The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ethiopian Roads Authority International Development Association C / V.L 3 ENVIRONIMENTAL INIIPACT A.NALYSIS OF THE FIlE Public Disclosure Authorized ROADS SELECTED FOR REHABILITATION AND)/0R UPGRADING MOJO-AWASH-MILLE ROAD Public Disclosure Authorized ;~~~~~~~~- , d~~ -; __ - . ' - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V Public Disclosure Authorized Final Report October 1997 [2!JPLANCENTERLTD Public Disclosure Authorized -Opstinsilta6, FIN-00520 HELSINKI, FINLAND Phone +3589 1564, Fax +3589 145 150 EA Report for the Mojo - Awash - MilleRoad Final Report TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................... i ABBREVIATIONSAND ACRONYMS........................... iv GENERALMAP OF THE AREA ........................... v EXECUTIVESUMMARY ........................... vi 1. INTRODUCTION I 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Locationof the Study Area. 1 1.3 Objectiveof the Study . 1 1.4 Approachand Methodologyof the Study. 2 1.5 Contentsof the Report. 3 2. POLICY,LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONALFRAMEWORK... 4 2.1 Policy Framework . 4 2.2 Legal Framework . 6 2.3 InstitutionalFramework. 8 2.4 Resettlementand Compensation . .12 2.5 Public Consultation 15 3. DESCRIPTIONOF THE PROPOSEDROAD PROJECT.16 4. BASELINE DATA . .18 4.1 Descriptionof the Road .18 4.2 PhysicalEnvironment . .22 4.2.1 Climate and hydrology.22 4.2.2 Physiography .23 4.2.3 Topographyand hydrography.23 4.2.4 Geology .23 4.2.5 Soils and geomorphology.24 4.2.6 Seismicityand earthquakes.24 4.3 BiologicalEnvironment . .25 4.3.1 Land use - Land Cover.25 4.3.2 Flora .25 4.3.3 Fauna .26 4.4 Humanand Social Environment ..................... 26 4.4.1 Characteristicsof the populationliving by/along the road .26 4.4.2 Housing situation .31 4.4.3 Local economic activitiesby the road . 33 4.4.4 Social acceptabilityof the project .35 4.4.5 Constructioncamps 37 5. POTENTIALENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ... 40 5.1 PhysicalEnvironment . .40 5.1.1 Soil and erosion .40 5.1.2 Hydrologicalconditions and water quality ... 40 5.1.3 Nuisancenoise .41 5.1.4 Air quality .41 5.2 Natural Environmentand Biodiversity . .41 5.2.1 Loss of terrestrial vegetation .41 5.2.2 Destruction of wildlife habitatand impediment to movement of wildlife.42 PlancenterLtd i October1997 EA Report for the Mojo - Awash - Mille Road Final Report 5.2.3 Encroachment into ecologically sensitive areas42 5.3 Human and Social Environment: Social Issues ..... ..... 42 5.3.1 Social acceptability ............. ........ 42 5.3.2 Resettlement/displacement of people ....... 42 5.3.3 Demographic changes ......... ......... 43 5.3.4 Change in way of life ....... ........ 43 5.3.5 Impacts on women ............. ........ 43 5.3.6 Impacts on indigenous peoples ...... ...... 44 5.3.7 Induced development .......... ......... 44 5.3.8 Conflicts between locals and immigrants . ... 45 5.4 Human and Social Environment: Economic Issues ...... 46 5.4.1 Loss of agricultural lands ......... ....... 46 5.4.2 Loss of grazing land .................... 46 5.4.3 Loss of property ........................ 46 5.4.4 Employment opportunities ........ ....... 46 5.4.5 Change in economic activities ...... ...... 47 5.4.6 Effects on public and private services ...... 47 5.4.7 Impacts on national economy ....... ...... 47 5.5 Human and Social Environmbent:Other Issues ..... ..... 47 5.5.1 Cultural, religious and historical areas ...... 47 5.5.2 Health and sanitary issues ...... ......... 48 5.5.3 Road Safety ...... .......... 48 5.5.4 Public Consultation ............ 48 6. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ........................... 49 7. MITIGATION MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................... 50 7.1 Physical Environment ............................. 50 7.1.1 Soil and erosion ......... .............. 50 7.1.2 Hydrological conditions and water quality ... 50 7.1.3 Nuisance noise ......... ............... 51 7.1.4 Air quality .............. .............. 51 7.2 Natural Environment and Biodiversity .......... 51 7.2.1 Loss of terrestrial vegetation ...... ....... 51 7.2.2 Impediment to Movement of Wildlife ...... 52 7.2.3 Encroachment into ecologically sensitive areas52 7.3 Human and Social Environment: Social Issues ..... ..... 52 7.3.1 Social acceptability ............. ........ 52 7.3.2 Resettlement/displacement of people ....... 53 7.3.3 Demographic changes ......... ......... 53 7.3.4 Change in way of life ....... ........ 53 7.3.5 Impacts on women ............. ........ 53 7.3.6 Impacts on indigenous peoples ...... ...... 53 7.3.7. Induced development .......... ......... 53 7.3.8 Conflicts between locals and immigrants .... 54 7.4 Human and Social Environment: Economic Issues ....... 54 7.4.1 Loss of agricultural lands ...... .......... 54 7.4.2 Loss of grazing land ....... ............. 