BURIAL RECORDS (1851-1911) ST MARYS CEMETERY 167 surname first name date of burial age additional information ADAMS Edwin 02 MAY 1872 2½m William 20 MAY 1870 22 ADAMSKI Mary Ann 16 JAN 1897 2d d 14th Stephen 07 OCT 1901 2m d 6th Vincent 27 MAY 1900 2m d 26th AEWRHIER Appalonia 19 OCT 1878 7d AGGINA Maria 04 OCT 1902 3m d 3rd; Italian [surname also Accina] AGNEW Ellen 16 AUG 1887 6m d 15th ALGEUR Francis Joseph 01 JUL 1880 52 ALLENBRAND Emily 17 JAN 1866 20m died yesterday John 20 OCT 1882 5 John 16 SEP 1895 50y22d d 13th William 01 SEP 1880 19m ALTIN Margaret 28 MAY 1868 [many months] AMORHEIM Theresa 05 DEC 1879 70 AMSHIER Francis 14 SEP 1882 3 ANDERESKI Mick (Michael) 09 OCT 1895 1y10m d 8th Frank 10 OCT 1893 73 d 8th ANDERSON Mary 10 DEC 1860 most of entry illegible ANDREICSKI Ignatius 24 NOV 1892 2y5m StHy ANDREJEWSKI John 22 AUG 1887 8m d 21st ANDREYESKI Pelagi 01 NOV 1895 7y d 31 Oct ANDREYEWSKI Ignatius 18 OCT 1895 4y2m d 17th Frances 10 SEP 1889 6m d 8th; StHy ANDRIEJEWSKA Mary Ann 12 JAN 1884 21 infant 13 JAN 1884 ANDRZEJEWSLA Louise 10 MAY 1886 61 d 8th ANERHRIN Louisa 19 APR 1882 9m [or Amshrur] Joseph 06 NOV 1871 65 ANGER Maria Theresa 21 JUL 1871 1m ANGLIM Catherine 17 MAR 1892 64 d 14th Edward 24 AUG 1901 1 d 23rd Jeremiah 13 MAR 1880 71 Jeremiah 31 JAN 1897 7 d 29th Margaret 26 OCT 1862 15 dau Jeremiah Mrs. Mary 02 DEC 1900 75 d 30 Nov Harold 19 SEP 1895 12m d 17th William 11 FEB 1864 14 son of Patrick Anglin & Joanne Manning ARMYSE infant 26 JUL 1866 1d son of John Armyse & Jane Fox; d 25th AUGUESKA Peter 23 APR 1899 2w d 22nd; StHy AUTUBUKSKI Martin 22 DEC 1894 5 d 21st AUWERTER Herbert 21 AUG 1897 10w d 19th; Buffalo BADCOFICK Francis 29 JAN 1892 17 d 27th BAGLEY Thomas 15 JAN 1861 15m d 13th, son of John BAGLIA Teresa 23 APR 1901 14 d 21st; Fredonia BAGLY Michael 14 APR 1861 son of John, d at birth BAHAN Ellen 06 JAN 1872 9m BAILE Anna Marie 01 NOV 1891 90 d 30th BAILEY Arthur J. 11 NOV 1888 18 d 9th BAIN Joseph 10 SEP 1900 2 d 8th BAKER John J. 19 JUL 1894 22 d 16th Samuel G. F. 09 JUL 1881 5 BALASCHAFSKI Peter 12 SEP 1892 2y10m d 11th BALMER Michael 18 SEP 1873 2 BALSER Albert 05 JUL 1902 5h BALY Margaret 04 JUN 1891 70 d 2nd; SH BANAMAULT Julia no date 60 bur 5 Jan - 12 Feb 1879 168 BURIAL RECORDS (1851-1911) ST MARYS CEMETERY surname first name date of burial age additional information BANASRAK Antonia 20 APR 1901 41 d 18th; StHy BANE Johann 31 MAR 186516mson Vincent Bane & Dorothy Shaffer; d today BANS Francis 03 SEP 1869 5w Margaret 02 AUG 1874 6w BANZ Elisabeth 07 DEC 1870 2m Francis 17 SEP 1867 17m Herman 06 AUG 18667son Leonard Banz & Mary Spolen; d yesterday Margaret 15 JAN 1868 bir newborn Margaret 27 APR 1873 3d BAPST Ann 05 NOV 1877 stillborn BARANONYK Anne 09 AUG 1884 45 BARDKOSKI Anthony 22 AUG 1897 14m d 20th BARNES Elizabeth 07 DEC 1890 33 d 4th BARON Elizabeth 20 JAN 1864 9 son Geo Baron & Catharine Sefxxind George 19 DEC 1863 5 son Geoge Baron & Catherine Sigfried Julia 31 DEC 1863 3 dau Geo Baron & Catharine Swindt Valentine 12 JUL 1867 17m BAROW