DOKUZ EYLÜL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE WATER QUALITY IN SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN REGION by Nurbol KOKISHEV February, 2011 İZMİR GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE WATER QUALITY IN SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN REGION A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of Dokuz Eylül University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Program by Nurbol KOKISHEV February, 2011 İZMİR M.Sc THESIS EXAMINATION RESULT FORM We have read the thesis entitled "GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE WATER QUALITY IN SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN REGION" completed by NURBOL KOKISHEV under supervision of ASSIST. PROF. DR. ORHAN GÜNDÜZ and we certify that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assist. Prof. Dr. Orhan GÜNDÜZ Supervisor (Jury Member) (Jury Member) Prof. Dr. Mustafa SABUNCU Director Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to state my appreciation to my advisor Assist. Prof. Dr. Orhan GÜNDÜZ for his advice, guidance, patience and encouragement during my M.Sc. period and his interest for all details of my thesis and his positive effects to all my life and behavior. I would like to thank the members of my thesis committee, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alper BABA and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurdan BÜYÜKKAMACI, for their support and assistance. My deepest thanks and love go to my parent Nursulu and Muhiddin KOKISHEV and to my little brother Erbol ILES for their faithful encouragement and invaluable support during my life. I would also like to express my appreciation to my wife, Elvira NAMETOVA, for her love, encouragement, understanding, patience and infinite support. Finally, my deepest thanks go to my best friends Gabiden TASYBAEV, Alibek SADYRMEKOV and Baigaly KARAEV for their positive effects and supports during my thesis periods. iii GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE WATER QUALITY IN SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN REGION ABSTRACT This study is proposed to provide a general overview of surface and subsurface water quality in Southern Kazakhstan region. In order to review the hydrological and hydrochemical properties of the surface and subsurface water resources, some case studies are selected and analyzed in this thesis. These cases studies included the Syr Darya River, Aral Sea and Balkhash Lake as surface water resources as well as groundwater resources of Kentau and Turkestan cities. According to the result of the Syr Darya River water quality data obtained from 7 monitoring stations during 1970- 2010, the river waters were found to be highly contaminated by heavy metals particularly after Aralsk station. Degradations water quality of Syr Darya River was the first reason for the alarming conditions of Aral Sea Basin as the river is one of the main sources of water inflow to the Sea. Based on water quality data of Small Aral Sea in 1994-2010, the distributions of substances are determined within the Small Aral Sea using 15 monitoring stations. The water quality of Balkhash Lake is then reviewed based on the data of Kawabata (1999) and obtained the distributions of substances in western parts of Lake. As a result, the numerous parameters were found to be above the standard values. The subsurface water quality of Kentau and Turkistan cities is better than surface water quality. Only Pb and Ni concentrations were above the standard in Kentau region. Furthermore, groundwater resources of Turkestan city were also contaminated mostly by Pb, SO4 and Mg. These impacts could cause an environmental disaster, especially when necessary mitigation and rehabilitation activities are not implemented. Finally, possible rehabilitation techniques for surface and subsurface water resources were explained and were recommended the possible necessary activities to mitigation of the water quality conditions. Keywords: Syr Darya River, Aral Sea, Balkhash Lake, Turkestan city, Kentau city, monitoring stations. iv GÜNEY KAZAKİSTAN’DAKİ YÜZEY VE YERALTI SU KALİTESİNİN GENEL DEĞERLENDİRMESİ ÖZ Kazakistan şu anda yüzey ve yeraltı suyu kalitesi ile ilgili ciddi sorunlarla karşı karşıyadır. Bu çalışma Güney Kazakistan bölgesinde yüzey ve yeraltı su kalitesi hakkında genel bir değerlendirme sağlamak için önerilmiştir. Yüzey suların hidrolojik ve hidrokimyasal özelliklerinin genel bir değerlendirmesi için Syr Darya Nehri, Aral Denizi ve Balkhash Gölü seçilmiş; yeraltı su kaynaklarının değerlendirilmesi için de Kentau ve Türkistan şehirleri seçilmiştir. Syr Darya ile ilgili su kalitesi verileri 1970–2010 yıllar arasında 7 izleme istasyonundan elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak nehrin su kalitesinin oldukça kirlenmiş olduğu ortaya çıkmış; özellikle Aralsk istasyonundan sonra suyun daha çok kirlendiği tespit edilmiştir. Göl suyunun büyük kısmı Syr Darya nehrinden geldiğinden, Syr Darya nehrinin kirlenmesi aynı zamanda Aral Golü’nün de kirlenmesi anlamına gelmektedir. 1994–2010 yıllar arasında küçük Aral Denizi'ndeki 15 izleme istasyonundan elde edilen su kalitesi verilere göre Aral Denizi çoğunlukla ağır metallerle kirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, Balkhash Gölü’nün su kalitesi de Kawabata (1999) verilerine dayanarak gözden geçirilmiş ve gölün batı kısmında çeşitli parametreler için dağılım haritaları elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, bazı parametreler standart değerlerin üzerinde bulunmuştur. Kentau bölgesindeki yeraltı su kalitesi incelendiğinde suyun genelde Pb ve Ni ile kirlenmiş olduğu görülmüş ve bu parametreler için su kalitesinin standart değerler üzerinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Benzer olarak Türkistan şehri yeraltı suyunun da yüksek SO4, Pb, ve Mg değerleri belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, yüzey ve yeraltı su kaynakları için olası rehabilitasyon teknikleri açıklanarak su kalitesi koşullarının iyileştirilmesi için mümkün gerekli çalışmaları tavsiye edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Syr Darya Nehri, Aral Denizi, Balkhash Gölü, Türkistan şehri, Kentau şehri, izleme istasyonları. v CONTENTS Page M.Sc. THESIS EXAMINATION RESULT FORM ................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ iv ÖZ ............................................................................................................................ v CHAPTER ONE- INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1 1.1 Problem Statement......................................................................................... 1 1.2 Objectives of the Study ................................................................................. 2 1.3 Scope of the Study ......................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER TWO-DESCRIPTION OF SOUTHERN KAZAKHSTAN REGION ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1 Almaty Province ............................................................................................ 9 2.1.1 Morphology ........................................................................................... 9 2.1.2 Meteorology .........................................................................................10 2.1.3 Hydrology .............................................................................................10 2.1.4 Population .............................................................................................11 2.1.5 Economy ...............................................................................................11 2.1.6 Tourism ................................................................................................11 2.2 South Kazakhstan Province ..........................................................................12 2.2.1 Morphology ..........................................................................................12 2.2.2 Meteorology .........................................................................................13 2.2.3 Hydrology .............................................................................................13 vi 2.2.4 Population .............................................................................................13 2.2.5 Economy ...............................................................................................14 2.2.6 Tourism ................................................................................................14 2.3 Zhambul Province ........................................................................................15 2.3.1 Morphology ..........................................................................................15 2.3.2 Meteorology .........................................................................................15 2.3.3 Hydrology .............................................................................................16 2.3.4 Population .............................................................................................17 2.3.5 Economy ...............................................................................................17 2.3.6 Tourism ................................................................................................18 2.4 Kyzyl Orda Province ....................................................................................18
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