SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 DECEMBER, 1919. 15309 Sub-Lt. Sydney William George Walker, 4th, 5th, '6th .and.7th November, 1918, be- .M.C., M.M., Drake Bn., R.N.D., R.N.V.R. tween Ruesnes and La Longueville. "He For conspicuous gallantry and dash at helped to organise the evacuation of all Graincourt. He was responsible for giving wounded from the divisional front. Though alignment for the forming up of two com- frequently exposed to heavy shell fire, and ''panics oh the ridge east of Canal du Nord. at times under machine-gun fire, his per- During the process of alignment'the two com- severance and initiative contributed largely pany commanders became casualties, thus to the quick evacuation of all wounded. causing confusion amongst the troops. He (M.C. gazetted 1st January, 1917;) rallied the party and pushed them forward. ' ' Later, in Hindenburg Trench, he ably com- T./2nd Lt. John William Wilson, 9th Bn.., manded a trench-clearing -party under enfi- York. L.I. lade fire. Whilst endeavouring to capture a On' the 7th November, 1918, west of small field gun later he was fired at point Limont Fontaine, he got his gun and blank and became a casualty. His conduct ammunition forward under heavy fire, and throughout was splendid. in a very exposed position engaged hostile (M.C. gazetted llth January, 1919.) trench mortars and machine guns, destroy- ing one of the former and driving in the T./L,t. (A./Capt.) George Lawrence Watkin- latter, enabling our infantry to advance. son, M.C., Wore. R,., attd. I/8th Bn., T.F. Later, having expended his .ammunition, he During operations on 23rd and 24th Octo- took command of half a company of infan- ber, 1918, he showed great initiative and gal- try who were without an officer, and siiccess- lantry in commanding, his company. He got fully dealt with <a heavy counter-attack. He through tihie enemy defences and arrived on did fine work. outskirts of Pommereuil, got into touch' with (M.C. gazetted 8th March, 1919.) a tank, and successfuiLLy cleared part of the village, capturing a large number of pris- Lt. George Howard Wintle, M.C., 4th Bn., oners. He then- proceeded to his position Glouc. R., T.F., attd. l/5th Bn., E. Lan. R., n>eaa" Bois I'Evequie and consolidated, cap- T.F. turing more prisoners. During operations For conspicuous gallantry and good leader- of 24tih htei again did good work. ship. Near Briastre, o<n the night (M.C. gazetted 8th March, 1919.) . 19th/20.th October,. 1918, he commanded the company detailed to the first objective, which 2nd Lt: (A./Capt.) Aleck Elder Meadows was covered by a broad belt of wire. The "Welsford, M.O., 2nd Bn., Wilts. R. leading troops were checked. Under heavy On the evening of 4th November, 1918, the fire he went along the line urging the men advance through Eth was held up by to cut the wire, and then he led the way him- machine-gun fire. He rushed forward with self with his company headquarters. The 'his platoon, which had already suffered heavy assault was a complete success. •casualties, causing the enemy teams! to retire JM.C. gazetted 4th February, 1918.) . and ' enabling the advance to continue. Earlier in the day his platoon had been the Lt. i(A./Capt.) Robert Bruce Wycherley, first to reach its objective after crossing the M:C., 1 /5th Bn.,.W. York. R., T.F. Petit Aunelle. Throughout the operations For conspicuous gallantry at Avesne-le- ' he showed great courage and dash. Sec between the llth and 16th October, (M.C.*gazetted 8th March, 1919.) 1918. Throughout the operations he rose to all the demands on his skill and courage, 2nd Lt. Charles Williamson, M.C., 1st Bn., and during the attack his promptness in ZEssex R. dealing with a critical situation avoided a For conspicuous courage and initiative at possible catastrophe, and his splendid ex- Jolimetz on 4th November, 1918. With a ample inspired his company to resist all handful of men he made -a determined attack attacks after advance posts had been estab- •on an enemy machine-gun post, killing or lished. capturing the garrison and taking four (M.C. gazetted 16th September, 1918.) machine guns. Later, on finding a party of the enemy attempting to reorganise, he rushed forward with his men and put them 'to flight. OA'NiAtD'IAN FlORCE. (M.C. gazetted 15th February, 1919.) Lt. 'George Baldwin, M.C., 47th Bn., Can. Infy., W. Ont. R. Lt. Harold William Eustace Williamson, For conspicuous gallantry and fine leader- M.C., 172nd Tunnlg. Coy., R.E. ship in operations before Valenciennes on He has done exceptionally good work with 1st November, 19-18, when in charge of a the brigade investigation parties in forward . half company. He led his men to the attack areas from 3rd October, 1918, to 16th in face of very heavy shell and machine-gun November, 1918, and especially on 29th fire with splendid courage, and on more than •October in the neighbourhood of Haspres one occasion, when the enemy resistance was and Saulzoir railway stations. He located particularly severe, he rushed forward with three mines and succeeded in removing the an utter disregard of personal danger, and, ^delay-action fuzes, although knowing from by force of his example, got his men forward the condition of the first that the others were and overcame all resistance. His dash, and liable to explode at any moment. leadership were of the highest order. (M.C. gazetted 4th November, 1915.) (M.C. gazetted in this Gazette.) T./Capt. (A./Maj.) Ivan Stuart Wilson, Lt. Frederick Horace Barnes, M.C., 38th M.C., M.D., 9th Fd. Amb., R.A.M.C. Bn., Can. Infy., E. Ont. R. For conspicuous gallantry and resource on • For conspicuous gallantry >and devotion to.
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