Friday, April 28, 1933. THE PILOT, Aberdeen and Southern Pines, North Carolina Page Three Plans Announced for | The cake was presented by the Rev.' H. H. Bradshaw, S. E. Sloan, C. M. The officers of the Eureka Church Aberdeen Social Events E. L. Barbtr in charming fashion and Wilson, F. A. Cummings, W. V. Car- and Woman’s Auxiliary of the church Conditioning Civilians _________ Mrs. PleaFunts was showereJ after- ter, E. L. Pleasants, H. A. Gunter, were entertained at a supper in the I John Blue of Norfolk, Va., is spend-1 “Grace Abbott” by Mrs. S. E. Sloan wards with congratulations and best Garney Hawks, C. L. Williams, W. W. basement of the chuixh Thursday Physical Exercise, Lectures and ing some time in Aberdeen visiting The program closed with the singing wishes of all those present. Cake and Norris, W. E Freeman. H. E. Bow- night by the women of the commun- Athletics on Schedule for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. of “America” by the club in concert, ice-tea were served by the refresh- man, E. L. Barber, J. L. Rhyne and ity. A congenial good time was en- Daily Routine Blue. A delicious course of sand'wiches, ment committee. W. E. Freeman. joyeJi and profitable arrangK'ments Miss Sarah Belle Heilig, Dr Med- coffee and mints, was served by ---------- planned for the financial welfare of Just what the Army in the Fourth lin’s efficient office nurse. was the hostess following the meeting. Home and Garden Club I the church through the coming year. Corps Area will do to “Recondition” obliged to be absent from her post special guests were Mrs. R. C. The Home and Garden Club was EUREKA The Eureka Relief Committee feel.s members of the Civilian Conservation of duty last week on account of a Mrs. John Sluan, Mrs. delightfully entertained by Mrs. , . that the -public will be glad to learn Corps in the Southeast was outlined badly inected hand. Robert Fan'ell, Mrs. A. L. Burney, Charles B. Thomas at the Commun- S"ndhill Farm Life School draws ^^at the bridge across Little River on generally by Major General Edwin L. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blue and fam- ity House on last Tuesday afte-moon dosing season of a very sue- the old Pee Dee Road is at last com­ King, 4th Corps Area Commander, in ity are movine this week from the McLean and Miss Eliza- with a number of members and school year with the following pjeted. The road shortens the mileage a recent conference wtih his staff. bungalow opposite the fire house to beth Ferree guests present. program to offer to friends over the to Southern Pines for a large part of -ounti'y; Sunday, April .JO, at 11:00 the community. .As soon as it can All work will be supervised by the bungalow on Poplar street last j -After reports were given by the a. m., sei-mon by the Rev. J. Fred be done gravel fills will be Army officers, who must be present occupied by the Schwartzman fam- Auxiliary Meeting various committees, Mrs. W. A. Blue pul at all instniction i>erio<ls. The days’ ily. The Woman’s .Auxiliary of the Pres- was elected the club’s delegate to the Southern Pines; Tuesday, near the river. n . • 1 IT • c • ' byterian Church held its meeting on Federation of Garden Clubs to be held May 2, H;00 p. m., Declamation and The auxiliary of the Eureka church routine will follow a schedule some­ DaviJ Knight, Sr., is recuperating,. * , f fu 11 •* I f II . Monda- afternoon in the church in Greensboro on May 17th and 18th, recitation contest; Wednesday, May in regular monthly session af- what as follows: At the Moore County Hospital follow- . , , ... „ , ^ ' The mornings will be divided into ing a hernia operation. • an unusually lar^e attend- with Mrs. R. M. Caldwell as alter- .5, at 8:00 p. m. the high school will ter Sunday School last Sunday. Due present a play. Guest Retainer; t(j the illness of the president, Mrs. periods on the following general lines: i Glenwood Brown of Greenville was ^ ‘ ^ ^ regular busmess per- nate. iod a splendid and interesting pro- Better Homes Week was observed 8:00 p. m., class Cary McLeod the meeting was pre­ first half-hour, policing of camp and the guest of his cousin, Miss Edythe gram under the direction of Mrs. War- in the afternoon’s program by Mrs. Frida^, May at 11:00 a. gjde;! over by the vice-president, Mrs. living quarters followed by a half- Creel last week ren Smith followed, on the subject Forrest Lockey reading Dr. Wulber’s ’ commencement address by L G. jj Ferguson. A splendid program hour in which the camp area will be Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pleasants and wihich was proclamation of Better Homes W'eek, supervisor of the Thomasville “The Sight of the World” was car- inspected After a brief rest period,' Miss Edna Maurer motored to Sum conducted by four young ladies, chil- as given in the Better Homes Maga- Orphanage. leading parts were giv- there will be 45 minutes of physical ter, S. C., last Sunday to visit Mr.s. ciren of foreign missionaries who are zine, which was followed by an ex- noon on Friday, May 5 a picnic en by Mrs. W. M. McLeod and Mis» exercise, 30 minutes will then be de- John Maurer, who is ill in the Sum- now in school at Flora McDonald Col- tremely interesting talk on “Better ‘iinner will be served on the grounds ^ Alma Ferguson. A duet, “Ivory Pal- vo»ted to theoretical and practical in- ter Hospital. lege. Red Springs. Miss Nancy Hyde ^ Homes in America” by the Rev. W. C. ^”d friend's of the school are asked to aces,” was rendered by Misses Sara sti-uctions in various subjects, such as Captain and Mrs. M. A. Angier conducted the Devotional, followed by Ball, asking the co-operation of all I'^spond in the usual way with a well Blue and Lei-ena McLendland. personal hygiene, .sanitation and first and children Jack and Duke were i • i u i i j. n. aid. This will be followed by a 30- week-end guests of Mrs. W. A Blue^^ P>an<> «olo by Mi.ss Katharine Blue, those present m the observance of JiHcd basket In the afternoon of May minute period of basic instructions in la.st week. Captain Angier has re-If """ty P>ajo gradua e of this col-; h.s week. The meeting closed with J a baseball game between Farm COMMENCEMENT PAGEANT AT tV io lo i^ rr o ii u 1 ^1.1 J* I l e g G . Misscs Kathcrine Wai'd and Miss the sing’ing of Home, Sweet Home” School and ( ameron is scheduleci ABERDEEN GRAMMAR SCHOOL I L r T , i r w p, r »n A^ce 0.m ,„en ,na<le Inttre.ting t.lk , in concert with Mr., E. L. P le.».n t, t« take place. The hour i, 2:30. The mornmg session will end with . short, the Fiorila Mil,tar. School at St. i„,ited to .t- “The Giant Who Became Unselfish,” walk. Between each two periods there Petersburg, Florida, Icountiies these young ladies plan to Many beautiful bowls of flowers tend the commencement exercises, a May Day pageant which is to be will be a rest of from 10 to 15 min- Mr. and Mrs. Jones Macon and return in the near future, and Miss were displayed in the Flower Show The Eureka Woman’s Home Dem- given at the Aberdeen Grammar utes. ‘ family moved last week from Main I Elizabeth W’ilson made a splendid talk following the program, and a vote onstration Club met last Thursday in School building on Friday afternoon, In the afternoon, two hours will be Street to the F'oy bungalow on Ppo- ; on Korea. The program concluded gave first prize to Mrs. Thomas for rcgulai monthly session. Due to in- April 28th at 4 o’clock will constitute devoted to various athletic contests in street. 1 with a violin solo by Miss Laura her larse and exquisite pansies, while clement weather the attendance was the commencement exercises for that which all men will be encouraged to Sidney Windham, Mrs. J. B. Sneed, blind violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Stewart Weaver came in sec- not so large as usual but the regu- building. participate. Fagan, Mrs. T. D. McLean and Miss Miss Katharine Blue at the piano, on ' with her lovely red roses. lar rojnd of business, such as beaufi- The entire school is participating General King emphasized the Mary Johnson were among the Aber- Following the meeting a delightful -An enjoyable social hour followed fying the Community hall and mak- in the festival wihich will be given in point that many men sent to the Ci- People attending the D P. Kelly social hour was enjoyed in tihe par- the meetina: during which the hostess ing a donation to the Jane S. McKin- an outdoor setting. Theprogram will vilian Conservation Corps camps will funeral at Union Church last Sunday lors of the church, during which time served a delicious salad course, with non Loan Fund, was attended to. W'el- last approximately an hour and a perhaps not be in good physical con- afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Pleasants, Sr., was pre- cc^ffee and fruit cake. The special fare work and gardening as well as half. School buses will run after the dition, due to the fact that for many Misses Dee Batchelor, Virginia But- sented with a surprise birthday cake, guests were Mesdames, G.
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