, DOCONBOT Busehis BD 103 349 RC 011 911 TITLE Guam 179: Facing te New,Pacific Era. AnnualEconom c. Review. INSTITUTION .Guam Dept. of Commerce, Agana. SPONS AGENCY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Aug 79 . NOTE 167p.: Docugent prepared by the Economic,Research Center. EDRS ?RICE . 1F01/PC07Plus 'Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annual Reports: Business: *Demography: *Economic Dpveloptlent4 Employment Patternp:Expenditures: Federal GoVernment: Financial, Support: *Government Role:_Local Government: *Productivity;_ Vahles (Data); Tourism - IDENTIFIER, *Guam Micronesia A ABSTRACT Socioeconomic conditions and developmentSare analysed.in thiseport, designed to ge. useful\ tb plannersin government and t_vr,. rivate sector. The introduction sunrmarizes Guam's economic olthook emphasizing the eftect of federalfunds for reconstruction folloVing SupertirphAon.Pamela in 1976,moderate growth ,in tour.ism,,and Guam's pqtential to partici:pateas a staging point in trade between the United States and mainlandQhina The body of the report contains populaktion, employment, and incomestatistics; an -account of th(ik economic role of local and federalgovernments and the military:adescription of economic activity in the privatesector (i.e., tour.isid, construction, manufacturingand trarde, agziculture and .fisheries and finan,cial inStitutionsi:and a discussion of onomic development in. Micronesia 'titsa whole.. Appendices contain them' 1979 uGuam Statistical Abstract which "Constitutesthe bulk Of tpe report and provides a wide lia.riety of data relevantto econ9mic development and planning.. Specific topics includedemography, vital statistics, school enrollment, local and federalgovernment finance, public utilities, transportation, tourism, andinternational trade. The most current"data are for fiscalyear 1977 or 197B with many tables showing figures for the previous 10years.(J11) A , . ***************t*********************************************t********* * . Reproduction's supplied by EDRS are the hest thatcan he made . * * :from the original doc ent. * 1*************************)14******************************t*********** A A 0 14- Pr- Alt \NCi I I AN C. S OF PAR TM I NI OF Ht. At TH OUt A T ION & WEI FARE NATIONAL INSTITI,T, OF EMI( A T ION N ni I N Piro I I kil t I, ,0 'N .'A 1..N N ." N i 4 N (IN% I N ' NII AIr In PRI .1 N' NA 4NA1 OI oN C../ PC It 4 .\.. -,T1 lc( 10A0 , 5 tytOC, ; 114 rti ANNUAL ' LP CINOMIC REVIEW 4 PAUL M. CALVO Governor of Guam JOSEPH F. ADA isdeutenant-Governor JOSE D. DIEGO Director of Commerce ,GUAM,79 Facing The New PacificEra -- vstsvoj Toof t (7) < weutif Economic Research Center Department of Commerce 0 Government 6f Guam ..August 1979 C.) tr. -7- 4 ; a ' ( MESSAGE BY THE GOVERNOR OFGUAM I take great pleasure in presenting the GuamAnnual gconamic Review? 1979, an assessment of socioeconomic conditions and developments,and a comprehen- sive collection of socioeconomic statisticson Guam for 1977 arid 1978. This, and succeeding publica'tionswill incorporate the Guam StatisticalAbs- tract. The analysis and socioeconomic dataprovided in this publication 'showprom- ising trends. for Guam's future. ' I envision an upsurge in commercial/industrial,tourism and agricultpral ted activities in theyears to come. Efforts are presently being intemlifiedto prepare our island youth fora vari- ety of occupations. Capital improvementprojects are being generated atan un% precedented rate. Signs of growth in theprivate sector are encouraging, with.new potentials for economic diversificationbeing identified and evaluated. As Guam moves aloser to the 1980's,I am confident that coordinated plan.: ning efforts and thij cooperatkm of theentire community will achieve the orderly economic progress and the easing of socialstrains, which are the goals ofour island society.. :y4 PAUL -M. ALVO Governor of Guam . 43. k ACK NOW LEDGEM ENT- I. It is a distinct pleasure to present the GuairlAnnual Economic Review: 1979, the first in a new series incorporating the Guam .tatistical. Absiract. This publication contains the latest tables for Guam's soctoc;conomic statis- tics and as such will be useful for all that need Such informationtor pursuit of their work or interests..lt is hopea that the description and analysis of the recent history and state of GuaM will be helpful to community leaders in evaluating and developing .programs.. For- theTotential investoii and other outside people interested in Guam, an effort was made to present an accurate, complete, and.helpful evaluiition of the state qf Guam -2 its strésngths and woaknesties. May this almanac be a guide to out- side as well as local intereits in contributing to Guam's future. I would like to commend my staff /lid acknowledge all departments and agencies who made this publ ifttio n possible. 