Mountain Pieta Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center Spring/Summer 2017 ‘WE ARE PASSIONISTS, AND WE PROCLAIM CHRIST‘ St. Paul of the Cross, CRUCIFIED founder of the Passionist Community Many years ago, in the parish He heard himself called to follow the purchased the 83-acre parcel located church St. Alphonsus in East Los example of the Jesus Crucified. in the upper foothills of the San Angeles, two priests dressed in black On Nov. 20, 1720, Bishop di Gat- Gabriel Mountains, the place where, habits began a parish mission with tinara clothed Paul in a black habit in since then, thousands have come to the words: “We are Passionists, and memory of the Sacred Passion. During experience the silence and solitude we preach Christ Crucified” They his retreat, Paul wrote: “I desire only of the retreat that would come to be were members of a religious com- to remain on the Cross with Jesus.” known as Mater Dolorosa, the Re- munity whose gift to the Church is to He would become the founder in treat of the Mother of Sorrows. They keep alive the memory of Christ Cru- 1741 of a religious community that have come to embrace the treasure of cified. They were among many follow- would come to be called the Congre- Sierra Madre, the gift of the Passion- ers of a young man named Paul Daneo. gation of the Passion, or simply the ist Community. It was late November of 1720. The Passionists. Paul himself would later town was Castellazzo in northern be canonized St. Paul of the Cross. Italy. Paul Daneo, knelt in a cold, Today, St. Paul of the Cross has nu- MORE ON THE PASSIONISTS damp little room, which was part of merous followers of priests, brothers, the Church of St. Charles. Paul was sisters and nuns. They also include PAGE 2: St. Maria Goretti, her connection with the Passionists beginning a retreat, and felt on fire many lay partners (a type of third or- PAGE 3: Fr. Ignatius Spencer, a distant with a vision. As it happened, this der), as well as laity who advise and relative of Princess Diana, on the was not just a retreat. It was the minister with the religious commu- path to sainthood. beginning of a new way of life. Pre- nity. The Passionists minister in 59 PAGE 4: Mater Dolorosa Retreat, a place with viously, he had been a businessman, countries in the world. They came to deep roots in Southern California working with his father, dealing the United States more than 150 years PAGE 5: The Passionist Sign, what does mostly in tobacco. But as Paul knelt ago. The Passionists came to Sierra it mean? in prayer, all this was behind him. Madre in 1923. Shortly thereafter they Telephone: 626-355-7188 / Fax: 626-355-0485 / Email: [email protected] / www.materdolorosa.org 1 Dear friends, ST. MARIA GORETTI As I write this column, Easter is immediately before us. As you can imagine, this time of year is very exciting here at Mater – A Passionist saint Dolorosa. During Holy Week, we have our annual Men’s retreat in Spanish, as well as our prayerful Stations of the Cross on Good During the life of Friday. We are planning for more than 3,000 people to join with us Maria Goretti, the in praying the Stations on Good Friday morning and afternoon. It bond between her and is truly inspiring that so many people here in Southern California make praying the Stations of the Cross at Mater Dolorosa an the Passionists was important part of their Good Friday devotions. forged. She received This is also the time of year that we begin the last three months her final instructions of our regular weekend retreat season. By the end of June, we and her first will have completed 20 men’s retreats, eight retreats for women, Communion from two married couples’ retreats and a retreat for young adults. This retreat season of 2016-2017 has been a remarkable one. The a Passionist, Father theme of the retreat throughout this past season, The Crucified Jerome of St. Michael the Archangel. One is No Stranger, has invited us all to remember and reflect on the unimaginable love that Jesus has revealed by giving his She was born Oct. 