Frederick Wm 19 MAY 1857 mos age; mos, but illegible BARRETT Ann 07 MAR 1873 83 Catherine 01 JAN 1869 6m John 27 JUN 1864 28 son Thomas & Sarah Barrett John 05 AUG 1865 7m20d son of Michael & Catherine; d 4th John 15 SEP 1881 46 Michael 01 OCT 1873 38 Mrs. 11 SEP 1874 c70 [see Bridget O'Boyle] Patrick 12 MAY 1862 27 killed in war at Williamsburg Patrick 02 AUG 1865 7m son MIchael & Patrina Barrett; d yest Sarah 11 SEP 1884 82 William Richard 31 MAR 1877 3m BARRISI Charles 08 SEP 1899 19 d 6th; Italian BARRY Bridget 17 DEC 1851 1 dau James Barry Bridget 07 NOV 1869 67 Ellen 15 MAR 1869 52 Thomas 16 OCT 1871 60 BARTHUSKA Mary 11 FEB 1892 2½ d 9th BARTON Patrick 06 FEB 1901 80 d 5th BATTAGLIA Antonia 10 JAN 1898 55 d 9th BATTLE William 07 JAN 1869 8m BEAN Edward Laurence 16 OCT 1881 8m BEBBER George J. 20 JUN 1875 3y10m15d BEBER Emma Magdalena 07 FEB 1872 3y5m BECKER Francis 29 AUG 1897 25 d 27th; SH BEDDES Elizabeth 22 SEP 1867 2m BEELEN Ludwick 29 APR 1884 88 [or Beden] BEGIER Helen 11 OCT 1902 1y4d d 9th; StHy Pelagia 11 JUN 1899 32 d 9th; StHy BEHAN Daniel 28 FEB 1892 21 d 25th,;stantly by train Edward 18 OCT 1900 29 d 16th Emma 06 APR 1890 34 d 3rd Henry 08 JAN 1882 1d Johanna 22 FEB 1884 51 John Fred 09 JUL 1887 2 Mabel 28 JUN 1887 3 d 28th Margaret 31 JAN 1875 10y5m [or 18y5m] Margaret 20 APR 1888 ?y d in Cleveland; blank left for yrs of age Mary 21 SEP 1886 46 d 18th Michael 08 DEC 1874 c38 BURIAL RECORDS (1851-1911) ST MARYS CEMETERY 169 surname first name date of burial age additional information Thomas 04 SEP 1885 19 BEHEN Thomas 12 OCT 1862 ng son of Thomas BEHN Edmund 23 FEB 1900 49 d 21st BEILEY Barbara 30 OCT 1888 47 d 28th Micheal 03 SEP 1865 11m son of James; died yesterday BEINKOSKY Anthony 10 SEP 1890 1y9m d 9th; StHy BEKINKO Michaelene 15 JUN 1873 4 BELECKY Sigismund 05 SEP 1897 7m d 4th BENCOSKI Mary 05 MAR 1882 16m BENECOSKI Catherine 09 OCT 1875 30 BENKAY Hannilori 28 AUG 1878 5m BENTLEY Denis 20 AUG 1893 83 d 17th Ellen 27 JUN 1891 3m d 26th Maria 26 DEC 1881 5m Mary 06 DEC 1881 3y4m Mary 01 JUN 1891 39 d 30 May BERGER Ignatius 06 SEP 1890 8m d 5th BERICK Joseph 15 JUL 1884 14m BERKMEIR Mary 18 OCT 1893 38 d 15th; St. Mary's BERMONT Richard 15 JAN 1885 76 BERMOUNT Julia 06 JUN 1882 22 BERNES Mathias 03 OCT 1902 3m7d d 1st; SH BERNKOWSKI John 05 NOV 1899 5 d 4th BERNKOWSKI Peter 09 NOV 1899 3 d 8th BERRY Anthony 26 JAN 1894 26y6m d 24th Joseph 10 JUN 1894 2m d 8th BIALAKESKY Susanna 23 FEB 1889 75 d 21st; StHy BIALAZENSKI infant 16 APR 1897 4d d 15th BIELAT Florian 17 AUG 1902 1y3m d 16th; StHy BILESKY William 23 APR 1880 5 BILSZSKI Thomas 30 OCT 1884 61 BINKESKI Stanislaus 14 OCT 1874 [non-natum] BINKOSKI Jno 20 AUG 1876 9m Matgorzata 07 NOV 1887 4m d 6th BIRD John 17 MAY 1881 63 Mrs. Mary 30 NOV 1900 59 d 27th Tabina 07 OCT 1880 58 BISHOP Mary 23 DEC 1870 c30 BLAKE Anne 26 AUG 1898 67 d 23rd Charles 12 JUL 1884 3m Michael 10 MAR 1883 died 7th; [drowned?] a vigil; sea Thomas 25 JUN 1894 ?y d 23rd William 12 JUL 1884 3m BLUE William 13 JUL 1870 45 BLUIT William 07 AUG 