THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. ictj m. j B-18 wwm. has been a part of our lan- "Jullß MMbdi. on # TV •how." often over s long period of ttaM THI »Hm Carl Grubtrt WORDS, WIT guage since the Norman Con- writs* a M. Louis reader, "usad that It has become trite sad —»k quest. when It came into Eng- ths phnunt to quote an old Tquir’-glrH Ths Mat ’ fanils AND WISDOM lish from the French “raser." cliche Csn pou tell aae how Old InvenUve brain would WERE MXI NMY ng CAKE PAM f ) VVHEW/ ' be 8 1 1F meaning to shave or slice UUn. auch a phrase could be heard Used by the Inventing DO VOL) ¦ BOX Mr WILLIAM MORRIS teak of JACKIE/ RAID OF So not only does a “rasher- from ths Upa of ths beauteous # “mw ollehs.- Boom things mean a single slice, it means Julia?'’ beyond *1 hare a problem," writer are ths sbUitiM at «v«n thin slice. has no con- “Old cliche’’ certainly Charlea Rlee of Yorktown a It Is a our gras test genhuasl nection at all with redundancy. A say- t Released by the BaU SpnStaala* siu7jT gn HelghU. N. T. "When I order “rash.“ cliche Is a breakfast In s reetaurant or hotel, I frequently find the phrase ‘with a rasher of ha* con' on the menu. Thli In- variably sounds like lots of baeon—as though the chef were going to pile bacon rashly on the plate. But, equally in- variably, the ‘rasher’ turns out to be a angle strip—and I feel \~j v y y| j gypped. Can't you do some- i thin* to persuade restaurants Films of More Than Routine Merit MUTI-B to be more rash with their "AROUND THE WORLD IN M DAY*"—Mike Toga’s Mg THATPB MRS. FITZ'S FLATS —iy Frank Robarga rashers?" shew, fall es fan and stare keeked by CaaUaflaa. v *-«te Uowefw ~ “DON’T PALME You try patron- GO NEAR THE WATER”—War beyond shell range Miv g(wv:<xj*'loc>c 60MeTHiNK5> 1 NOM*vtTe\ had better ie hilarious melee for Glenn Mickey NeNmyAmJ f~ ™1 V ising a better class of hotel a Ford. Nheughneaay. m THAT (XO CMARLty 1 ohouco w OONe CMAALtY \ -*->1 “GOD’S LITTLE ACRE"—Robert Rysn heeds a ripe assort- MOMBeiW W*U«Q>THMtOHW«TONttff SNAIXta WINNING L A#OUT IT) •NJhXZmRI /- -v .J; and restaurant, friend Rice. es O/l department ment Ersklne Caldwell Southern Illiterate*. K) This can comment “LONG, HOT %o the language and even In- SUMMER"—FsnI Newman. Joanne Woodward teen’s terpret and adjudicate the In n William Faulkner slice es Southern life. “FEOUD REBEL"—Olivia de Havtlland, David and Alan ******* Arlm^rn. findings of language experts, AIRPORT Os. 4-6100 but It cannot change the Ladd In n heart-warming hoy-meeta-dag yarn. “SABRINA"—Andrey Hepburn plays tha chauffeur's daugh- ter whs wins the boas’ eon (Humphrey Bogart). “TEACHER’S FET“—Clark Gable and Dork Day deftly play WORD GAME a fresh comedy in an aathentic newsroom setting ngM “It NORTH FREDERICK"—Gary Cooper and Susy Parker Find IS or more words In alfectlngty play the May-December romance fable. SHARKSKIN LEE HVT.