Issued "Rjesday Thurs cuor Saturday The Courier-gazette r= Established January, 1846. Entered u Second Clui Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Volume By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, December 30, 1937 92..................Number 1 56. The Courier-Gazette They Liked “Pete” “The Black Cat” Editor Well Known Sheriff BASEBALL IN WINTER WM. O. FULLER Former Warren Boy Tells THE NEW YEAR Associate Editor Lions About His Trip FRANK A WINSLOW Twilight Leaguers Have a Fine Meeting, and Subaerlptlona 83 00 per year payable ln Across the Continent [For The Courier-Gazette] advance: alntite coplea three cents. Advertising ratea based upon circula­ A man who has traveled 33,000 Map Out Plans For 1938 tion and very reaaonabla 'Fhe bells toll out the midnight hour, By The Roving Reporter NEWSPAPER HISTORT miles in recent years, bent upon see- The Rockland Oarette waa eeiabllahed The Old Year’s gone, the New is here; In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was estab- | ing his own country flrst, was the I Lord grant us courage born of Thee, lished and conaolldated with the Oazette i A midwinter call for a baseball ; the meeting will go forward to George I chatted with ‘'Bill'’ Smith of ln 1882 The Pree Prese was established guest speaker at yesterday's meeting To face the future without fear. In 1855 and ln 1861 changed lta name to meeting was unheard of in RockT&nd Boggs, maneger of the Waldoboro Vinal Haven in the cosy lobby of The the Tribune Theae papera conaolldated of the Rockland Lion’ Club, and 'team; and "Dool" Daily, manager of March 17. 18B7 annals until Tuesday when there ap- Thorndike Hotel the other day and unfolded a most interesting trav­ We’ve watched some ships sail out of sight, the Camden team. our thoughts turned back three elogue. peared in The Courier-Gazette It was planned to extend publicity And friends we’ve loved we’ll see no more; decades to the time when he was The man was Orrett Robinson, a invitation for last season's Twilight efforts to Maine and Massachusetts ••• ••• Till Comes the day when we set foot, employed as watchmaker by the late Perfect love holds the secret ♦ member of the Castine Normal School League managers to meet at the dailies and to have a weekly review Orel E. Davies. The motor car was — oX the world’s perfect liberty.— ••• faculty who formerly resided in War­ Upon that distant, brighter Shore. Maine Music Store that night. j in the Portland Sunday Telegram. a comparatively new institution at •* J. O. Holland ren. and who will be remembered That call was issued in behalf of During the months of March, April. that time, and Mr. Davies was one of | by older baseball fans as "Pete" Rob­ The skies are red with 'bhxid and hate, John Davidson of last year's St. ! May and June there will appear in H •♦•••• ••• >•*>•«■••••> ••• •»•••••••••• ••• ••• the first Rockland men to own a inson. star catcher of a Warren ball As dictators and grasping kings George team; and "Jit” Ricker, who the sports columns of Tlie Courier- machine. He was very enthusiastic MINIMUM GRANITE WAGES team. He has crossed the continent Upset the peace of all mankind, played in St. George prior to last ’ Gazette a box question each issue re­ on the subject of automobiles and ------- i three times, going once all away summer. The night was cold and iating to interesting Knox Twilight With death and .horrors that war brings. could tell every local car which Seen tary Perkins fixed minimum around the border. It was this trip stormy, but in spite of the inclem- ' League plays of former seasons, passed his door, by the sound of its wages Tuesday to be paid by the dl- I which he attempted to describe, but ency there were present with the Bay Highlights of each coming week With wrongs to right, and (Wars to end, horn. "We went up to Camden, one had gone only as far as New Mexico State boys four of the six managers . will also be stressed. mension granite Ir.dtuTy in filling There’s work for each of us to do; day,” said Bill, "and Orel hit a clip when hls time limit, plus a little extra, and two other dyed-in-the-wool base- | The season's schedule already made government contracts of $10,000 or of 30 miles an hour. Never was so had expired. So pleasing was the Want and woes await us all, C. Earle Ludwick, who ts now com­ ball fans. up will be sent to each manager and more. Thc Labor Department chief, scared in my life, and lt was many tale that Mr. Robinson was imme­ Except we build the world anew. The managers were L. F. Jealous of! a folder schedule will be prepared pleting hta second term in the office weeks