'£llt;'S f^ .f” - t If ■ . ^ ^ V •- • ■ T.r >ATri ArafoAioa OAnuT cboolaxiobi E t t r a b t o ter the Kwrih eC May. IMS a< tJ. g. Wiai Barttord CONCESSION PRIVILEGES 5,819 RETIRING TEACHER VETS’ CARNIVAL Fair toniglit and Taeafoy; AT POOL IIP TO BD) NO RADICAL CHARTER I: ;' I ’'. J M GUEST AT PARTY WeDs & Dower’s Service Station MAN(TIESTER — A (TTY OF VILLAGEHE C ^ A KM CHANGES INDICATED ENDSTDNIGHT M. D. Wells R, J, Bower Recreation Committee Offera 110 BURNSIDE AVE;^EEAST HARTFORD VOL. l v ., NO. 226. ; an vaga Ubt MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 22.1986. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS to Lease Rights at Globe ATLANTIC PRODUCTS GENERAL REPAIRING Miss Mabel Lanpbear Is Htrilow for This Season. Final Perfom ance by Bro- On bbCoimiiiltee DrgestsCOUTS JAMBOREE LUBRICATION —- The Right Lub. in the Right Place. Where Boat Upset Drowned 12 Children Honored at Green Clnb The Recreation committee today nelle Trio to Be Given at CARS WASHED AND POLISHED SLAYER SLAIN, U .S. IS BEATEN ' lAt«. tin a ii licrreland la vlaltbifl Biennial B ecliost and Bar aoat, Xiarl C. Itoveland, aad Mra. asked for bids for the concession THIS AFTERNOON * CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED l 0 ?elaaid o f 4S Paaul atreat, for «| Sopper Last Nigbt privileges at the Globe Hollow NEW DEALERS READY 11 TonighL TeL E. Hartford 8-3874. Manchester 7584. Itair diQra, awinuning pool. Tha bids will be FmaDce Board"- Othen ___ WIFE OF MAN HE ON DELAY OF 7 received on or before next Saturday B ail B. Story o f tha South In Room 9 of the Municipal build, V f - ~ Miss Mabel Lanpbear, principal of to Report and Make Rec* Rally to Be Held at Old Golf The final performance o f the la to ba ona of tha lecturera the Manchester Green school for the ing. If a satisfactory bid is ob­ K m m S H E L D U m TITY SUITS Toungr Paopla’a Inatitute tained the committee lease the Gloria Brunella Trio playing thla past 13 years, who recently resign­ TO FIGHT SMITH ON win ba held at tha WlUiman- concession rights instead of hiring week at the Carnival on the Old Golf ed, vras the guest o f honor at the oiiuneiMlatioiiaJiily2. Lots Starting at Two |e . Gamp aronnda next weak. Dr, an attendant for the locker building tots by the Manchester Vatersns’ Mttoiy wfll lead a dlacuaalon group on Manchester Green Community as the Ninth School district, former Ei-Convict Shot in Bridge­ Club’s strawberry supper and enter­ Association will be held Ufia evening D.C.Courtyof Appeals Re­ ttBe tbarae: “Building My P em n - sponsor, did in the past. 0"Gock Today. at 11 o’clock, weather pcnnlttiBg. Jlty." . tainment last night Miss Lanphear The Charter Revlalaa committee has been a loyal member o f the appointed 10 weeks ago by the ' A apedal performance will be^ld port; Woman Has Afibi verses Lower Court Ac­ club, which for many years h selectmen, at the order of a town this afternoon for children with CONVENTION’S FLOOR 1%a annual outing of the Army The American Legion Boy Scout novelties and rides for the ybuhg- COOLERATOR worked solely for the benefit of the meeting, to reform Manchester’s Navy dub win be held tomor- Jamboree will be held at the Old Btera In addition to a special per­ at tha Villa Loutae, Birch MouO' children o f the school. She has en­ BONUS BOND CHECKS governmental set-up will not recom­ -nr Though Widow of Victim tion Deferring Injunctions deared herself not only to tha chil­ mend any radical changes when It Golf lota thle afternoon at 3 o’clock. formance by the Brnnelle Trio. tain road. Giunea will ba played The troops will be reviewed and In­ ’iTie attendance at the Carnival, As Delegates Arrive at Phi’ to the morning and dinner win be dren but the people of the communi­ reports about September 1, the ty, and as a token of their apprecia­ members indicated during a meet­ spected preceding the conteata. The despite two rainy nights, has been • Is Convenient Says She Saw Her Flee. Tifl High Court Rules. aarved at 3 o'clock with a light ARRIVING TODAY local Legion troop. Troop 7, imder good, the management states. New Dealers Predict at 6 p. ra. Over 100 mem- tion, President Griswold Chappell In ing last night to the Municipal build­ ing. Scoutmaster Danny Shea will enter adelphb, Farley Says i i e bera have made reaervatlonii to at- behalf of the club presented her Into competition os well oa sponsor wil^ a Webster’s Unabridged dic­ Of the several aub-committeea to Bridgeport, June 32.— (A P )—-Bm- Washington, June 33.