer assisted education. 126in Long IsiandCity, which serves instruction, research and study tech­ "For example, we discovered that primarily minority and disadvan­ niques, and long range planning. one of the biggest choices junior high taged youngsters, and Newtown Classes in the performing and visual school students ha ve to make is which High School in ElmhW'St, which en­ arts will also be scheduled. high school to attend," said Dean rolls many recent immigrants who The high school program is mod­ Greenberg. "Intermediate schools possess few English language skills. eled on the college's International simply do not have the resources to The program began this fall and will High School, an alternative school educate parents, and as a result, they run for three years. which has been successfu l in serving often make the decision ina vacuum." 'The Uberty Partnerships program recent arrivals to this country whose Parents will also have access toon ~ gives the college an opportunity to severe English language deficiencies site guidance services for themselves. work closely with local schools in an force many to drop out. Built into the program is a "Liberty effort to assure that students at risk Like International High School, track" component where the college nol only complete school, but go on Newtown will place students in a will monitor students' progress re­ to college or a career," said Dean self-contained mini-school where gardless of whether they remain in Arthur Greenberg. the project coor­ English language training will be the partnership program.
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