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, life for us, and to recognize that we are called to live in and share Italy. When her farmworker father died of that love with the crucifieds of today’s world. It was a retreat that malaria, Maria’s mother had to struggle to both comforted us and, at the same time, challenged us to live out feed her children. Maria’s mother, brothers, and sisters worked in the fields while she more faithfully and generously our Christian life. We are indeed cooked and sewed. grateful for God’s many blessings throughout these retreats. On July 5, 1902, while 12-year-old Maria Since last September, the retreat center has also been home was sitting alone outside the steps of her for more than 35 high school retreats, several high school faculty home sewing, a young man, whose name was and board retreats, a variety of programs for ecumenical groups, Alessandro, surprised her and attempted to retreats for priests and religious and a series of 12-step programs. rape her, but she fought him off. He finally All in all, it has been a very busy year here at Mater Dolorosa. took a knife and stabbed her repeatedly. During the summer months of July and August, though we Maria’s family returned home and found don’t have our regular weekend retreats, we will be having a series her bleeding on the floor. They quickly of retreats for men and women in recovery, a Spanish retreat for took her to the nearest hospital, where she women (Aug. 5-7) and a contemplative retreat. Every weekend underwent surgery without anesthesia. offers a retreat, though there are fewer mid-week programs. So, it Maria forgave Alessandro and said she wanted to see him in heaven with her. She is a good time for our staff members to slow down a bit and find died that day while looking upon an image of time for renewal and rest. the Virgin Mary and holding a cross to her These approaching summer months are a welcome change chest. that allow all of us to spend more time with family and friends Shortly after, Alessandro was captured. He and live at a slower pace. I pray that was sentenced to 30 years in prison. you and your family find in these Alessandro repented his crime. When he summer months a bit more leisure was released 27 years later, he went to Maria’s for enjoying one another’s company. mother to beg forgiveness, which she gave, Thank you for being part of our saying, “If my daughter can forgive him, who Mater Dolorosa family and please am I to withhold forgiveness?” keep us in your prayers. We will The postulator of her cause for continue our prayers for you and beatification was Passionist Father Mauro. Maria Goretti was beatified on April 27, your loved ones. 1947, and on June 24, 1950, she was declared Peace, a saint. Alessandro was present in the St. Peter’s crowd to celebrate her canonization. Father Mike, Higgins, C.P. St. Maria’s body lies in the Passionist Church Retreat Director at Nettuno. 2 Father Ignatius Fr. Ignatius Spencer, C.P. Spencer, C.P., distant relative of Princess Diana, is on the path to sainthood Fr. Ignatius Spencer, C.P., a distant relative of Princess Diana, Prince William and Prince Harry, has moved a step closer to sainthood. A 19th century convert to Catholicism from Anglicanism, Fr. Ignatius has been hailed as an exemplar of Catholicism’s “second spring” in England. Britain’s Catholic News Agency reports that a 20- year investigation into the life and works of Father Ignatius Spencer has recently been approved by Vatican historians. The positio, or document used in the process to declare someone “venerable,” has officially been Brunel, who were regular visitors to the family home. passed to the theologians of the Vatican Congregation But he turned his back on a life of immense wealth for the Causes of Sainthood. If sufficient “evidence of and comfort by converting to the Catholic faith – a sanctity” is found, they will appeal to Pope Francis to move that horrified his contemporaries. declare the Passionist priest “Venerable,” the second He grew up at Althorp (where Diana, Princess of four major steps on the path to canonization as a of Wales, is now buried) and was an Anglican saint in the Catholic Church. clergyman in the area. Delete the rest of the A Vatican investigation has declared that Father sentence.On becoming a Roman Catholic priest, Ignatius Spencer, C.P., who is buried in the Church Father Spencer was attracted to the Passionist of St. Anne and Blessed Dominic, St. Helens, congregation. He became noted as a preacher who Merseyside, lived a life of “heroic virtue.” was equally at home among the aristocracy as he At that point, the Catholic Church will begin was among the urban poor. He ministered among the search for two miracles needed first for his Irish migrants in the West Midlands and people so beatification – when he will be given the title of poor that they lived in caves dug out of slag heaps. “Blessed” – and then his canonization, when he will The priest also took advantage of the rail network be declared to be a saint.
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