T Name W.·..'®.·.. ~?J"'~~ ,, . Form e~..??t:-: ". iliilliillillll!l!ill!llillllllllll!llllli!liiillll LIVERPOOL INSTITUTE GREEN BOOK 1931. IIIIIIIIIIIII!IIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII O.71253( 99867-a89.J)Est. ~ .,"- ""'d mE STAFF. Headmaster: Ttu: REV H. H. SY~IO:-lDS. Vice-Principal: ~1R. GROmr. Form. Room. Ac :V(r.Barnard 30a m ;\lr. Killingley 31 sc i\fr. Doughty u.n. Bc Mr. Folland 2':5 m Mr. Kill ingle y 31 sc ~dr. S. V. Brown C.R. Rc Mr. G. L. R. Brown 32 ill M1'. Thomas 23 SO 11r. Reece 11 X i\lr. Willis lIb 5b AIr. H. M. Brown 39 j 111'. Jones (3~) m M1'. '\lalkin IS ;It M1'.THIen 36 Tr Mr. Pollard (3.0) 4d Mr. Duffy 15 e Mr. Elliott 37 m Mr. Mov 19 x ~Ir. Williams 4~ 3e iI!r. Ellis S h 1Ir. Hart 43 p Mr. Peters 2~ w ~Ir. Wormald 45 x Mr. Rose 33 21 Mr. Ledger (30) r )Iiss Robertson 270 D 111'. Bartlett 28 E Miss Williamson (14) G Miss Makins 29 H Miss \V ilson 2H K )Ii~s Deakin 27 :Mr. Baxter 14 Mr. Brierley 30 1Ir. Hieks 35 ~J~s Hook Mr. Mummcrv W Mr. Stell . G '\11'. Thorpe Dr. Wallace H L-- ~# r---. I STAFF ALPHABETICALLY Form Room Initials Ac 30a Mr. Barnard A.S.C.B. D 28 Mr. Bartlett H.B. 14 Mr. Baxter H.A.B. 30 Mr. Brierley E.J.B. Re 32 }Ir. G. L. R. Brown G.L.KB. 5b 39 Mr. H. M. Brown H.:lI.Il. Bse C.R. Mr. S. V. Brown SX.Il. K 27 Miss Deakin tc.xr.n. Asc V.R. Mr. Doughty \Y.l-I.D. 4d 15 Mr. Duffy P.D. 4e 37 Mr. Elliott S.J.E. 3. S Mr. Ellis G.D.E. Be 25 :rvlr. Folland B.M.RF. 9 Mr. Groom F,W.H.G. 34 !III. Hall F.W.H. 3h 43 1\1r. Hart W.J.H. 35 Mr. Hicks E.w.H. 1 8 Miss Hook I.H. C-'·.....l._'_'..lI_...J! :III. XLJ 5j ~3j) jones W.H.j. ABm 31 xr-. Killingley A.V.G.K. I : 2! ~Ir. Ledger G.C.L· I ~i G ~~~i~:M; akins D.N.M. n I!!en~ i i -5::: .. J.W.lI1. ; ;t",U A.Llf . .'" ~ .'>".(',\\'.:11. i i 3'0 \\".P. I I Tr S,R,P. ! I : I ! Rsc :'::'-":.R. WL-~ '---' 2r ?.R, " I l" ! 3x ,~.~ !~~ H.S. : L~oI,.j': Rm ~3 I ' .~.·.':.H.T. ; C R I A.T. 5t 3" H.J.'!'. H j.E.W. 4x 4.f H.E.W. E )-4, LW.W. Rx Ii':; W.W. PLAN H 20 M.LW. 3w ~.) S.W. OF Forms Boys SCHOOL 31 662 k TIME TABLES. SEI''!I':MIWI, TFI\M. I I"-'~~" III i I V I V'~;'" -'-~;I ---~--. I '---- ... -- 'S""~· (3&A4 . I M>#' _. t.~ " •.v. .. I f'> g·-r~IJl.."'V·"":J ~"Fr(,'·'· "'''''''''<b . , •",~\). CJ I "" n ~, '1 II' .... 1 -, e. I_.l_u_.• ,.~. I v ",o.Jl.o .,' . I:" 1':' """",-. "'Q. 1 w. ~".- : .~:>~~.~. c. I .. ,' I .. 1-;-- " o~ I .. I J '-1 ' . TH. H --,,;.,-. i aJ, 'o,? ..;.. i '. '..1,.· I. er, Q. I ."'"""f}" N ...•.". 1 -.---,----- "'---1 --- F. .' I" ,. II .. :.\ .. ·.i·1~. ...,:",,"". ,J ·,>c' •• ~) y:l. -S-. I p.~i - .J ~ ·I--l--:~-'I' 1 I-- "" ••.• 1 ._~'.:..... I i Mon. Tues. Wed.! Thurs. 1 Fri. I Sat. d' •.i-" I Il 1 I 1 ~, ~:~:,:':.,~.J~"'<,:,. I>-~?d" i :\..•~....., ;~;';.~ f",,:-·enY2 ' - -:} ..~" Ir"-...~• '~ !--;;---~'-·,=--'----l-- . i I ----- -- -: rc I ~ -'~',,",:'~-. ·'''7'>':J''·'"~'~''. "'/~:l'~1 '!..:·:o,~""1 I t·~ ..- \ "i? I _--" --I .. '" I • J 1 1--:;;';--:-'-\' J 3 ~. "'-''2.... I 1: '" ' o, (; \"' ~ , •.~""'.J \1; '~i3 I:t~'" • "J 1I_~ -------- -.----~ ... ---_._----- ---_._._--- TIME TABLES. JANUARY TERM - -_ .... , I I .P- II;-I-I~~' V I VI VII !-M.- 1-- i I I~J I I i w.1 I I I__J__ - I-TH·I_-_-_ I I ,I I I , \--- I F ~I I 1 !5-.· ---1. I I !----I---, ..' I 1 1 l-l~~~~J_T=-~!_~:I'd.~J~i-S"t~-.-I'"~+ i-;.Y:~:.. ..._...__.__. 11-__ _I I =1 --"\ SPORTS AND ARTS CLUB. ---- . _-- - -- -1-- 1 1 President: -;jl·1 THE HEADMASTER. (fJ1 Secretary and Treasurer : ---.~----- I -_. -- ---- I MR. S. V. BROWN. 1 i Finance Committee: The above, with I MR. REECE I General Committee : > I ,I The above, with : I I THE SEVEN HOUSE CAPTAINS. The object of the Club is to incorporate into one body all possible phases of School activity. The subscription is 2/- per term, and members enjoy many advantages, amongst which are:- 1. Increased facilities for cricket and football. 