54 7.4.3 Loss of property ..... ......... 54 7.5 Human and Social Environment: Other Issues ..... ..... 54 7.5.1 Cultural, religious and historical areas ...... 54 7.5.2 Health and sanitary issues ...... ......... 55 Plancenter Ltd ii October 1997 EA Report for the Mojo - Awash - Mille Road Final Report 7.5.3 Public Consultation............ 55 8. ENVIRONMENTALMONITORING PLAN ... 61 8.1 Soil and Erosion..................... 61 8.2 TerrestrialVegetation ......................... 61 8.3 AgriculturalLand ......................... 61 8.4 Health and Safety ......................... 62 8.5 Nuisance Dust ........... .............. 62 8.6 EquipmentFueling and Maintenance ................. 62 8.7 Cleanup ......................... 62 8.8 Monitoringof Social and EconomicIssues ........ 62 9. TRAININGNEEDS ..... ........ 63 APPENDICES Appendix 1. List of Team Members Appendix2. References/BaselineDocuments Appendix 3. List of Organizations,Institutions and PersonsMet/ Interviewedduring the Work Appendix4. Site Visit Programme Appendix 5. Minutesof the Public Consultation Appendix6. NGO Questionnaire Appendix7. ScopingList for EnvironmentalImpacts Appendix 8. BaselineData/Physical and Natural Environment Appendix 9. Baseline Data/Humanand Social Environment Plancenter Ltd ii October 1997 EA Report for the Mojo - Awash - Mille Road Final Report ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADLI Agricultural-Development-Led-Industrialization EA EnvironmentalAssessment EELPA EthiopianElectric and Power Authority EIA EnvironmentalImpact Assessment EIRR EconomicalInternal Rate of Return EPA EnvironmentalProtection Authority EPE EnvironmentalProtection of Ethiopia (Proclamation1/1995) ERA EthiopianRoads Authority ETCA TransportConstruction Authority EU European Union EWNHS EthiopianWildlife and Natural History Society FA FarmersAssociation FDRE Federal DemocraticRepublic of Ethiopia IBA ImportantBird Areas INGO Internationalnon-governmental organization m.a.s.l. meters above sea level MEDAC Ministry of EconomicDevelopment and Cooperation NGO Non-governmentalOrganization NPV Net Present Value PA PeasantsAssociation RGRRO Regional GovernmentRural Road Organization RSDP Road SectorDevelopment Program TCDE Transport ConstructionDesign Enterprise TOR Terms of Reference TFR Total Fertility Rate TGE TransitionalGovernment of Ethiopia PlancenterLtd iv October 1997 PROPOSED ROAD UNDER RSDP TRUNK ROAD Phose 1 Phase 2 j_ A.O Upgqdlng Rood _ A*fhIt pWading Roc = G-o.t Ipgdihg Rcod - G.l wpg.ding Rooa ARpRORR.hobtiooU Rood MAJOR LINK ROAD Phase 1 Phase 2 _~Aot opQ q Rood - ClOmWopsdiog Rood Mindof CWodo,g Rood A0,GdM-hoft up9adm9 ROA NEW CONSTRUCTIONMAJOR LINK ROAD rPhase;> 1 Phase 2 ALL WEATHER ROADS Zenon ~~~~* 4 - tk PROJECTROD,A \ %. jv i Ee1SE e ;} |rel\ \> OEHFXasle ilei- 1 * I~~~~~~~~~~~~* FEDERAL CGOVERNMENTOF ErHIOPIA THE EMNMNUTALR PAPATASSESSMENT OlF IHE RtOADSECTOR LOCATION MAP - . ._ . ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FicureIri EA Report for the Mojo - Awash - Mille Road Final Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background An Environmental Analysis of the Five Road Projects chosen for rehabilitation and/or upgrading as well as an EnvironmentalAnalysis of the Road Sector of Ethiopia, was commencedin May 1997.The Five Roads includeAlemgena-Hossaina-SodoRoad, Woldiya- Adigrat-ZalambessaRoad, Debre Markos-GondarRoad, Awash-Kulubi-DireDawa-Harar Road as well as Mojo-Awash-MilleRoad.This report includesthe environmentalanalysis of the Mojo-Awash-MilleRoad. The environmental analysis study was carried out by an expert team of Plancenter Ltd (Finland)consisting of Finnishand Ethiopianexperts representing various expertise including environmentalimpact assessment (EIA) methodology, road engineering, environmentaland naturalsciences, sociologyand hydrogeology.The consultantteam was complementedby a counterpartperson from the EthiopianRoads Authority (ERA) The objective of this EA study has been to identify and quantify - to the extentpossible -the likely negative and positive environmentalimpacts (physical,natural, human and social) of the proposed road work as presently designed and suggest and produce cost estimates regarding the required mitigatingmeasures to be implementedto avoid or minimizethese negative impacts. The methodologyused for carryingout the work include(1) collectionand reviewof baseline data and relevantdocuments, including relevant World Bank directives,guidelines and other documents; relevant legislation, policy papers and guidelines of the Ethiopian road and environmental sector, as well as other relevant sectors; designs for the proposed road improvements;maps and literature;(2) interviewingorganizations, institutions and persons relevant to the work; (3) site visits; the whole road section was studied by the team; and (4) carrying out a public consultationinvolving different governmentaland non-governmental
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