xpedition ANTARKTIS Vlll4 (EPOS leg 3) nd VIIl5 of 'Polarstern" in 1989 dited by Wolf Arntz, Wolfgang Ernst and Irmtraut Hempel with contributions of the participants Ber. Polarforsch. 68 (1990) ISSN 01 76-5027 Addresses of editors: Prof. Dr. W. Arntz Prof. Dr. W. Ernst Alfred-Wegener-Institut füPolar- und Meeresforschung Columbusstraß D-2850 Bremerhaven Dr. Irmtraut Hempel UniversitäKiel Institut füPolarökologi Olshausenstraß 40-60 D-2300 Kiel Requests for copies should be addressed to Alfred-Wegener-Institut füPolar- und Meeresforschung CoiumbusstraBe Postfach 120161 D-2850 Bremerhaven ANT VIV4 (EPOS leg 3) PUNTA ARENAS - CAPE TOWN January 13 - March 10, 1989 FAHRTLEITERICHIEF SCIENTIST WOLF ARNTZ SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR JEAN-CLAUDE HUREAU ANT VIl/5 Cape Town - Bremerhaven March 12 - April 6, 1989 FAHRTLEITERICHIEF SCIENTIST W. ERNST Figure 1: Itinerary FS "Polarstern" ANT VIV4 and 5 \ ......>G..... ................ ...........vT-\ ........................... ......................... .......................... '7,..... ,......... I::::::::.:::,:: ...... ................J..... ......... > ...... ................... \:::::::::::::::: ................ ............................. t I t T l Figure 2: Itinerary of EPOS leg 3 T - Transect 47OW KN - Kapp Norvegia V - Vestkapp HB - Halley Bay INHALTICONTENTS Page ANT Vlll4 (EPOS leg 3), PUNTA ARENAS - CAPE TOWN January 13 -March 10, 1989 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................9 General objectives ....................................................................................... 9 Summary review of EPOS leg 3 ..............................................................10 Fahrtverlauflltinerary of the cruise ............................................................12 Weather conditions .....................................................................................15 THE 47'W TRANSECT ............................................................................2 1 Oceanography, suspended matter, and distribution of silicate and ammonium .....................................................21 2.1 .I Oceanography and suspended matter 2.1.2 Distribution of silicate and ammonium Microorganisms in a N-S transect across the Weddell-Scotia confluence zone .............................................................31 Spatial and temporal changes of an Antarctic zooplankton community..................................................................................................... 37 THE HALLEY BAY - KAPP NORVEGIA COMPARISON .......................39 Physical oceanography.............................................................................. 39 3.1.1 A survey of the hydrographic conditions south of the Antarctic coastal current divergence off Halley Bay 3.1.2 A large scale investigation of water rnass trans- formation along the eastern Weddell Sea shelf area 3.1.3 Deployment of current meter moorings, inveried echo sounder and drift buoys 3.1.4 Relevance of the oceanographic field work for the biological investigations in the south-eastern Weddell Sea Suspended matter, phytoplankton and nutrients ..................................50 3.2.1 Suspended matter and oxygen 3.2.2 Nutrients Microbial characteristics in water and sedirnent of the eastern Weddell Sea ..................................................................................67 Micronekton of the Weddell Sea: distribution and abundance ...........73 Physico-chemical characterization of sediments ..................................82 Benthic microflagellates and bacteria in the sediments of the eastern Weddell Sea ...........................................................................88 Meiobenthos on the Halley Bay and Kapp Norvegia transects ..........91 Macrobenthos sampling for cornmunity studies and other purposes On the Weddell Sea shelf and slope ......................................97 3.8.1 Introduction 3.8.2 Semiquantitative study of macrobenthic assemblages on the Weddell Sea shelf and slope using trawl catch subsamples Page 3.8.3 Sampling of macrozoobenthos with the multibox corer 3.8.4 Material for the study of food uptake and digestion of Antarctic benthic invertebrates 3.8.5 Material for the assessment of the origin of Antarctic benthos Underwater photography .........................................................................107 Ecological and faunistic investigations on shelled molluscs ............111 Studies On amphipod biology .................................................................113 Distribution and reproductive biology of shrimps in the inner Weddell Sea ...............................................................................................115 Ecology and taxonomy of sponges in the eastern Weddell Sea shelf and slope communities ..........................................................120 Fish fauna of the eastern Weddell Sea .................................................130 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON BOARD............................................... 139 Uptake and assimilation of I5N ammonia and ^N nitrate by phytoplankton and ice algae ...................................................................139 Effect of UV-B irradiance on the ATP content of nano- and microplankton of Antarctic waters .......................................141 Physiological studies On teleost fish ......................................................144 Annex: Abbreviations ....................................................................................152 Station list ..........................................................................................153 Number of samples taken by different bottom gears by depth.............................................................................................. 158 Weather conditions ..........................................................................159 Multicorer sampling scheme (MUC-Annex) ................................165 Meiobenthos specialists.................................................................. 166 Macrobenthos specialists ..............................................................167 List of participating institutions ANT Vlll4 .....................................168 List of participants ANT VIV4 ...........................................................171 List of ship's Crew ANT VIV4 ...........................................................172 ANT Vlll5. CAPE TOWN .Bremerhaven March 12 . April 6. 1989 ANT Vlll5 Cape Town .Bremerhaven ...................................................174 Zusammenfassung und Fahrtverlauf .....................................................174 Summary and Itinerary .............................................................................175 Reports of the working groups ................................................................176 Weather conditions ...................................................................................176 Analysis of dimethyl sulfoniumpropionate (DMSP) in marine phytoplankton ...............................................................................180 Atmospheric carbonylsulphide (OCS) measurements over the Atlantic .........................................................................................182 Measuring gaseous nitric acid using the laserphotolysis- fragment-fluorescence (LPFF) method.................................................. 183 nvestigation of heavy metals in sea water. neuston and multi-net catches........................................................................................ 184 INHALTICONTENTS Page 1.2.6 Investigation of inorganic and organic trace compounds over the Atlantic .........................................................................................189 1.2.7 Determination of nutrients........................................................................ 190 1. 2.8 Organic trace compounds in water ........................................................192 1 .2.9 Organic trace compounds in organisms ............................................... 194 1 .2.1 0 Particle flux to the sea floor ......................................................................194 1. 2.1 1 Measurement of the optical properties of water ...................................195 1 .2.1 2 Depth adaption of bacterial populations ...............................................196 1 .2.1 3 Adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) as biomass indicator ..........................197 1 . 2.14 Meteorological measurements in containers .......................................200 1.2.1 5 Maintenance of living antarctic crustaceans and molluscs ...............204 1 .2.1 6 Maintenance of antarctic fish (Notothenioidei) ....................................204 Annex: Abbreviations ....................................................................................206 Stationsliste / Station list ANT VIIl5 ...............................................207 Participating institutions and scientists ANT Vlll5 ......................212 Fahrtteilnehmer 1 Participants ANT V1115 .....................................213 Schiffspersonal / Ships Crew ANT V1115 .......................................214 ANT VIV4 (EPOS leg 3) PUNTA ARENAS-CAPE TOWN (January 13 - March 10, 1989) 1. INTRODUCTION 1 .I General objectives W. Arntz, J.C. Hureau The principal objective of EPOS leg 3, as outlined in the expedition Programme, was the extension of knowledge on the high Antarctic ecosystem by means of an integrated study of benthos and fish communities
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