1074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 29, CONFffiMATIONS. Roger M. Bridgman, to be postmaster at Ridgewood, in the Executive norninattons confirmed by the Senate Janum-y 28, 1902. county of Bergen and State of New Jersey. Charles J. McGill, to be postmaster at Dawson, in the county of CONSUL. Fayette and State of Pennsylvania. Alphonse J. Lespinasse, of New York, to be consul of the Edwin Price, to be postmaster at Grand Junction, in the county United States at Tuxpan, Mexico. of Mesa and State of Colorado. UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. James Harris, to be postmaster at Englewood, in the county of Abram 1\I. Tillman, of Tennessee, to be United States attorney Bergen and State of New Jersey. • for the middle district of Tennessee. Robert D. Peck, to be postmaster at Lock Haven1 in the county William Warner, of Missouri, to be United States attorney for of Clinton and State of Pennsylvania. the western district of Missouri. W. Day Wllson, to be postmaster at Clarion, in the county of Robert V. Cozier, of Idaho, to be United States attorney for the Clarion and State of Pennsylvania. district of Idaho. Benjamin B. Heywood, o~~ be United States marshal SENATE. for the district of Utah. WEDNESDAY, January 29, 1902. Littleton S. Crum, of Kansas, to be United States marshal for Prayer by Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, Chaplain of the House of the district of Kansas. Representatives. John W. Overall, of Tennessee, to be United States marshal for The Secretaryproceede·d to read the Journal of yesterday's pro- the middle district of Tennessee. ceedings when, on request of Mr. WELLINGTON, and by unani- SURVEYORS OF CUSTOMS. mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. John R. Puryear, of Kentuc1..7, to be surveyor of customs for The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal, without objec- the port of Paducah, in the State of Kentucky. tion, will stand approved. Silas C. Croft, of New York, to be surveyor of customs in the SCHOONER POLLY. district of New York, in the State of New York. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com- COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. munication from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans- Robert W. Dowe, of Texas, to be collector of customs for the mitting the conclusions of fact and of law filed under the act of district of Saluria, in the State of Texas. January 20,1885, inthe French spoliationclaimssetoutin the find- David H. Jarvis, of Pennsylvania, to be collector of customs ings by the court relating to the vessel schooner Polly, Charles for the district of Alaska, in the Territory of Alaska. Ellms, master; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred POSTMASTERS. to the Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed. Lucy B. Smith, to be postmaster at Sioux Rapids, in the county EAST WASHINGTON HEIGHTS TRACTION R.A..IT.ROA..D COMPANY. of Buena Vista and State of Iowa. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the an- George W. Hoyt, to be postmaster at Cheyenne, in the county nual report of the East Washington Heights Traction Railroad of Laramie and State of Wyoming. Company for the year ended December 31, 1901; which was re- Frank H. McCabe, to be postmaster at Logan, in the county of ferred to the Committee on the Distdct of Columbia, and ordered Harrison and State of Iowa. to be printed. Roman C. White, to be postmaster at Glenwood, in the county ENROLLED BILLS SIG~. of Mills and State of Iowa. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. w. ~J. James P. Davis, to be postmaster at -Bonaparte, in the county BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the of Van Buren and State of Iowa. House had signed the following enrolled bills; and they were Hem·y E. Bolinger, to be postmaster at Afton, in the county of thereupon signed by the President pro tempore: Union and State of Iowa. A bill (8. 202) granting a pension to J\1ary E. Davis; John G. E. Carlson, to be postmaster at Essex, in the county A bill (S. 1035) granting a pension to Esther F. Moody; of Page and State of Iowa. A bill (S. 1144) granting an increase of pension to Elizabeth 0. James T. Ellis, to be postmaster at Panora, in the county of Gould; Guthrie and State of Iowa. A bill (S. 1199) granting a pension to Mary A. Lamb; Frank E.. Priddy, to be postmaster at Adrian, in the county of A bill (S. 1200) granting an increase of pension to Michael Lenawee and State of Michigan. · Dillon; Albert Romey, to be postmaster at Sibley, in the county of A bill (S. 1647) granting an increase of pension to Helen F. M. Osceola and State of Iowa. Edwards; and Frank A. Large, to be postmaster at Rock Valley, in the county A bill (S. 1948) granting an increase of pension to Josefa T. of Sioux and State of Iowa. Philip. , . Horace S. Feneel to be postmaster at Jennings, in the county PETITIONS .AND MEMORIALS. of Calcasieu and State of Louisiana. Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of the Common Fred Leser, jr., to be postmaster at Mayaguez, in the province Council of Kingston, N. Y., praying that an appropriation be of Mayaguez, P. R. made providing for the erection of a public building at that city; Arthur S. Burdick, to be postmaster at Postville, in the county which was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and of Allamakee and State of Iowa. · Grounds. · Atlas M. Lee, to be p9stmaster at Huntingdon, in the county of He also presented a petition of the Produce Exchange of New Canoll and State of Tennessee. York, praying for a reduction of the tariff duties on sugar im- Thomas R. Morse, to be postmaster at New Iberia, in the parish ported from Cuba; which was referred to the Committee on of Iberia and State of Louisiana. Finance. August V. Bulow, to be postmaster at Napoleonville, in the He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of New York parish of Assumption and State of Louisiana. · City and Brooklyn, in the State of New York, praying that raw Bentley Kern, to be postmaster at Wmchester, in the county of sugar be restored to the free list; which were referred to the Com- Frederick and State of Virginia. mittee on Finance. Marshall Smith, to be postmaster at Brownwood, in the county He also presented petitions of the congregation of the Baptist of Brown and State of Texas. Church of Nunda, of the members of the Union congregation of Andrew B. Hearring, to be postmaster at Ripley, in the county Nunda, and of the Women's Missionary Society of the Reformed of Lauderdale and State of Tennessee. Dutch Church of New Baltimore all in the State of New York. Robert F. Milner, to be postmaster at Newnan, in the county praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the sale of of Coweta and State of Georgia. intoxicating liquors in the New Hebrides and other islands of the A. M. Stimson, to be postmaster at Hot Springs, in the county Pacific; which -were ordered to lie on the table. of Bath and State of Virginia. He also presented a petition of the Maritime Association of the John M. Goodloe, to be postmaster at Big Stone Gap, in the Port of New York, praying that an appropriation be made for the county of Wise and State of Virginia. construction of a breakwater at Point Judith, R.I.; which was James B. Stetson, to be postmaster at Sheffield, in the county of referred to the Committee on Commerce. Bm·eau and State of Illinois. He also presented petitions of Pressmen and Assistants' Union James Harden, to be postmaster at Bartow, in the county of No. 57, of Binghamton; of the Trade and Labor Council, of Polk and State of Florida. .. Oswego, all of the American Federation- of Labor, and of sundry JosephS. Garrett, to be postmaster at Columbus, in thecounty councils, Daughters of Liberty, of Newburgh. Syracuse, Brook- of Muscogee and State of Georgia. lyn, and New York City, all in the State of New York, praying Ellery H. Webster, to be 'POstmaster at Barton, in the county of f)r the reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion law; which were Orleans and State of Vermont. refened to the Committee on Immigration. - L902. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1075 He also presented a petition of the Rembrandt Club, of Brook­ of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit polygamy; lyn, N.Y., praying for the repeal of the duty on paintings or which were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. sculptures; which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. MITCHELL presented the petition of Thomas E. James, He also presented a petition of the Woman's Suffrage Associa­ of Pendleton, Oreg., praying for an increase of pension; which tion of Brooklyn, N.Y., praying for the adoption of an amend­ was refeiTed to the Committee on Pensions. ment to the Constitution granting suffrage to women; which was He also presented the petition of Manford McCroskey, of Al­ referred to the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage. bany, Oreg., praying for the passage of the so-called Grout bill He also presented petitions of Brushton Grange, Patrons of to regulate the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine; which Husbandry, of Brushton; of the Chautauqua County Pomona was referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, of Brockton, and of the Agricul­ He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Roseburg, tural Society of Tioga County, all in the State of New York, Oreg., praying for the reenactment of the Chinese-exclusion law; praying for the passage of the so-called Grout bill, to regulate which was referred to the Committee on Immigration.
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