INTERNATIONAL ACTION 2005ON SMALL ARMS EXAMINING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN PROGRAMME OF ACTION BY BITING THE BULLET BITING THE BULLET IANSA The International Action Network on Small Arms is the global movement against gun violence - a network of more than 600 civil society organisations active in 100 countries. Members work to reduce the proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons through advocacy and campaigning, research, information, awareness raising and victim support. INTERNATIONAL ALERT International Alert is an independent peacebuilding organisation working in over twenty countries and territories around the world. We work with people affected by violent conflict as well as at government, EU and UN levels to shape both their policy and practice in building sustainable peace. Our regional work is focused mainly on the African Great Lakes, West Africa, the Caucasus, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Nepal and the Philippines. The issues we work on include business, humanitarian aid and development, gender, security and post-conflict reconstruction. SAFERWORLD Saferworld is an independent non-governmental organisation that works with governments and civil society internationally to research, promote and implement new strategies to increase human security and prevent armed violence. UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD The Centre for International Co-operation and Security (CICS) is a centre for academic and applied research with extensive expertise in small arms and related issues. It is based at the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, which is internationally recognised as a leading research and teaching centre in the areas of peace and conflict studies. EXAMINING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN PROGRAMME OF ACTION INTERNATIONAL ACTION ON SMALL ARMS 2005 EXAMINING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN PROGRAMME OF ACTION BY BITING THE BULLET This publication has been produced for the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) by the Biting the Bullet project, which comprises International Alert, Saferworld and the University of Bradford. It was written primarily by the following members of the Biting the Bullet team: Charlotte Watson, International Alert Michael Page, International Alert William ‘Bill’ Godnick, International Alert Janani Vivekananda, International Alert Elizabeth Kirkham, Saferworld Juliana Sokolová, Saferworld Andy McLean, Saferworld Mike Bourne, University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies Owen Greene, University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies The Biting the Bullet team, who are solely responsible for the contents of this publication, wish to express their sincere thanks to the following individuals and organisations who have contributed invaluable research, support and advice to the project. We have been fortunate to benefit from the experience, knowledge and commitment of people working to combat the proliferation and misuse of SALW around the world. We would like to apologise sincerely to those who we have failed to thank in the list of acknowledgements on pages 2–3. The countries listed next to each name indicate where the person or organisation is based. 1 INTERNATIONAL ACTION ON SMALL ARMS 2005 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Abdulai, Napolean ECOWAS Small Arms Project Mali Abdykalyova, Gulnara Foundation for Tolerance International Kyrgyzstan Abeywardena, Hashitha South Asia Partnership International Sri Lanka Abi Allam, Fadi Permanent Peace Movement Lebanon Abu Nawar Ghazi, Lina Regional Human Security Center Jordan Achieng, Anisia K Sudanese Women’s Voices for Peace (SWVP) Sudan Agboton-Johnson, Christiane MALAO Senegal Al Asbahy, Ezzadin Human Rights & Information Training Center Yemen Al Majali, Zaha Amman Center for Human Rights Jordan Alpers, Philip, School of Public Health, University of Sydney Australia Anders, Holger, International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)/ Groupe de Recherche et d’Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité (GRIP) Belgium Avagyan, Gagik Co-operation and Democracy Armenia Bandeira, Rangel Viva Rio Brazil Beeck, Christine Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC) Germany Bouveret, Patrice Observatoire des transferts d’armes/CDRPC France Brading, Jane Saferworld UK Brethfeld, Julie Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC) Germany Broek, Martin Dutch Campaign Against Arms Trade Netherlands Browne, Alice Saferworld UK Capapelo, Matias Angola2000 Angola Cardenas, Luis Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) Chile Cernusakova, Barbora Amnesty International Slovakia Cheeseman, Laura International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) UK Conte, Gabriel Fundación Espacios para el Progreso Social Argentina Cross, Peter Saferworld UK Cuadra, Elvira Centro de Estudios Internacionales (CEI) Nicaragua Cukier, Wendy Small Arms Firearms Education Research Network (SAFER-Net) Canada de Beer, David EU-ASAC Programme Manager Cambodia de Caris, Rick SaferAfrica South Africa de Leon, Mayda Instituto de Enseñanza Sostenbible (IEPADES) Guatemala Deralla, Xhabir Memedi Civil FYRoM Dikson, Orji Nigeria Action Network on Small Arms (NANSA) Nigeria Djumic, Vladimir Balkan Youth Union Serbia Montenegro Dreyfus, Pablo Viva Rio Brazil Dube, Joseph International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) South Africa Elmughira Hamed, Einas Human security Initiative Organization Sudan Epps, Ken Project Ploughshares Canada Erb, Jason Quaker Service-AFSC Jordan Espinoza, Ana Arias Foundation Costa Rica Farook, Faraza International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) UK Flew, Catherine Saferworld UK Fodor, Mark Amnesty International Hungary Galvez, Alex Asociación Transiciones de La Antigua Guatemala Guatemala Gamba, Virginia SaferAfrica South Africa Gortari, Cecilia Sociedad Paraguaya de Criminología Paraguay Gounev, Philip Centre for the Study of Democracy Bulgaria Gramizzi, Claudio GRIP (Groupe de recherche et d’information sur le paix et la sécurité) Belgium Griffiths Fulton, Lynne Project Ploughshares Canada Gutierrez, Carlos Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Chile Handem, Adelina Guinean Association for Research and Alternative (ALTERNAG) Guinea-Bissau Hasan, Osman Human Security Intitiative Organization Sudan Hazeley, Florella Council of Churches Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Hemmathagama, Chamila Saferworld UK Hennop, Ettienne SaferAfrica South Africa Hillier, Debbie Oxfam GB UK Hiscock, Duncan Saferworld UK Hollestelle, Micha Pax Christi Netherlands Howard, Alun International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) UK Ingstorp, Nilla Swedish Fellowship of Reconciliation Sweden Jackson, Thomas PRIO Norway Jaworski, Piotr Independent Consultant Poland Jefferson, Clare SaferAfrica South Africa 2 Jerse, Alenka Amnesty International Slovenia Jey, Thomas Independent Consultant Liberia EXAMINING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN PROGRAMME OF ACTION Jimenez, Gualdemar Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ) Ecuador Juraev, Emil American University in Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kadiç, Amel Centre for Security Studies Bosnia and Herzegovina Kalitowski, Susanna International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) UK Kentaro, Gemma JSAC Programme Manager Cambodia Kikhtenko, Ludmila Institute for Development Cooperation Kazakhstan Kozyulin, Vadim B. PIR Center for Policy Studies Russia Kurucz, Marion Amnesty International Hungary Lindahl, Rolf Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society Sweden Lubang, Alfredo PHILANSA Phillipines Luz, Daniel Escola de Cultura de Pau (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Spain Makhatadze, Tata Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development Georgia Malik, Nadira South Asia Partnership- Bangladesh Bangladesh Mantila, Amparo Fundación Gamma Idear Colombia Mariani, Bernardo Saferworld UK Martinez, Dina Mabely Fundació de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD) El Salvador Melendez, Javier Instituto de Estudios Estratégiocs y Política Pública (IEEPP) Nicargua Miller, Joseph Saferworld UK Moser-Puangsuwan, Yeshua Nonviolence International Southeast Asia Thailand Mtonga, Robert IPPNW Zambia Mugisha, Richard People With Disabilities Uganda Muracciole, Benoit Amnesty International France Mutota, Folade Women’s Institute for Alternative Development (WINAD) Trinidad and Tobago Mvalo, Caroline Centre for Conflict Management and Women Development Affairs (CECOWDA) Malawi Mwakasungura, Undule Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) Malawi Neb, Sinthay Working Group for Weapons Reduction Cambodia Nepram, Binalakshmi Saferworld India Patel, Archana Saferworld UK Pûchotová, Barbora Working Group on Arms Trade Control - Transparency International Czech Republic Peters, Rebecca International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) UK Phillips, Charlotte Saferworld UK Pintea, Iurie Institute for Public Policy Moldova Preston, Sarah Saferworld UK Ragea, Radu EURISC Foundation Romania Ramon Quintana, Juan Observatorio de Democracia y Seguridad Bolivia Reininger, Thomas International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria Risser, Hans Independant Consultant FYRoM Rodriguez, Mario Consejo de Información e Investigaciones en Desarrollo (CIID) Guatemala Roy Isbister Saferworld UK Rummakko, Sanna Peace Union of Finland Finland Rynn, Simon Saferworld UK Sakamoto, Mizue Japan Action Network on Small Arms Japan Sambath, Rattana Working Group on Weapons Reduction (WGWR) Cambodia Sanabria, Luis REDEPAZ Colombia Sharour, Ghassan Arab Net for Research on Landmine & Explosive Remnants of War, Yarmouk (Local Society) Syria Sheriff, Abu-Bakarr Sierra Leone Action Network on Small Arms Sierra Leone Shinwari, Naveed Community Appraisal and Motivation Programme (CAMP) Pakistan Shrestha, Shobha South Asia
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