3,223,481 United States Patent Office Patented Dec. 14, 1965 2 hand, when the starting mixture is produced out of coars PRODUCTION- - OF3,223,481 ORTHOPHOSPHATES er or larger salts and phosphoric acid and still contains Karl Geiersberger, Cologne-Deutz, Kurt Tesche, Love large quantities of solid phase which tend to settle out, nich-Cologne, and Gotz-Dieter Woitas, Cologne-Ost it is advantageous to dissolve such solid phase by adding heim, Germany, assignors to Chemische Fabrik Kalk a corresponding amount of water before the spraying GmbH., Cologne-Kalk, Germany 5 operation. No Drawing. Fied Jan. 18, 1962, Ser. No. 67,264 Solutions which are obtained by decomposing rock Claims priority, application Germany, Jan. 28, 1961, phosphates with a mixture of nitric acid and phosphoric C 23,269 acid and filtering off the solid residues can also be em 4 Claims. (C. 23-109) ployed according to the invention for the production of This invention relates to the production of finely di O calcium phosphates. In rock phosphate decomposition vided orthophosphates having very low bulk weight. products which have been formed with HNO3 only, the The phosphoric acid produced in wet processes from desired CaO:PO molar ratio, when necessary, can be rock phosphate, in addition to other impurities, as is regulated by depositing and separating calcium nitrate known, usually contains a large part of the fluorides which or by adding phosphoric acid. In decomposing of the are introduced into the process by ingredients of the rock phosphate with a mixture of nitric and phosphoric rock phosphate. The fluoride content of such a phos acid the amount of phosphoric acid introduced for de phoric acid can be lowered with simultaneous lowering composition is regulated so that the decomposition prod of its water content according to a known process in ucts contain CaO and POs in a molar ratio which should which phosphoric acid is heated to 170° C. in two steps 20 exist in calcium phosphate to be produced according to and is then sprayed with slight pressure into an evapo the invention. rating or vaporizing chamber in which a reduced pres The starting solution can be sprayed countercurrently Sure or partial vacuum is maintained. The steam from or concurrently into an inert hot gas stream, the tempera the Sprayed phosphoric acid and the volatile fluorine com ture of which should be between 190 and 450° C. An pounds in addition to other volatile ingredients are ex 25 improvement of the heat balance of the process of the tracted in this evaporating or vaporizing chamber. A invention can moreover be established by heating the highly concentrated phosphoric acid having a POs con starting mixtures to temperatures of 70 to 120° C. be tent of 60 to 65% results as an end product which still fore spraying. cotains 0.2 to 0.3% fluorine. This fluorine content is The spraying procedure is advantageously carried out sufficiently small that the dicalcium phosphate obtained 30 in a spray tower with the aid of a single or double sub from this phosphoric acid by reaction with correspond stance spray nozzle. The tower is so dimensioned that ing amounts of calcium compounds, as, for example, the sprayed mixture can pass through it in the shortest calcium carbonate, calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide, possible time. The single substance nozzle introduces can be employed as a food for domestic animals and the starting mixture to be sprayed under a pressure of livestock. In addition to being reacted with calcium 2 to 3 atmospheres from a container or reservoir, which compounds, the defluoridized phosphoric acid from these is heated if possible. The starting mixture can be sprayed processes can also be reacted with other elements of the out of the double substance nozzle by means of air or Second group of the periodic system and with aluminum steam. When steam is used as the spraying gas, the start Compounds. The phosphates produced, however, usual ing mixture is advantageously preheated to temperatures ly have a very high bulk weight. 