Arizona Trail Data Book - Mountain Biking as of 8.29.2021 If there are any corrections, additions, or edits please send an email to Aaron Seifert at [email protected] The Arizona Trail Association provides this information as a service to the community. The ATA cannot, and does not, guarantee the accuracy of any of the information. Water and trail reports are only accurate for a limited time. Some information will not be accurate. Trail conditions and water sources may change quickly. Trail conditions are also highly subjective. What is passable to some may not be passable to another. The user of this information is solely responsible for their own safety. Column Headings and Code Definitions/Abbreviations Landmark: brief description of trail at this location. Facilities: features at this location Direction Codes: N, S, E, W Facility Codes: All-All Services; PO-Post office; G-groceries, stores, supermarkets; M-meals, deli, restaurants; L-Lodging, motels, hotels m-miles; comma-facilities separated by comma are in same location: e.g., PO, w3, G 0.3m N means that post office, fairly reliable water, and groceries are 0.3 miles north; semicolon-facilities separated by semicolon are not in same location: e.g., w2; G 0.5m NW means probable water nearby and groceries 0.5 miles northwest Water Codes: w0-not reliable or none; w1-seasonal or "iffy"; w2-probable; w3-fairly reliable; w4-very reliable source (in 2020 water status no longer updated - see https://aztwaterreport.org/ or use the Arizona Trail App at www.aztrail.org/explore/maps/mobile-app/) Trailhead Codes: T1-Auto & Trailer; T2- Auto only; T3 - Roadside parking; T4 - 4 wheel/high clearance Additional Abbreviations: TJ- trail junction; TH-trailhead; ATA-Arizona Trail Association; "~" means "approximately" Landmark Facilities Pass S>N Elev GPS Comments miles Miles ft Waypoint # S>N from ATA web site Feature Notes Pass NOBO Elev ATA # Comments Passage 1 Huachuca Mountains: Mexican Border to Parker Canyon Lake International Border 0.0 0.0 5911 1-000 Joe's Canyon TJ 1.0 1.0 6520 1-010 sharp west/left at jct. Coronado Peak Trail TJ 1.7 1.7 6565 1-018 Montezuma Pass/FR61 All 22.3mE; T1 1.8 1.8 6570 1-019 parking lot; Crest Trail across FR61; Sierra Vista 22.3mE Montezuma Pass to FS 4781 Dirt 1.5 Out and back to Mexican border on FS4781 is 2.6 miles each way FR 61 west to Bear Creek Dirt 4.5 Good flowing creek Continue west on FR61 Dirt 2.6 right on FS 228 Dirt 1.0 If Bear left on fork Dirt 0.9 continuin Stay right at junction Dirt 0.7 Turn left on FS 4759 Dirt 0.2 leave road join AZT on left 16.1 16.1 This is the first bike legal Single Track section of the AZT road 16.4 16.4 5967 1-164 Scotia Canyon w1-2 16.6 16.6 5896 1-166 pools and intermittent flow gate 17.0 17.0 5840 1-170 windmill w-1 17.1 17.1 5824 1-174 solar panels; tank with float valve join road 18.0 18.0 5702 1-180. leave road 18.6 18.6 5631 1-186 gate 18.7 18.7 5660 1-187 Page 1 of 32 Feature Notes Pass NOBO Elev ATA # Comments FR48 & gate w4, G 1.6mNW 19.4 19.4 5603 1-194 seasonal store/water at Parker Canyon Lake road 20.2 20.2 5664 1-202 gate 20.4 