y •• I ''• ‘ f t I ^*' 56 ** * 1 » ' ^ • ' «C« DtOy Nat Plan Rtti nor n « Week Ended The Weather ■[I’n April •, 1M8 Chance of Mattered showers k ' i iianrl|fat^r Siimtttg tea U i txmlght. Low in 40s. Tomorrow ■ , /• 15,425 moatly sunny. High in 60s. Manehetter— A City o f ViUt^e Charm (flneelfkiil AdvertUhic oa Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 160 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTHONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1968 Several Big Cities Thousands of Mourners Calm After Violence Start March in Memphis By LOUISE OOOK While the violence In most ot the violence and more than 300 Associated Press Writer the maJor cities ebbed, trouble Injured. One official said there had been 420 fires set, 600 stores Violence, lootlnfi: and ar­ struck again In Nashville, Tenn. Only hours after segments of looted and more than 1,350 per­ son scourged sections of the 4,000 National Guardsmen sons arrested. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Thousands of mourning Baltimore and Pittsburgh, were on duty, the ROTC build­ More than 1,800 National Negroes and civil rights leaders marched from a gray Sunday, but Army troops ing on the campus of Tennessee Guardsmen marched Into Pitts­ stone church toward the ultramodern city hall today in and National Guardsmen, AAI State University, site of re­ burgh's predominantly Negro silent tribute to the man who had planned to lead them, rushed in to quell the dis­ cent racial violence, was de­ Hill District Sunday night, but stroyed by fire Sunday night. by early today a state police of­ the slain Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. orders, enforced an uneasy The marchers walked in ranks of eight, but on the calm today. Police said It appeared to be the ficial said "things are settling I l i work of arsonists. down.” I 0 front row there was a vacant space. That was where Washington and Chicago, King would have been. They stepped off at 10:16 a.m. hardest hit by the violence Violence in Baltimore broke Scattered flrebombings and which broke out In bhe wake of out Saturday and threatened to looting were reported far Into PEACE CST. spread Sunday Into Baltimore the night, but the frequency In the front ranks were Percy the assassination of Dr. Martin Sutton, Manhattan, N.Y., bur- County, causing Maryland Gov. dropped sharply about three Luthdr King Jr. Thursday ough president; Charles Cogin, Spiro T. Agnew to call for feder­ hours after a 7 p.m. curfew nlgtvt, were quiet. Authorities president of the American Fed­ went Into effect. The streets CANDLES,L turned to the tank of trying to al troops. Bulletin eration of Teachers: Jerry Almost 2,000 soldiers rushed were almost deserted by late provide homes and food for the KMaoIOOO M l Wurf, international president of to the city to aid 6,000 National evening. vtctUms o f the riots. M ill IHIMMlI the American Federation of Guardsmen, and shortly after Twenty-four have died In the The shaky calm In Chicago MRS. KINO AT MARCH State, County and Municipal trouble which struck more than midnight officliails said the sit­ and In Washington was being MEMPHIS, Temu (AP)— Employes; Walter Rcuther, uation seemed to be under con­ a dozen U.S. cities. In addition, enforced by nearly 22,000 Army Mrs. Martin lather King Jr. president of the United Auto more than 1,200 have been In­ trol. came to Memphia today and Workers, and his wife. jured and almost B,000 arrested. Four persons were killed In (See Page Four) joined the silent march of Many of the marchers wore toousands of Nogros and olvll black bands on their arms and rights leaders in honor of her carried signs identifying thedr slain huaband. Mrs. King and organizations. \. three of her four idiUdren King’s widow, Coretta, and 103 Survivors Reported joined the march, whidi had the three oldest King children halted a few rntnutea after It left Atlanta aboard the Jet plane started to wait for her, at the of singer Harry Belefonte to join comer of Main end Beale the march. Jetliner Crashes in London Streets. She had arrived at "I've got my three children 11:17 a-m. OST from Atlanta with me —and that helps," she LONDON (AP)—A BOAC Jet­ were migrants flying out to Sir Giles Guthrie, chairman of aboard the private jet jdane said. the state-owned airline, was at An hour before the march was liner with 126 persons on board build a new life downunder. of singer Harry Belafkmte. The plane's pilot radioed just the crash scene. The plane touched down just to start, hundreds of helmeted crashed in flames on a runway alter the plane was airborne A short time later, however, one minute after the march National Guardsmen, bayonets at tandem's airport today just that one of the Jet engines had BOAC said it knew of 103 survi­ had started from a