40 of 100 to 120° C. so as to avoid excessive condensation It is therefore an object of this invention to provide of the water vapor. When air is used as the spraying a simple process for obtaining finely divided orthophos gas in place of steam, the starting mixture does not need phates of metals of the second group of the periodic SyS to be preheated; but if a preheated starting mixture is ten and aluminum which have very low bulk weight. used, its temperature should not be over 90° C. Such a process was found whereby phosphoric acid is 45 When phosphoric acid obtained from fluorine contain mixed with salts that contain a metal of the second group ing rock phosphate in a wet process is used as a starting of the periodic system or aluminum as the cation and an material for carrying out the process of the invention, the anion of a strong volatile acid as the anionic component. starting mixture produced contains a large part of the The mixture of the salt and phosphoric acid being such original fluorides present in the rock phosphate. The as to provide a MeO:PO5 or MeO3:PO molar ratio same is true when the starting mixtures are obtained of 0.6 to 3.5. The resulting mixtures which are clear from fluorine containing rock phosphates by treatment solutions or pastes are sprayed into an inert hot gas with nitric acid and phosphoric acid. However, the prin stream flowing counter or concurrently thereto at tem cipal amount of the fluorine content is volatilized during peratures of 190° to 450° C. the spraying operation. Advantageously, the starting mixture can be preheated The volatile acids set free from the sprayed material to temperatures of 70 to 120° C. can be recovered according to known processes from the For carrying out the process according to this inven exhaust gases leaving the spraying apparatus and be re tion, salts of metals of the second group of the periodic cycled in the process of the invention or used in another system or aluminum wherein one of the named metals Way. is the cation and an anion of a strong volatile mineral 60 The phosphates, especially the calcium phosphates, ob acid, as, for example, hydrochloric, nitric or sulfuric acid, tained in the process of the invention as very finely di is the anionic component can be employed. These salts vided end products surprisingly have very low bulk are mixed with phosphoric acid in such molar ratios that weights. They are similar in their properties to finely the cation introduced by such salts and POs are in the divided silicon dioxide products produced in a vapor proportion desired in the orthophosphate to be produced. 65 phase process available under the tradename of Aerosil The water content of the starting mixture produced (or Cabosil) and can be used as these, for example, as in this manner is adjusted essentially according to the fillers. particle size of the salts employed. The starting mix The following examples illustrate the invention. tures which are produced with very finely divided salts Example 1 can be used in the form of a suspension or paste in car 70 5,000 parts by weight of a phosphoric acid containing rying out the process of the invention. On the other 27.6% POs and 0.27% fluorine (fluorine factor-parts 3,223,481 3 4. by weight PO/parts by weight F=102.2) were mixed 0.15% fluorine (fluorine factor=292) and had a bulk with 4,591 parts by weight calcium nitrate tetrahydrate. weight of 203 grams per liter. After heating this mixture to a temperature of 70 C. the Example 6 resulting solution was filtered to remove impurities and sprayed through a two material nozzle with air as the 2,000 parts by weight phosphoric acid containing spraying gas into a concurrent air stream at a tempera 26.4% PO and 0.27% fluorine (fluorine factor=97.8) ture of 400 C. were mixed with 878 parts by weight calcium nitrate The yield of the end product was 2,598 parts by weight. tetrahydrate. The solution was filtered of impurities and The product contained 50.8% PO5; 38.4% CaO and sprayed through a double material nozzle with air as the 0.15% F (fluorine factor=339) and a bulk weight of 8 spraying gas into a concurrent air stream at a tempera grams per liter. O tre of 380 C. Example 2 The yield of the end product was 844 parts by weight. Such product contained 58.5% POs; 21.8% CaO and 2,506 parts by weight of a phosphoric acid containing 0.18% fluorine (fluorine factor=325) and had a bulk 29.7% POs and 0.44% fluorine (fluorine factor=67.5) weight of 9 grams per liter. were mixed with 2,494 parts by weight calcium nitrate 5 tetrahydrate. After heating this mixture to a temperature Example 7 of 110° C. the resulting solution was filtered and sprayed 2,000 parts by weight prosphoric acid containing through a two material nozzle with steam as spraying 26.4% POs and 0.27% fluorine (fluorine factor-97.8) gas at 2.4 atmospheres pressure into a concurrent air were mixed with 2,635 parts by weight calcium nitrate stream at a temperature of 430 C. 20 tetrahydrate. After heating to 70° C. the solution was The yield of the end product was 1,400 parts by weight. filtered and sprayed through a two material nozzle with The product contained 50% PO; 39.4% CaO and 0.18% air as the spraying gas into an air stream in the direction F (fluorine factor=278) and had a bulk weight of 10 of flow of the stream at a temperature of 450° C.
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