20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Jan. 23. 1989 CA08 1 ! ^ HOMES CARS (CARS (CARS (CARS (HOMES CONDOMINIUMS FOOULE FOR SALE iFO R S A lf |2l|F0R RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE Regency NEW l is t in g T w o fam­ NEW LISTING! Town- EAST HARTFORD/Glas- ily perfect for the house conveniences tonbury line. Seven Brougham , 1986, 4 with no condo fees. room Cape with door, V6, tape deck, J owner occupant. Each unit has very generous Half of a duplex with 3 screened porch, gar­ MOR1ATY BROS. loaded. 24,900 miles. rooms. Separate utili­ bedrooms and formal age, nice lot, first floor Asklng'$9,^. 643-8973. k ISlordiques ties. Two bedrooms on dining room with built laundry hook-ups. In­ each side. Garage. In china closet. An easy side of house Is brand d NHL clash /II t a k i n g a $174,900. Sally Sullivan. wav to get Into the new. $900 plus utilities. Sentry Real Estate, 643- housing market. Paula Security. No pets. 872- CLYDE 4060.D Medeiros Sentry Real 4381, 649-5400, 647-9040. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. Estate, 643-4060.D ROUTE 83, VERNON NEW LISTING! Eight room colonial located EASILY AFFORDABLE COVENTRY DUPLEX 83 Regal Coupe *6995 In secluded fam ily Manchester. If you're Off Route 44A, 2 years old. 84 Skyhawk Wagon *5995 looking for a roomy Kitchen, family room, two neighborhood. Low 84 Camaro Coupe *4995 maintenance vinyl sid­ cheery and conve­ bedrooms, 1 bath. Annual MX6 SALE ing, first floor fire- niently located 2 bed­ lease *675.00 per month. 86 Century Wagon *8505 placed family room, room, 1'/2 bath, brick Call Helen at 043-2487, 85 Century 4 Dr. *8995 8-4:30 weekdays. "W£ HAVE OVER 25 '88 and '89 MX6's" l'/2 baths, and garage. candomlnlum Town- 85 Escort 4 Dr. *4395 BUY NOW FOR THE BEST PRICES YOU'LL EVER SEE $189,900. Susan Dona- house, then this Is the 86 Elactra 4 Dr. *10,495 one for you. An excel­ ON THIS MODEL LINE - ALL WITH HUGE DISCOUNTS hue/DavId Murdock 86 98 Regency 4 Dr. *9995 Sentry Real Estate, 643- lent buy near 1-384. A v a ila b le THIS DISCOUNT SALE ENDS JAN. 31st, 1989 86 LeSabrs Ltd. *11,995 4060.D $100,900. Century 21 Ep­ Pint Com9. First Ssrva Oasis on alt stock units stein Realty, 647-8895.0 Immediately *Pr/e« Inelud— All Oaa/ar Pr«p * Ttsxata A RtgltUBlIon Bxlra 86 Delta 06 2 Dr. *9495 START RIGHT HERE!!! MANCHESTER. Porter­ 2 bedroom, 4 room sin­ 86 Cavalier 4 Dr. *5995 This terrific 6 room field Condominium, gle family. Close to Rt. 5 Spaed with: 1989 M X6 GT 5 speed with: 86 Merc. Lynk *4995 manrlfpalpr lUpralb ranch on Sanford Road 1989 MX6 DELUXE two bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 3 L it* ' E i*ctronlc Fuel Injection 4 C y l. Front Dt*c Breket Reer StaWMier. Front Mud Ouarde 2 2 LItar Clee Fuel 1n|*ctton Turbo Charoed Engina, Front i Raer Otae Braka*. t S S « R15 IV** 1-384 and Manchester In ie rm in en i Front W indshield Wipers. Trunli Lid * Fuel Lid Opener*. Tacfiometer. fr^Way Ad|uttab>* tS Sliver Alum Wheela, Fog Lamp*. Reer Stabiilier. Front S Reer Mud Ouarda. VartiWa Intamyterd 86 Nova 4 Dr. *6995 Is Ideal for a young Front Wlndantetd Wipers. Trunk Ud A Fuel Ud Opetw. Tachometer. 7-Way AdJuataW* Front t*«C one car garage, full Front SaaL 6<V40 Split Folddown Rear Seats w/Headresis. Power Steering. Air CondiUonind. AM /f M couple or singles lust Community College. rrft w/Cawana 90/40 Split Folddown Rar Seals w/M*adr#sis. AM/FM ETR W/tuH Logie A/R Caaeeita A 4 Speakanand 86 Caprice 4 Dr. *9995 basement, end unit. Eguallier, Power Steering. Crute* Control. Power Windows A Power Door Locks. Awtomatte Adfuedrig getting started. 3 bed­ Large private yard, Suspension. Reer SpeUer. Air CorkdNIenIng $185,000. Flano Realty, Was 00* rooms, modern bath, 30 Cents 646-5200. □___________ *700 per month without Was »T7. J 0 2 * 872-9111 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm gracious living room N O W O N L Y * 11,659 Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1989 utilities. Call 643-9321. Stk. tSO07 with a fireplace, up­ Call 643-2711 to place your N O W O N L Y * 14,768™* dated heating system, ad. (a u t d s f d r newer vinyl siding and (STORE AND '85 (RENT/LEA8E a private yard toa! 87 HONDA '84 HONDA ’84 FORD '83 DODGE 87LIN C 0LN OFFICE SPACE CADILLAC Jackson & Jackson (RESORT PRELUDE F-150 ARIES Real Estate, 647-8400.O CIVIC TOWNCAR Broghem, 4 Dr., FREE Mileage on low Brunswick Parkade Lanes