gray stone attached to rifles, stood on the after taking off. broken off. vors. church and headed toward wide plaza of the modem city hall, overlooking the Mississippi The British Overseas Airways It crashed on No. 6 runway In Airport officials said the C ity H a ll. River, and throughout an area Oorp. said It knew of 103 survi­ the center of the airfield. plane's pilot, Capt. Charles Tay­ stretching three blocks in every vors. The airport fire brigade The plane's first stop was to lor, radioed two minutes after reported three bodies recovered be Zurich, Switzerland. Other takeoff that an engine had fallen direction from that point. A National Guard helicopter from the wreckage of the four- stops were listed as Tel Aviv, off. engine Boeing 707 bound for Israel: Tehran, Iran; New Del­ The plane made a left turn, circled constantly over the building complex through which Australia. Police said they knew hi, India; Singapore, and Perth attempting to reach a cross run­ Dempsey of five killed—three women, a and Sydney, Australia. way. On impact the port wring the march route passed. Despite threatening skies, pa­ man and a child. Eighteen per­ A BOAC spokesman said the fell off. rade marshals refused to allow sons are missing. plane carried 116 passengers Black smoke poured from the ScoUand Yard reported It and 11 crew. plane as It lurched In. Airport Proclaims marchers to carry anything that knew of 22 xwrsons injured in BOAC said five of the air­ emergency services rushed out could be used as a weapon —in­ hospitals, some of them badly craft's technical crew—the men alongside it. cluding umbrellas. In tile cockpit—were sale. But A witness said: "There was a hurt. Thirty others were in the Holiday (See Page Eight) airport medical center. * they had no knowledge of the terrific pall of black smoke and Australia House in London six stewards and hostesses flames coming from the air­ a'*: By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS said 24 of the Jet's passengers aboard. craft. Two thirds of the plane appears to be Intact writh the Tribute to the memory tail end still sticking up. slain olvU rig(hts leader Dr. “ It lies almost In the center of Martin Luther King Jr. contin­ the airport, BOO or 600 yards Guardsmen clear area in Pittsburgh Hill District yesterday. (AP Photofax) ues today and Tuesday to re­ Mansfield In Lindbergh Law from the main buildings in the shape Connecticut activity rang­ central area." ing from school sessions to 30 It crashed within sight of local Democratic delegate pri­ Cautions Queen's Building, the main pas­ maries. Death Clause Ruled senger terminal building. Gov. John Dempsey has pro­ 5,500 More Square Miles claimed Tuesday, the day of Israelis, Arabs Battle King's funeral in Atlanta, Ga., Congress a stateiWde public holiday. As Unconstitutional Israeli troops In helicopters a result, the elections of dele­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ chased a band of Arab cJpiman- gate slates to the state Demo­ ate Democratic Leader Mike WASHINGTON (AP ) — Hie kidnaping case where the victim dos out of the Negev Desert and cratic convention has been put Put Off U.S. Bomb Limits Mansfield cautioned Congress deaUi penalty provision of the pursued them six miles inside off till Wednesday. However, he added: "Whatev­ Jordan south of the Dead Sea to­ SAIGON (AP) — President ment because he wanted to clearer weather, as the north­ The state's chief executive today against Impetuous action Lindbergh kidnaping law was er might be said of Congress’ day, the Israeli army reported. Johnson has put almost 6,600 leave open the option of bomb­ east monsoons move away, also urged Sunday night that In the wake of racial violence ruled unconstitutional today by obJectives, they cannot be pur­ The Israelis withdrew after In- more square miles of North ing up to the 20th Parallel, or made the increase possible. all schools remain closed and that followed the slaying of the sued by means that needlessly the Supreme Court. flioting a nuniiber o f casualties Vietnam off limits to American some 226 miles above the DMZ. The fliers attacked North that businesses and industries Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. In a 6-2 decision, the court chill the exercise of basic con­ and blowing up part of an Arab bombers, U.S. sources said to­ The U.S. Command in Saigon Vietnamese supply lines and suspend operations Tuesday. He also said that plans for said the provision, enacted by stitutional rights." guerrilla complex, the army day. Below the demilitarized declined comment on the report­ gun positions, with the northern­ Dempsey said the day of pub­ President Johnson to address a Congress In 1934, needlessly Stewart went on to say the added.
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