2600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 2, By Mr. SPRINGER: Petition of the Dakota Agricultural College, Mr. EDMUNDS. How will the bill read with the amendments relative to certain university lands-to the Committee on Education. agreed to? By Mr. J.D. STEWART: Petition of Mary Boyd, of Clayton County, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The bill will be read as amended by Geo:q;ia, for reference of his claim to the Court of Claims-to the Com- the House of Representatives. mittee on War Claims. 1 The Chief Clerk read as-follows: By Mr. STO~E, of Kentucky: Papers in the claim of Carr, Rogers Be it enacted, etc., That tbe Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, au­ & Co.-to the Committee on War Claims. thorized nnd directed to place on the pension-roll, subject to the limitations and provisions of the pension laws, the name of Hannah R. Langdon, widow of By Mr. J. D. TAYLOR: Petition of William Bundy and 32 others, Henry H. Langdon, late an assistant surgeon in the Seventh Regiment Ver­ of James A. Sheppard and 57 others, and of Silas Bailey and 17 others, mont Volunteers, in the war of the rebellion. for the adoption of the schedule of duties agreed upon by the wool­ The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. The question recurs on the motion • growers and wool manufacturers in January, 1888-to the Committee of the Senator from Minnesota to concur in the amendments of the on Ways and Means. House of Representatives. By l\1r. WEBER: Two petitions of farmers of Erie County, New The amendments were concurred in. York, for protection of farm products-to the Committee on Ways and Means. IDA M. WELTON. By Mr. WILLIAM WHITING: Petition of Festus C. Currier, of The PRESIDENT pto temp01·e laid before the Senate the amendment Fikhbnrgh, and of Merchants' Association of Boston, Mass., for better of the House of Representu ti >es to the bill (S. 1784) granting a pension mail facilities-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. to Ida :M:. Welton; which was to add to the bill the words "and pay Also, petition of C. H. Hamlin and others, against the admission of her a, pension at the mte of $18 a month." Utah-to the Committee on the Territories. 1r. DAVIS. I move that the Senate concur in the amendment of Also, petition of John C. Green, of Fitch burgh, Mass., in favor of bet­ the House of Representatives. ter post..'llfacilities-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The motion was agreed to. The following petitions, indorsing the per diem rated service-pension bill, based on the principle of paying all soldiers, sailors, and marines of 1\IRS. APOLLINE A. BLAIR. the late war a monthly pension of 1 cent a day for each day they were in Tl1e PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the amendment the service, were severally referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions: of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 574) to increase the pen­ By Mr. BELDEN: Of William StTong and 40 others, citizens of East sion of Mrs. Apolline A. Blair, which was, in line 4, to strike out the Syracuse, and of Arthur E. Daniels and 22 others, citizens of Camillu.s words '' wr and during her natural life.'' - and Belle Isle, N. Y., ex-soldiers and sailors. · Mr. DAVIS. I move that the Senate concur in the amendment of By Mr. BUNNELL: Of soldiers and citizens of Susquehanna County; the House of Representatives. and of 150 soldiers and citizens of Ulster: Bradford County; Pennsyl­ The motion was agreed to. vania. HOUSE BILLS REFERRED. By Mr. GOFF: Of E. P. Meyers and others, of Marshall County, West The following bills, heretofore received from the House of Representa­ Virginia. tives, were severally read twice by their titles, and referred to the Com· mittee on Pensions: The following petition for an increaBe of compensation of fourth-class A bill {H. R. 428) granting a pension to William B. Johnson; postmasters was referred to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ A bill (H. R. 818) granting a pension to Sarah E. Pribble; Roads: A bill (H. R. 3191) granting a pension to MaryS. Logan; :By Mr. LEE: Of citizens of Verdiersville, Orange County, Virginia. A bill (H. R. 3839) granting a pension to Mrs. Hettie K. Painter; A bill (H. R. 4104) granting a pension to l\Iahala Dexter; The fol_lowing petitions, praying for the enactment of a law providing A bill (H. R. 5118) granting a pension to Theodore Gardner; temporary aid for common schools, to be disbursed on the basis of illit­ A bill (H. R. 6759) granting a pension to Mary Robinson; eracy, were severally referred to the Committee