20.4 5680 1-204 Parker Canyon Lake Trailhead w4 0.6mNW T1 20.5 20.5 5680 1-205 large metal AZ Trail sign; lake access 0.1mN than 0.5mW Passage 2 Canelo Hills East: Parker Canyon Lake to Canelo Pass Parker Canyon Lake Trailhead w4 0.6mNW T1 0.0 20.5 5680 2-000 large metal AZ Trail sign; lake access 0.1mN than 0.5mW gate 2.1 22.6 5280 2-021 Parker Canyon w2-3 2.2 22.7 5200 2-022 creek gate 2.3 22.8 5210 2-023 gate 3.1 23.6 5285 2-031 Trap Tank w1 0.1mE 3.6 24.1 5371 2-036 little trap for holding livestock; dirt tank; good water if present small ridge top 3.9 24.4 5530 2-039 saddle 6.0 26.5 5980 2-060 gate 6.5 27.0 5720 2-065 trail jct 8.0 28.5 5480 2-080 AZT Metal Gate 8.2 28.7 5520 2-082 Middle Canyon Tank 9.5 30.0 5410 2-095 high point 11.9 32.4 5925 2-119 gate 12.6 33.1 5805 2-126 Canelo Pass Road/FR799 13.7 34.2 5327 2-137 Canelo Pass Trailhead All 19.5mS; T1 13.8 34.3 5330 2-138 Flower(dirt stock) Tank w1 0.5m S; Patagonia 19.5 miles Passage 3 Canelo Hills West: Canelo Pass to Patagonia Canelo Pass Trailhead . All 19.5mS; T1 0.0 34.3 5330 3-000 Flower(dirt stock) Tank w1 0.5m S; Patagonia 19.5 miles saddle/gate 1.2 35.5 5600 3-012 road jct 2.2 36.5 5359 3-022 join road to south/left road jct 2.4 36.7 5324 3-024 bear right at jct FR765 2.6 36.9 5313 3-026 cross and continue west onto trail AZT Metal Gate 2.8 37.1 5315 3-028 Down Under Tank w1-2 3.5 37.8 4995 3-035 pipe below dam or in streambed; join road toSE/left after tank Cott Tank Exclosure w1-2 5.1 39.4 4783 3-051 solar pump and spigot gate 5.5 39.8 4790 3-055 road jct 6.2 40.5 4698 3-062 continue straight ahead Red Bank Well w3 6.7 41.0 4639 3-067 solar pump; storage tank; float; somewhat bad taste Gate Spring w2-3 0.15m NW 7.4 41.7 4641 3-074 about 250 yards northwest gate 7.6 41.9 4640 3-076 gate 7.8 42.1 4600 3-078 gate 8.9 43.2 4555 3-089 gate 9.4 43.7 4553 3-094 Hwy 82 Connector Trail 9.8 44.1 4520 3-098 6.3 mi NW to Hwy 82 then 4 mi S on Hwy 82 to Patagonia Redrock Ranch Road 10.0 44.3 4483 3-100 Page 2 of 32 Feature Notes Pass NOBO Elev ATA # Comments gate 10.3 44.6 4438 3-103 gate 11.4 45.7 4640 3-114 gate 12.5 46.8 4650 3-125 gate 13.3 47.6 4310 3-133 Harshaw Road FR58 T1 13.6 47.9 4220 3-136 northwest/right onto road Patagonia All 16.4 50.7 4067 3-164 walk into town Passage 4 Temporal Gulch: Patagonia to Gardner Canyon Road Patagonia All 0.0 50.7 4067 4-000 walk thru town NE on Hwy 82, Naugle Ave Highway to Sonita rejoining AZT at This avoids the Mt Wrightson Wilderness TurnGardner right Canyon on paved highway to Pavement 12.0 ContinueSonita North on highway for 1.2 Pavement 1.2 Turnmiles left onto Santa Rita road FS Dirt 4.3 No Camping Left4104 turn to bypass house Dirt 0.9 No Camping Right turn Dirt 1.2 End no camping Left to rejoin FS 4104 Dirt 2.1 Turn left Dirt 0.8 Turn left onto AZT sweet camp road & gate 21.2 71.9 5315 4-212 road & gate 21.4 72.1 5272 4-214 gate 21.7 72.4 5210 4-217 Gardner Canyon Rd w1 21.9 72.6 5228 4-219 east onto road toward large AZ Trail sign; Cave Creek 0.2m S of TH Passage 5 Santa Rita Mountains: Gardner Canyon Road to Oak Tree Canyon Gardner Canyon Rd w1 