The History ofof thethe LAKE YACHT RACING ASSOCIATION 1884-1884 - 19621962 ~!!!i ~i,ili //istoryllistory of thethe Loketake Yacht.Vac/it RacingRacing ~ssociatlonAssociation Written byby LIEUT.-COLONELL. L. F.F. GRANT Hon.Hou. M.E.I.C., D-es-Scs.D-~s-Scs.(Hon.) (Hon.)Laval Laval LL.D. (Holm)(Hon.) Royal Military MilitaryCollege College PresidentL.Y.R.A., L.Y.R.A., 1934,1934, 1935 Published byby thethe LAKE YACHT RACING RACINGASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION 6 PrintedPrmted for thethe LAKE YACHT RACINGRACING ASSOCIATIONassocIITIoN by bv THE T.T H.H BESTBEST PRINTINGPRINTING COMPANYCOMPANY LTDLTD. Don Mills,M1115 OntarioOntarlo r ' I _/ @mz'@_ I ,II List of Illustrations PAGE Royal Hamilton Yacht ClubClub 1818 Rochester Yacht ClubClub 1919 Junior Club, Royal CanadianCanadian YachtYacht ClubClub 3434 Ashbridge’sAshbridge's BayBay YachtYacht Club 3434 Hoyden II, C.Y.C.C.Y.C. 3535 Ivanhoe, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 5050 Royal Canadian Yacht ClubClub 5151 National Yacht Club 6666 Crescent YachtYacht ClubClub 6767 Clayton Yacht Club 8181 OtcottOlcott Yacht ClubClub 8282 To the Victors, the SpoilsSpoils 9898 Tip, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 9898 Thermis, B.C.C. 9999 Dalhousie Yacht Club 9999 Lieut.-Colonel L.L. F. Grant 114 Patricia,R.C.Y.C. R.C.Y.C. 115 Thisbe, R.C.Y.C. ’' 130 ii~, LIEUT.-COLONEL L. F. GRANT LL.D. President L.Y.R.A., 1934-35 ABOUT THETHE AUTHORAUTHOR Lieut.-Colonel LeLe RoyRoy F.F. Grant graduated from RoyalRoyal MilitaryMilitary CollegeCollegein in 1906, and from Queen'sQueen’sUniversity Universityin in1926 1926in illCivil CivilEngineering Engineeringwith with honours; hehe is a PastPast PresidentPresident ofof thethe EngineeringEngineering Institute ofof CanadaCanada was President of the and a WardenWarden ofof thethe IronIron Ring.Ring. HeHe was President of the EngineeringEngineering Council Professional Development. of his forbears He comes honestly byby hishis lovelove ofof sailing;sailing;one one of his forbears beingbeing of the famous China He first learned to a Captain in the days of the famous China Clippers.Clippers. He first learned to sail in 18971897 at NarragansettNarragansett Bay; in 18991899 on LakeLake ofof TwoTwo MountainsMountains O.A. and 15' L.W.L. he sailed one of the old-time half-ratershalf-raters aboutabout 23'23’ O.A. and 15’ L.W.L. with jib-headed rig long beforebefore thatthat rig became commoncommon onon larger boats.boats. On moving toto KingstonKingstonin in 19031903he he acquiredacquiredone oneof ofthe the 22'22’ knock-knock- about class and sailedsailed herher forfor severalseveral years.years. HisHis firstfirst appearanceappearance atat thethe L.Y.R.A. Regatta was in Toronto in 1904.1904. Shortly after graduating fromfrom R.M.C.,R.M.C., he spent several years in Halifax in he and on the PacificPacific Coast; after returning to Kingston in 1921, he againagain became active in the sailing game andand has continued to be soso everever since.since. He sailed in twenty-seventwenty-seven L.Y.R.A. RegattasRegattas asas wellwell asas beingbeing aa leadingleading figure inin thethe Eastern Circuit; he has contributedcontributed much to thethe activitiesactivities of the L.Y.R.A., servingserving on itsits CouncilCouncil forfor severalseveral years,years, andand asas Presi-Presi- dent in 1934 and 1935. In thethe earlyearly