University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty Engineering Publications Publications 2-1-2006 Symposium on Systems, Control, and Networks in Honor of Professor Pravin Varaiya on His 65th Birthday Chaouki T. Abdallah Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_fsp Recommended Citation Abdallah, Chaouki T.. "Symposium on Systems, Control, and Networks in Honor of Professor Pravin Varaiya on His 65th Birthday." IEEE Control Systems Magazine (2006): 104-107. https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_fsp/175 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Engineering Publications at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electrical & Computer Engineering Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Symposium on Systems, Control, and Networks in Honor of Professor Pravin Varaiya on His 65th Birthday Chaouki T. Abdallah scientific meeting took place at Sibley influence on the lives and careers of the he Symposium on Systems, Auditorium. The symposium banquet many he has touched over the years. Control, and Networks was held was a lovely event held at the Also, session chairs, who in general were T on 5–7 June 2005 in Berkeley, Cal- Claremont on Monday evening. not also presenters, used the opportunity ifornia, in honor of Prof. Pravin Varaiya Symposium attendees included col- to make personal remarks on Pravin’s on the occasion of his 65th birthday. leagues of Pravin from his very early influence. The members of the panel of Pravin Varaiya has been on the faculty days at Berkeley in the 1960s to the pre- students and colleagues from the 1960s of the Department of Electrical Engi- sent day, especially students, faculty col- and 1970s are noted in the caption of the neering and Computer Sciences of the leagues, coworkers, colleagues from Panel 1 photograph. The 1980s panel University of California, Berkeley, since industry and government, and some consisted of Kemal Inan (Sabanci Uni- he completed his Ph.D. there in 1966. who knew Pravin mainly through his versity, Istanbul), Steven Low (Caltech), The symposium brought together over publications. The format consisted of and Bozenna Pasik-Duncan (Kansas). 180 people to celebrate Pravin’s contri- keynote lectures, sessions with several The panel representing the 1990s butions to research and education. talks (each centering on one of the focus through today consisted of Hamed Pravin Varaiya has contributed to many areas of the meeting), and special panels, Benouar (California Center for Innova- areas of systems and control, as well as which may be remembered as a signa- tive Transportation), Karl Petty (Berke- to other areas including communication ture of this symposium. There were ley), and Sonia Sachs (IBM Almaden). networks, information theory, econom- three panels: one with students and col- The six keynote lectures, covering ics, power systems, and transportation leagues from the early years of Pravin’s topics ranging from resource allocation systems. Since it was not possible to do career (the 1960s and 1970s), one from in networks to transportation system justice to so many topics in a short meet- the 1980s, and one representing the intelligence, were given by Demosthe- ing, the symposium emphasized a few 1990s through present. In a meeting with nis Teneketzis (Michigan), Mark H.A. areas of Pravin’s recent activity, specifi- no parallel sessions, with 45-minute Davis (Imperial College), Shankar Sas- cally, hybrid systems, communication keynote lectures and 25-minute regular try (Berkeley), Hani Mahmassani networks, and transportation systems. talks, there wasn’t room in the program (Maryland), Sanjoy Mitter (MIT), and The symposium was held at the for everyone who was interested in Edward Lee (Berkeley). Talks were also beautiful Claremont Resort and Spa in speaking. The panel discussions were given by Karl Åström (Lund and Santa Berkeley and at Sibley Auditorium in envisioned to allow attendees to com- Barbara), Ahmad Bahai (National Semi- the College of Engineering on the cam- ment on Pravin’s influence on their conductor), John Baras (Maryland), pus of the University of California, careers, while injecting some lighter dis- Vivek Borkar (Tata Institute), Akash Berkeley. On Sunday, 5 June, the scien- cussions into the meeting. As it turned Deshpande (Teja Technologies), Tyrone tific meeting and an evening reception out, the panels (along with the banquet) Duncan (Kansas), Len Forys (Forys were held at the Claremont in rooms were important in helping the sympo- Consulting), Michael Gastpar (Berke- overlooking San Francisco Bay. On sium recognize not only Pravin’s influ- ley), Andrea Goldsmith (Stanford), Monday and Tuesday, 6–7 June, the ence as a researcher but also his Roberto Horowitz (Berkeley), Sri Kumar AARON WALBURG AARON WALBURG Pravin Varaiya asking a question on the first Symposium attendees on the Claremont grounds. day of the symposium. 