0.0 72.6 5228 5-000 east onto road toward large AZ Trail sign; Cave Creek 0.2m S of TH Gardner Canyon Rd TH T1 0.2 72.8 5235 5-002 skirt large parking area to north and up steep hill road 0.5 73.1 5365 5-005 cattle guard 0.7 73.3 5400 5-007 Join 2 track road 1.0 73.6 5377 5-010 to east/right Leave 2 track road 2.1 74.7 5256 5-021 to left/nothe onto trail gate 2.7 75.3 5030 5-027 Fish Canyon 2.8 75.4 4997 5-028 road 2.9 75.5 5026 5-029 gate 3.0 75.6 5035 5-030 AZT Metal Gate 3.6 76.2 5110 5-036 Kentucky Camp w3-4 3.7 76.3 5125 5-037 overnight stay in cabin possible join FR163 4.0 76.6 5233 5-040 wetr/left onto FR163 gate 4.7 77.3 5365 5-047 road 5.0 77.6 5393 5-050 road 5.4 78.0 5459 5-054 gate & road 5.5 78.1 5478 5-055 road 5.6 78.2 5591 5-056 NE/right at curve Page 3 of 32 Feature Notes Pass NOBO Elev ATA # Comments road jct 5.8 78.4 5539 5-058 left/SW at curve FR165; Ophir Gulch 5.9 78.5 5405 5-059 west/left onto FR165 Leave FR165 6.9 79.5 5567 5-069 towards NW/right stock pond w1 0.1 mW 7.0 79.6 5646 5-070 Leave 2 track road 7.3 79.9 5770 5-073 sharp turn to SE/right at junction onto trail high point 7.5 80.1 5847 5-075 gate 7.6 80.2 5805 5-076 Enzenberg Canyon 9.0 81.6 5274 5-090 join Greater Ville road 9.3 81.9 5330 5-093 gate 9.6 82.2 5285 5-096 leave Greater Ville Road 9.8 82.4 5259 5-098 north/left onto FR7070 Bowman Spring w2-3 9.9 82.5 5259 5-099 go thru a gate to the west (off the roadroad); as then it jogs follow west a faintthen roadheads rustydown trough,into a pretty, then walk secluded up a small roadside canyonjct following a PVC pipe 10.7 83.3 5198 5-107 NE/right at junction cross FR 62 11.1 83.7 5192 5-111 join trail to NE TJ 11.3 83.9 5243 5-113 north/left onto old dirt road gate 11.4 84.0 5281 5-114 gate 11.9 84.5 5366 5-119 Join 2 track road 12.0 84.6 5349 5-120 straight ahead onto road Leave 2 track road 12.2 84.8 5409 5-122 east/left onto trail Join 2 track road 12.3 84.9 5383 5-123 straight ahead onto road gate/fence then jct 2 track 12.4 85.0 5315 5-124 after gate, bear left/NW Leave 2 track road 12.7 85.3 5330 5-127 onto trail to east/right Road Jct 2 track 13.1 85.7 5348 5-131 join road straight ahead Road Jct 2 track 13.2 85.8 5319 5-132 bear east/right onto FR 4072 metal cattle trough w1-2 13.3 85.9 5280 5-133 with spigot (powered by pump when cattle present) gate 13.4 86.0 5267 5-134 Passage 5 end w1 0.6mE 13.8 86.4 5207 5-138 north/left onto trail; AZ Hwy 83 is 0.8m to east Passage 6 Las Colinas: Oak Tree Canyon to Lakes Road FR4072 0.0 86.4 5207 6-000 north/left onto trail; AZ Hwy 83 is 0.8m to east gate 0.3 86.7 5241 6-003 FR4064 w1-2 1.6 88.0 4837 6-016 metal tank with float; 150' east on FR4064 than just north of road gate 1.9 88.3 4750 6-019 FR231 3.2 89.6 4628 6-032 gate 4.3 90.7 4851 6-043 wash 4.7 91.1 4645 6-047 gate 5.4 91.8 4654 6-054 FR4062 5.8 92.2 4642 6-058 Join 2 track road 6.8 93.2 4600 6-068 join road to SE/right Page 4 of 32 Feature Notes Pass NOBO Elev ATA # Comments Leave 2 track road 7.1 93.5 4573 6-071 sharp north/left onto trail gate/ Coronado Nat.
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