סדור לב שלם Siddur Lev Shalem לשבת ויום טוב for shabbat & fEstIVaLs the rabbinical assembly Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals Copyright © 2016 by the Rabbinical Assembly Copyright © 2016 by The Rabbinical Assembly, Inc. First edition. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form The Siddur Lev Shalem Committee or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, except Rabbi Edward Feld, Senior Editor and Chair for brief passages in connection with a critical review, without permission in writing from: Rabbi Jan Uhrbach, Associate Editor The Rabbinical Assembly Rabbi David M. Ackerman 3080 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Ḥazzan Joanna Dulkin www.rabbinicalassembly.org Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz Permissions and copyrights for quoted materials may be found on pages 463–465. Rabbi Cantor Lilly Kaufman isbn: 978-0-916219-64-2 Rabbi Alan Lettofsky Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available. Rabbi Robert Scheinberg Designed, composed, and produced by Scott-Martin Kosofsky at The Philidor Company, Rabbi Carol Levithan, ex officio Rhinebeck, New York. www.philidor.com The principal Hebrew type, Milon (here in its second and third Rabbi Julie Schonfeld, ex officio iterations), was designed and made by Scott-Martin Kosofsky; it was inspired by the work of Henri Friedlaender. The principal roman and italic is Rongel, by Mário Feliciano; the sans serif is Cronos, by Robert Slimbach. The Hebrew sans serif is Myriad Hebrew, by Robert Slimbach with Scott-Martin Kosofsky. Printed and bound by LSC Communications, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Fourth Printing 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals Copyright © 2016 by the Rabbinical Assembly תוכן העניינים | Contents יום טוב תפילות ושירים נוספים Additional Prayers and Songs Festivals סדר ליל שבת ויום טוב שבת ויום טוב ביום Introduction to the Festivals 304 פסח 409 Pesaḥ Shabbat and Festival Daytime Shabbat and Festival Evening תפילת העמידה ליום טוב 306 הכנה לשבת 3 שחרית The Amidah for Festivals: 98 שבועות 413 Shavuot Arvit, Shaḥarit, Minḥah Morning Service Preparing for Shabbat 424 הדלקת נרות שבת 4 סדר קריאת התורה 168 סדר נטילת לולב 315 סוכות Sukkot Taking Up the Lulav Torah Service Candlelighting for Shabbat אשפיזין 424 קבלת שבת 6 מוסף לשבת 185 הלל Ushpizin 316 Hallel Musaf for Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat חנוכה 429 עיוני שבת 31 מוסף לשבת ראש חודש 193 סדר קריאת התורה Ḥanukkah 322 Musaf for Shabbat Shabbat Study Texts ליום טוב The Festival Torah Service Rosh Ḥodesh פורים 431 ערבית לשבת ויום טוב Purim 39 יזכור 330 Shabbat and Festival Evening Service מנחה לשבת ויום טוב 213 Yizkor קידוש לראש השנה 432 ספירת העומר Afternoon Service for 63 Shabbat and Festivals The Counting of the Omer מוסף ליום טוב: Kiddush for Rosh Hashanah 343 העבודה במקדש פרקי אבות 235 שיר של יום 433 Musaf for Festivals: The Psalms of the Day Pirkei Avot שבת ויום טוב בבית The Temple Service מי שברך לעולים לתורה 439 Shabbat and Festivals at Home מוסף ליום טוב: Prayers for Those Called 355 