104 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » FEBRUARY 2006 The Life and Accomplishments of Pravin Varaiya ravin Varaiya was born on 29 October 1940 in Bombay, India. second edition of High-Performance Communication Networks PHe earned the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni- (with J. Walrand) was published by Morgan-Kaufmann in 2000. versity of Bombay in 1960 and completed his graduate studies in Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems (with E. Lee) electrical engineering and computer science at the University of is an undergraduate text published in 2003 by Addison-Wesley. California (UC), Berkeley, in 1966. He was a member of the Tech- Pravin’s research includes contributions to optimization; opti- nical Staff of Bell Laboratories (1962–1963), following completion mal control; adaptive control of Markov chains; optimal control of of his M.S. degree. Pravin’s M.S. thesis advisor was Otto J.M. partially observed stochastic systems; differential games; auc- Smith, and his Ph.D. research was supervised by Lotfi Zadeh. tions; bandwidth and power trading markets; pricing of quality of Pravin joined the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engi- service (QoS) and power; stability, control, and bifurcation analy- neering and Computer Sciences at UC Berkeley in 1966. From sis of nonlinear power system models; proposals for restructuring the beginning, he demonstrated an unusual breadth of interest the electric power industry; supervisory control of discrete-event and ability that extended beyond his original research area of systems with partial observations; proposals on pricing for inter- control and optimization to include communication and informa- net service providers; the Martingale theory of jump processes; tion theory, stochastic processes, game theory, and circuit and nonlinear filtering applications; capacity of fading channels with network theory. Pravin made important and lasting contributions, side information; capacity and coding of Markov channels; algo- and he quickly moved through the academic ranks, gaining the rithms for scheduling switches in communication networks; opti- rank of professor in 1970. He became well known and highly mal control of queuing systems; QoS routing algorithms for regarded in the field at an early age. wireless networks; scheduling, routing, and data provisioning for Pravin’s interests continued to expand. In the early 1970s, he sensor networks; decentralized and hierarchical control; analysis, began research in economics, focusing on issues of urban eco- software modeling, and control of hybrid systems; ellipsoidal nomics, such as the design of rent control, urban land use, and techniques for reachability analysis of dynamical systems; traffic the economics of home ownership. He also contributed to gener- congestion analysis; leadership in the development and imple- al economic theory. He was appointed professor of economics mentation of performance measurement system for traffic mea- at Berkeley in 1975. His teaching and research duties were split surement and data processing for the state of California; and, in between electrical engineering and economics until 1992, when his economics research, contributions to the theories of rent con- he decided to again focus his full attention on engineering. trol, the economics of home ownership, the dynamics of the In the 1970s and into the 1980s, Pravin steadily increased growth of cities, and to general equilibrium theory. his activities in the area of communications, with an emphasis Pravin has served on the boards of directors of several tech- on communication networks. He simultaneously began a nology companies and has been involved in technology transfer research effort in the field of electric power systems, focusing on through involvement in startup companies. In addition to his dynamics and control of nonlinear power system models. Under research, teaching, and writing activities, he has maintained a his direction, teams of research students and visitors contributed significant level of public service by working for human rights to the understanding of numerous issues in these areas. In the causes around the world. During leaves of absence from Berke- 1980s, he began research in discrete-event and hybrid systems ley, he held visiting appointments at the Federal University of Rio as well as in pricing issues for communication network services de Janeiro (fall 1970) and MIT (January 1974–January 1975). and electric power. In the
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