Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 2-1-1950 The Kentucky High School Athlete, February 1950 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, February 1950" (1950). The Athlete. Book 512. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/512 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. T. W OLIVER MEMORIAL GYMNASIUM PIKEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL THIS MAN SHALL NEVER DIE Lines written for T. W. Oliver, soon after his death on August 12, 1949. By William M. Justice He's left his monuments of brick and stone, Which, in themselves, are great enough to enshrine Him in our memories for years to come, And in the memories of many more- An untold number-who shall follow us T.hrough still uncounted years. But brick and stone Cannot assure him immortality. The Starry lift he gave to other lives, The hope he caused .to spring eternal in A ihost of human hearts, that in their turn, Shall pass his vision through the centuries- These things decree: THIS MAN SHALL NEVER DIE! Why do we say he drov•e himself too hard- This man who was not made to plod through life, As countless millions do who only look For evening and the sunset and sweet rest? Unquenchable, God-given fire was his. He faced the dawn and sunris· e~ rather than The peaceful Golden West. His busy mind Found time for everything. He was in tune With something greater than himself. He gave His best always and always felt his best Was never good enough for those he loved. To say we'll miss him-that is not enough. To say we shall remember him always Would never satisfy his questing soul. To live and learn and love and serve with all Our minds and hearts and souls-there's nothing else Can bring sweet peace to him, for whom there'll be No setting sun, but always radiant dawn! WILLIAM M. JuSTICE, who is now principal of H ellier High School in Pike County, was one of the students of the summer school Mr. Oliver conducted in Pikeville more than a quarter of a century ago. H e has been an ardent admirer of Mr. Oliver down through the years. The Kentucky High School Athlete I Official Organ of the · Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XII-NO. 7 FEBRUARY 1950 $1.00 Per Year New Plan For State Swimming Meet Late in October the tState Office sent out list, this being the· group outside of Louis­ a form letter to principals of K. H. S. A. A. ville which had indicated a previous interest member schools, in an effort to determine in the regular meet. These schools are Beech­ whether or not some of our school men wood, Berea Foundation, Henderson Settle­ would be inte11ested in sending swimming ment, K. M. I., and Newport. teams to a proposed Class "B" meet. The The interest shown by these s·chool men letter said in part: "The K. H . S. A. A. is who answered in the affirmative relative to interested in increasing the number of mem­ the Class "B" meet makes it quite evident ber schools participating in the annual that such a meet i's desirable, and the Board State Swimming Meet. It has been brought of Control has authorized the State Swim­ to the attention of the Board of Control ming Committee to proceed with plans for numerous times that smaller schools or pos­ both the Class "A" and the Class "B" sibly schools that do not have proper faci­ meets. This committee is composed of lities will not enter the meet because they Chairman T. K. Stone, tOarrollton; M. J. cannot compete sucoessfully with the larger "Bud" Cavana, Newport; and E'. W. Craik, schools, most of which have indoor pools Louisville. The original recommendations available. The Commissioner has been concerning the new meet were made by the authorized by the Board of Control to set up members of this committee. an "A" and "B" arrangement for the swim­ The 1950 State Swimming Meet for both ming meet. The "A" group would include "A" and "B" schools will be held in the the Louisville schools, and other schools Eastern Kentucky State College pool, Rich­ whose principals desire to place them in this mond, on Saturday, April 1. Class "A" e·vents classification. The "B" group would be made will be: 50 Yard Freestyle, 100 Yard Breast­ up of all other competing schools. The stroke, 200 Yard Freestyle, 100 Yard Back­ grouping will be made if the number of stroke, 100 Yard Freestyle, 150 Yard Indi­ s·chools interested in sending teams to the vidual Medley, Fancy Diving, 150 Yard Med­ "B" meet will warrant its establishment... ley Relay, 200 Yard Freestyle Relay. These In order that the number of schools that events will be run off in the order given. would send teams to a "B" meet may be de­ There will be only six