Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.597.453 on 1 July 1975. Downloaded from Postgraduate Medical Journal (July 1975) 51, 453-456. Neurosurgery in the older patient IAN STEWART PAUL MILLAC M.R.C.P. M.D., M.R.C.P. R. H. SHEPHARD F.R.C.S. Department ofNeurology, Leicester Royal Infirmary, and the Regional Neurosurgical Centre, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary Summary Results The outcome of brain and spinal surgery has been Craniotomy for benign disorders assessed in 141 patients who were over the age of 65 There were nine patients with meningiomas. Two at the time of operation. Patients tolerated investiga- patients, both aged 66, had internal carotid artery tion and surgery remarkably well and good results aneurysms clipped following subarachnoid haemorr- were obtained for benign lesions. Survival times and hage. The four remaining operations were for the contribution of surgery to reducing disability in pituitary tumour, intracerebral haematoma, chias- malignant disease were disappointing. matic arachnoiditis and section of the pituitary stalk for a diabetic retinopathy. Introduction The follow-up in this group extended from 6 Improved diagnostic methods, anaesthetic and months to 7 years with a mean of 4 years. Eleven by copyright. operative techniques have extended the range ofbrain patients, including seven with meningiomas and both and spinal surgery in recent years into the older age those with aneurysms, did well with resolution or group. Increasingly, the referring physician and considerable reduction in their neurological dis- neurosurgeon have to consider when to embark upon ability. The patients with chiasmatic arachnoiditis the investigation of an elderly patient with advancing and diabetic retinopathy derived modest benefit neurological disability. There is little information to from operation in common with one patient with an indicate how their patient is likely to fare should he olfactory groove meningioma who had advanced need a major neurosurgical procedure. For this disability before surgery. Three patients with reason we have ascertained the outcome of surgery meningiomas required second operations after http://pmj.bmj.com/ in all our patients over the age of 65 seen during a intervals ranging from 3 to 7 years. A 70-year-old 12-year period. man with a meningioma developed a hemiplegia post- operatively and died of cerebral infarction 3 months The patients later. These were all investigated in the Department of Neurology at Leicester Royal Infirmary or at the Laminectomy for benign disorders Regional Neurosurgical Centre in Derby between The diagnoses are shown in Table 2. Follow-up 1959 and 1971. There were 141 patients for whom averaged 3 years for the eight men and two women on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected details were adequate and they have been grouped who underwent a cervical laminectomy for spon- according to the reason for operation and the dylosis. Pre-operatively, all had advancing disability pathology demonstrated (Table 1). sufficient to threaten their independence and signs TABLE 1. Operations undertaken No. of Mean age Operative patients Males: females in years mortality Craniotomy for benign disorders 15 3: 12 68 1 Laminectomy for benign disorders 39 21:18 69 0 Craniotomy for malignant disease 30 25: 5 69 3 Laminectomy for malignant disease 20 11: 9 69 1 Operations for relief of pain 16 7: 9 70 0 Burr holes-subdural 14 9: 5 72 1 Burr hole biopsy 7 6: 1 70 1 Totals 141 82: 59 7 (5%) Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.597.453 on 1 July 1975. Downloaded from 454 4. Stewart, P. Millac and R. H. Shephard TABLE 2. Laminectomy for benign whom were in poor condition beforehand. Survival conditions times were known for twenty-two patients. Apart from the Cervical Spondylosis 10 patient with malignant polypi, who survived Lumbar Disc Disease 12 16 months, only a woman with a grade III astro- Dorsal Meningiomas 5 cytoma lived for more than a year. She alone Neurofibromas 7 received radiotherapy. Eighteen of the Angiomas 2 twenty-two Paget's I patients lived 5 months or less, and only four were Tuberculosis 1 significantly improved by operation. Within this Arachnoiditis 1 small number of patients, the outcome was not 39 influenced by whether the tumour was primary or secondary nor by the histological grading. of cord compression which was confirmed by Laminectomy for malignant disease myelography. Afterwards three were judged much Operation was not offered to patients with a com- improved, three derived moderate benefit and in the plete spinal lesion in the presence of known malig- other four there was little change. One patient died nant disease or bony destruction on spinal X-rays. of an unrelated cause within 6 months of surgery. Surgery was undertaken to establish the diagnosis Eight patients with lumbar disc disease were and preserve function not yet lost. Twelve patients considerably improved by operation, two moderately had metastases, three