' - ■'.' ^'"f- ■'- '' ■. V'■■■ ■ -------■ y'-; - XBB WEATHER. ipRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX Fair and tvarmer tonight. Friday OF THE EVENING HERAJLD rain, warmer. Chrlstmaa day fair for the month of November, 1926, and colder. 4 , 9 4 0 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS> Clasallled Advertialng oa Pag* • MANGHESTER, CONJjf., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1926. 5. VOL. XLI.. NO. 71. s t a le . •^1 ConB <»- VIGT’B EXPULSION CHRISTMAS PRODUCES i m I N V O K E S ' NEW “ MEANEST THIEF” Borrowing Santa’s Whiskers, 6D0 TIMES ALL Santiago, De Cuba, Dec. 23 FALL, SINCLAIR I’XHAS IS JUST Pardon Board Fills Mother’s ' (United Press).— The Report­ The latest applicant for the ers’ Association of this city, ha^ title of meanest thief has bean Stocking With “Lifer” Son passed a resolution requesting CUliSE ON KIDS LOSEnGHTTV found. The last one stole some­ EVE OF BATTLE the government to deport Frank one’s underclothes at the Rec. Davis, an American negro con­ This one is getting his Christ­ vict, who acted as assistant ex­ i F i m u i L n mas cheer for nothing. FOR INGRESS CONR BUS RUN ecutioner In three garrotings. ESCAPE TRIAL He steals Christmas wreaths Davis’ prison term will expire from the doors of houses. Sev­ shortly. eral residents of Clinton street Fifteen Million Miles Traveh The association’s resolution S w ^ rs Great Oath He Never have reported that wreaths Members Go Home Full of requests Davis’ expulsion on the Must Face Jury on Teapot hanging on their doors have ground that ever since he was been stolen. The thief does not ed By State Lines in 1926; discharged from the American Made Bet— Says Navin’s take the trouble to untie the Anxiety Over Rows Near­ Dome Charges, Justice decorations but cuts the cord ariny in 1898, after fighting in by which they are suspended. Over Five Hundred Vehi­ the Rough Riders with Roose- $10,000 Gift Was Fake; CJ)----^ ly Sure to Force Special vele, he has led a life of crime Daily Rules; Case to Be­ and, is bad influence in the cles Operated. country. Planned It, Says Navin. gin February 2. WEE DESK FOR Session of 70th. «>. BIG BEN ALUNG Hartford. Dec. 23— When the Ty Cobb in the following state­ Washington, Dec. 23.— Cpn- SWORDFISH TOO gress started home today to spend public service motor buses operated ment dictated to Bert Walker, Washington, Dec. -23.— Federal within the state of Connecticut Capitol Workers Who Alloted a vacation in a nervously fearful FAST FOR WHALE sports editor of The Detroit justice handed out a rather grim It to Him Never Saw New mood, and with most members con­ complete their runs for the year on Christmas present to Albert B. December 31. they will have travel­ Times, tells his side of the story Law Head. vinced that a special session can­ Fall and Harry F. Sinclair today not be avoided after March 4, ed about 15.000.000 miles or Licks Grampus in Homeric of the charges made against him. when it was decided the former next. 600 times the distance around the Fight at Fall River; Perma Hartford, Dec. 23.— The earth. Motor bus travel in the state By TY COBB physical proportions of Judge Also a third of the present ses­ nent KO. cabinet official and the oil mil­ sion is gone, and nothing concrete during 1926. broke many records, (As Told to Bert Walker) lionaire must stand trial for al­ Benjamin W. Ailing, New according to figures comniled by has been accomplished except the Fall River, Mass., Dec. 23— Augusta, Ga., Dec. 23.— “ Is Britain, the state’s attorney- lADuis Isakson, superlu. indent in there a God? I am beginning to leged conspiracy to defraud the general-elect, apparently are passage of three appropriation Three^ hundred passengers who charge of jitfieys for the Public doubt it. I know there is no grat­ government of valuable oil lands. still unknown to two work­ bills. For the rest of the time. saw it from the roartal liner Utilities Cominission. itude. Here I am. After twenty- The last Fall-Sinclair barrier to men at the state capitol here. Congress has occupied itself with •Priscilla were still talking Five hundred and six buses or two years in hard, desperate ^ and focing a jury was swept away this A new desk for Judge Ailing, piling up the most staggering ar­ about it today, the terrible other passenger vehicles ^®re in honest work, dismissed from base­ morning by Justice Jennings Bail­ who starts four years of ser­ ray of future fighting that any half hour battle between a big operation daring the J ball in disgrace without ever hav ey, sitting In the criminal branch vice for the state early next Congress, lame-duck or otherwise, swordfish and a grampus The machines traveled S.OOO.OOO ing a chan:e to face my accuser It of the District of Columbia Su month, .was carried into the ever faced. miles more in 1926 than in 1925, whale. 