Pro Musica UWM Get Your Antique Directory Oct. 30 057 Friday Vol. Ill, No. 6 University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee °^^^ 5 Thursday, Oct. 23, 1958 Berendsen Supports Prominent Republicans UN Day Observance i^ir Carl August Berendsen, form- city. The UWM curriculum library «r ambassador of New Zealand to has one on human rights and a dis­ Speak at YCOP Rally the United States and delegate to play of UN aids to education. A With the Nov. 4 elections less the United Nations will be tha photo and special UN stamp ex­ hibit are being shown at the Youth than two weeks away,, the various jnain speaker for the community- candidates of both major political wide United Nations' Day program Library of the main branch Mil­ waukee Public library. Other dis­ parties are intensifying their ef­ to be held at the UWM student plays include products and a col­ forts to win the approval of the union at 8 p.m., October 24, lection of shoes from UN coun­ Vtoters. Three of those candidates will be on the UWM campus Sun­ The program, which will climax tries. day, Oct. 26 to deliver campaign a week long observance of the an­ UWM faculty members serving niversary of the establishment of speeches at a rally sponsored by on the United Nations' week com­ the Young Republican club. the United Nations, has been mittee are Dr. Marvin Summers, planned by the Milwaukee Com­ The speakers Will be Governor vice chairman; Dr. Donald Shea, Vernon W. Thomson; Roland J. mittee for the Observance, of United treasurer. Dr. John Phelan is serv­ Nations Day. Steinle, candidate for United States ing on the speakers bureau and senator; and State Assemblyman Speaks on UN Future publicity committee, and Mrs. Mon­ John Meyer. ica Bayley heads the publicity Sir Carl, who has been active in Public Invited world affairs for over 25 years as committee. The program will begin at 8 p.m. a statesman, diplomat and UN del­ Speaking for the UWM group in the auditorium of the main egate, will speak on "The United Monica Bayley said "We are all building. Admission is free and the Nations' Prospects for the Future." happy to cooperate ... in the ob­ general public, as well as faculty A reception for Sir Carl and Lady servance of the thirteenth anniver­ and students, is welcome. Berendsen sponsored by the Stu­ sary of the signing of the UN The speakers will be introduced dent Union Forum Commission will charter. We are especially proud follow the speech. by Dr. Donald R. Shea, assistant that part of the celebration will be professor of political science at Preceeding the lecture, a recep­ on the UWM campus." UWM and faculty adviser to the Roland Steinle Governor Vernon Thomson | tion will be held for Sir Carl and YGOP. Shea will also moderate at Lady Berendsen at the Interna­ a discussion period following the tional Institute tomorrow at 3:30 bly from 1935 to 1951, during which defeating the Democratic candi­ speeches time he served as speaker of the date William Proxmire. Low Vote Has Yast Experience house for three sessions. Thomson Roland Steinle is attempting t<> Governor Thomson is no new­ was elected attorney general in unseat United States Senator Wil* comer to Wisconsin politics. He 1950. He was re-elected in 1952 and Mam Proxmire. Steinle resigned his For USG was a member of the state assem- 1954. He became governor in 1956, seat on the bench of the state su« preme court to run for the senate. Fifteen board representatives He had served four years of a 10 elected by the students from seven year term. He was also a Wiscon­ classifications were seated at the sin circuit court judge for 14 years, USL meeting last night. New York Musical Group Approximately 4 per cent of the Marquette Graduate of the student body voted last week Steinle was born and raised in? in the University Student govern­ Performs Medieval Pieces Milwaukee and received his law degree from Marquette university. ment elections for vice-president, An unusual musical attraction, izes in music of the Medieval and He has practiced law in state and treasurer, and board representa­ the New York Pro Musica Antiqua, Renaissance periods from the years federal courts for 20 years. He has tives. Seventeen new members were is being brought to the University 1200-1700 A.D. The group of eleven also taught law at the University added to USG as a result of the of Wisconsin — Milwaukee Ken­ musicians includes besides vocal­ of Wisconsin and Marquette uni­ election. wood campus on Thursday, Oct. 30 ists, performers on such antique versity. Thomas Baldikoski, who was by the Student Union program instruments as the medieval organ, running unopposed, was elected commission. The concert begins at harpsichord, a variety of recorders The third speaker to appear