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That must mean that mone- do it for God and for lost men for view of the present world situation. It tary values in the United States will whom our Saviour died. appears that we are continue to decrease. Why not use very rapidly ap- more of our money for the spreading proaching the end. of God's glorious message of salvation The close of proba- now while currency still has some To Whom Much Is Given tion and the coming value? It is indeed gratifying to observe the of Jesus must be very This is intended as an appeal to our strong Sabbath school program that is near. And yet there Sabbath school members to plan to being fostered throughout the Atlantic are millions of hu- give much more through the Sabbath Union. man beings who still school offerings this year than ever be- We have 256 Sab- grope in heathen fore. The year 1965 should be marked bath schools with darkness, upon by our greatest efforts to reach the 26,260 members. G. R. Nash whom the light of nations with the gospel of salvation Hence, 96 per cent God's message has never shone. What and the message of Christ's coming. of the church mem- shall we do about trying to reach them Already doors are closing. Already bership is in Sab- this year? many countries are beyond the reach bath school. This Jesus has warned us that "the night of the foreign missionary, and another represents a mem- cometh, when no man can work." Al- year may see this number greatly in- bership gain of 251 ready its deep shadows are gathering. creased. Now is our day. We have only R. T. Hudson Sabbath school mem- Very soon now our opportunities to the present. The future is in God's bers over the previ- save men will be forever past. hands. ous year. These 26,260 members, in the Our money is rapidly losing its I realize that the appeal from the Atlantic Union Conference, gave over value. Today the American dollar is Autumn Council was a call for an in- a half-million dollars to missions last worth less than it was a few years ago. crease of 50 per cent or more; however, year. This is, indeed, commendable, And soon it will be worth much less. I am of the opinion that there are hut we must admit that there is room I have in my possession a Chinese Na- many — perhaps very many — in our for improvement. tionalist bank note for one million dol- Sabbath schools who could and should At the recent Fall Council, an action lars. Some years ago, when the ex- double their offerings this year. Several was taken and I quote: change rate with the United States was million dollars beyond any previous two and a half to one, this bill would year's income are urgently needed this That additional efforts be put forth to in- year to meet the needs of our world crease our •giving to missions through the have been worth four hundred thou- Sabbath school by emphasizing the enroll- sand United States dollars! Now it is program so that we may quickly evan- ment and participation of every church mem- just a souvenir. gelize those who are still within our ber in the Sabbath school and that every Years ago those living in the United reach. member be urged to increase his personal weekly giving to the Sabbath school during States were told by God's messenger And this need can be supplied. In 1965 or by at least 50 per cent over the that one dollar then was worth more many of the home-base lands today amount given during the previous year. 2 ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER Now it is qu e obvious that the our Sabbath schools ignited. William Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists American people are making more Glenn became the first editor of this have been railed with it. Surely its money now than er before—Seventh- paper and set up his office in the three- ministry is written in the pages of day Adventists be g no exception. Do story frame Pacific Press building in heaven with indelible ink. not increased fina ial blessings devolve downtown Oakland. Since the paper If you would like extra copies of the upon us increased financial obligations was to be a "friend" to Seventh-day special sixteen-page, four-color anni- for the cause of G d for the purpose of Adventist boys and girls, it was named versary number of Our Little Friend finishing the wor and hastening the Our Little Friend. The first issue pub- which gives sketches of its history and coming of our d Jesus Christ? lished was dated July 4, 1890. of former editors, you may order from: The Scriptures say that to whom The view of San Francisco and the "Our Little Friend" Circulation De- much is given, h is required. Re- Golden Gate across the bay inspired the partment, 1350 Villa Street, Mountain member God co have reached His editor to ask Herbert Dexter, an eigh- View, California 94041. Rates are: objective in savin the lost without our teen-year-old staff artist, to draw it. The 1-99 copies, 10 cents each aid, but He kne that we needed the drawing became the cover heading for 100 or more copies, 71/2 cents each experience and ca not be saved without the new journal. LOUIS SCHUTTER it. Hence, fellow lievers, let us make Our Little Friend was almost silenced a covenant with od that we will fol- in 1906, when two years after moving low the recomm dation of the Fall to Mountain View and three months Spectacular Congress Painting Council and inc ase our giving by after the San Francisco earthquake, on Done by Potomac Pastor 50 per cent in th year 1965. a Friday night a fire demolished the Many of the 18,000 persons who at- The Psalmist vid once said: "Our Pacific Press. The presses were lost, tended the Atlantic-Columbia Union God shall come, and shall not keep and all the papers, articles, stories, Youth Congress at Atlantic City, New silent: a fire shal devour before him, poems, and pictures, too. Jersey, have commented on the huge and it shall be ye tempestuous round painting which dominated the plat- about him. He sh 11 call to the heavens form of Convention Hall. Here are from above, and o the earth, that he some facts of interest on the painting may judge his pe le. Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made and the motto: The 36' by 24' color painting was the a covenant with e by sacrifice." (Ps. work of Russell Quackenbush, pastor of 50:3-5). (Italics pplied.) the Washington Sanitarium church of R. T HUDSON, President the Potomac Conference. The canvass Nort astern Conference (three pieces sewn together) took 7 "Our Li le Friend's" Seventy-Fif Anniversary Atlantic Union Gleaner Three-fourths f a century ago the Official organ of the Atlantic Union Confer- ence of Seventh-day Adventists, South Lancas- idea to publish children's paper for ter, Mass. Emma Kirk Editor K. W. Tilghman Managing Editor INSTRUCTIO Published weekly, except one week in July and one week in December, by the Atlantic Subtle in Interest Union Conference, and printed by the College Press, South Lancaster, Mass. Fascinati in Pattern Subscription price, $1.00 a year. Make all On that Friday afternoon, a few checks and money orders payable to the At- Gratifyin in Use lantic Union Gleaner. copies of the next issue of Our• Little All copy for publication should reach the Friend had been printed, and one of GLEANER editoral office in South Lancaster, INSPIRATION Mass., not later than Tuesday morning pre- the workers happened to take a copy ceding date of issue. Copy to appear under local fr m the Great conference headlines should be sent through the home. This copy was photographed respective conference offices. Copy should be EXPERIENCE typewritten and double spaced. and plates were made and sent to a Both old and new addresses should be given f m the Worthy neighboring press for printing. when a change is requested. Zip Code numbers should be included for all addresses. I NFORMATIO The mailing list had burned also, Second class postage paid at Post Office, f m the Learned but charred proof lists were found in South Lancaster, Mass. 01561. EVALUATIO the vault, most of which were readable. Atlantic Union Conference Directory South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561 f m the Skillful There were gaps, but notices went out (Tel.
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