שבת בבית 73 תפילות חול החגים בפיוט to the Torah Musaf for Festivals: Weekday Services Shabbat at Home Poetic Offerings תפילות של אזכרה והודאה 446 קידוש לליל שבת 76 ערבית לחול Memorial and Thanksgiving 264 Kiddush for Shabbat Evening Weekday Evening Service for תפילת טל ותפילת גשם Prayers 374 Tal and Geshem: יום טוב בבית Conclusion of Shabbat or a Festival 78 Prayers for Dew and Rain ארץ ישראל 447 283 Festivals at Home הבדלה The Land of Israel Havdalah עירוב תבשילין 78 הושענות 382 Eruv Tavshilin קידוש לבנה Hoshanot for Sukkot 286 תפילות לעת צרה 450 Blessing of the New Moon קידוש לליל יום וב ט Prayers in Times of Tragedy 79 Kiddush for Festival Evening הקפות 402 מנחה לחול Hakafot for Simḥat Torah 289 שלום 452 שירים וזמירות Peace Weekday Afternoon Service 82 Before Shabbat or a Festival Songs and Hymns ארצות הברית וקנדה 453 ברכת המזון United States and Canada 87 454 Glossaries Birkat Hamazon 461 Sources and Credits vi סדור לב שלם · תוכן העניינים vii siddur lev shalem · contents Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals Copyright © 2016 by the Rabbinical Assembly שבת ביום Shabbat Daytime שחרית לשבת ויום טוב 98 Shaḥarit for Shabbat and Festivals ברכות השחר 99 Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא 122 P’sukei D’zimra קריאת שמע וברכותיה 149 The Sh’ma and Its Blessings תפילת העמידה לשחרית לשבת 159 The Shabbat Morning Amidah תפילת העמידה ליום טוב 306 The Festival Amidah סדר קריאת התורה 168 Torah Service ברכת החודש 180 Blessing of the New Month מוסף לשבת 185 Musaf for Shabbat מוסף לשבת ראש חודש 193 Musaf for Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh סיום התפילה 204 Concluding Prayers מנחה לשבת ויום טוב 213 Afternoon Service for Shabbat and Festivals תפילת העמידה למנחה לשבת 223 The Amidah for Shabbat Afternoon תפילת העמידה ליום טוב 306 The Festival Amidah פרקי אבות 235 Pirkei Avot 98 shabbat daytime Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals Copyright © 2016 by the Rabbinical Assembly ברכות השחר Morning Blessings (”Modeh ani (“I thank You מֹודֶ ה\מֹודָ ה אֲ נִ י לָפֶֽניָך ֶֽ, מֶלְַך חיוַקָּים, My Soul Personal Prayers upon Arising On the day that I searched is an Ashkenazic prayer -composed in the late Midֶׁשֶהֱחַֽזְרּתָ ִ ּבִי נְׁשמָ ִתיּבֶחְמָלה, for God—for I could not I thank You, living and eternal sovereign, for Your kindness dle Ages specifically to be ַרּבָ ֱה אָמּונ ֶֽתָך. —see the Divine I turned to my heart and in restoring my soul. How great is Your faithfulness. recited upon opening one’s eyes in the morning. Since my mind Modeh/modah ani l’fanekha, melekh h|.|ai v’kayam, she-heh|.|ezarta Some recite the following prayers upon arising; it was to be said before get- and found Your throne bi nishmati b’h|.