VOL VII GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, SEPTEMBER 24, 1925 No. 2 G. U. GRAD SETS TO THE CLASS OF '29. TICKET DRIVE ON UNIVERSITY HEAD Anthony Brennan, President of NEW AIR RECORD the Senior Class, extends to all AMONG ALUMNI GREETS STUDENTS members of the Freshmen Class a Lieutenant "Al" Williams, LL.B. cordial invitation to attend the first "Bill" Cooney, President of the Father Lyons Speaks to Students '25, "World's Fastest Human" social fathering of the Senior Class Yard Heads City-Wide Cam- in Annual Welcoming Address Attains Speed of 302.3 Miles per at Rauscher's, Connecticut Avenue and L Street, on Friday afternoon paign for Football Ticket Sub- —Advises Freshmen and Shows Hour — Dives 3,000 Feet to from 4 until 7 o'clock. scriptions—Drive to be Sys- Way to Upper Classmen. Make New Record—Prophesies tematically Carried Out—Each Even Greater Speed in the Fu- Class Has Its Own Leaders. On Friday morning, September 18tt)j ture — Achievement Reflects LAW SCHOOL HAS the Reverend Father Chas. W. Lyons, Glory on G. U.'s Records. Last Monday saw the opening of the S.J., President of Georgetown Univer- campaign to sell tickets issued by,, the sity and former President of Boston AUSPICIOUS START Athletic Association to the student body College, addressed the entire student In the past few years "Speed" has be- body of the college. come synonymous with Georgetown. In and to the alumni of the city. Last Sun- day, William Cooney, President of the It is customary each year for the practically every major branch of sport Large Enrollment at Law School President of the University to welcome she has had human comets who are equal Athletic Association, called a meeting of — Class A Rating Draws the upper classmen in order to get the back the old students and to open wide to any and surpassed by none. In foot- the portals of Georgetown to the incom- ball she has had "Zev" Hegarty, "Andy" Throng. campaign under way. The student body responded nobly and the alumni present ing Freshman Class, at the general as- Gaffey, "Eddie" Brooks and many sembly.which is held the opening day of others. In baseball the old reliable "Zev" The Law School opened last week with were most enthusiastic. Six thousand let- ters have been issued to the alumni of school. has scorched the base-paths with Alberts a huge enrollment in both the morning President Away. and such fast men to strongly aid him. the city, urging them to support the Ath- Of track little need be said by us con- and late afternoon departments. The letic Association by subscribing. However, it happened this year that cerning G. A.'s teams, as their achieve- latter session was officially begun on the Personal Visits. Father Lyons was out of town the open- ments have been heralded far and wide evening of September 14th, when old and ing day of school and was consequently This is to be followed by a personal unable to appear at the first assembly throughout the country. Her one- and new students registered for the coming two-mile relay teams at present hold sev- visit from a student of the school. The in Gaston Hall. eral titles apiece, while the latter quartet scholastic year. Members of the first- work will be carried out systematically. Rather than omit the custom of per- holds the world's record of 7 :41 2-5. She year class in this four-year course come President Cooney has appointed groups of sonally welcoming all of the students to also has and has had many individual from virtually every state in the Union, twenty men with a leader. This leader Georgetown, Father Lyons assembled the has appointed the men under him to visit classes in Gaston Hall last Friday morn- performers who are of the fleetest in and from foreign nations, brought to- Marsters, Holden, Swinburne, Haas, an alumnus of the city, personally. The ing and in a very sincere and pleasing gether by the fame of Georgetown's Law Burgess and many others, not to forget plan has been satisfactorily accepted by manner extended a hearty welcome to the immortal pioneers of sprinting, Duffy School, which this year was accorded the student body and they have complied everyone at Georgetown. and Wefers. class "A" rating by the American Bar with the wishes of President Cooney in every detail. Association, The morning classes de- Class Leaders. ferred their opening until September 23rd, at which time classes opened with Among the Seniors who are leaders of groups are Messrs. Castellini, Hickey, an enrollment nearly equalling the pro- O'Leary, Vega and Thompson. Those portions of the afternoon class, which leading the groups in the Junior Class hitherto has seemed to be the more pop- are