Prepared for submission to JHEP Supersymmetry B. C. Allanacha aDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge CB3 0WA, United Kingdom E-mail: B.C.Allanach@damtp.cam.ac.uk Abstract: These are lecture notes for the BUSSTEPP Supersymmetry course, and are a snippet of my Part III 16 lecture course. You should already know some quantum field theory and group theory. You can watch videos of all of my Part III supersymmetry lectures on the web by following the link from http://users.hepforge.org/~allanach/teaching.html where the full lecture notes may also be found. I have a tendency to make trivial tran- scription errors on the board - please stop me if I make one. Plan Review spinors and the Lorentz algebra • Extend the Lorentz algebra to the global supersymmetry algebra • Build the states of the supermultiplets that are used in the minimal supersymmetric • standard model (MSSM) Introduce the MSSM. • A quick computer tutorial on using SOFTSUSY, a computer program that calculates the • MSSM particle spectrum and is usually the ‘first step’ in supersymmetry simulations etc. In particular, this unfortunately does not include the supersymmetric interactions: you need lectures about superspace and superfields for that. I welcome questions during lectures. Contents 1 Physical Motivation 1 2 Supersymmetry algebra and representations 2 2.1 Poincar´esymmetry and spinors 2 2.1.1 Properties of the Lorentz group 2 2.1.2 Representations and invariant tensors of SL(2, C) 3 2.1.3 Generators of SL(2, C) 5 2.1.4 Products of Weyl spinors 5 2.1.5 Dirac spinors 6 2.2 SUSY algebra 7 2.2.1 Graded algebra 7 2.3 Representations of the Poincar´egroup 9 2.4 = 1 supersymmetry representations 10 N 2.4.1 Massless supermultiplet 11 3 Introducing the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) 12 3.1 Particles 12 3.2 Supersymmetry breaking in the MSSM 13 3.3 Pros and Cons of the MSSM 15 4 Using SOFTSUSY 16 4.1 SOFTSUSY Tutorial 16 1 Physical Motivation Fundamental scalars (eg the Higgs) receive quantum corrections to their mass of order the heaviest mass scale in the theory (presumably M 1019 GeV), divided by a loop factor P l ∼ 16π2. The technical hierarchy problem is: how do we manage to end up with a 125 GeV ≈ Higgs boson in this case? Supersymmetry solves the hierarchy problem because the large quantum corrections cancel between fermions and bosons in the loops. Combined with the GUT idea, it also unifies the three gauge couplings at one single point at larger energies. A supersymmetric version of the Standard Model also provides the most studied candidate for dark matter. Moreover, it provides well defined QFTs in which issues of strong coupling can be better studied than in the non-supersymmetric models, and is an important ingredient in string theory. – 1 – 2 Supersymmetry algebra and representations 2.1 Poincar´esymmetry and spinors The Poincar´egroup corresponds to the basic symmetries of special relativity, it acts on space-time coordinates xµ as follows: xµ x′µ = Λµ xν + aµ 7→ ν Lorentz translation Lorentz transformations leave the metric tensor|{z}η = diag(1|{z}, 1, 1, 1) invariant: µν − − − ΛT η Λ = η They can be separated between those that are connected to the identity and this that are not (i.e. parity reversal Λ = diag(1, 1, 1, 1) and time reversal Λ = diag( 1, 1, 1, 1)). P − − − T − We will mostly discuss those Λ continuously connected to identity, i.e. the proper or- thochronous group1 SO(3, 1)↑. Generators for the Poincar´egroup are the hermitian M µν (rotations and Lorentz boosts) and P σ (translations) with algebra P µ , P ν = 0 h i M µν , P σ = i P µ ηνσ P ν ηµσ − h i M µν , M ρσ = i M µσ ηνρ + M νρ ηµσ M µρ ηνσ M νσ ηµρ − − h i A 4 dimensional matrix representation for the M µν is (M ρσ)µ = i ηµσ δρ ηρµ δσ . ν − ν − ν 2.1.1 Properties of the Lorentz group We now show that locally (i.e. in terms of the algebra), we have a correspondence • SO(3, 1) = SU(2) SU(2). ∼ × The generators of SO(3, 1) (Ji of rotations and Ki of Lorentz boosts) can be expressed as 1 J = ǫ M , K = M , i 2 ijk jk i 0i and the Lorentz algebra written in terms of J’s and K’s is [K , K ]= iǫ J , [J , K ]= iǫ K , [J , J ]= iǫ J . i j − ijk k i j ijk k i j ijk k Their2 linear combinations (which are neither hermitian nor anti hermitian) 1 1 A = J + iK , B = J iK i 2 i i i 2 i − i 1 0 These consist of the subgroup of transformations which have detΛ = +1 and Λ0 ≥ 1. 