1900 75 d 5th BLUTE Mary 18 JAN 1886 63 BOBBER John 21 MAY 1902 45 d 19th; StHy BOCHEYLSKA Marianna 21 DEC 1893 23 d 19th BOCHWLYKI Martin 28 MAY 1892 13 d today; StHy BOGENSHURTZ Catharine 04 MAR 1881 6y3m BOHN Dorothea 25 OCT 1886 48 d 23rd Lena 24 JAN 1900 27 d 21st BOND Joseph 28 OCT 1898 inf Marshall 24 FEB 1897 3m d 23rd BONISKI Ignatius 28 AUG 1893 22 d 25th; StHy BOOSE Helena 22 MAR 1884 30 BOREWKA infant 10 JUL 1871 bir stillborn son of Parveli Borewka 170 BURIAL RECORDS (1851-1911) ST MARYS CEMETERY surname first name date of burial age additional information BOSAMAKI Mary 01 FEB 1892 5y6m d 30th; StHy BOWE John 31 DEC 1892 77 d 29th; SH BOWERS Rose 28 APR 1902 28 d 26th BOWMAN Ellen 17 SEP 1862 30 dau John Kepecy BOYLE Carrol 24 JUL 1882 10 George William 28 NOV 1872 3y4m John 05 APR 1857 21 John 10 NOV 1868 90 John 14 NOV 1880 17 Mary 21 MAY 1879 ng Peter 23 DEC 1882 53 BRADY Charles 23 DEC 1882 7 Edward F. 29 DEC 1900 11m d 26th John 04 APR 1872 ?y [age given; yrs, but illegible] Mary 12 JUL 1864 8m dau Thomas & Ann Brady William 09 AUG 1891 25y9m d 5th BRAHEZESKY Anna 23 JUL 1884 ng BRALASCSWSKI Martin 08 AUG 1890 3 d 6th; StHy BRATKORWZSKY Martin 03 JUN 1885 80 BRAUN Frank 12 NOV 1896 70 d 9th BRAWISKEWE Caspar 08 NOV 1893 2 d 7th; StHy Joseph 09 NOV 1893 3 d 8th; StHy Mary 07 NOV 1893 5 d today; StHy Victoria 13 NOV 1893 31 d 11th; StHy BRAWN Louisa 29 JUN 1886 30 d 26th BRAY Gertrude 04 FEB 1893 11 d 1st BREEN Francis 31 DEC 1881 27 M. Frances 01 OCT 1875 4m10d [also Breent] Patrick 07 OCT 1901 80 d 4th; Fredonia William 29 MAR 1898 60 d 26th BREGINSKORSKY Antonina 23 APR 1881 54 BREISCKEVICK Francis 17 NOV 1884 7w BRENNAN James 21 JUL 1860 45 died in Portland [Dogactas] 26 DEC 1856 26 BRICK Emma 26 NOV 1874 10 BRICK Katherine 23 APR 1901 28 d 15th Timothy 06 DEC 1898 67 d 3rd BRIEN Bridget 29 OCT 1874 50 Ida 24 JAN 1874 3y4m BRIENS William 20 JUL 1854 65 BRIGHAM Maria 28 DEC 1883 33 BRITON Paulina Catarina 19 MAR 1862 9m dau Thomas BRITTON Catherine 06 AUG 1872 9m George Aloysius 16 JUL 1876 3m Johanna 11 MAY 1876 41 Thomas no date 55 [also as Brittain] bur 5 Jan-12 Feb 1879 BRITZ Michael 08 NOV 1893 5 d 6th BRODERICK Margaret 26 SEP 1865 1y3m dau of Thomas & Mary; d yesterday Margaret 27 FEB 1894 65 d 25th; Cattaraugus Thomas 19 APR 1888 58 d 16th; Cattaraugus BRODRICK MIchael 09 NOV 1874 8 BROOKE Patrick 11 DEC 1851 21 name may be Rooke BROOKS Bridget 19 MAY 1868 c50 Catharine 16 DEC 1887 25 died 14th near Ripley Joseph 03 JAN 1898 34 d 30 Dec; StHy BROSKI Ferdinand 24 FEB 1900 2m d 23rd BROSOWSKI Catherine 16 JAN 1900 24 d 14th BURIAL RECORDS (1851-1911) ST MARYS CEMETERY 171 surname first name date of burial age additional information BROTHREY Mary 30 SEP 1861 60 dau John Dugan BROUFKA Luke 19 OCT 1875 3d BROWN Aloysia 03 DEC 1883 61 Andrew 01 JUN 1869 6 Andrew 11 FEB 1875 5d Anne 31 DEC 1889 38 d 28th; Mentor OH Edward 13 NOV 1860 3 d 12th, son Patrick Brown Edward 19 SEP 1866 17 son of William; d 18th George L.
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