V ' r V. the Weather tCEBDAY. FEBRUARY 8, l»4dT A v e r a g i Daily Net Press Run Fiento* of C. a. Heather Bm o m For th* MoiiUi of JawMiy. lS<t MdnflTeatrr gnminB Ifgrate Fair Mto miM this aft reeiBi elesr and colder tentght) thai'tloy t:< .. 9 , 6 8 0 ; The commlttM of the Past A M - donaUons that hava already haen ioereasing high ,.cioadtoets and ____ BUsabeth Kirkpatrick, idenU Club of AadanaB- made Indicate that the drive for AGENCY FOR much eokter Ihaa today. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Emergency Doctors Public MlMtow o< «ka AadH Auxiliary. V. F. W., wUl hold a outs^ Drive* program expaiMion funds will be ^ A Jti^ T Kirkpatrick of Highland Park, was highly successful. SHEAFFER j t a n r a ■« OipalatlMM meeting this evening at 7:30, pre­ Stanographer M m nehgster^A City o f Village Charm cn the dean’s list for the second Dr. P. W. Helfrick and Dr. The Scouts, although especially qbarter at Casenovla, New York, ceding the buainees meeting o f the Well Started Pens and Pencils iUtnXkm Army Women’s Home Howard J. Lockward am phy­ auxiliary at the V. F. W. home. grateful for large donatloiu, which PRICE POUR GENTS Junior College, where shy is a sicians of the Manchester Med­ P. M. BRODERICK 1949 (TWENTY PAGES) l^eofoe members will meet tomor* have helped so much In the past, M VSKS'IO) MANCHESTRIL CONN., freshman. ical Association who will re­ Arthnr Drug Store omen Clemd Data Mar. t raw afternoon at 1 The Women’a Auxiliary of the wish to point out that any contri­ VOL. Lxvm., Nano catadeL Hosteeeea wlU be Mrs. spond to eatergency calls Uh Preliminary Wnirk Is bution, ho\Vever small, will giva Aaaa Addy and Mrs. Bachel Sym- The Stanley group Cf the South morrow afternoon. Itallan-American club will hold a Methodist W.S.C.S. ^ meet thU special meeting toonorrow evening Started With House to the donor thd\right to feel that he / iactoo. ' evening at 7:45 In the ladles’ par­ at 7:30 at the clubhouse on El- has assisted in this universal American Crowds Pkoleat Verdldk Harsher Term lor. Members are requested to dridge street House Canvass Here movement o f raucatlonal adven­ Group A of Omtar C3»urch Wom­ bring articles for the rununage The C Y P club of Center church ture for boys. Nothing New Seen Pope Has Protested en. M r£ Abbott Chase, leader, will sale the grqup Is conducting at has scheduled a dance in Woodruff The two hundred Boy Scouts meet tomorrow evening at 8 o dock An open meeting of the Man; Seen Unlikely the church Thursday from 9 o’clock ball for February 28, arid the sec­ Chester Federation o f Democratic IB the FederaUon room. Mrs. ond annual ham suppper for the who called house-to-house on Sun­ on. Hostesses this evening will be women w ill be held Tuesday, Feb­ 4 Day Speciah CUntoQ Hendrickson of the pro­ Mrs. Alton H all Mrs. Walter Hol­ confertmee fund Tuesday evening, day with their “Message To Man­ gram committee has a r w g e d for ruary 15 at eight o’clock at the Y. chester” returned with glovin g re­ For Cardinal man, Mrs. Michael ZlUovltch and February 22. M. C A., at which the guest In FaU of Prices; motion pictures. Mrs. Emtl Mrs. Adrian St. Pierre. ports of the line reception they Arrest of Cardinal; Kottke, hostess, wlU be assisted speakers will be Mrs. Mary Valen- were accorded by the householders. by Mrs.- David Muldoon, Mrs. John TbomaA J. Crockett of 63 Bige­ U, president of tbe State Federa­ Comment of Foreign Of­ ■ilie Brotherhood of Emanuel Lu­ low street, local realtor, has re­ The recipients of the calls In at H O U SE ’S Hood and Mrs. Jennie Hoff. theran church will have as guests tion, aiid Miss Edna Purtell, for­ turn expressed their pleasure In Keyserling Heard turned after a month’# visit with merly with the State Labor De­ fice ^|M>kesman Indi- at their meeting this evening, men the family of his brother, Herbert the courteous greeting of uniform­ .■tn*"' Teachers of Concordia Lutheran partment. who w ill speak on the of the WilllmanUc and Norwich Crockett of Seattle, Wash, He ed scouts who presented, at every Wed„ Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only catef Sentence Will church school will hold their Brotherhoods. The guest speaket present legislative program. home, literature which told of ac- Consistory Monday accom p^ed his mother, Mrs. monthly meeting this evening at will be Rev. WUlard J. McLaugh­ Lena Crockett, who U remaining ttvltlea and needs o f Manchester A smtU Drop ‘in Very Cows Gsttiag Snooty Not Be Made Death 7:80. lin of the North Methodist church In Seattle for an extended visit DisMct. The Cub Scouts particu­ About Drinking Water witn her son and daughter-in-law. Address Is Given larly came In for special praise of Ct$$emgiuty, Nlarrh$0j m 4 Nature of Our Econ* — V ‘Grave Offense Inflicted The Challoner Club announces a By Endre Martoa their natty appearance. • Cht»0y, Imt. Vlckeburg, Mich., Feb. t.