-ABL.ILV#. meaning “leather made from Siaalty Winter Theaters WIMELAID TREATERS c the skin of a shark.’’ Average ißjgJft OwsSmwawS. _ lloaUn (VI. G.llaa, ) Is 21 words; time limit, 20 min- UCDUTEn 100 Imllm HO. Blv4. *4 utes. II ANUUUSOIWVS?“No Time for -Bv Rupa aula of tho cane— 1. Word* must Sergeants’* Ylata Tlalan and Qatar S6O FREPPV ha of Ioar or more letters. 1. Words l it. 3:20. 5:25. B J Which ocoulro four lottors hr ths ad- || CiSi PROM R*D ROCK^^R‘ SfgWART dition of "».'• such at 'bwU," -'eats." * DRBOMAH^KKIW— rvEP.seOR&IE, x art not used 3 Only one font of o AVALONJtViIMM wor«:*aea: IT muTtm’ TPrrcHaDFOK~oui« word la aaad. 4. Ansar naaaaa an Mia Cwaa. Aw*. N.W. HILLSIDE DRIYE IN “KINO SOLOMON’S MX Tv mul j— -—•; net aaad. MINES” CWor anewer to MUNIMXNT —ft-te«ltl»s li as mien. mine. mint, minute, ¦fimtuLIU, s-sssa. istb a F let. mime. mite. mute, untie, unite, on V I at,. N.s. frn Parkins ,4, 2 o**« Hope- So. unmet, nine, Immute. Immune. ANACOSTIAnnravvuiui 3d. S.t. Item. omit, annul, time. tune. "HIGH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL. ' IU 1-7070 BUSH PASS"' Scott St. 1. C M. LOEWS BO.S-S7SS Brady. * 00 •»u arady, "AMBUBH at CIM- NT. VEIIOIOPEN AO ARRON PAaS." 2:46, 6 46. 8:46. ss ““ * LAST DAT “TH* U>NO HOT “ ~ p **» " m. summxr with Academy HIGHLAND tu 4-nn OPEN 7 Award . «0-4 SOW» AT DUSK Wloner Joann. Woodward Paul WWpi» JAMEB 87’EWART.^KIM "SiSVAk SHOWING. ROCK ABYS BABY* " “VeRTIGO” and "MARACAIBO ATLANTIC ta. Copdol 4 AHamle mmuw *-2*41. 42A M aianwisb jq ,^ IOO rraa IrMlßiUitt.N.W. Near Parkins HI LOIS —ly Mort Walkar and Dik "TH* LONG HOT BUItMXR," \ND Brown# Academy Award Winner Joanna oP^AitaSa, ?,,, r /high'sN Woodward. Paul Newman, li on. *"¦» \ i ™™^ : 2 tn. 6:50. »:1» 'BT**L BAYO- 2n > 3rnraT^v^ A^rcsl oN!^" NXT'' Lao 12 4:g6. 7:65. CONGRESS ) VVrTW Qann. 66. »•* » 2-1777 *>V . MXIAfKHIM DONTWANt) f Mt,J (&Ot/\ T\ALL*>&**{/ Russ ILTamblyn. Mamie QUEERS U«H A TO ,*? Van Doren CHAPEL TDON'T . 'S f 1 \ 1/ I nnrar K..irir THE MONEY , 6.16, Buttermilk - 8:46. CORAL a^ 03 yt)..Md tlVtVto. s-aeas. saw utk “10 S-3IJI Pm P.riling „ Vision and Color »•»»¦ Rt. N.W. "ANOTHgR Oary Cooper Diane Varel. Susy J"2 jVlaU at TIM*. ANOTHER PLACE." Lana fttff; NORTH PRTOI- Turner (1:16. P:3O. "PORT RICK. 6:16, 9'26. Scott Brady, DOBBS." Clint Walk.r. S:no. “AMBUSH AT CIMARRON PASS " Shown In Color at ii:*a ananiUAH o*srtu at,, n.w. Milan lowvel. Md. hw Porkina °pen 6:66. Color Cartoons til 1 " Porkwwy 5-2113 71 "HIOH SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL 7~" » Rum Tamblyn. #:l£_B:4n. "BEAD- 2J! T, DeHavllland, VBc Os. In Vo. TTFUL BUT DAWOEROUB.'' Fao I 0 B®“ COl °r * 16 « oS ??55.“ ' ' n. crtMwtn. SUNSET * * mu. DUVE-n Cool, B-r—rkl -f m¦“ m*“* Bd. at Onrili in. Uosbwra Plko. Pool, Alfred Hitchcock's BYRD "vw*^»fts!7ls!r At Bolter, CimrMti Botweea LOW IN CALORIES •VERTIGO” Opp H My« JA. 71713 ’f****n**S Shirley ¦Mkw.y: “¦ pat- Oae Mile Meat es Alenadno. Kim Novak. James Btewart. 