INTRODUCTION This book details the early military career of HOW TO USE THE SCENARIOS a young Romulan officer, Alidar Jarok, and the brave Romulans of the 14th Frontier Defense Unit under Each of the 12 scenarios depicts a battle his command. involving the 14th Frontier Defense Unit or one of One of the youngest Romulan officers to it’s many wings. The scenarios are progressive in achieve the rank of Admiral, Jarok would strike nature and are designed to be run as an on-going out with his limited military force to project power, campaign. The results of one scenario may effect strength and determination from his home port of the combat capabilities of the vessels involved in a Borax. Determined to keep the Romulan presence in subsequent scenarios. the Triangle visible, the 14th Frontier will challenge While not necessary, due to the nature of the Federation, Klingons, the IKS and even Orion the combats and the use of Romulan and Klingon raiders to keep the Romulan Way secure. cloaking devices, a referee is suggested. The Romulan player will need to keep track of damage to his ships as the scenarios progress. Standard Campaign Repair Rules apply to all Romulan vessels. The Game Set-Up section provides the map arrangement, special terrain features, attacking and defending forces deployment. The Victory Conditions section describe the necessary conditions for various levels of scenario outcome. Most scenarios include parameters for ending the combat after a set number of turns. When a scenario indicates that attacker or defender may escape by warping out, use the standard Campaign Warp Rules for all vessels that have sufficient power to go to warp. The captain and skill rating for the Romulan vessels used are listed under the appropriate commanders description. 5 THE BATTLEHAWKS COMBAT HISTORY OF THE EMPIRE But the expansion would not last. The Klin- RPW 29348556-38488299384857-X1 gons soon broke off diplomatic relations, the trade MEMOIR’S OF A UNIT COMMANDER agreement crumbled, and the constant state of military raids between the Klingons and Romulans EARLY HISTORY quickly escalated into a much large war. The Romulan Empire has long since re- mained a major force of contention through-out the THE GREAT EXPLOSION Alpha quadrant since its first dealings with the Klin- It was at this tenuous point in history, as the gon Empire and United Federation of Planets. Cre- Klingons prepared to go to war with the Federation, ated from a group of Vulcans who left their home as well as expand their influence along the Romulan worlds nearly 500 years earlier, the Romulan Em- boarder, that the Klingon Empire would suffer the pire as a whole has continued to grow and expand massive ecological disaster of Praxis. This single through out their region of the galactic arm. Early event would change the landscape of the entire gal- Romulan history is replete with isolationism, xeno- axy. The Klingons were forced to sue for peace with phobia and hostile responses to their neighbors. As the Federation, unable to sufficiently support any late as 2280, the Romulan Empire continued an on- type of war effort. Their exploration of the Alpha and going conflict with the Klingon Empire, a semi-war Beta quadrants came to a halt, and the entire Klin- with the Gorn’s and continued to push for influence gon Empire turned its attention to saving it’s home- within the area known as the Triangle. world and stabilizing it’s Empire. The Romulan’s greatest strength was also The Romulans quickly realized that the Klin- one of its greatest weaknesses. The Romulan Navy gons would turn their entire war effort towards the had relied on its new cloaking device to help coun- Romulan Empires. Forced to scramble, the Romu- teract the military forces of it’s neighbors. The Klin- lans quickly shifted massive numbers of troops, star- gons had adopted a massive building strategy, often ships and construction machinery to the Romulan/ able to produce three times the number of ships than Klingon boarder. Dozens of new ship classes were either the Federation or Romulans. While most of built to help counteract the increased Klingon pres- these vessels were less than capable, their shear ence. With the Romulans influence waning in the Tri- numbers often tipped the balanced in the Empires angle, subterfuge became the catch-phrase against favor. The Federation relied on highly sophisticated Federation interests. vessels, able not only to conduct science missions, but cable of engaging multiple enemy targets suc- MORNING GARDEN cessfully. As the Romulan Empire continued its expan- The Romulan’s sphere of influence has al- sion and pressure against both the Klingons and Fed- ways been lacking in the massive resources neces- eration, up and coming officer Alidar Jarok took com- sary to counteract much of its neighbors superiority. mand of the newly refit 14th Frontier Defense Force. Starship production numbers fell