on Education: · A bill {H. R. 6761) for the relief of .Tames Orr; By Mr. BUNNELL: Of 265 citizens of Bradford County, Pennsyl- A bill (H. R. 6812) granting an increase of pension to Stephen Thurs­ vania. ton; and By Mr. ERUENTROUT: Of James Mitchell, of Atlanta, Ga. A bill (H. R. 7856) granting a pension to Emma R. Johnson. By Mr. GALLINGER: Of James Mitchell, of Atlanta, Ga. The joint resolution (H. Res. 140) appropriating $25,000 for the In­ By :Mr. LONG: Of 81 citizens of Plymouth County, Massachusetts. ternational Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain, was read twice by its title, By Mr. MILLIKEN: Of the Woman's Christian Temperance Unioq and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. of Ellsworth, Me. The bill (H. R. 8962) for the relief of Anthony L. Woodson was By Mr. NELSON: Of 99 citizens of St. Louis County, Minnesota. rc:l,d twice by its. title, and referred to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. RICHARDSON: Of 134 citizens of Coffee County, Tennessee. The following bilJs were severally read twice by their titles, andre· ferred to the Committee on Public Lands: The following petitions, asking for the passage of the bill prohibiting A bill (H. R 671) for the relief of the heirs of JohnS. Fi1lmore, · the manufacture, sale, and importation of all alcoholic beverages in the deceased; District of Columbia, were severally referred to the Select Committee A bill (H. R. 2996) to confirm the title of the heirs or legal repre­ on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic: sentatives of Henry Volcker, deceased, to a certain tract of land in the By Mr. BOOTHMAN: OfL. W. Brown and 73others, citizens of Ful- Territory of New Mexico; ton County, Ohio. A bill (H. R. 6394) for the relief of Hayem & Taylor; and By Mr. HA GEN: Of 73 citizens of the Eighth district of Wisconsin. A bill (H. R. 6879) to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to con­ By tl:r. RUSK: Of 61 citizens of the Third district of Mary land. vey to Anson Rndd, of the St.ate of Colorado, certain real estate in the By Mr. WEBER (by request): Of80 citizens of the Thirty-thirddis­ county of Fremont, in said St.ate. trict of New York. By Mr. WILLIAl\I WHITING: Of 63 citizens of the Eleventh dis­ MARY S. LOGAN. trict of Massachusetts. Mr. HOAR. I desire to inquire of the chairman of the Committee By Mr. WILLIAMS: Petition of 73 citizens of the Third district of on Pensions what is the bill granting a pension to MaryS. Logan, which Ohio. has j nst been read and rtferred ? · :Mr. DAVIS. I twill be remembered that the Senate passed two bills, one 1or the relief of Mrs. Logan and the other for the reliefof Mn;. Blair. The Honse passed the Senate bill for the relief of Mrs. Blair, and in· SENATE. stead of passing the Senate bill for the relief of Mrs. Logan, it passed :MoNDAY, AprU 2, 1888. a bill of its own in the same terms. I now ask unanimous consent fox the consideration of House bill 3Hl1, granting a pension to Mary S. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Logan. The Journal Qf the proceedings of Saturday last was read and ap­ The PRESIDENT pro tempare. The Senator from Minnesota _asks proved. unanimous consent that the Senate recall from the Committee on Pen­ ITANNAH R. LANGDON. sions and proceed to the consideration of the bill {H. R. 3191) granting The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid beforetheSenatetheamendments a pension to MaryS. Logan. Is there objection? of the Honse of Representatives to the bill (S. 549) granting a pension . There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, to Hannah R. Langdon, which were, in line 4, after the word ''pension­ proceeded· to consider the biU. It proposes to place on the pension-rolJ roll," to insert "subject to the limitations and provisions of the pen­ the name of Mary S. Logan, widow of the late John A.. Logan, a major­ sion laws," and in line 8, after the word "rebellion," to strike out general of the United States Volunteers iu the late war for the Union, ...... ''and pay her at the rate of 20 per month from and after the passage of and to pay her a pension at the rate of '2, 000 per annum. this act.'' The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Are there amendments to the billin Mr. DAVIS. I move that the Senate concur in the amendments of Committee of the Whole? the House of ~epresentatives. Mr. CULLOM. Was not the Senate bill the same? , 1888. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2601 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. But this is a bill from the House of Mr.
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