|emlah, rabah emunatekha. others recite them upon arriving at the synagogue: within, ting out of bed and washing one’s hands, it does not אֱֹלהַ נׁשָמָ י, ה ֶ ׁשָּנ ַֽתּתָ ִ ּביטהֹורָ ִה היא. ;a witness to You in me. Some recite the following prayers upon arising include the name of God. —YEHUDAH HALEVI others recite them upon arriving at the synagogue: -contemַאּתָהברָ a אתָ ,Schweid ַּה, Eliezerאּתָ ה יַצְרּתָ ַּה, אּתָ ה נַפְחּתָ ִּהּבי, THE SOUL porary Jewish philosopher, וַאּתָה מַׁשּמרָ ּה ּבִקְרִּבי, וַאּתָה עָ ִתידִ לּטָלִּה מֶּֽמִּני, A Prayer to Be in My God, the soul that You have given me is pure. notes that this and other prayers in this section are ְּולַהֲחִזירָ ִּה ּבֶילעָ ִתידָ לבֹוא. God’s Presence Elohai, n’shamah she-natata bi t’horah hi. ׇphrased in the first-personּכל־זַמֶן ׁשַהּנׁשָמָ ה בִקְרִּבֶי, \ מֹודהמֹודָ ֲה אִנילָפ ֶֽניָך, יִהי רָ ֶצֹוןׁשִּתְׁשֶרה You created it, singular, although most ׁש כִ ינָת ָך עָ לֵ ֽינּו blessings are phrased in the יהֱוה אַֹלהֵיוֵאֹלהֲי אבֹוַתי ]וִאּמֹוַתי[, ,You formed it first-person plural. At this וִנְזֶּכַה הּיֹום לִהְתַעֵּנג initial moment of prayer ִרׇּבֹון ּכַל־הַּמֲעִׂשיֲם, אדׇֹון ּכַל־הּנׁשָ מֹות. ;You breathed it into me ּב אֹור ּפָ נֶ ֽיָך. not yet entered a ּבָ haveרַּוְך weאּתָ ה יהַוה,הַּמֲחִזיר נׁשָ מֹוִת לְפָגִריֵם מִתים. .Spread Your wings over us You watch over it when it is in me that we may delight in In the future You will take it from me community, but our prayers Your Presence this day. express our own personal feelings of waking to a new בָּ רוְּך אַתָּ ה א יהֱוהֵֹֽלהי ֶֽנ ּומֶלְך הָ עֹולָ ם, .but then restore it to me in the world that is coming As long as this soul is within me, I thank You, day. ֲא ֶ ׁש רִ קדָּ ֽ ׁשנּו ּבִמְצָֺותיו ִוצּו ַָֽנּועל נִטַילָת ידָ ֽ ִים. Intentions for the Jewish mystics . ְ נ ׁ ָ שמָ ה New Day ADONAI my God, God of my ancestors, Soul Master of all worlds, ruler of all creation, master of all souls. view the soul as an actual part of God above”; that“ ָבּרוְּך ָ ַא היהֱוהתּ א ֵֹֽלהינֶּֽו מֶלְך הָ ָעֹולם, .may it be Your will Barukh atah ADONAI, who restores the soul to the lifeless form that the light of Your face which God blows into the presence of אֲׁשֶ isר ָ י צַ Adamראֶ ת ־ הָ אָ דָ ם ּב חׇ כְ מָ ה be reflected in mine. HAND wASHINg -God’s own self. Nothing huּובָרָ א בֹו נָקִבים נָקִביֲם חלִּוליֲםחלִּולים. May my mouth speak only what is true, Barukh atah ADONAI, our God, sovereign of time and space, mans can do will eradicate this Divine Presence from ָּגלּוי וָיֽדַּועִ לְפֵנִי כֵּסא כֶֽבֹודָך may my eyes see the good who has provided us with a path to holiness through the recesses of ֶׁשִאִםthe deepestיּפָ ֵֽתַחֶ אחָ דֵ מֶהִם אֹו יּסָ ֵתֶם אחָ דֵמֶהם, ,in all that I meet and may my ears be attentive observance of mitzvot and has instructed us to wash each person’s heart. (Arthur (Green אִי ראֶפְׁשָ להִתְקַ ּיֵ םולַעֲ מֹוד לפָנֶ ֽיָך. .to the troubles of those our hands who address me. Barukh atah Adonai, eloheinu melekh ha-olam, Who restores the soul ּבָרַּוְך ה אּתָ יהוה, רֵֹופׇא כל־ּבָׂשָ רַ ּומְפִלַיאלֲעׂשֹות. ,May I breathe the awe of You to the lifeless form so that I lovingly face all asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu al n’tilat yadayim. ַהַּמֲחִזיְר ׁ ָ נש ֹמו ִת לְפָגִרים I meet. According to the rabbis, sleep is a taste of death; thus, when we arise in the . מֵ תִ י ם May the words I utter be THE bODy morning we recognize the gift of a new day.
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