well short of the Based in the Broz system, the 14th Frontier was massive construction works of the Klingon Empire. nicknamed the Battlehawks and immediately began On a one to one basis, the Romulans could rarely a long and successful campaign in and around the contend with Federation heavy cruisers. With the Triangle. Wasting no time, Jarok gathered his most advent of the Cloaking device, the Romulan were stealthy vessels and headed for a well document- no longer forced to simply defend against the ag- ed military supply run heading through the Morning gressive Klingons or counteract the advances of Garden system. Jarok assigned the Hawk’s Eye, a the Federation. The Romulan Empire went on the recently comissioned S-9 scout, to remain near the offensive, expanding into the outmarch regions and Morning Garden system and conduct convoy shad- conducting massive operations within the Triangle. owing and extensive mapping of local space. The benifits were immediate, and the Empire began to once again expand. 6 On Stardate 9901.3, as forces from the 14th Although only one freighter was actually Frontier closed with the convoy, Jarok was startled captured, the initial battle was considered a huge to discover an even larger escort than previously re- success. Both the Battlehawk and Vespral Hunter ported. Jarok gambled that the S-9 would be near by required extensive repairs, but the captured cargo and pressed his attack, counting on the scout to fol- more than made up for the damaged vessels. Jarok low and attack the fleeing convoy vessels. At 16:23 was contacted by command officials and exalted. hours, Jarok de-cloaked and attacked. The Federa- Knowing that the Federation could only mount a to- tion force, expecting trouble, was not surprised by ken response with in the Triangle, Jarok soon set the sudden appearance of the Romulan force. Jarok his sights on the Klingons, a more dangerous oppo- split his forces and attacked from two angles. nent. On 9905.7, as his vessels neared completion The Federation destroyers Winslow and of repairs, Jarok called his ship captains together to Boston, along with the escort Adora, attacked the begin plans for a lengthy campaign just beyond the Battlehawk directly, ignoring vulnerable openings Klingon boarder of the Triangle. on the V-11 Stormseeker. Federation escorts turned and engaged the cruisers Astral Wings and Vespral UNEXPECTED GUESTS Hunter. As both battles raged, the large freighter As detailed plans for raids, convoy captures group sprinted for the edge of the system and the and unit operations were completed, Jarok and his relative safety of Warp Speed. Still several minutes forces near Repair Station 287 were surprised to find from a safe entry into warp, the S-9, as expected, a Klingon force closing with their home base. The de-cloaked and attacked first one merchant and Klingon had caught the tail end of the battle near then another, damaging six merchant vessels before Morning Garden and had estimated repair times for the others could make it to the edge of the system. the vessels involved. Fearing that the initiative might The S-9 boarded two of the damaged freighters and be lost, the Klingon sector commander sent his began capturing cargo via transporter from a third, heaviest battleship, with only a light escort, to attack when the first Federation reinforcements arrived. the supposedly crippled vessels at the repair yard. Upon arrival, a Federation destroyer attacked the Despite over-estimating repair times of the Romu- Hawk’s Eye, forcing her to break off her boarding lan force, the Klingons pressed their attack. Jarok’s actions. viciously counter-attacked in one of the longest and When the Federation cruiser Starseeker ar- bloodiest boarder skirmishes of the year. Jarok him- rived on scene, Jarok called a halt to the battle and self was wounded and much of his undamaged force began a spirited retreat. As Jaroks force began to took severe hits. But the Klingons faired no better, disengage, the Federation destroyers continued being out numbered and out matched. The battle fi- their attack. As the Starseeker approached one of nally resulted in the withdrawal of the battleship and the boarded freighters, it suddenly spun around and the loss of both escorting Klingon cruisers. Jarok, rammed the incoming cruisers. Although not enough angrily scheming revenge, but was soon forced to to destroy the Starseeker, the resulting collision did turn his attention else where. force her to halt her approach. The crew of the now crippled freighter abandoned their prize and were picked up by the Hawk’s Eye. Realizing that the Romulans were regrouping, the Federation forces finally broke their attack and returned to protect the crippled freighters. 7 OLD FRIENDS FROM HOME The other vessels in Covtek’s force faired As Jarok and his force began to once again no better.
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