thirtiesthirties Col.Col. GrantGrant servedserved forfor twotwo yearsyears asas CommodoreCommodore of the KingstonKingston Yacht Club,Club, followingfollowing a number ofof yearsyears asas Secretary.Secretary. He servedserved on thethe staffstaff ofof R.M.C.R.M.C. betweenbetween thethe twotwo GreatGreat WarsWars andand fos-fos- tered sailing atat the College;College; at variousvarious times bringingin in AdmiraltyAdmiralty dinghies, fourteenfourteenfoot footinternational internationaldinghies, dinghies,"C" "C"boats boatsand andBluenoses. Bluenoses. Cot.Col. Grant sailedsailed thethe ClassClass"R" "R" boatboatSwamba Swarnba forfor aa numbernumber ofof years,years, which he re-namedre-named FourFour Winds;Winds; sheshe waswas a formera former winnerwinner of theof the GeorgeGeorge Cup.Cup, In 19381938 he had built in Kingston the theBenson Bensondesigned designedTramp TrampRoyal, Royal, winner ofof thethe FreemanFreemanCup Cup inin bothboth 19451945 andand 1946.1946. ItIt is interesting to to ~ !i!i¸ ii his two sons-in- note thatthat inin 19481948 thethe CupCup waswas wonwon byby Chance,Chance, sailedsailed byby his two sons-in- at his law, and asas aa resultresult thethe CupCup waswas usedused asas a puncha punch bowlbowl at his dauocAaterdaughter's s his wedding, andand as a Christening FontFont forfor atat leastleast oneone ofof his grand-children.grand-children. Despite his achievementsachievements inin Academic, MilitaryMilitary andand SailingSailingcircles, circles, and wise counsel is Col. Grant isis aa veryvery modestmodest man,man, butbut whosewhose adviceadvice and wise counsel is much sought after. Would that we had many more of his ilk!ilkI were Col. Grant in this Years of research were spent by Col. Grant in compilingcompiling this history i dating back to 1884; he poured over the Minutes of the L.Y.R.A., which both were rather meagemeagre andand overover thethe filesfiles ofof yachtingyachting magazines,magazines, both .- Canadian and American, and inin hishis modestymodesty gives creditcredit toto the recollec- tions of many Lake Ontario sailor-men. On June 1st,lst, 19621962 hehe waswas honouredhonoured withwith thethe degreedegree ofof DoctorDoctor ofof LawsLaws ' by his old love, RoyalRoyal MilitaryMilitaryCollege. College. T. K.K. WADEWADE !i i ii THE LAKE YACHT RACINGRACINGASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION Compiled 1951-1962 The Editor is indebtedindebted to thethe followingfollowing gentlemen amongstamongstothers othersfor for most of the information inin thisthis history:history: Mr.Mr. BlakeBlake VanVan Winckle,Winckle,Queen Queen City Y.C.,Y.C., Toronto; Mr. E. G. Sorsoleil, RoyalRoyal CanadianCanadian Y.C.,Y.C., Toronto;Toronto; Mr. C. H. J.I. Snider,Snider, RoyalRoyal CanadianCanadian Y.C.,Y.C., Toronto;Toronto; Mr.Mr. D.D. F.F. Lane,Lane, The Watertown Daily Times, Watertown, N.Y.;N.Y.; CommodoreCommodore T.T. K.K. Wade,Wade, Royal Canadian Y.C., Toronto;Toronto; Mr.Mr. FrankFrank Herrick,Herrick, CrescentCrescent Y.C.,Y.C., Chaumont, N.Y.;N.Y.; Mr.Mr. S. Vila, Royal Hamilton Y.C., Hamilton; andand Mr. E. C.C. Moore,Moore, RochesterRochester Y.C.Y.C. It isis to be greatly regrettedre~etted thatthat thethe minuteminute bookbook forfor thethe yearsyears 18841884 toto 1892 inclusive, isis missing,missing,and andthat that thethe annual meetingmeetingof of NovemberNovember 111th, lth, 