S10432 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 5, 2004 Nancy joined the U.S. Army after grad- woman and a testament to the commu- Greg’s inspiration for writing this book uation and was assigned to Fitzsimons nity she represents.∑ came in 1994, when as a photographer Army Medical Center in Aurora, CO. f for a newspaper, he covered a powerful She retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in interview of a Sioux Falls World War II NEW JERSEY ALLIANCE FOR 1996 from the United States Army Re- veteran. ACTION serve. In 1979, Nancy received her mas- As World War II veterans grow older, ter’s degree in school nursing and her ∑ Mr. CORZINE. Mr. President, I rise it is important to collect their stories, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certifi- to recognize the 30th anniversary of as Greg did, before they are lost. There cate from the University of Colorado. the New Jersey Alliance for Action, an are 19 million war veterans living in Nancy returned to Delaware in 1983. organization that has worked tirelessly the United States, and every day we Three years later, she became the to improve the quality of life for all lose 1,600 of them. We will be able to school nurse for the Baltz Elementary New Jerseyans. honor their services for generations to School and remained there until 1995, The New Jersey Alliance for Action come by collecting their memories for when she went to Forest Oak Elemen- is a nonprofit, nonpartisan consortium the Veterans’ History Project and pre- tary School. At Forest Oak, she is of business, labor, government and aca- serving them at the Library of Con- known as a nonassuming person, who demic leaders dedicated to creating gress. has a ‘‘quiet way about doing what she jobs, improving the economy and pro- The Veterans’ History Project, which does best—being a school nurse.’’ She tecting the environment. These goals Congress unanimously approved on Oc- is kind to the children and always are achieved by modernizing our tober 27, 2000, honors our Nation’s war looking out for their best interests. State’s infrastructure to meet the veterans and those who served in sup- In 2002, Nancy started a fitness pro- needs of a growing New Jersey. Since port of them, by creating a legacy of gram at Forest Oaks Elementary. Hav- its creation in 1974, the New Jersey Al- recorded interviews and other docu- ing been inspired by a talk on obesity liance for Action has worked to obtain ments chronicling veterans’ wartime at the National School Nurses Conven- funding and secure permits for road, experiences. The project encompasses tion, she submitted a grant applica- rail, and aviation improvements, water veterans of World War I, World War II, tion, and was awarded $3,300 from the projects, school construction, shore Korea, Vietnam, Operation Desert State of Delaware to implement her preservation, business expansion and Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, program. The program promotes in- other key infrastructure initiatives. and Operation Iraqi Freedom. creased physical activity and healthy Today, it boasts more than 600 dedi- All recordings of personal histories nutrition in first to fourth graders. cated members and has developed a and all documents submitted to the Nancy hopes to expand the program to solid track record of working closely Veterans’ History Project will be also include students in kindergarten with state and local governments. archived in the National History Col- and fifth grade and to teachers and The Board of Trustees of the New lection at the Library of Congress’ American Folklife Center. These im- staff. Jersey Alliance for Action is composed Nancy has also helped coordinate a of some of New Jersey’s most promi- portant artifacts will create a com- bike safety program and helmet pro- nent business, labor, professional and prehensive, searchable catalog of vet- gram, taught open airways classes to educational leaders. Through creative erans’ stories, thus allowing current empower students with asthma in self partnerships between the public and and future generations to access them. I congratulate Greg Latza on his ef- care, collaborated with the school guid- private sectors, the foundation address- forts. Blue Stars pays a great tribute ance counselor and psychologist to es many of the pressing issues that af- to South Dakota’s contributions to meet the emotional and educational fect the great State of New Jersey. World War II. Like the Veterans’ His- needs of students and presented staff While this organization is exemplary, tory Project, it serves as an excellent two men must be singled out for their education programs in diabetes, asth- example of the importance of honoring ma and Attention Deficit Hyper- vision and hard work: Richard M. Hale and remembering America’s veterans.