35*35q JANUARY-FEBRUARY 19541954 */%n 1 ORSE°A:RS .2411Jutei glatfil1^044/1 StaUian ifrtin the •... • • StallionStallion RegisterRegister Rush your reservationreservation todaytoday forfor thisthis importantimportant listing in thethe AprilApril issue.issue. Thousands will readread thisthis importantimportant number andand eagerly scanscan thethe listinglisting toto see whichwhich stallionsstallions areare inin theirtheir vicinity.vicinity. For the nominal chargecharge ofof $5.00 $5.00 ($10.00($10.00 with picture) perper horse, you cancan give youryour stallionsstallions thisthis nationalnational recognition.recognition. The AprilApril Issue isis thethe StallionStallion IssueIssue RUSH PICTURESPICTURES &£ ADVERTISING TODAY The MORGANMORGAN HORSE Magazine Leominster, Massachusetts ftSS ftT ft ft Enclosed isis. ... forfor listinglisting ourour stallionfs)stallion(s) inin the the AprilApril stallionstallion issue. The followingfollowingdata datais is to be usedused inin registry:registry: This inin nono way isis to taketake thethe placeplace ofof regular advertising.advertising. ManyMany breedersbreeders withwith Name of HorseHorse ^ outstanding horseshorses willwill ofof course wantwant toto Sire DamDam. run their regularregular displaydisplay advertisingadvertising alongalong FoaledFoaled .. . .. HeightHeight withwith a RegisterRegister listing.listing. ColorColor & MarkingsMark5ngs WeightWeight TermsTerms Owner'sOwner's NameName ft ft ft.s-Ar & AddressAddress BROADWALL FARMFARM MORGAN Greene, Rhode Island HORSES • January 6, 19541951* ABERDEEN ANGUS PARADE - IOI3B CATTLE Dear Friends: To have more people people in in New New England England interested interested in in Morgans, Morgans, there there must be more good Morgans available atat reasonablereasonable prices.prices. WhenWhen wewe talked to Locke Theis, Theis, be he thought thought New New England England was was the the rightful rightful place place for the band of of Mares Mares he he had had spent spent money money and and time time in in getting getting together. together. In the West, distancesdistances areare too too great great for for get get togetherstogethers suchsuch as as we we have. have. We bought and paid paid Theis Co.Co. forfor 51 registered Morgans which we think are an an outstandingoutstanding groupgroup eveneven thoughthough somesome are thin duedue to to nursing largelarge colts. colts. We have selectedselected a few mares, two year olds, yearlings andand one one weanling fillyfilly toto keep; keep; the the others others are are for for sale. sale. There are twelvetwelve goodgood studstud coltscolts thatthat willwill makemake excellentexcellent using horses, six weanling fillies,fillies, some yearling fillies, two year old mares and some some bred bred mares, mares, three, three, four four and and five five years years old. old. All these animals have good pedigrees pedigrees and every one has a good head and fourfour goodgood legs. legs. We were most fortunatefortunate inin gettinggetting thesethese animals here without colds or injury outsideoutside of of a a few few scratches scratches on on two two colts colts and and a a mare. mare. If you want a Morgan, Morgan, this this is is a a chance chance of of a a lifetime lifetime and and they they will be soldsold atat veryvery reasonablereasonable prices.prices. Outside of the weanlings, they they are are all all halter halter broke broke and and can can all be broken toto saddlesaddle oror harnessharness withoutwithout muchmuch trouble.trouble. Come and selectselect youryour MorganMorgan now. now. Sincerelj, < P.S. OurOur farmfarm isis offoff RouteEoute 141^ andand 102102 - do not go intointo Greene.Greene. EVENTUATION OF BROADWALL -I 034 I 09 TableToola ofof ContentsContents eite/tito SPECIALSPECIAL FEATURESFEATURES Triumph OverOver TragedyTragedy 66 With OnlyOnly COURAGECOURAGE LeftLeft B8 ScieneSciene ofof BreedingBreeding PartPart IIII 1010 AboutAbout MorgansMorgans in thethe WindWind RiverRiver CountryCountry ofof WyomingWyoming . .12 12 Mass.Mass. AgriculturalAgricultural MeetingMeeting 1313 NorthshoreNorthshore Horsemen'sHorsemen's AwardsAwards 1515 Required Reading Colleges StartStart BetterBetter BreedBreed ProgramProgram 1616 DearDear Sir:Sir: IllegitimateIllegitimate MorgansMorgans 17 II certainlycertainly enjoyedenjoyed readingreading the the 100 MileMile RideRide inin FloridaFlorida 20 Editor'sEditor's commentscomments onon saddle-horsesaddle-horse For the Love of a a HorseHorse 2121 gaits in in the the NovemberNovember issue.issue. It It shouldshould REGULARREGULAR FEATURESFEATURES be requiredrequired readingreading forfor everyevery rider,rider, whether they are training training a a horsehorse forfor Letters to thethe EditorEditor 44 show or for for pleasurepleasure riding.riding. KnowingKnowing The