The Fluids Engineering Division is involved in all areas of fluid mechanics, encompassing both fundamental as well as applications affectionately as Spring 2007 Newsletter Chair’s Message Gopal, he would James C S Meng, Editor have been Senior Chair’s Message 1 by Urmila Ghia Member of the Fluids Engineer- Editor’s Message 1 ing Division at FED Honors & Awards Dear FED Members, that time. Fluids Engineering Award 3 Greetings! I have seen many of Flowserve, a Fluids Machinery Design Award 3 you at various Conferences over the leading pump- Robert T. Knapp Award 3 years; this Newsletter is my oppor- Technology com- Lewis F. Moody Award 4 tunity to communicate with all of pany where S. Gopalakrishnan-Flowserve you at once. Gopal spent much Pump Technology Award 4 We have had a very active year, of his career, Fluid Mechanics Technical with two very successful confer- generously pro- Committee (FMTC) 5 vided financial ences. Our Summer Conference, FED Honors and Awards Nominations 6 FEDSM06, was held in Miami, support to estab- Florida, July 14–17, 2007, jointly with ASME’s Nuclear Engi- lish a Division- Executive Committee Roster 7 neering Division, and in collaboration with organizers from 5 level award, the European Mechanical Engineering Societies: Professor Jean S. Gopalakrish- Bataille, Association Française de Mécanique (AFM), France; nan-Flowserve Pump Technology Award, to commemorate Professor Dieter Mewes, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), (continued on page 2) Germany; Professor Mike W. Reeks, Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IME), UK; Professor Alessandro Bottaro, Associ- azione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata (AIMTA), Editor’s Message: Italy; and Professor Ariel Bieshevel, The J. M. Burgers Centre Dear Fluid Engineering members: for Fluid Mechanics (JMBCFM), Netherlands. We had a record attendance, nearly 1100, with 20 symposia and 20 I believe the value of this letter can be significantly fora, for a total of 216 symposium papers, 123 fora papers, increased if we can reach a much broader base of 17 oral presentations and 7 plenary talks. The Plenary sessions members. As we all know, we are in a global village. provided the attendees an opportunity to hear an overview We have many members from all six continents. Espe- from experts in fluids engineering. The Plenary speakers gave cially for the engineers and scientists working on the excellent overviews of topical subjects: Quality and Reliability topics of fluid engineering, there really is no bound- in CFD, Active-Feedback Control of Turbulent Flow, Prediction ary due to geographical separation. Yet, for six years of Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Development of Nano- since I have been the editor of this newsletter, I have Microtechnology and Biomedical Applications, Nanoparticles not received a single article from non-US members. In order to make this newsletter more valuable and and Nanoprocesses in Microstructures, and Microfluidics and carry more useful and timely information, I encour- Multiphase Flows. This meeting had a large emphasis on the age each Geographical Region leadership to prompt development and application of modeling and computational your members to send in articles. Topics are yours to fluid dynamics (CFD). In addition, the program offered a choose, any related fluids engineering activities or 4-session workshop, Nuclear Industry: CFD Analysis and regional meetings or technical articles are welcome. Standard Problem Requirements, and included CFD Validation Let us try to build toward an issue that over 50% arti- and Uncertainty Requirements for Nuclear Industry. cles are provided by our overseas members. The FEDSM06 Conference also included a special session in honor of the memory of Dr. Sankaraiyer Gopalakrishnan, a Sincerely, long-time ASME FED active participant and friend who passed James C S Meng away much too prematurely on September 5, 2005. Known 2 Spring 2007 Chair’s Message (continued from page 1) Gopal’s contributions to the pump indus- We brought back the Authors’ Break- age authors of all papers presented at try. FED very much appreciates fast, a forum for communicating last- FED meetings to submit their contribu- Flowserve’s generosity and humanism, minute program changes, instructions tions to this Journal. to honor a great colleague and friend. to presenters, and other relevant Our Summer 2007 meeting is being Dr. Paul Cooper, an illustrious expert in announcements. We brought back Ses- organized jointly with the Japanese pumping machinery, was instrumental in sion Evaluation forms to collect session- Society of Mechanical Engineers this endeavor, and we thank him for his chair feedback to determine session (JSME), and constitutes the 5th Joint very effective leadership in institutional- attendance and paper quality. This ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Confer- izing this award. The inaugural-year information is useful in planning future ence in beautiful San Diego, California, award was given at FEDSM06 to Dr. symposia/fora, as well as for providing July 30-August 2, 2007. In