HONOLULU, APRIL 16 1901. 10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: I. HOPP & CO. -- J. HOPP & CO I I NEWS OF THE WATERFRONT j The best at the O T3 LOWEST PRICES AT HOPPS. --0 oO Rosamond Reports Asleep Dismasted o Bark. SOUND S and wake refreshed In the O The China's Fast Time. morning. You will certainly do so if you sleep on one of our Shipbuilding for , o March. o Fin Hir X oo o. TJ BIG iron ship, with a black paint- Mattresses mid-Pacif- ic a. ft A ed hull, is in dis- o o masted. Her identity is unknown. Come in and have a look at four-maste- o The vessel is a d one, and them and we will convince you when seen was in ballast. She was HAVE in stock a few NEW PHET0NS,g that we are selling the best bearing northeast with only a small piece of canvas spread on the stump of '' GIES and WAGONS that are In town at a very mod- WE shghtiy dari mattress her foremast, and it was thought she iSf erate price. o was making for one of the Pacific Coast from transportation and shop worn. ports. Trkj m o!o rrrrrti frr naut vy cmsre oKnnf Word of the dismasted vessel was i inanv, win iui iv. gisvvjo auuui IU UllvcWfJ THEN OUR cannibalism at sea brought to Singa- o received at San Francisco by the pore by two survivors of the Nova VESSELS IN PORT. sell these at a great sacrifice. schooner Rosamond, which reached Scotian bark Angola, wrecked six days' that port on the 7th instant from Ho- sail from Manila, October 23d last. The I correspondent says: ARMY AND NAVY. No reasonable offer will be refused. Feather nolulu. Captain Ward of the schooner "The survivors, Johnson, a Swede, t and her crew say It was in broad day- and Marticornu, a Spaniard, assert tha IT. S. tug Iroquois, Pond, Midway Isl- once the, Angola struck a reef. Two rafts and, August 6. van at anu larvc auvaiu;t.;e oi mis Opporyi o Pillows and light, on March 29th, when the disabled were built. The smaller, hearing five U. S. A. transport Kilpatrick, Rogers, vessel was first sighted, in latitude 35 men, disappeared. The other, with San Francisco. Oft port in quaran- to get a good carriage at a very low price. -- and longitude 155 west, or about twelve men, drifted for forty days. The tine. En route to Manila with troops. Down Sofa o north April 13. 1,800 miles west of San Francisco. She sailors ate barnacles, seaweed, and Arrived was about ten miles off, the finally their boots. MERCHANTMEN. then but "On the twenty-fift- h day two became Pillows o schooner, standing in, soon had her insane and killed themselves. On the (This list does not Include coasters.) o abeam but about two miles away. twenty-sixt- h day a Frenchman killed Andrew Welch, Am. bk.. Drew, San (ANY SIZE) 'I "We set signals," said Captain Ward, the mate with an ax, drank his blood Francisco, March 28. sp., I "asking her if she needed any help, but and tried to eat his brains, but was Arthur Sewall, Am. Goffrey, Yoko- I no answer. was prevented by the others. Next day hama, March 20. cap- - obtained There a fair you should see; they will long the Frenchman was killed while trying Antiope, Br. bk., Murray, Oyster Har- breeze at the time, and it was not to murder the captain. The survivors, bor, April 2. Pacific Vehicle & Suppl O ture your fancy at once. before the unknown and crippled vessel all of whom were now insane, ate the Bangor, Am. schr., Turloff, Port Lud- V oa was merely a speck astern. As no an- Frenchman's body. Cannibalism con- low, April 4. m If you have never tried us on --o swer was made to our signals I did not tinued until only Johnson and Marti- Big Bonanza, Am. bk., Bergman, New- COMPANY - think it would be right for me to in- cornu remained. castle, April 9. J- repairing and upholstering you ft forty-secon- terfere in the stranger's business, and I "On the d day the raft City of Adelaide, Br. bk., Greenwood, X don't know what old furniture o kept on my course. stranded on Subi or Flat island, In the Newcastle, April 5. BERETANIA ST., NEAR FORT. o Natuna group, northwest of Borneo. Ceylon, Am. bk., Wilier, Laysan Isl- i looks like after it has passed "From what we could see the ship, Johnson and Marticornu were awfully and, March 27. though badly crippled, was in a con- emaciated. Friendly Malays sent them Diamond Head, Am. bk., Peterson, San I through our hands. dition to take care of herself, though by junk to Singapore." Francisco. April 