from bronchogenic carcinomas and symptoms persisted unchanged in two patients. and one each from breast, prostate and kidney; in All those with benign spinal tumours were im- the remaining six the site of the primary was not proved by surgery. One patient died 1 year later of known. Three more patients had sarcomas, three had a coincidental illness and one neurofibroma recurred lymphomas, one a chordoma and from one a neuro- after 5 years. fibroma with malignant change was removed. Two patients with angiomas in the dorsal region One woman of 72 with a lymphoma did out- by copyright. underwent surgery for increasing weakness of the standingly well having presented with a 2-month legs. A 72-year-old female who had been deteriorat- history of back pain and weakness of the legs with ing for more than 3 years before operation improved retention of urine for 2 weeks. After surgery and steadily afterwards and was alive with much less radiotherapy her neurological disability almost com- disability 4 years later. A 68-year-old man showed pletely resolved and she continued well until her only slight improvement and died 4 months post- death 5 years later from a cardiac complaint. In the operatively with a urinary infection and pressure 66-year-old patient with the chordoma, the tumour sores. was partially removed and after radiotherapy the A man with Paget's disease and a paraparesis was patient experienced moderate amelioration of http://pmj.bmj.com/ symptom-free 9 months after decompression. A 66- symptoms which lasted for 8 years. A woman of 70 year-old woman with back pain of 15 months' had a sarcomatous tumour decompressed and with duration, paraparesis for a year and incontinence of radiotherapy remained mobile for 3 years despite urine for 4 months had a dorsal extradural mass metastases elsewhere. Two other patients were im- explored which was histologically shown to be proved for up to 6 months. There was one operative tuberculous. Gradual improvement with immobiliza- death. tion and antituberculous chemotherapy was recorded The remaining fourteen patients were not helped up to 18 months later. The last patient with cord by surgery and seven survived a month or less. Four on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected disease was found to have arachnoiditis which was of them were given radiotherapy post-operatively not improved after exploration. with little discernible effect. Craniotomy for malignant disease Operations for reliefofpain Four patients had a previous history of malignant Four patients underwent a posterior fossa disease (colon three, larynx one) and all proved to craniectomy with division of the sensory root of the have metastases. Four others without any previous fifth nerve for trigeminal neuralgia which had not history of neoplasia were also found to have metas- responded to carbamazepine. In one instance the tases (bronchus three, one unidentified). ninth nerve was also divided as the patient was con- Twenty patients had astrocytomas. Twelve were sidered to have glossopharyngeal neuralgia as well. graded histologically III or IV, four grade II and Three of the four were relieved of pain completely, four were unclassified. The remaining two patients but the last relapsed 2 months after operation. had an orbital myeloma and malignant polypi A 72-year-old man with glossopharyngeal neuralgia extending from the nasal sinuses. alone had the ninth nerve divided through a posterior Three patients died within 24 hr of surgery, all of fossa craniectomy. Afterwards he was pain-free but Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.51.597.453 on 1 July 1975. Downloaded from Neurosurgery in the older patient 455 developed abdominal symptoms and died 2 months mortality and serious morbidity associated with later without the cause of death being ascertained. cryothalamotomy in the seventh and eighth decades. An hypophysectomy for bone pains complicating However, the arbitrary definition of operative breast cancer was carried out in a 67-year-old mortality as death within a month of surgery conveys woman who had already undergone bilateral a false impression of the outcome of intervention in oophorectomy without relief. Only temporary patients, many of whom had rapidly advancing benefit resulted and she died 4 months later. Spino- lethal nervous system diseases. By assessing cases thalamic tractotomies were performed in five individually, our study shows that the contribution patients with malignant disease and in another with of surgery to demise was remarkably low at 5%O. sciatica and an abdominal mass. All patients were It plainly emerges that operations for benign cured of their pain in the short term but longer tumours of the brain and spine in the elderly were follow-up was lacking. An attempt to relieve long- unquestionably worthwhile and tolerated well standing discomfort in an amputation stump by together with the neuroradiological diagnostic pro- tractotomy was unrewarding.
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