Editor'sEditor's CommentsComments 55 the proper gaits and how to obtain N. E. E. NewsNews 1111 the proper gaits and how to obtain Minnesota NewsNews 13 themthem is is the the mostmost importantimportant part part of of Jelly'sJeffy's JournalJournal PartPart 14 14 riding. Taking a a horse'shorse's conditioncondition and and Northern CaliforniaCalifornia ClubClub 16 ability into into consideration. consideration. Geat LakesLakes Assn.Assn 16 Bernice M.M. RowellRowell N. Y. Y. State NewsNews 17 Breeze from the GreatGreat LakesLakes 22 Tunbridge, VermontVermont Breeder's ListingListing 32.3332-33 Cheers Once Upon a HorseHorse 34 Dear Sir:Sir: Stable Hints 35 Three cheerscheers forlor "high-lighting""high-lighting" the natural natural gaits! We're We're for for that! that! The desert desert tribesmentribesmen recognizedrecognized thethe Officersicers ofof the MorMorgangan Horse ClubClub wisdom of allowing allowing their their ArabiansArabians f a natural way of going, and it follows President FREDERICKFREDERICK 0.O. DAVISDAVIS a natural way of going, and it follows Windsor, VermontVermont that our our present-daypresent-day MorgansMorgans reflectreflect Vice-President GERALDGERALD FF TAFTTAFT this in theirtheir greatgreat staminastamina andand ability.ability. Northville, Michigan The NovemberNovember issueissue of our our Maga-Maga Treasurer WHITNEY STONESTONE zine is certainly certainly aa gem; gem; both both in in 90 Broad Street, NewNew YorkYork 4, N N. Y. Y. pictorial interest and and subjectsubject matter.matter. Secretary FRANK B.B. HILLSHILLS Eleanor A. Kyle Kyle 90 Broad Street, NewNew YorkYork 4,4. N. Y. Y. Judge Approves Dear Sir:Sir: The editorialeditorial appearingappearing inin thethe TheThe Mor Morgangan Horse MagazineMagazine November issueissue deservesdeserves congratula-congratula tionstions forfor it it is is timely timely and and constructive.constructive. Vol. XIVXIV January-February 19541954 No. 11 II cannot imagine what kind of of judgesjudges A MonthlyMonthly exhibitors havehave hadhad to to showshow beforebefore TheThe Official Publication ofof toto be asked to slowslow down" theirtheir Mor-Mor THETHE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, IncorporatedIncorporated gan to a a trottrot thatthat isis eveneven slowerslower inin 90 Broad Street,Street. New York 4, N. N. Y.Y. somesome casescasesthan than aa paradeparade gait!gait! The The Publication Office writer has has becomebecome increasinglyincreasingly an-an Leominster, Mass. noyednoyed byby the pokey manner in in which which PublisherPublisher OthoOtho F.F. EuseyEusey for The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. MorgansMorgans areare being shown. EveryoneEveryone for The Morgan Horse Club, Inc. Editor SumnerSumner KeanKean seemsseems intent upon upon developingdeveloping highhigh Editor CONTRIBUTINGCONTRIBUTING EDITORSEDITORS action in front while the hind legs action in front while the hind legs C. FredFred AustinAustin CarolCarol Ramsey MabelMabel Owen dragdrag along, andand at the same time their their HelenHelen Brunk Greenwalt BeverleeBeverlee Stahl horseshorses are are aa far cry cry from from the the free, free, JanetJanet Dakin Mrs.Mrs. Frank LinnellLinnell trappy,trappy, butbut speedy, trottrot for for which which the the SUBSCRIPTIONSUBSCRIPTION RATES breedbreed hashas been famous in the the past.past. OneOne Year $3.50S3.50 TwoTwo YearsYears SB.50S6.50 ThreeThree Years $9.00S9.00 WeWe can imagineimagine somesome of of these these horses horses TheThe MORGANMORGAN HORSEHORSE MAGAZINE,MAGAZINE,published published monthlymonthly by THETHE whichwhich parade "gait" around around show show MORGANMORGAN HORSE HORSE CLUB, CLUB, INC., INC., 90 90Broad BroadSt., St., NewNew York, New York.York. ringsrings asas descendantsof of aa breed breed of of PrintedPrinted byby The Eusey Press, Leominster, Mass.Mass. EnteredEntered asas secondsecond classclass mattermatter at postpost office,office, Leominster,Leominster, Mass.Mass. horseshorses notednoted as roadstersroadsters oror speedspeed CopyrightCopyright 19541954 byby The Morgan HorseHorse MagazineMagazine horseshorses inin their day? WhileWhile itit is true that therethere areare moremore HisHis neighneigh isis like thethe biddingbidding ofoi aa monarch,monarxsh, MorgansMorgans turned turned outout as fat, fat, pretty pretty andand his countenancecountenance enforcesenforces homage_hotaagm. horseshorses atat the shows each year, year, it it seems seems --- - kingKltUj. .44...14,‘JU*VIU 9/.1-/. (Continued(Continued onon next Page) Page) OUR COVER The Editor'sEditor's CommentsComments How much is is a a Morgan Morgan worth? worth? How often you hear that. that. Just recently we accompanied aa man on on a a tour tour of of some some nearby nearby New
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