18931893 isis thethe earliestearliest recordrecord wewe possesspossess exceptexcept for thethe organizationorganization meeting of 1884. A thorou~thorough searchsearch hashas beenbeen mademade of theof thefilestiles of OUTINGof OUTING andand FORESTFOREST ANDSTREAM STREAMin inthe theNew NewYork YorkPublic PublicLibrary Library and a few itemsitems werewere foundfound fromfrom these sources.sources. Nothing new of importance hashas been found in thethe files ofof RUDDER.RUDDER. OFFICERS SINCESINCE ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATION YEARYe/ua PRESIDENTSPru3s|DENTs VICE-PRESIDENTSVICE-PRESIDIZNTS 2ND VICE-PRESIDENTSVICE-PI{ESlDBNTS SECRETARIESSecnermues 1884 John Leys, R.C.Y.C ..................,.......... __ T. ............ _ Leys, R.C.Y.C. John T. Mott,Mott, O.Y.CO.Y.C. ............... Hugh C. Dennis,Dennis, T.Y.CT.Y.C. ............_._. Geo. E.E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. John .............. ........ 1885 H. ._ _ 1885 John T.T._Mott, Mott, O.Y.CO.Y.C. ............... W. H. Biggar, B.Q.Y.CB.Q.Y.C. ...........Thos. McGaw,McGaw, T.Y.CT.Y.C. ............._...... Geo. E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 1886 W. H. _.......... _ ._.._.... _ 1886 W. H. Biggar,Brggar, B.Q.Y.CB.Q.Y.C. .............Co!.Col. Campbell, K.Y.CK.Y.C. ...........Thos. McGaw,McGaw, T.Y.CT.Y.C. .............._..... _ Geo. E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 1887 J. B. H. ......... _ _ 1887 J. B. Carruthers,Carruthers, K.Y.CK.Y.C. .........Geo. H. Newell,Newell, R.Y.CR.Y.C. ...........John Leys,Leys, R.C.Y.CR.C.Y.C. .............___.__.__,, Geo. E.E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 1888 ...._..._.. _ 1888 Geo. F. Newell,Newell, R.Y.CR.Y.C. ...........Thos. McGaw,McGaw, T.Y.CT_Y.C. ............. F. E.E. Kilvert,Kilvert, H.Y.CH.Y.C. ......................_. _ Geo. E.E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 1889 J.J. F. Monck,Monck, H.Y.CH_Y.C. ...........__ John T. Mott,Mott, O.Y.CO.Y.C. .............___._....... The office was abolished Geo. E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. 18901890 A.A. R.R. Boswell,Boswell, R.C.Y.CR.C.Y.C. ......... J. B.B. Carruthers,Carruthers, K.Y.CK.Y.C. ...........___... in 1889.1889. Geo. E.E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. ........,,.., _ ______ T. _._.._... _ 1891 John T. Mott,Mott, O.Y.CO.Y.C. ............... Mat. Cartwright,Cartwright, R.Y.CR.Y.C. ............................................................_...._.__......_.... Geo. E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. H. ....___. ......._..... _ 1892 Mat. Cartwright,Cartwright, R.Y.CR.Y.C. ......... W. H. Biggar,Biggar, B.Q.Y.CB.Q.Y.C. .............................................................._ ......_. Geo. E.E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. ....._... _ ,1893.1893 F.F. S.S. Malloch,Malloch, R.H.Y.CR.H.Y.C. ........... A. R.R. Boswell,Boswell, R.C.Y.CR.C.Y.C. ............................................................______ .....____ _ Geo. E. Evans,Evans, R.C.Y.C.R.C.Y.C. ._.., 1894 A. R.R. Boswell,Boswell, R.C.Y.CR.C.Y.C. ......... W. H. Biggar, B.Q.Y.CB.Q.Y.C. .............................................................._.__. _ E. H.H. Ambrose,Ambrose, R.H.Y.C.R.H.Y.C. 18951895 tEmilius/Emilius Jarvis,Jarvis, R.C.Y.CR.C.Y.C.
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