![29 DEC. 1993] Discussion 418 in All Humility, That the Revenue Collection ; SHRI SOMAPPA R](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
417 Short Duration {29 DEC. 1993] Discussion 418 in all humility, that the revenue collection ; SHRI SOMAPPA R. BOMMAI : We touched a record level during my tenure expected his resignation at the end of his (Interruptions). speech. SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN (Maha- THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Shri rashtra) : He should be promoted for this. Ashok Mitra ___(Interruptions) SHRI RAMESHWAR THAKUR : I had SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM : He also pointed out in my said reply and would may submit it to the Prime Minister for his like to reiterate it categorically here, before comments. the hon. Memberi, that none of the files relating exclusively to Harshad Mehta and hit group or seeking any action from me were SHORT DURATION DISCUSSION ON held up at any time and all of them were JPG REPORT ON IRREGULARITIES cleared without any delay. IN SECURITIES AND BANKING Hon. Members, in summing up, I TRANSACTIONS would like to say that the sole ground dis cernible from the Committee's Report for THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Thirty their expressing unhappiness' happens to minutes is the total time to your party for be (he delay of 27 days in transmitting to today's discussion. I hope you will remember the Finance Minister, the 'routine report of that. Income Tax raids for information only'. Besides categorically stating, as I have SHRl ASHOK MITRA (West Bengal) : already done, that actually there was no Madam, I rise to discuss the report of the Joint delay at my level and there could be no Parliamentary Committee!—in this Short motive on my part and none has been Duration Discussion. I wish for the sake of mentioned by the Committee either, for courtesy there were a straight answer from the any delay, I would like to specially empha Government—Mr. Shukla hat left but Mrs. size before the august House that in any Alva is present—whether r Committee which event the alleged delay did not result in has been referred to today's newspapers, has, any investigation being hampered or action in fact, been formed. I wish there were a being held up at any level. Thus, it is straight answer from the Government. That absolutely clear that the said will be of help at least in my formulation. I file was actually a routine monthly would request a short answer from Mrs. report submitted for information Alva— 'yes' or 'no'. If that is not possible, I only and, in fact, no further action was taken have to proceed on the assumption that.... on this tile even after tie same wag seen by (Inerrupions).... the Finance Minister and returned with his remarks to the Finance Secretary who, in turn, THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Yes, marked it to the Chairman, CBDT, and the proceed. Chairman marked it to the Member (Investigation) and, thereafter, there was no movement or further action on this file. SHRI ASHOK MITRA : ....such a Committee has been formed-------- (Interrup In order to allay any further doubts, I am tions) .......... placing the relevant part of my reply dated 20-7-93 to the Chairman, JPC, on the Table : SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM of the House with the permission (Andhra Pradesh) : Why is the Government of the Chair. [Placed in Library, See wiyhholding information from Parliament ? No. LT 5257/94] 2126 RSS/94—27. 419 Short Duration [RAJYA SABHAJ Discussion 420 THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : Please , let Madam, I take pride in being a Communist him. speak. but at the same time, I also take equal pride in the fact that I come from a staunch pre- SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM : Independence Congress family which believed It appeared in the press. Why is the in certain ideals and beliefs. I would appeal Government shying away from it ? particularly to the Members of the ruling party, let us retrace our history, the history of our THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE freedom struggle, the kind of beliefs we MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC cherished, what we promised unto ourselves GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS AND THE and what kind of India we wanted to build and MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY it is apropos our remembrance of those faiths OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS and beliefs that I would appeal to each (SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA): Mr. Member to judge the report of the Joint Padmanabham, he can take care of himself Parliamentary Com-miitee for, as all of us even without your help.... (Interruptions).... know, there is of-late a greet sense of what I would say lack of faith in people in high SHRI ASHOK MITRA : Well, T have places. got the hint. Thank you very much. You talk to a shopkeeper, a rickshaw-wallah, Madam, we adjourned the House on the a bus driver or an ordinary clerk. They proceed 23rd evening and agreed that we would on the assumption that the system is ratten, reassemble this morning for a two day rotten to the core, as a consequence of discussion on the Committee's report which developments of the past decades. Everybody has been a unanimous one. It is a unanimous is suspect, everybody who is holding a high report. Members representing all shades of position is suspect, and, unfortunately, for all opinion in the country had agreed on the of us, the Scam provided a reason for these or- report and we are supposed to discuss it here dinary men and women to have confirmation this morning. But during this interregnum of of the suspicion that they have nourished. And, four days, we witnessed an extraordinary Madam, they have been waiting for a moral spectacle and I would say a sickening catharsis and they have been waiting for this spectacle. A national campaign, I should say, Report, thinking that it will provide them the a global campaign, was launched to save an basis for this catharsis, so that we can cleanse endangered species. I don't have to go into the ourselves, we can cleanse our system which derails All kinds of people have got into the has been vitiated, and we could go back to the act. Newspaper-men, habitually under orders morals and ideals which guided and influences to write what their owners want them to write, the great Congress movement in the pre- self-seeking gadflies and even foreign Independence days led by Mahatma Gandhi, diplomats who have assumed perhaps that they have already recaptured the real estate It is in this spirit that I would like to offer known as India, they have all got into the act. some comments on the contents of the They want to intimidate this House, this Report, on the findings of the Report, and Parliament on decisions ought to be taken on I would say that even if on certain issues I the findings of the report of the Joint say things which are not palatable to certain Parliamentary Gommittee. They also want sections of this House, I will beg some sort perhaps to intimidaie the Government. This is of tolerance from J them because it is our an affront to the Government and this is an common vision and lit should be our common affront to the nation. I wish all Members endeavour to ! save this nation. It is a big irrespective of their political affiliations, country. Sitting here in Delhi, you do not would express their sense of distaste about the know kind of things that have been happening. 421 Short Duration [29 DEC. 1993} Discussion 422 what the mental processes the citizens of this And I would proceed on the basis of that country are going through, thousands of hypothesis. miles away from Delhi, a thousand five hundred miles away, in the remote countryside. They reach their own judgment What are the major points made by the and they will not at all be impressed by what Committee ? I would say that, first, it has a non-resident Indian talks to a Pressperson pin-pointed the duration of the scam. When in Delhi. A non-resident Indian is not a did the scam take place ? When was this Rs. citizen of India and he does not have a vote; 8,000 or Rs. 10,000 crores of public a faceless spokesman of an international money stolen ? When was it stolen ? And financial institution, sitting in Washington, when was this money of thousands of does not also have a vote and he cannot crores—it is the ordinary public who invested decide the fate of India. The fate of India it in good faith in the share market—lost ? will be decided by ordinary men and women When did they lose all this money ? and so, when we discuss this Report, we Most of the stealing of public funds took must keep in mind their reactions, their place between December, 1991|January, potential reactions, their emotions and their 1992 and end-April, 1992. And most of the feelings. loss the crash came in the month of May. It is the six-month period between December, Now, Madani, this was a unanimous 1991 and May, 1992, which is the crucial Report, and a unanimous Report has its period for the scam. Whether you like it or advantages and it has also certain disad- not, we know where the vantages. It has an advantage because • each accountability lies for the scam. And it is a of us gave a little bit and that is the process major amount— some say Rs. 4,00' of give-and-take and I do not stick on to my crores, some say Rs, 6.000 crores, some say points of view and those who hold a point of Rs.
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