Quintessence Touchstone for the Inquisitive rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyam pavitraḿ idam uttamam pratyaksyāvagamaḿ dharmyaḿ su-sukhaḿ kartum avyayam Oct/ Nov/ Dec 2007 AVATAR CREDENTIALS This is a lecture by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada , recorded on December 26, 1966 , in New York City . Inside this issue: That is the test. Srila Prabhupada Speaks out 2 sarvajïa munira väkya Inquiries into the Absolute 3 Çästra‘paramäëa’ Lord Caitanya is replying to Sanätana Gos- ämä-sabä jévera haya vämés inquiry about how to know who is an Editor’s Jottings 3 çästra-dvärä ‘jïäna’ avatar. Caitanya Mahäprabhu says that the Forms of God:Idolatry and Evolution 4 “The Vedic literatures composed by the om- medium is çästra and the direction is from niscient Mahämuni Vyäsadeva are evidence the guru. We need the help of a guru to un- Holy Places of India- Kurmakshetra 6 of all spiritual existence. Only through these derstand the scripture. Sometimes we find Songs of Vaishnava Acarayas 8 revealed scriptures can all conditioned souls contradictions in the scripture. There is no Idols and Analogies 9 attain knowledge.”—Caitanya-caritämåta contradiction, but because of my poor fund (Madhya-lélä 20.353) of knowledge I might think there is. I cannot Pearls of Wisdom 11 understand. Therefore the assistance of a Veggie Corner 12 We should always think that we are in the guru, a spiritual master, is required. mode of ignorance. We are just trying to Lord Caitanya says that we have to see Lessons from the Gita 13 make progress from ignorance to goodness through the çästra whether or not a person is What’s New in Universities 14 and then transcend. That is the process of an incarnation. We should not blindly accept spiritual realization. Nobody should think anybody as an incarnation, because there are, that he is perfect. We cannot be. Only God is nowadays, numberless “incarnations.” perfect, and we are all imperfect. Even in our In the next verse Lord Caitanya says, so-called liberated stage we are still imper- fect. Therefore we have to take shelter of avatära nähi kahe——‘ämi avatära’ authority, because constitutionally we are muni saba jäni’ kare lakñaëa-vicära imperfect. “An actual incarnation of God never says ‘I Lord Caitanya says: am God’ or ‘I am an incarnation of God.’ The great Vyäsadeva, knowing all, has al- ‘ämä-sabä jévera haya ready recorded the characteristics of the ava- çästra-dvärä ‘jïäna.’ tars in the çästras.” An incarnation never says, “I am incarnation of God.” Here For real knowledge we have to consult the Caitanya Mahäprabhu says that an avatar scriptures, çästra. Sädhu-çästra-guru. does not canvass: “I am an avatar.” A guru Sädhu means a pious, religious, honest per- does not canvass. A sadhu does not canvass. son. One whose character is spotless is called Automatically, by their qualities, they be- a sädhu. Çästra means scripture, and guru come accepted. means spiritual master. These three are on an “ Only God is perfect, and we equal level. Why? Because the medium is Muni saba jäni’ kare lakñaëa-vicära. The are all imperfect. Even in our scripture. The guru is considered to be liber- munis, those who are thinkers and are actu- ated because he follows the scripture. The so-called liberated stage we ally in the line of disciplic succession, see sadhu is considered to be honest and saintly are still imperfect. Therefore the symptoms and specify, “Yes, here is an because he follows scripture. Nobody can we have to take shelter of avatar.” Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu never become a sadhu if he does not accept the authority, because said, “I am an avatar.” sages, great philoso- principles of scripture. Nobody can be ac- constitutionally we are phers, decided that He’s an avatar. cepted as a guru, or spiritual master, if he imperfect.” does not follow the principles of scripture. Contd on Pg 12 Quintessence Page 3 HH Romapada Swami is a disciple of His Divine Grace INQUIRIES INTO THE ABSOLUTE AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He travels frequently Answer by His Holiness Romapada Swami disseminating the science and philosophy of the Vedic scriptures to students and other audiences around the world. Question: Can you please explain how we can follow the Supreme Krishna's manifestation of His pastimes to our vision incomplete unal- Lord's teachings without imitating His deeds during His pastimes? loyed devotees. Topmost amongst those selfless lovers are the gopis. Answer: Krishna's appearance or incarnation in this material world, as Stated in reverse, the highest form of morality is that which leads to stated in BG 4.8 has three-fold purposes: punishing the atheists and es- Krishna's satisfaction. His internal satisfaction, even beyond His