14. sailing would be slow and tedious. Only Hongkong Maru From 'Frisco. Encore, Am. bk., Palmgren, Newcastle, a stump of her foremast stood. A part April 10. IMPORTANT TO. topmast Early yesterday afternoon the Toyo j Ethel Zaue, Am. schr., Hullistrom, of her main showed above the Port Gamble, April 3. masthead, and the mizzenmast, as far Kisen Kaisha steamer Hongkong Maru, Florence, Am. sp., Ryder, Tacoma, as the crosstrees, was standing. Her Captain Filmer, arrived from San j April 5. jibboom was gone, and her spanker Francisco, having sailed thence on the Hesper, Am. bk., Sodergren, Newcastle, I Bopp Co mast looked as though it was weak and 9th instant at 1 o'clock in the after- - j March 3L- - J. & of little use. There was one yard on noon. She brought a largi quantity of Himalaya, Am. bk., Dearborn, Newcas- Horsei J mail, and will carry many passengers j tle, March 2L mizzen two the fore and masts and through to the Orient. There was one Henry Villard, Am. sp., Quick, Savan- I The Leading yards on the mainmast, but there was passenger for Honolulu, R. B. Benning, ! nah. March 18. only one piece of canvas spread on the who found it so necessary from a busi-neg- s Inca, Am. schr., Rasmuasen, Newcas- 1 Furniture Dealers, t-- whole ship. It looked like a topgallant standpoint to come here that he i tle, April 12. sail, and it was bellied out from the paid the $200 fine which is invariably Jessie Minor, Am. schr., Whitney, Eu- o yard on the foremast." imposed when a foreign bottom carries ) reka, April 14. KING AND BETHEL STS. Shipping men criticise Captain Ward a passenger between San Francisco j Kaiulani, Am. bk., Dabel, San Fran- PackU f T3 severely not having and this port. cisco, March 31. Wilbur's White Rock Hoof for made an effort, The Maru was sighted about 1 o'clock Klikitat, Am. bkt.. Cutter, Port Lud- beyond setting a few signal flags, to in the afternoon; she was alongside the low, April 13. learn least the name of the crippled Manila, Newcas- A natural rock that will absorb four times Its weight of water, i at wharf a couple of hours later. Am. schr., Knudson, a soft, yellow paste. cold to sole frog of O ship. There is a hope following is a of the through tle, April 12. It is and moist the and il o faint that the The list replaces the natural moisture and penetrates Into the foot, roaklnitl vessel may be the German ship Bertha, possengers on the vessel: Mohican, Am. bk., Kelley, San Fran- tough and healthy. 1 ago, For Yokohama W. Astheimer. John cisco, April 9. 7 -- which, several weeks was posted as "f missing. Becker, A. C. Bryer, E. Bent, S. M. P. Grace, Am. sp.. Grant, Sydney, 63 ddOH 7 00 ddOH The Bertha left Wei Wei for C. P. Low, J. B. Aulin, W. H. April 5. 166 ago. Portland days She has been Bolton, M. Masmoto, James McWil-liam- s, Mary E. Foster, Am. schr., Thompson, Wilbur's Seed Meal out more than three times the number L. W. Smith, Robert Sulzer, M. San Francisco, April 3. of days for an ordinary voyage, and the Tanaka, E. V. Wilburn, K. Yeguchi. Mariposa, O. S. S., Rennie, San Fran- For horses off their feed or in poor, thin condition that needi ai A Man's Home hope that she is, still afloat Is very T. Shibata, H. Totoki. cisco, April 13. bag. small. For Kobe H. Kamada, K. Muraka- Olympic, Am. bk., Gibbs, 8an Fran- On pound lasts a horse sixteen days if fed according to dlretttoni There are a number of vessels now on mi. cisco, March 18. ir Shanghai Rev. and Mrs. H. Jen- S. D. Carleton, Am. sp., Amesbury, Ta- SOLE AGENTS FOR His Castle the Pacific bound to Asiatic and Ameri- kins. coma, April 14. is can ports, and any one of them might For Hongkong F. W. Brooks, C. P. Sonoma, Am. bk., Taylor, Newcastle, be the cripple seen by the Rosamond's Dodge. Miss N. Lunt, Mrs. McWade, April L crew. Mrs. Dodge, F. E. Emery, W. A. Far- Twilight, Am. schr., Ceuthen, from sea, Wilbur s Horse Remedies you mer, F. P. Hamill, H. C. Finnick, D. K. January 21. Why don't own a castle? Dismasted Bark Identified Marsnip, Miss S. L. Wamona, Am. Grays Perhaps you have never seriously Mitchell, Thomas schr., Isaacson, four-mast- Mitchell, Mrs. E. Schultz, A. Harbor, April 11. The ed sighted by Rountree. considered the Idea. bark the H. Wrightson. If this Is true, now is the time to schooner Rosamond is still causing un- Investigate.
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