1:00. 1461 c, re, 6:16, 0:35. “COWBOY." asaysai"; . K F Open Dally Glenn 1’ Fbcd,«B:Q6. 7:26. «¦ Wl' Oww*. Va. “VERTIGO STATE _ ha. S-4312. 4th and Igasaasn J( 2 )JM JAMBS STEWART, KIM HOVAK TAHRMh " IMVrUIBait.rant Bt>. N.W. SB "TIN NORTH FREDERICK SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT! HP gART COOPER DDIANNE VARBI ‘ 4 “« THE TOODLES —Ey Hu hm LES OlRlk." Gene Kelly, 6:00, - 1730 Wi, »'*d. CRYTN'tHE NIGHT • "DON'T OO NEAR THE WILSON NATALIE WOOD. 10:6S There's Mali's lA. 7-1430 ~~ WATBR." Olann Ford, 8:00. =E jamb ¦ ,tbwart 3 Color Cartoon,. 6 :46 AND WS FECIN BUT WE. HAVE NOTHIN/ >1 KsURE/vOU 60rS gRr? Near Yaw ¦ptwftl I CO. A-IS*S. nth and r kMTak ' VOO SHOULD If TO DO WHCH WJE. EG«S FBOIA TH'MTO UVUIaI Park Rd. NW. "OOD'B a V LITTLE ACRE." Hobart Ryan. ):^ > ADVERTISEMENT mivi in LEARN TO AMUSE STAY , CHICKENS, AN MILKED*-—- 2:10, 2:20. 0:30. "AMBUSH CENTRAL AYL AT CIMARRON PASS." Scott IVi Mile. Post D, C. tin# YOURSELVES HOMK -\ TH*COWS...BUT OUR 6665 Brady. 2:00. 6:10. 8:20. rJ7 For Inform.lion c'.ll NO. 7-80 M ONCE IN A WHILE I WAS AFRAVO/Vx J COME IN BOXES AH* TH' Ta THIS MOULD “*•*“¦**'" -.NOOCNfTALWR# .MILK'S IN OARIONS Bsforv You Diot... bUTstanton theatre 3 Read Os JA.7 299* Ja.t no IStb and R. t. Aw. N.E. “THE LONELY LA. 4-323.3 Air randltlaaad ROBERT TAYLOR FATRICU Ample • THINK! Parkins Facilities h UWINB. MAN” "Waihlnaton'a Art Theater" At 0:00. ! ! 2130 N o,*b*M- • DAY! to “ - Do you overeat? Are you LAST '£ GLEBE IA. 7-4266 “THE PROUD AND of op 4th HILARIOUS WEEK Air Caadltlaaad. thinking going a diet? *2.* “THE LONG HOT BUMMER.” THE PROFANE” <j PAUL NEWMAN. JOANNE WOOD- At 10:60, You better think totes before ’*« CHARLIE CHAPLIN WARD. Spacious RMrcahment Canter. you do. It’s more than just ' Children . Playground FREE PAULETTE GODDARD waaaJEFFERSONa AH.*lrd.*Annoa- cutting down on food; ss aeaesewaa Jt j.8040 your CHESTER CONKLIN C.mforUkly Ale CaadlUaaed this article in August Reader’s Mike Todds Award Winning SUPER 29 DBIVE IN «„• Star In the screen'! moit hllarioue "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 3 Ml. S.W. of Palrfae on points you need to comedy. Bee the comic senlue In a DAYS Feature Time, 4, It. t*. Digest out, sound feature that la 8:16 "BESTLEBS BRIED '' at S. "TEN full-lensth " understand why you overeat. widely acclaimed by critics to be aJgr Chaplin's boat and one of the eerewn’e cBSa». You may even be one of those sreatest all-time daielei. suaranteed MRIKT TIEATEU MUTT AND JEFF —By Al Smith to make you epllt your aide* lauah- Cell NO. 7-3 SSS Air Coailtloned people doctors say art “better Ina lNot available tor distribution or 610 T Street SUPER CHIEF exhibition In Vlralnla.
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