will Vice-president of USG. Michael Ha­ 8:30 p.m. in the Union lounge. Gen­ (an early flute). The whole family be John Meyer, 18th district as­ ley is the new student government eral admission is $2.25; for UWM of medieval stringed instruments semblyman. He was elected to tha treasurer. students $1.75. and many early percussion instru­ assembly in 1956, his first political New representatives are Mike This chamber-music group, di­ ments are also included. office. Meyer is a research physi­ Czajkawski from the music depart­ rected by Noah Greenberg, special- cist at the Allis-Chalmers Mfg, ment; Gerald Blessinger from Research Required Co. pharmacy; and Margaret Tweeden, Performing music from the early Wife, UWM Instructor i Sir Carl Berendsen sophomore, and Nancy Wockowski, Maria Zorn European periods requires much Assemblyman Meyer's wife, Mar- p.m. Following the reception, a senior, from the school of educa­ research, both as to how the music tine, is an instructor of French United Nations dinner will be held tion. Engineering department rep­ itself is to be written in modern and Italian at UWM. at Marquette University's Brooks resentatives are Jim Jacobs and Plays Here notation and interpreted and how Sandy Le Gath, president of the Memorial Union at 5:30 p.m. Jim Jordan. A free harpsichord recital, fea­ the antique instruments should be Young Republicans, said that thia acquired and handled. Qualified Authority Freshman members from the col­ turing 17th and 18th century Bar­ rally is to be the first in a series lege of Letters and Science are The "Pro Musica" has worked planned by the club. She said that Albert F. Houghton, chairman of oque music, will be given, Monday, Sally Busch, Richard Gastomski, together with groups of scholars in the future out-of-state speakers the Milwaukee UN Week commit­ October 27 by Marie Zorn of the Phil Proctor, Judy Stimac, and and music experts in reconstruct­ will be asked to speak at UWM. tee, said that in the light of the Indiana university School of Mu­ Gerhard Strauss. New sophomore ing such numbers as English ma­ recent Formosan crisis the commit­ sic. The program, to be held in the Other officers of the club include members are Dick Child, Bruce drigals, French Renaissance music, tee felt fortunate in securing the Union lounge, will begin at 8:15 Sonja Sontvedt, vice-president,*! Patterson, and Wayne Youngquist. Italian Baroque compositions, and services of a speaker with such p.m. Edward Miszczak, secretary; and! The lone newly-elected junior L&S Miss Zorn, a member of the In­ the music of medieval Spain and Lee Warren, treasurer. student is Kathy Kemp. diana university music faculty, has Germany. IVY STAFF Art department representative is studied piano with several well- Much of this music has not been An Ivy staff meeting will be Rosemary Topp. known American musician's, and performed for hundreds of years. held Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 3:30 was a student and associate of But the New York Times states Denemark p.m. in M34. All workers are Wanda Landowska, the renowned that modern audiences are welcom­ invited to attend. harpsichordist. ing it as "a rare and rewarding Ron Jaeger Directories Her program for the evening will experience." Tea Today This afternoon between 2:30 and Ivy Editor include J. S. Bach's "English Suite Make Recordings Here Fridav in F" and his "Italian Concerto." 4:30 p.m., a tea will be held in Two other Baroque masters, Coup- One of last year's highlights was Varied experience in international The UWM directory for the the presentation of The Play of honor of Dr. and Mrs. George* erin and Rameau, will be repre­ *• problems. first semester will be available Daniel, an "opera" which was last Denemark. sented by some of their best works. During the past week special TV on Friday, Oct. 24. Copies can performed in the year 1250. The Miss Zorn will also play a Bach Denemark, the new dean of the and radio programs were held com­ be picked up on the Kenwood work proved so popular that all of arrangement of Vivaldi's "Concerto School of Education, will be given memorating the UN achievements. campus in the Student govern­ its many New York performances in D." the opportunity to meet the entire Films and panel discussions dealt ment office, room 204 of the were sell-outs and "Daniel" has re­ She is being brought to the UWM with such subjects as "the US and Union. Downtown, directories cently been recorded by the group. faculty. In addition, the occasion campus by the newly-formed Medi­ the UN," what the UN has meant may be had in USG office, room The group has made many record­ will also be an excellent opportun­ eval and Renaissance guild.
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