16 feet long, fought off preme Court, who denied- • ' a motiontioi State House today, together The cannonading will begin on here last evening. is enough to try one’s faith. January 3 when Congress re-as- and 238 miles of new routes were “ I am .‘randed as a gambler on to quash the indictment, entered with several smaller desks or­ put into service, swelling Connec­ The swordfish, with swift on a plea that the two men had sembles for the eight weeks of rushes and deadly thrusts, de­ hall games in which my club took dered for other offices. ^ ticut’s route mileage ror buses op­ part. I have never, in the twenty- been “ singled out for isolated per­ Instructed to take the at­ life that remain to it. The Repub­ feated the whale, which tried erated under the commissions two years 'I have be^n in baseball, secution.” Trial was set for , torney-general’s desk to the licans are fearful and the Demo­ certificates to 1,711, the greatest to kill Its adversary with tre­ made a single bet on an American February 2. proper office, the workman crats are hopeful that it will be in the history of the Industry. mendous blows o’’ its tall. Both Deny Guilt chose the smallest of the lot, so fierce that circumstances will Nearly All Street Car Type Helpless and bleeding, the League game. Immediately following Judge compel President Coolidge to call When it is considered that public grampus drifted against Stone “ I bet on the first two games in hardly big enough for a gram­ the world series between Chicago Bailey’s decision, Fall and Sinclair mar school boy of average the new Seventieth Congress Into motor transportation service on the bridge, connecting the main­ and Cincinnati in 1919 and lost were brought forward and'arraign- size and Installed it. Friends session immediately in order to highways is only a bit more land with the Island of Rhode both bets. Outside of, that I have €d. of Judge Ailing visited the of­ transact necessary business. The five years-old, the change in the Island, on which stands the never made a bet on a ball game. “•Not guilty,” said the former fice and asked which foot the Seventieth Congress will be more type of bus service rendered is city of Newport. anlri-administration than the dying “ These vague accusations that secretary of interior. judge would place on the nar­ “Lifer Jake” Pesendorfer and His Mother. startling, Mr. Isakson points out. When the body plumped “ Not guilty,” echoed Sinclair. sixty-ninth, with the insurgents Five years ago all the jitneys un­ against Stone bridge, Frank have driven me out of baseball row foot board. Berlin. N. J., Dec. 23.— A happy Christmas it is for Mrs. Louis Pesen- come from a man who is nothing Fall and Sinclair stand charged A man’s size desk will re­ ; and independents holding the bal­ der state license -were touring cars Barlow and an assistant, who dorfer, 75-year-old widow. ^ ,, , • • „ short of a blackmailer. , ‘Dutch’ with conspiracy to defraud the place it before Judge Ailing ance of control. For to the tiny home he bought her here by his earning in prison, while today only 25 of the 506 jit­ were painting the superstruc­ ture, got'out their painter’s Leonard peddled the letters he government in the leasing of the starts his labors. Biggest Fire in Senate her son. “ Lifer Jake.” has returned, freed after 25 years in the Eastern neys are touring cars and these are Teapot Dome reserve in Wyoming. Most of the bombardment will mainly used as auxiliary mail car­ ladder hooks and fastened to has to a Detroit newspaper and to Penitentiary, Philadelphia. A $400 purse was given him by his fellow Frank Navin, owner of the Detroit Ths government contends, as in center in the Senate. A dozen ma­ prisoners before he quit the penitentiary’s cold, gray walls. That indi­ riers. , the whale. the Fall-Doheny case, that the ex- jor investigations are In the .ards, The street car type of bus Is in A gang of men today got the ball club, before he finally sold cates what kind of record he made. ' * . t.. „ them to the American League for eecretary of the interior was with­ SELECTMEN NAME ranging In scope from the bribery “ Jake” was sentenced to death in 1901 for the murder of bis fa^er- vogue now, 334 being in operation. body ashore. out authority to lease the reserve charges against Senator Arthur R.
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