before I could be coaxed Into acting under the Walsh-Healy ‘Gov­ diately asked for a return date in Thomaston Frank Winchenbach of for the general public. of sheriff, made known yesterday his that car again." Mr. and Mrs. Smith ernment Contracts Act. also fixed the order that he may properly get back Rockland. Maurice Simmons of St. The Knox Twilight League will The bells toll out the midnight hour, intention to seek a re-nomination in went Tuesday to Augusta, scene of maximum work week a t 40 hours. to the starting point. George and Mr. Graffam of Rock- consist of the same teams as last The Old Year’s gone, the New is here; J the June primaries. Four years in Bill's legislative activities a few The wages included: Maine. New Mr Robinson's trip was made at port. The dyed in the woolers were year—Rockland, Rockport, Camden, Lord help us so to Jive that we years ago. Hampshire. Vermont, Massachusetts, i the time the World's Fair was in I office, coupled with his previous ex- "Dump" Monaghan who is co-mana­ Thomaston, St. Oeorge and Waldo­ Rhode Island. Connec'.lcut and Nt w May spread Prosperity and Cheer. progress. In West Virginia he perience as a deputy under the late ger of the St. George team; and Mr. boro. "Clint" Stahl, the genial proprie­ York, 57.5 cents an hour found more relatives than he had in Henry Felton Huse. Sheriff Frank F. Ilarding. and a nat­ Bohndell. who smothered no end of Tuesday night's meeting lasted two tor of Stahl's Tavern, ln Waldoboro, Maine. He saw primitive conditions •difficult flies in the Rockport out­ hours and was a highly interesting North 'Haven ural ability for handling his official had a brief spell of sickness last week, in Kentucky, in which State, together field. Letters containing details of and satisfactory session. and while he was under the minis­ with Tennessee he found many plan­ duties have earned for him the repu­ ON NEW YEAR’S EVE trations of |Dr. Hahn of Friendship tation of being one of the ablest and tations completely surrounded by Santa Claus was busy in the next fences. sheriffs in the State. Calls, day or ' room draping presents around his EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT The speaker retraced his route long ably the last building which this mites intrigued him especially as he night, from any corner of his baili­ ANNUAL WINTER CARNIVAL Christmas tree. One of the presents We Have Bank Night At enough to say that Washington, D. government will ever construct from remembered how he studied about it wick, has met with an unfailingly was a card table, and Clint hove a Glen Cove Grange Hall C„ was one of the outstanding marble. in hls geography. mighty sigh of relief as he gazed cities in this country. He mentioned Mammoth Cave, extending 200 to ' The Mississippi River, muddy and prompt response, and clues have been Vinal’s Orchestra lt. “Nobody's going to particularly the Supreme Court 300 miles under ground, with Its murky, disappointed him. Twenty- I followed faithfully and tirelessly. Big Times Ahead At Hosmer’s Pond Snow Bowl wm 156*It beat me on that table,” said ths Building, which he said was prob- I marvelous stalactites and sta lag1- eight States drain into it. Arkansas, Sheriff Ludwick's friends thorough- poor and destitute, but provided with champion cribbage player of Waldo­ hw, ;out Knox County will be well pleased —Voting For Queen 1 good roads. Louisiana famous for , boro hill. Speaking of Dr. Hahn re­ i good roads. Louisiana famous for i.- .----- . p u ) bridges. thanks to the late Huey U |rarn 0,31 he d**s not minds me that before he engaged ln I Long. j WTrnmate his services after such a Plans for the third winter carnival | be cast by Jan. 6. Ballot boxes will hls present splendid medical practice The speaker was lost in admiration brief period in office. at the Hosmer's Pond Snow Bowl j ** placed at Cogan's Drug Store. we used to be rivals on the Maple of Texas, a State seven times as ____________ are already under wav and it is in- Warlen: Hardware. Rockland: street tennis court. New Year s Milk Fund Ball large as Maine and 248 times as Chisholm Spa. Rockland; Gregory's, | large as Rhode Island. One could 1 A Silver Wedding tended to make the four days and Rockland. studl0 shop, Rockport; My little item about "hop. pop and I travel from the Atlantic seaboard 200 nights a continual spectacle. Boynton-McKay. Camden; Camden spruce beer." claimed the instant at­ SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 1 j miles beyond Chicago, without ex­ Four days and nights of hockey, Drug Co., Camden; H.
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