2 NB ǫ123 = +1. – 2 – satisfy SU(2) SU(2) commutation relations × Ai , Aj = iǫijk Ak , Bi , Bj = iǫijk Bk , Ai , Bj = 0 h i h i h i Under parity Pˆ, (x0 x0 and ~x ~x) we have 7→ 7→ − J J , K K = A B . i 7→ i i 7→ − i ⇒ i ↔ i We can interpret J~ = A~ + B~ as the physical spin. On the other hand, there is a homeomorphism (not an isomorphism) • C SO(3, 1) ∼= SL(2, ) . To see this, take a 4 vector X and a corresponding 2 2 - matrixx ˜, × x + x x ix X = x eµ = (x , x , x , x ) , x˜ = x σµ = 0 3 1 − 2 , µ 0 1 2 3 µ x + ix x x 1 2 0 − 3 ! where σµ is the 4 vector of Pauli matrices 1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0 σµ = , , − , . 0 1 1 0 i 0 0 1 ( ! ! ! − !) Transformations X ΛX under SO(3, 1) leaves the square 7→ X 2 = x2 x2 x2 x2 | | 0 − 1 − 2 − 3 invariant, whereas the action of SL(2, C) mappingx ˜ NxN˜ † with N SL(2, C) 7→ ∈ preserves the determinant detx ˜ = x2 x2 x2 x2 . 0 − 1 − 2 − 3 The map between SL(2, C) is 2-1, since N = 1 both correspond to Λ = 1, but ± SL(2, C) has the advantage of being simply connected, so SL(2, C) is the universal covering group. 2.1.2 Representations and invariant tensors of SL(2, C) The basic representations of SL(2, C) are: The fundamental representation • ′ β ψα = Nα ψβ , α, β = 1, 2 (2.1) The elements of this representation ψα are called left-handed Weyl spinors. The conjugate representation • ′ ∗ β˙ ˙ χ¯α˙ = Nα˙ χ¯β˙ , α,˙ β = 1, 2 Hereχ ¯β˙ are called right-handed Weyl spinors. – 3 – The contravariant representations are • ′α β −1 α ′α˙ β˙ ∗−1 α˙ ψ = ψ (N )β , χ¯ =χ ¯ (N )β˙ . The fundamental and conjugate representations are the basic representations of SL(2, C) and the Lorentz group, giving then the importance to spinors as the basic objects of special relativity, a fact that could be missed by not realising the connection between the Lorentz group and SL(2, C). We will see next that the contravariant representations are however not independent. Consider the different ways to raise and lower indices. The metric tensor ηµν = (η )−1 is invariant under SO(3, 1) and is used to raise/lower • µν indices. The analogy within SL(2, C) is • ˙ ǫαβ = ǫα˙ β = ǫ = ǫ , ǫ12 = +1,ǫ21 = 1. − αβ − α˙ β˙ − since ǫ′αβ = ǫρσ N α N β = ǫαβ det N = ǫαβ . ρ σ · That is why ǫ is used to raise and lower indices ˙ ˙ ψα = ǫαβψ , χ¯α˙ = ǫα˙ βχ¯ ψ = ǫ ψβ, χ¯ = ǫ χ¯β β β˙ ⇒ α αβ α˙ α˙ β˙ so contravariant representations are not independent from covariant ones. To handle mixed SO(3, 1)- and SL(2, C) indices, recall that the transformed compo- • nents xµ should look the same, whether we transform the vector X via SO(3, 1) or µ the matrixx ˜ = xµσ via SL(2, C) (x σµ) N β (x σν) N ∗ γ˙ = Λ ν x σµ , µ αα˙ 7→ α ν βγ˙ α˙ µ ν so the right transformation rule is µ β ν −1 µ ∗ γ˙ (σ )αα˙ = Nα (σ )βγ˙ (Λ ) ν Nα˙ . Similar relations hold for ˙ (¯σµ)αα˙ := ǫαβ ǫα˙ β (σµ) = (1, ~σ) . ββ˙ − Question: 1. Check the following identities: ˙ (¯σµ)αα˙ ǫαβǫα˙ βσµ = 1, σ1, σ2, σ3 ≡ ββ˙ − − − (σµ) (¯σ )γδ˙ = 2 δδ δγ˙ αβ˙ µ α β˙ µ ν ν µ β µν β (σ σ¯ + σ σ¯ )α = 2 η δα Trace σµσ¯ν = 2 ηµν – 4 – 2.1.3 Generators of SL(2, C) Let us define tensors σµν ,σ ¯µν as antisymmetrised products of σ matrices: i (σµν ) β := σµ σ¯ν σν σ¯µ β α 4 − α ˙ i (¯σµν ) β := σ¯µ σν σ¯ν σµα˙ α˙ 4 − β˙ which satisfy the Lorentz algebra σµν , σλρ = i ηµρ σνλ + ηνλ σµρ ηµλ σνρ ηνρ σµλ . − − h i They thus form a representation of the Lorentz algebra (the spinor representation). Under a finite Lorentz transformation with parameters ωµν, spinors transform as follows: i ψ exp ω σµν β ψ (left-handed) α 7→ −2 µν β α α˙ i ˙ χ¯α˙ exp ω σ¯µν χ¯β (right-handed) 7→ −2 µν β˙ Now consider the spins with respect to the SU(2)s spanned by the Ai and Bi: 1 1 i ψ : (A, B)= , 0 = J = σ , K = σ α 2 ⇒ i 2 i i −2 i 1 1 i χ¯α˙ : (A, B)= 0, = J = σ , K = + σ 2 ⇒ i 2 i i 2 i Let us just mention the identities3 1 σµν = ǫµνρσ σ 2i ρσ 1 σ¯µν = ǫµνρσ σ¯ , −2i ρσ known as self duality and anti self duality.
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