DENVER IN MASS MEETING Pray lor the Patronize BISHOPS ANNOUNCE PLANS CALLED BY PROTESTANTS Sneeess oi the Onr AT CATHOLIC PRESS MEETING CONDEMNS THE PROMOTION Catholie Press Advertisers TO ESTABLISH NEWS BUREAU OF RELIGIOUS DIFFERENCES FOR CHURCH PAPERS AND TO TO HURT CAUSE OF ERIN PROMOTE GOOD LITERATURE Methodist Clergyman and Ulster Orangeman New Era for Religious Journalism Opens Show Free Ireland Need Not With Convention at Washington Fear Catholics. , VOL. XV. No. 24. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY. JAN. 29, 1920. $2 PRR YEAR. of Editors STRONG RESOLUTIONS ARE ADOPTED ARCHBISHOP COMING MixedMarriages Deplored NEWS OF WORU) TO BE GATHERED Denver has sliown in the most em­ formed the district superintendent of his O M FROM SCHISM IS (From National Catholic Welfare Press Department will gather and dis­ phatic way that she does not approve of church in Toledo that the Pope was Council Press Bureau.) tribute Catholic news both domestic and the attempt to becloud the Irish issue going to be driven out of Italy and the RECEIVED AS SIMPLE By Jesuit Missionary Who Washington, D. C., Jan. 24.—The first foreign. The service will cover the en­ by raising a dusty cloud of religious big­ Sinn Fein movement was created to make great turning point in the recently in­ tire world, and I have already made otry. When several Protestant clergy­ room for him in Ireland.. “ Why doesn’t AUGUSTINIAN MONK augurated national policy of the Ameri­ preparatory arrangements with foreign men from Northeast Ulster came here he go to Catholic Belgium, Spain or can Catholic Hierarchy, which began news agencies. Time, of course, will be last week to speak, the local committee France if he needs a place of retreat?” Says Very Few of Them with the formation of the National Cath­ needed in perfecting the work already Prince-Duke and grandee of Spain, was afraid to hire the Auditorium or any asked the minister. olic Welfare Council, to succeed the Na­ begun. Archbishop de Berghes et de Rache, Met­ other big hall, for it was known that Dr. Murphy told of the use of Protes­ tional Catholic War Council, was reached “This press bureau will distribute tho ropolitan of the schismatical Old Roman the audience would not be large enough tant pulpits to spread the anti-Catholic ami triumphantly passed today and yes­ news to religious and secular papers. The Catholic Church of America and highest to fill it. But when the Protestant crusade of the visitors, and said they re­ Ever Turn Out Happily terday in the Capital City. Appearing news shall l>e distributed as soon os ob­ dignitary in Jansenist orders in the Friends of Ireland held a meeting on minded him of a cuckoo, which lays its before a repre.sentative gathering of tained and written; otherwise, its value Western Hemisphere, until his formal Monday night to answer the propagan- eggs in another bird’s nest so that it can \ Catholic editors and publishers, the dele­ as news would Iw lost, and the prestige submission to the authority of the Holy Mixed marriages were rapped by the knew I could do nothing for him, but ■dist delegation, they hired the Audito­ hatch them. The visitors are spreading gates to the convention of the Catholic of the bureau lowered. We shall begin See a few weeks ago, now occupies a Rev. A. R. Wise, Jesuit missionary, he wished to unburden his soul. Six rium because they knew' that no other dissension and strife for the purpose of Press A.ssociation, held in the National within a short time the issuance of a, little whitewashed cell within the nov­ speaking in the Denver Cathedral on years before, against the -;vishe8 of his place in the city would hold the throng dividing this country so that nothing Catholic War Council's Community weekly sheet that will convey informa­ ices’ cloister of Corr Hall, at St. Thomas’ Monday morning. He showed that they parents and pastor, Ije had entered into they would draw. It was well that they can be done to help Ireland, and in fight­ House, 001 K Street, Right Reverend tion, rather than news in the technical monastery, Villanova, Pa. The distin­ should be discouraged both from the a mixed marriage. He felt sure that this >did. They had an audience that was at ing them, we are fighting for religious William T. Russell, 1). D., Bishop o f sense. The' organization necessary to guished convert was formally received Catholic and Protestant side. Few of marriage was ‘jnade in heaven’ if any least 1,200 stronger than the two Carson- freedom in America. CJiarieston, S. C, the chairman of the cover adequately the fields of our activi­ into the novitiate of the order of St. them turn out happily and they inter­ ever was. Two' fine children were born. ite