PROPERTY W hite Std. 4 Dr.. Special Pickup. Cap Silver, Auto Aul. Loaded Loaded. White CHFA APPROVED!! EAST HARTFORD. New cost auto rental. Vil­ *11.999 *5999 *5.999 *17,999 lage Auto Rental, 643- Bundy goes office space In restored *9,495 Manchester. We have OWN A Piece of the sun! *2,999 two light and bright, house, Burnside Ave. 2979 or 646-7044. Myrtle Beach, South 3800 square feet with '87 MAZDA 88 TOYOTA '86 OLDS spaclaus units featur­ Carolina. $59,900 pre­ ’87 MERC. '86 BUICK ing new contemporary basement. Can be di­ '85 PICK UP CAMRY CARS construction prices. vided. Terms negotia­ COUGAR DELTA BB ELECTRA kitchens, 2 parking FIFT H AVE. Brown, 5 Spd. FDR SALE Two bedroom luxury ble. For Information, Whll*. Auto Red/WhKe A uto 4 D r, Loaded spaces, convenient to golf villas, free golf White, Loeded highway and busline. call Ruth FIske, 282- *10,999 *10.999 *8,999 *9,999 *8555 membership. Call 1- 0651. *8888 to the chair Call for details. Low 800-225-6897. lOO's. Century 21 Ep­ '86 BUICK 85 M A ZD A C H L FOR MORE '84 FORD '84 CHEV '83 M AZDA stein Realty, 647-8895.n R t I INDUSTRIAL R X7 INFORMATION RIVIERA O N O A ILY T-BIRD CAVALIER GLC ^ e w Pricing Policy^ MANCHESTER Large Silver, Stick. l i i l PROPERTY A uto Brown. Auto Wagon. Auto Wagon Execution brings relief rolsed ranch In Forest MORTGAGES Loaded A R R IV A LS n Hills, 3 or 4 bedrooms, MANCHESTER. 6,000 *11,999 *8999 647-1588 *6.999 *2999 *2999 ' ~ VOLUM E 2'/2 baths, appllanced square feet. Third to homes of victims’ kin kitchen, oak floors, HOMEOWNERS ’87 '80 OLDS floar, elevator service. 86 BUICK ■86 PO N T. 85 TOYOTA '87 HONDA fireplace with heatola- THUNDERBIRD PRICING , • FORECLOSURE!! 95 Hilliard Street. 647- SKYLARK CELICA OMEGA ACCORD LXI tor, sliders from dining 9137. FIREBIRD LX By Ron Word official shaving Bundy’s head and • BANKRUPTCY!! Blue. A uto Red. 5 Spd. Black, 3 Sped. std. room to large deck. Loaded AT. Loaded ^BARGAINS^ The Associated Press right leg, where the electrodes "PLUS” family room. • DIVORCED!! Falling behind on your mort­ ROOMMATES *6,999 *8999 *10.999 *8.999 $1,999 *9,999 were later placed. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- gage payments? We can 1 n 6W Priclni Polleja 1591 .□ WANTED STARKE. Fla. — Ted Bundy, When Bundy entered the helpl No payments up to 2 '85 SAAB ANSALDI built ranch on yearsi Bad credit, bankruptcy ’86 P O N T . '83 LINCOLN '85 SUBARU '88 PONT. '84 PONT. the “ diabolical" law school dro­ chamber at 7:01 a.m., wearing a or unemployment Is not a 9DD 1989 Buick light, blue shirt and dark blue private street. Kitchen FEMALE, Over 25 Room GRAND PRIX M AR K VII 'GL' BONNEVILLE FIREBIRD pout who confessed to killing 20 problem. Foreclosure assis­ mate wanted to share Turbo. Auto, 4 O r . pants, he looked frightened but remodeled one year tance available for the di­ LE. 2 Dr Loaded Turbo. 4 WD Auto SE, Auto women in four Western states, ogo. Hardwood floors apartment. Loaded Skyhawk walked directly to the electric vorced and self-employed. *7922 *9999 >5999 *6,595 was executed in the electric chair thru-out, plaster walls, Consolidate bills — save your $300/month. Call 649- *10.595 *7,999 2 Door Coupe chair. After being seated he 1974.________________ today for the 1978 rape and two fireplaces, large homel Auto. AC. TIH. FM Cass. nodded to his attorney and two car garage. Great murder of a 12-year-old girl. Swiss Conservative Group ‘87 M ER C '86 DODGE '87 MERC. '85 PONT. '88 LINC. 83 CHEV minister and mouthed words to starter or retirment Fictory Label: *11,002. At 7:06 a.m., six minutes past at (203) 4S4-4404 or GRAND AM CAVALIER home. $154,000. D.W. Merchandise SABLE DAYTONA COLONY PARK TO W N CAR Volume Pricing schedule, the executioner turned them. (203) 454-1336 2 Dr Cpe.. Black. Wagon Blue. Auto. AC S Spd . Loaded Wagon, Auto Loaded DIecoum: 608. Forty-two people witnessed the Fish Realty, 643-1591 .□ Auto. AC. AA4/FM on ‘4,000 volts of electricity and *8595 *5999 *2222 Sailing Priot: *10,394. execution from behind a plexi­ COUNTRY kitchen. Man­ *10,999 *7250 *18,999 Bundy gently arched back in the chester. 3 bedroom Co­ I 7 c JTV/STERE0/ chair and clenched his fists. One glass partition. They included 12 lonial Cape with front Rentals I'O (APPLIANCES 1989 Buick minute later, the power was official witnesses, among them a porch. Large dining HOURS: turned off.
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