Messrs. Keogh, Shea, and Dean. The ular. The morning class is a three-year Sophomore Class is to be represented by Messrs Moses and Lyons. Every man is course. New students were greatly im- working hard and those under him are pressed and old students pleased with doing the same. the improvements wrought in the Law So far it is very obvious that the stu- School building during the past summer dent body and alumni of the city, intend months. The entire ground floor has to make this a record-breaking year. The been remodeled and decorated in marble. subscription costs ten dollars, and the Floors and walls of the corridors have subscriber is entitled to a reserved seat been resurfaced with this stone and in the Clark Griffith Stadium. It will class rooms and lecture halls completely be his privilege to hold this seat for renovated. every game that takes place in that sta- dium. Class "A" Rating Given. President Cooney urges that every man . During the past few months particular do his bit and try to make this a gala attention has been given in the local news- year for the Georgetown Athletic As- papers of the honor achieved by the Uni- sociation. versity in having its Law Department designated by the American Bar Asso- REV. CHARLES W. LYONS "International News Reel Photo ciation as a Class "A" Law School. Very COLLEGE BREVITIES. few. of the Law Schools in the country Father Lyons' Counsels. L,T. AFFORD J. WILLIAMS enjoy this honor. The Bar Association Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, paid an informal call to Georgetown, while in After welcoming all the students back "Speed" Williams to the Fore. requires for this rating that the Law to Georgtown, Father Lyons wished School make two years of standard col- Washington on Tuesday last; and was It is only natural therefore to lock for shown over the old and new features of everyone success for the ensuing year. lege work the minimum requirement for In the course of his address Father Georgetown men to hold the spotlight admission. All the men received this the college by Father Gipprich. with magic bursts of speed in other fields. His Eminence very kindly visited, in Lyons endorsed the different school and year, therefore, have at least that amount social activities and urged everyone to The latest son of Georgetown to flash of college experience; many are college his sick-room. Father Henry J. Shandelle, meteror-like across the horizon is Lieu- for nearly 46 years our Librarian at take an active part in some extra-cur- graduates. ricular activity. The President impressed tenant Alford J. Williams, '25, flying ace The Law School can also point with Georgetown, and a lifelong friend of the of the Navy and graduate of last year's Cardinal. upon the student body the importance pride this year to the fact that the ma- which hard work plays in the attainment Law class. On last Friday at Mitchell jority of last year's graduates passed the Field, N. Y., "Al," in a small Curtiss of success. He strongly emphasized the District Bar examination held in early It is amid deep regret that news has fact that dreams get nowhere and that in racer, with a motor which develops 619 July. Georgetown's candidates in other reached the college of the death of the H. P., attained the heretofore unheard of order to obtain any real success it is states also met with almost complete suc- father of William H. Prendergast, Jr., necessary to toil under capable guid- Continued on page 6 cess in their State Board examinations. '14, and Thomas E. Prendergast, '17. ance. • THE HOYA FRESHMEN!! Rule 1 Freshmen will wear a distinctive cap everywhere on the campus, .in Georgetown, to and on Wisconsin Avenue, to and in Montrose Park, and also on the river. , , N B —The cap need not be worn after a street car has been boarded, nor when in the street car in Freshmen rule district in Georgetown. Published Weekly at Rule 2 ^mGEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Freshmen will yield the right of way to all upper classmen. This rule Washington, D. C. applies to street cars within the section of Georgetown where the hresn- Entered as second-class matter Jan. 81, 1920, at the post office at Washington, D. C, men rules apply, to all places on the campus, including telephone booths, under the act of March 3, 1879. "Acceptance for mailing at special _ rate ot postage and excepting only the tennis and handball courts. provided for in sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized Feb. 17, 1920. ^—rSubscription r-r-. " —:—I$ 3.00 -per -—year Rule 3 Freshmen will not wear bow ties before seven o'clock in the evening.
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