— Valentine sporta dance for tomor­ omy’ Even When In* Budapest. Hungary, Feb. 9—(F; Upon Whole (Church’ Mrs. John Buchanan o f Wood­ The boys were assisted by about —in U R A M I~ (g^— Farmer Jim Green com* Closed Sign Symbol row evening In St. James’s hall on By F.B.I. Agent flfty-fivs adults, some driving cars ^ T h e comment of a Foreign O f­ land street is chairman o f the Oan Uwii St, Hanford 7-J283 dustrlal Prices Are plolne that hie cowe ore get- Assertion in Letter to PHONE 4496 Park street. Dancing will be en­ and others conducting headquar­ OVERCOATS fice apoke.man made it seem un­ committee in charge of the set­ UiDg onooty. joyed from eight o’clock until J. J. Meunler, F.B.I. agent at ters activities at the Manchester Standing Still or likely today that the life sentence Hungarian Bishops; midnight, to music of Tony back party of ManchMter Grange, $66.00 Having been accustomed to Hartford, explained the taking Court Room, the use o f which was O f Angry Reaction tomorrow evening at 7:45 in Odd foimtoln water at their boms, o f Josef Cardinnl Mindszenty Will O'Bright’s orchestra. permitted for the occasion by A im . $ Rising; Brannan Next Pontiff Expected to Fellows hall. Three playing prlxea and use o f flngerprints in crime 165.00 } Overcoats 44.00 they refused to drink from a ba Increased to death by ths A p­ will be awarded the winners. Five Police Chief Schendel. cteek when the bom's water peals court. detection at the French night of Supervisor o f Urlve .Address College of door prizes wUI be given away and Washington, Feb. 9.—-(flP) system foiled. Trie cardinal was found guilty | Public Official$ and Campbell council at the Knights Joseph R. Monahan, Finance $62.50 refreshments served. INCOME .—Elconomiat Leon Keyserling So obstinate were they, sold by the People’s court yesterday of | Hungarian Quits ('.ardinals on Trial at o f Columbus home last nighL In chairman of Manchester District Is Churchmen Through­ $60.00 } Overcoats How $42.50 said today there is “nothing Green, that they went without treason, plotting to overthrow the . SUFFERING his introductory remarks he the supervisor of tbe drive, assist­ water tor J7 hours .imtll he Communist government and spec- j Extraordinary Session ’Ibe Soroptlmlst Club will hold ed by tbe ways and means com­ new, nothing surprising, al­ out ff'eatern Worltl a dinner meeting Friday evening galed his audience with a number TAX got hU pipeline repaired. ulating In dollars on the black | mittee. Chairman Monahan re­ FROM at 6:30 in the Evangeline room of $52.50 though much that is disturb­ market. His six co-defendants! A'atican City, Feb. 9.— (JP) of stories told in his Mmitable ports that the turnout of boys was ASSISTANCE Proteat Life Sentence Murphy’s restaurant French dialect style. Following $50.00 } Overcoats H ow _ $ 35.00 ing” in the fall of food and also were found guilty on various | — Pope Pius XII has piote.st- gratifying; and the determination the talk an entertainment pro­ commodity prices. As vice related charges and all but one i o f the younger Cub Scouts set the Hours 2 P.M, to 6 P.M. By The Asitodated Press j ed solemnly against “ the Asthma? The official board of the Church gram was presented, featuring chairman of the President’s appealed. ' I Tony O’Bright with marimba se­ pace for the older ones. $48.00 The prosecutor also expressed! A “ closed” Sign hung today | grave offense inflicted upon of the Nazarene will have a meet­ Although actual collection of Mornings and Russia Again ■II IhHha gather la t r ^ oR New Yartrii M y niO to pray SANSON’S ASTHMA lections. Council of Economic Advis- F esfie o r gR IhHlM . dissatisfaction with all but one 1 on the door of the Hungarian j tlie wliole church” iiy Hun­ ing this evening at 7:30 at the funds will be made next Sunday, Evenings $47.50 } Overcoats How $32.00 em, K«yn«rllng teatiSed to th« tor Jooef Oardtoal MladaBenty, t^dioae eoavictiaa htooght a wave of s ' , ' $ REMEDY church. A meat pie diimer, with pea WB, Mllee pemdttedi senttnees—In effect an ap-' gary'.s arre.«t nf .lo.sef Cardi- .
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