1/4fteli a ,JOSE D Director oommerce I. ' ato iv AL ECONOMIC REVIEW Guam 9 - Facing the New Pacific Era. 4. 4 - ERRATA 4.. 1971 1972 .1973 1974 1975 1976 .t Page vi Private. School 5,221 4,623 4.659 3,982 4,031 4,943 TOTAL 33,32733,59.634,08834,27734,44734,194 Page vi Construction 1975 1976 1977 1978 Value of New Building Perinks 51.7. 40.4 75.2 6 t5 Page vi Gross Business Income 1976 1977 Retail 221.8288.0 Page 42 to replace Table No. 8 Characteristics oi Births and Deaths. 1970-19771/ I:1VE BIRTHS 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 Numbers 2,875 3,068 3,206 ,3,2311 3,226 3,165 3,0483,007 Males Per 100 Females s. 107.1 112.5 104.7 106.6 1104 97.2 110.6106.5 Percent likgitimate 9.3 11.2 12.3 14.4 13.0 12.5 15.5 16.5 Percent First Births to Mothers 32.7 31.6 35.8 38.4 35.6 34.0 , 35.8 33.3 Peteent with Prenatal Visits in First 3 Months 39.9 41.2 39.0 37.0 53.3 58.6 55.3 50.9 . Percent of Births Plural a . 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 Percent of Births Premature (Under 5 1/2 Lbs.) 10.5 10.2 10.0 9.0 '8.6 9.7 $.3 7.7 One or.More Congenital Malformation 0.7 january Page 100 No. 84, 1977 Visitors 15,8841 ,6 I 4. ,6 t TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -I. -OVERVIEW . ... ....... ..... ......1 II.POPULATION, EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME 3 A.,Population 3 B. Employment and Unemployment 5 C. Income / Ct of Liying 6 III.PUBLIC SECTOR 8 A. Local Government 9 a Infrastdicture 11 4 C. Utilities t o 12 D. Federal Governmónt 15 E. Military 15 .( . IV.PRIVATE gcroR , 18 A.Tourism .. 19 .,. B. Construction # 21 C. Wholesale and Retail Trade 22 . D. Manufacturing and External Trade 23 E. Agricultuie and Fisheries , 25 ,., . F. Financial Institutions 28 V.MICRONESIA 30 APPENDIX A: PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GUAM 35 - APPENDIX 13: 1979 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT 37 stoc z 'a GUAM STATISTICAL INDICATORS: SELECTEDYEARS 19711972197819741975 7619771978 PoPolalion I stunates1......... 89,042 91,407 93,055 N/A 105,700 N/A 107,300 109,000 1.111 ployment. .. ... 26.753 30,365 37,779 38.474234,9382 30,060230,8162 N/A Personal !avow (S Millions) 166.2 209.2 274.0 4.298.6 299.1e NM N/A N/A 1-.nrollment Academic Year PublicSchool . 26.329 26,922 27,331 28.184 28,206 27,272 27,380 28,529 Private School 5,404 4,817 4.820 5,111 4,592 4,928 ,4,785 5,223 University (tun time) 1.777 2.051 2.098 2,111 Total 2,210 1,999 1,923 1,657 33,510 33,790 34.249 35.408 35,008 34,199 34,088 35,409 Finance() Mi1lin93 Bank 1)eposits . 81.3 148.0 271.6 349.0 537.6 663.3 298.8 476.1 Bank Loans . , . .......... , 89.2 133.8 204.1 263.2 285.2- 264.5 235.2 Deposits All Financial Institutions4 250.4 87.4 154.5 279.3 358,2 555.1 687.7 343.2 1.oans All / inancial 529.4 Institutions .... 96.5 144.0 221.2 295.3 .317.1 317.3 291.4 330.3 Foreign Trade 1 iscal Near Fxports IS Millions) e ........ 10.5 16.4 10r.9 20.0 28.5 25-2 30.7e Impoits (S 34.2c 115.0 166.8 211.1 259.1 266.2 267.6 169.0e 272.0e Sur face Cargo (Tons 1 housands) . A 719 2 739.0 885.3 858.3 680.7 690.0 834.4 818.3 Air Cargo (Pound's Thousands) . 12.004 16.878 19,234"23,332 24,325 22,365 23,753 19,371 he Visitor Industry (Thousands) Calendar Veal Visitor Arrivals . 119.2 185.4 241.f 260.6-239.7 201.3 Tourist Arrivals 240.5 232.0 84.9 139.8 181.5 233.9 128.26 106.0 149.2 148.5 Consttuetion (5Millions) CalendarYear 6 6 Gross Receipts of Contractors . ..... 69.% 86.3a 127.8a 108.9 92.8 Value of Nen Building Permits 64.0 74.8e 111.2c r 43.46 92-4`. 66.4° 116.78 40.8 62.7 51.2 49.5 '(irossBusiness Income t$ Millions) Calendar Year1 Retail , 107.9 162.4 180.3 200.6 189.0 221.9 288.88 Wholesale 259.2 40.2 46.5. 48.6 43.1 46.9 46.5 13 Manufacturing 54.1 39.8 41.4 63.0 113.4 139.4 152.2 Services 150.5 187.5 41.2 51.8 64.9 73.4 68.9 70.5 Agriculture° 80.2 85.7 N/A N/A 0.5 0.7 1.2 1.2 1.5 2,9 Transportation 0.1 0.2 11.0 15.2 13.6 14.3 15.2 , Insurance, Real !Nate.
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