Class "B" events this termined, will you please return this form year. These events are: 50 Yard Freestyle, indicating your school's decision in the mat­ 100 Yard Breaststroke, 100 Yard Backstroke, ter." Fancy Diving, 150 Yard Medley Relay, and The letter mentioned was not sent to eight 200 Yard Freestyle Relay, these events also schools, which had indicated previously that being run off in the ·order given. they would have swimming teams this year. The State Swimming Committee has pre­ Approximately half of the principals of pared, a sheet of instructions and an entry Association schools returned the question­ blank which will be mailed out within the naire, thirteen school men indicating that n.ext few weeks to those schools whose prin­ they will enter a team in the proposed Class cipals have indicated an interest in the meet. "B" State Swimming Meet, if it is establish­ Other school administrators who may decide ed. The schools involved in this group were to send a few swimmers to ilhe meet, now Anchorage, Benton, Bloomfield, Carrollton, that the decision has been made relative to• College High, Dawson, First Creek, Fort the two classifications, should write to the Knox., Henry Clay, Lebanon, Murray Train­ State Office for entry blanks. The material ing, St. Mary's, and University High. A few which will appear on the sheet of instruc­ other school men indicated that they would tions is as follows: attempt to send swimmers to the meet. Five 1. To enter this swimming meet a school other schools can probably be added to this (Continued on Page Seven) Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR FEBRUARY, 1950 FEBRUARY, 1950 ______ VOL. XU-No. 7 Ball, Denver, 2221 IHighlawn Ave., Ashland Ballard, ·Shirley, 217 W. Hickman, . Winchester Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky High School Athletic Associa tion. Bec·hert, Francis J., 219 Mass Ave., Jndianapolis, Office of Publication, Henderson, Ky. Indiana Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Henderson, Begley, James P., Harveyton Kentucky under the act of March 3 1879. Benedetto, L. F., 5412 W. 15th St., Indianapolis, Editor----------------------- ----------THEO. A. SANFORD Indiana Assistant Editor - - - - ------------------------J . B. MANSFIELD Bertrand, Ray, Feds Creek Henderson, Ky. Betz, Don, Box 326 M. 1S. ·C., Morehead BOARD OF CONTROL Binkley, Neal, Salem President ___________ ___ __________ Lyman V. Ginger, Lexington Bozarth, H., Jr., Caneyville Vice-President_ _____________ , ___ _Talton K. Stone, Carrollton Bradberry, Calvin, Benham Directors-Roy G. Eversole, Hazar d; James L. Cobb, Newport; Brinkmeyer, Bob, 18 Andover -Rd., Greenhills, Ohio Carlos Oakley, Morga nfield; Cromer H. Arnett, Bandana; Brock, John Wilford, 225 N. 38th St., Louisville. Carl Hicks, Catlettsbur g; H. B. Gray, Bowling Green. Calhoun, ·Foster C., Morehead State College, More- Subscription Rates ________ __ __ $1.00 P er Year head Cansler, James, R. '1 Cerulean Carner, Philip, Morganfield Carroll, James E., ·624 Mechanic St., Jeffersonville, grom the Commissione'l's tJf/ice Indiana Castle, Clyde, 311 S. Rothewood, Evansville, Indiana Allotment of State Tournament Tickets Ohattin, Ernie, 2147 Central, Ashland Fans of teams winning the regional Cissna, Edmund, ·Chrisney, Jndiana Cross, Hugh, 'Barlow basketball tournaments will hav·e an oppor­ Crowe, Delmas, Tompkinsville tunity to purchase State Tournament tickets Dougherty, Neal A., 1414 Red Oak, Charleston, from the school principals under a ticket al­ W.Va. lotment plan. Approximately 1500 sets of Downing, Dero, Smallhouse, Bowling Green Durham, John R., Yosemite tickets, calling for seats in the end sections Eversole, Elmer, Buckhorn of the Armory, will be saved for tihe support­ Ewing, ·C. M., 371 Hilltop Ave., Lexington ers of the regional winners. These tickets Firestine, Frank, .199 Loudon, Lexington will be allotted to the schools involved on the Fitchko, 'Bill, Wood Ave., Big Stone Gap, Va. basis of their enrollments, and the allot­ Fulkerson, Raymond, 1270 Ky. Street, Bowling Green Greenwell, Tommy, 114 Clinton, Frankfort ments will be made only to the schools with Gunsten, Paul H. Jr., 715 Woodland Ave., Lexington teams competing in any particular session. Hardison, Elbert Lu1lher, Jr., 2113 Dixdale Ave., Principals of these schools will be advised Louisville concerning their allotments early in the Harris, James E., Dalton week of the tournament. Those administra­ Hogg, Ray H., Box 908, U. of K., Lexington Jones, Harold, Yosemite tors wihose teams have a good chance of ad­ Julian, Cloyd J., 2105 E.
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