meetings combined. Three thousand The stories of bigotry they allege in DeparDnent of Press, Publicity and Lit­ ties will be neoes-sarily complex and Augustine Sunday morning. fere with the religious duties of the But recently Ids wife had become a -attended Monday’s meeting. The C'arson- their literature, he scoffed at as school­ erature of the National Catholic Wel­ heavy. No longer does he wear the Episcopal Catholic party and the children. Christian Scientist, and next week she ites did not dare to present resolutions boy stuff which nol)ody could believe. fare Council, made public for the first “This Department of Press, INiblic- ring. Gone is every vestige of ecclesi­ ‘•You might think that some of these was to secure ai divorce from him. at their local meetings, for they knew They say that the Catholic priests will time the broad, comprehensive, future­ ity, and Literature will include not only astical power with which he ■was clothed marriages are happy,” said the priest, “ ‘I’m afraid It is too late to help you that a very considerable portion of the not let the laity read the Bible. “ If building i)lan which he has created for a press bureau for handling news, but as head of the Jansenists in the New “but if you investigated you would dis­ now,’ I declared. ‘Why is it that so audiences was not convinced. But strong there is any Protestant minister here^ the formation, guidance, and growth of also a central information bureau. T o World. He appears in the simple habit cover that many are like one with which many couples refuse to take the advice resolutions were adopted on Monday this evening and he coanes with me to­ this branch of the great work under­ understand this more thoroughly, you of an Augpistinian novice. I had experience. After the couple had of the Church, which speaks with so night, and altho the opponents shouted morrow to a Catholic book store, I’m taken by the Bishops, and which was must look into the idea underlying the “ No ring, yqu see,” the former Arch­ been married twenty-five years, the man as loudly as they could, there were so many centuries of experience?’ ” adopted by the convention. National Catholie Welfare Council. In sure he’ll have no difficulty getting a became a Catholie. To the outside world, bishop remarked with a winning smile; The young man suggested that a good few of them that it was a comedy. Catholic Bible intended for sale to the It was an occasion of capital impor­ that council are unified all major Catho­ “I’ve been shorn of all the signs of it had always appeared that the two had The chairman at the meeting on Mon- laity,” he said. plan to deal with such cases would be tance. It marked the end of one epoch lic activities: Education, Social Action, jurisdiction, even the dress.” been happy, and the woman was often ■day night was Lieut. Col. Rice W. to establish an asyium in each parish, of Catholic journalism in the United and Men and Women’s organizations. All He spoke of the comj)lete absence of complimented on the fine husband she Means, who saw. overseas service and The Archbishop was born an Episcopa­ where love-sick persons contemplating bigotry in Ireland except where it was States, and the beginning of another. It these will necessarily have great inter­ lian, having been born as a IjOW Church­ had. But right after the man’s First ■who was commander of the 157th regi­ mixed marriages could be kept until they ended the era of pioneering, and of hard, ests. It will be necessary for the IVess manufactured for imperialistic purposes. man, but having joined the High Church Communion, she said; ‘Tliis; is Hie ment. He praised the attitude of the came to their senses. The priest an­ steadfast, self-sacrificing, personal ef­ Department to know what their plana He himself was present at the funeral of party. The question of orders troubled first time in my married life that I have American people in wishing to know the swered that the Church could adopt no forts, and brought Into being another are. Now, all this information will not the Protestant Bishop Webster in Ire­ him, for he realized that the Anglican been really happy.’ ” facts of a case before passing judgment, such drastic methods. era, not less noble, it is hoped, ^or less only center in the Press Department, but land when a Catholic Bishop, Delaney, Church could not have valid orders. The It could hardly have Jieen otherwise, and said that the West stands for the Mixed marriages cannot work out, rich with self-sacrifice and personal de­ this Press Department will be the Na­ and twenty priests marched l>ehind the fact that the clergj' were in such con­ said the priest.
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