addition to John Tuzson, a veteran consultant on initial input about award-quality papers various symposia and fora, special panel pump design to pump manufacturers. to the Honors and Awards Committee. discussions on government and industry John was also a dear friend and an early We also instituted a web-based Confer- outlooks on engineering are also mentor and associate of Gopal. As ence Survey to obtain attendees’ feed- planned. A technical panel will focus on Dr. Gopalakrishnan was dedicated to back about the conference. Micro Scale Transport in Lab-on-a-Chip educating and encouraging the next Our Division’s contribution to applications. A workshop on CFD Fun- generation of expert pump engineers. IMECE06 held in Chicago, Illinois, damentals and Developments is planned In future years, the award will be made November 5–11, 2006, consisted of for Sunday afternoon, July 29. The to promising young engineers in the 4 symposia and 5 fora, along with the reception this year will be on Sunday pump field. Young Engineers Paper (YEP) contest, evening, following the workshop. The Honors and Awards Luncheon and a Panel Session on CFD/EFD IMECE is undergoing a renaissance. speaker, Frank Marks, provided an Choice — A Dilemma for Industries. Having grown to become as large as it excellent overview of the Miami Hurri- Professor Terry Beck, of Kansas State had, the Board of Governors agreed that cane Center. A meteorologist and hurri- University, chaired the YEP contest, to change was necessary. So the new cane specialist, Frank Marks is Director select the top 3 winners and 2 Honor- Congress will be focused primarily on of Hurricane Research Division, Atlantic able Mention candidates. Each received technical sessions, and will be a 4-day Oceanographic and Meteorology Labo- a certificate, and $300 towards their meeting (Monday–Thursday). This will ratories, National Oceanic and Atmos- travel to IMECE06, in addition to the permit all divisions to have sessions in pheric Administration (NOAA). prizes: $500 (1st place), $300 (2nd parallel rather than the previous practice FEDSM06 was held jointly with the place) and $200 (3rd place). An excit- of some Divisions’ sessions being sched- ASME Nuclear Engineering Division’s ing new event was the HP Best Student uled at the start of Congress, and others Conference ICONE-14. Research and Paper contest in Micro/Nanoscale Ther- during the second half. The new plan development (R&D) in the advanced mo-Fluids. HP, via Monem Beitelmal, will enhance inter-disciplinary collabora- nuclear energy program has a major generously donated $5K for awards this tion, leading to increased Multi-discipli- focus on software development, aimed year. The first-place award ($3K) went nary activities. To further promote multi- at producing tools to analyze fluid to Xiaole Mao, of Pennsylvania State disciplinarity, IMECE07 is organized as behavior within the chosen system. University, with Jonathan C. Kao, of the Multi-Disciplinary Technical Tracks with Thus, computational fluid dynamics, State University of New York, Stony Symposia/Fora residing in these tracks. computational heat transfer, and soft- Brook, receiving the 2nd place award Thus, each Track requires participation ware validation comprise areas of com- ($2K). The awards were made at the by at least two Divisions. FED is collab- mon interest for the Fluids Engineering FED Reception. Dr. Kendra Sharp, of orating with the Heat Transfer Division, Division and the Nuclear Engineering Pennsylvania State University, chaired and is specifically organizing 6 Sym- Division. Hence, a collaborative rela- the awards committee. We hope that the posia, 4 Fora and a Panel session titled tionship appeared quite natural, as FED event can be repeated in future years. “CFD/EFD Choices — A Dilemma for has an emphasis on fundamental fluid The Freeman Scholar award winner, Industries”. behavior, whereas NED has an emphasis Dr. Promode R. Bandyopadhyay, of the FEDSM08 will be a joint meeting with on fluid systems behavior. Organizing Naval Undersea Warfare Center, New- the Divisions of Heat Transfer, Advanced this joint conference was a great experi- port, RI, presented a very interesting Energy Systems, Solar Energy, and the ence, and we hope to repeat this experi- lecture at IMECE06 on Biorobotics, and Nano Institute. This should be a very ment four years hence. Implementing Swimming and Flying in well attended meeting with an excellent We had generous sponsorship from Nature into Engineering. We are consid- mix of society interests. It will be held in CD Adapco, UGS, UC-CFDRL (University ering moving the Freeman Scholar Jacksonville, Florida, during the second of Cincinnati Computational Fluid Award Lecture in the future from the week of August (most likely, August Dynamics Research Laboratory), IMECE to our Summer Meeting, to give 10–14, 2008). Abstracts will be due AREVA, TSI Incorporated, AECL, Climax it greater prominence in the Program. about December 15, 2007, and draft Portable Machine Tools, Inc., Tokyo The Journal of Fluid Engineering manuscripts around March 1, 2008.
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