—(AP)— which had been delegated the study the affair. Parker Doyle from Hart­ 1 ^ tionary with stand, autographed by • Is Economical phatioaily denying any connection The government lost In the District Two Third Rule's End Is a Delegate and tke Only Two-Think of Local of different phases of the charter, ford headquartera will .officiate as­ ^ e regular meetin o f the W o­ the ofiicera. Mr. Chappell and John sisted by Frank Crawshaw, local SUN LIFE ASSURANCE with last nigbt’d murder of Joseph of Columbia Court of Appeals today Moose take place Jensen, treasurer and former presi­ only one was prepared to report ; Oie M( rn commissioner and Herb Miner, Bbst Longo, 46, o f 358 Madlaon avenue, ^.Monday evening at the Home Club dent, expressed their esteem for lest night. The others are expected CO. OF CANADA J in Us efforts to delay trial o f Injunc­ Floor Is His If He Wants Bond Holders Appear to to submit their findings at a session Hartford commissioner. Mrs. Lena Bellfore, 38, o f 1982 Mato Philadelphia, June 33.—(AP) —% nomination of Martin Van Buren ^ on B r ^ a r d Place. The business Miss Lanphear as a teacher and DUNCAN A. OOOPGB tion Bulta brought by seven utility in 1844 and of bis . father. Champ wfll Indude the Installation of off!' club associate. Miss Lanphear re­ Thursday, July 2, at 8:30 p. m. • Is Good Looking street, calmly maintained her inno- companlM against tbe Wheeler- New Dealers who think the time la Suggestions that elections be held 87 Lancaster R o ^ Clark, to 1913 after each bad oto It,” in Answer to Former sponded, thanking the club and the Have Them Certified. Manebeater eence a t ,police headquarters today Rayburn bolding company law. ripe for scrapping the oentury-old tained a majority. residents of the district for their every two years Instead of annually Tbe court reversed a atay order and that a Board of Finance be ONE WEEK FROM NOW where she waa questioned by acting two-thlrda nominating rule at Dem­ Senator B)rrd and Gov. Peery of to - Manchester Assembly, Order of support and co-operation and the Captain James H. Bray and again entered in tbe case several months ocratic conventions believe the bark Virginia, who favor retention, were Nominee’s Call to Dele­ establiabed to prepare the annual ago by Justice Jennings Bailey of fy Kalnbow, will hold Its final meeting fine gift which she assured them she accused by Longo’s widow, Laura, of of the antl-Repealers will be worse due in the city today. before the summer vacation Mon­ Manchester veterans began re­ budget and set the tax rate, were The • Is Built To Stand I the District Supreme Court. woiUd always treasure. made by the sub-committee beaded 8 ? ' being' the woman ahe saw fleeing than their bite. Senator Conally of Texas, who evening at 6 o’clock.-^ Members The supper of salads, cold meats, ceiving checks for their adjusted “MASKED MURDERER’ Justice Bailey granted the stay gates to Desert the eervlce bonds thla noorning, four by Attorney William J. Shea. from the scene of the crime. They look for a few vigorous rode into town behind one o f his urged to note the change of rolls, coffee and strawberry short­ Flowers and Planta Up ' "You’re a liar!" said Mrs. Bellfore after Attorney-General Chimminga bnur and to ba at the Masonic Tem- days after the first group secured Tentative provlslbna for a finance Will Be In Andover! had argued that litigation brought speeches but largely passive resist­ .famous long clgara, said; cake was served in the lower hall committee Included that it should for an occasions. when she was confronted by Mrs. ance from southern delegstea who ”We are against abrogation of pla at that time. Six of the Rain­ from 8 to 7:30. A brief business certification. Checks for the ^re­ Delivered snywhera by tbe government to New York Roosevelt Standard. maining 350 men and women are consist of five or seven members ap­ Lango who hysterically accused her for yean have regarded the -re* -the rokf, but I do&'t think it makeoi. bow giris are to-graduate next week meeting of the Community club fol­ Watch This Newspaper of UlUiig her husband, only 40 days against the saectric Bond and Share ffom the Manchester High school expected in the mails either this pointed ..by th e' selectmen, "that no Company would thoroughly teat qulrement as a valuable check much difference w)uit la done,” lowed and an entertainment of member could hold any oU)pr^ town • Is Popular pMoIed from Wethersfield where he agatnit preetdentlal and vice preai- Asked if an effort might be made the class night exercises are about an hour’s duration, arranged noon or during the early part of For Further Information.
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