∑ activity Disorder. and Ellis S. Vieser. They were respon- Nancy is a member of Sigma Theta sible for creating an organization that f Tau, the international nursing honor crossed the boundaries, establishing an HONORING GUNNERY SERGEANT society, the National Association of environment where the interests of CLESTER LENOIR School Nurses, the Delaware School New Jersey’s citizens are top priority. ∑ Mr. BREAUX. Mr. President, I honor Nurses Association, DSNA, and was a We owe a deep debt of gratitude for not only a fellow Louisianian, but also member of the DSNA Continuing Edu- their lifetime of dedication and re- an extraordinary Marine, Clester cation Committee from 1990–1995. markable leadership. They embodied a Lenoir. Clester Lenoir is retiring after Nancy also serves on the Red Clay can-do attitude together with a sense serving more than 20 years of service in Nurse Liaison Committee, is the com- of community. It is not difficult to see the United States Marine Corps. He puter representative for the Red Clay how the alliance has made such giant was raised in Baton Rouge, LA, where School nurses, and is a member of the strides in such a relatively short period he graduated from Tara High School, revision committee for the school of time. Baton Rouge in 1984. nurse technical assistance manual. I thank the members of the New Jer- Gunnery Sergeant’s first duty station Nancy is married to Joe Nadel, a psy- sey Alliance for Action for continuing was in his home state of Louisiana chologist and teacher at Wesley Col- the work of Richard M. Hale and Ellis where he served with the Fourth Ma- lege. She has four children, Katie, S. Vieser. It is their commitment to rine Division in New Orleans. He was Carolyn, Dan, and Susan, and three the work of the alliance’s founders that assigned as the Status of Resources stepchildren, Joe, Ian and Mike. In her allows New Jersey to shine so brightly. and Training System Noncommis- spare time, she volunteers at Mary Congratulations on this very special sioned Officer, a staff sergeant’s billet. Mother of Hope House II by sponsoring milestone.∑ He was tasked to assist and inspect food, linen and gift drives at their shel- f various reserve units around the Na- ter. tion. He excelled at this assignment Nancy is an amazing human being. VETERANS’ HISTORY PROJECT and was awarded a Navy/Marine Corps She has been and remains deeply com- ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, I rise Achievement medal for his meritorious mitted to her family, her students, and today to publicly recognize the service. her community. She has helped shape progress of the Veterans’ History Lenoir has served as an Administra- the lives of thousands in the halls of Project and to honor Greg Latza, au- tive Assistant in the Marine Corps’ Of- the institutions she served, and in the thor of Blue Stars: A Selection of Sto- fice of Legislative Affairs during his hearts of those who have been lucky ries from South Dakota’s World War II last 3 years of service. That office sup- enough to call her their friend. I rise Veterans. ports Members of Congress, and their today to honor and to thank Nancy for Blue Stars honors and immortalizes committees on matters relating to the her selfless dedication to the better- the incredible stories of forty-four Marine Corps and the security of our ment of others. She is a remarkable South Dakota World War II veterans. Nation. VerDate Aug 04 2004 03:45 Oct 06, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC6.035 S05OCPT1 October 5, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10433 Lenoir has carried the Marine Corps’ the second in its 50-year history. His the largest of problems and the small- message to these hallowed halls, pro- more prominent opinions advanced est of details. I have seen him per- viding Members the information nec- civil rights and voting rights, and in severe and overcome obstacles. And, essary to determine how best to equip, March of this year, as part of a three- during these challenges, he does not maintain and support the United judge panel, his 22-page opinion upheld complain; and he does not flinch; he States Marine Corps and ultimately a lower court ruling releasing the Lit- does not give in. provide and ensure our Nation’s secu- tle Rock School District from more The Army has been fortunate to have rity. During this period, he has been re- than 40 years of Federal court super- a soldier like Rusty as its liaison chief sponsible for directing, and organizing vision of its desegregation efforts. here in the Senate. He has dem- numerous congressional events in the Judge Richard Arnold was a friend to onstrated to me and to many other metropolitan DC area. His attention to President Clinton and me and we join Members the caliber and quality of detail in making these very important his wife, Kay, and his two daughters, Army officers.
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