leading tablishing religious principles are two, while the third and in fact more sinful souls to the path of righteousness, is reciprocating with the selfless important one is pleasing His devotees. Whereas the other two purposes love of His unalloyed devotees. So, how do we ensure that we under- can be accomplished through other means besides His personal appear- stand these pastimes properly and do not imitate them? - Within this ance also, He comes to display His supra-mundane pastimes simply to vital question we discover the ABSOLUTE NEED to strictly follow attract the conditioned souls. authorized and bona fide acharyas, and in this way live our lives in While manifesting His pastimes, He generally acts in such a way as to genuine devotion to Krishna. Knowing this tendency of conditioned set the ideal example, but He also asserts Himself from time to time as souls to imitate, it is therefore forbidden to hear Krishna katha, from the Original Supreme Person, not only as the All-powerful and Irre- unqualified persons, or conversely to cheaply discuss them in public proachable but also as the enjoyer of various rasas (mellows) with His gatherings. We are to follow in the footsteps of great souls, which devotees. Thus He establishes His true identity; His pastimes become means to abide by their *teachings* (e.g. Krishna's words in BG) and in most relishable and attract all pious souls to draw closer to their relation- the process of doing so we can make unimpeded progress on the spiri- ship with Him. This feature of intimate loving exchanges tual path. Our duty, is to simply follow the instructions of the acharyas 'transcendental' to mundane morality (not in `transgression' of it), is the and become gradually purified and in this lies our protection. highest aspect of our relation with the Absolute Truth; without this, the secondary aspect of establishing religious principles would leave You are welcome to send in your questions to HH Romapada Swami at [email protected] with the word "Question" included in the subject line. VÉÇvx|ä|Çz à{x \ÇvÉÇvx|ätuÄx Once, in a talk to a group of students, I (Aravind) was he says those who mistakenly think Krishna’s activities are real have describing the wonderful activities of Lord Krishna. lost all sense of reason. After the talk, one student, with disbelief in his face, Aravind: This individual may be accepted as a scholar by some. But, came up to me for further discussion. Here are some according to Krishna, he has a poor excerpts, fund of knowledge. Krishna says, Student: You were speaking about Krishna’s activities. Are you saying avajänanti mäà müòhä that the stories that we attribute to this person – his lifting of a gigantic mänuñéà tanum äçritam hill, killing of various demons, revealing the cosmic manifestation in paraà bhävam ajänanto his mouth, are all real? You must be kidding…come on! Aren’t these mama bhüta-maheçvaram simply myths? “Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be.” – Gita 9.11 Some consider Krishna an ordinary human and deride Him, because they are not aware of His transcendental qualifications and how His energies work. The Lord is well aware of the numerous false claims Aravind: The pastimes of Lord Krishna are real and full of substance. about His nature and takes due steps to caution us. They are not just stories or fanciful creations of mundane speculators. In fact, because they are real, one can progressively experience their Student: Are you saying this great scholar is a fool? mysteries by the process of bhakti-yoga. Aravind: That is Krishna’s verdict. Student: How can a human being perform such acts? Maybe, Krishna Student: I see. You said something about Krishna’s energies. Also, was just a powerful human, perhaps, a great yogi. when Krishna descends to this world, does He still retain control over Aravind: Krishna is not just a powerful man, but the Supreme Person- everything? How is that possible? ality of Godhead; The Brahma-Samhita declares éçvaraù paramaù Aravind: Good question! Yes, the Lord retains complete control. This kåñëaù i.e. Krishna is the supreme controller. He is not just a yogi, but is possible due to His inconceivable, internal energy (yogamaya sakti). the sole and ultimate object of all yoga practices. He can exhibit super- With our tiny minds, we cannot conceive how the Lord uses His inter- human acts, because His body is not like ours. Krishna’s body is non- nal energy according to His own will. But, by adopting the process of material – it is sac-cit-ananda vigraha i.e. His form is transcendental, devotional service and following in the footsteps of pure devotees, we full of knowledge, bliss and eternality. How can the Lord, who is the can understand Him (Gita 18.55).
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