2. Free lectures during the winter months. 3. Part payment of travelling expenses when playing with School teams, etc. 4. Reduced prices for concerts, plays, etc. 5. Free issue of the School Magazine. 6. The satisfaction derived from the fact that each member is doing his share towards benefiting the whole. It Is important that Members should keep the oIDcial receipt. ~------------------------------------------ CAMERA AND FIELD CLUB. SCHOOL MAGAZINE. President: THE HEADMASTER. Chairman: Mr. ELLIOTT. Editor MARTIN, R. A. (Ac) Leaders 01 Sections: Art: Messrs. Brierley) H. 1\.1.Brown. Sub-Editors: Industries: Messrs. Folland, Jones. BAXTER, A. C. C. (Am) Engineering: Messrs. Doughty, Thorpe. vVALLACE,D. A. T. (Asc) Handieralts: Mr. Mummery. Natural Science: Miss Wilson and Mr. Pollard. Photography: Mr. Stell. ~i\1sic: Messrs, Baxter, Rose. The Magazine appears once a term and it Theatre: Mr. Hicks . is the aim and desire of the Editors to make ..1]:::·r Branch : Miss Wilson. it representative of all sections of the School. !::~::~~~::·iTreasurer : Gibson, K. B. (Ac), Contributions will be received at any time .~_"j:,-,,::;::":"':: R: c.:'c: .. E. G. M. (Rc), and will be given careful consideration. e.::::",;-:.:: '''''-.0:7: ~c:::-:';e, w. H. (B.Se). :::::',::.:':': ~7.::-.;::;.rl·: (--':'::-::3,P. (Be). .:::. f·~···~.::-..~..:..j • . 1-\:.]. (Bm), THE SCHOOL ORCHESTRA. subscripuon : Members of Sports and Arts Club, 4d. per term. Composed mostly of stringed instruments. Non-Members of Sports and Arts Club, 1/- per term. It exists for the enjoyment and playing of good music. Practices are held every Monday OBJECTS OF THE CLUB. in the Hall at 4.45 p.m. To promote, encourage and direct all hobbies. The Club is affiliated to the Liverpool and District Ramblers' By arrangement instruction can be given Federation. The various sections arrange rambles, etc., visits to to boys wishing to learn wind instruments. factories, steamships, etc. The dark room is available for the use of all members A Junior Orchestral Class meets once a • t any time when the School is open. Chemicals and apparatus are supplied free. week. Application for membership to , Arrangements are posted on the notice board from time to time Mr. Rose. s 9 ~--------------------------------------------~ THE MUSIC CLUB. LITERARY AND DEBATING SOCIETY. The Club was recently founded to foster all branches of musical talent and to encourage the PROGRAMME-SESSION 1931-32. appreciation of good music. During the year several concerts are given to which members are Chairman: }1It. HICKS. admitted free. The charge for membership is Gd. per year and Secretaries : mem bership is open to all who are interested in OWEN, M. T. (Am). music. HARROP, T. C. (Am). ;;:'~':)5;:riptions should be paid either to 1931. ... ""':c':::" :.1' to the Secretary, K. B. Gibson Sept. 29-Debate: "That male superiol'.ity is an exploded myth." Pro.: Martdn, R. A. (Ac) ; Con.: Owen, M. T. (Am). Oct. 13- Paper: The Headmaster: " The Financial Crisis." Oct. 27-Debate: "That a gun in the hand is worth two clauses in a peace pact." THE 1.1. TROOP OF BOY SCOUTS. Pro.: Graneek, D. (Am); Con.: Bean G. (Be). Scout Master: Mr. Barnard. Nov. lO-Debate: "Leagues and Points are the Assistant Scout Mastel': Mr. Folland. ruin of true sport." Pro.: Turner, J. W. (Ac).; Can.: Johnston, R. (Ac). Meetings :-Thursdays 4 45 p.m., and on Half.Holidays as arrange. Nov. 24-Debate: "That civilised man is less happy than the savage." Pro. : Carmichael, K. J. (Bm); Con.: Slade, T. W. (Bm). Dcc. 8-Impromptu Debate. 10 11 1932 LEAGUE OF NATIONS UNION. Jan. 19-Debate: "Therinal crash of civllisa- tion is rapidly approaching." Pro. : Baxter. A. C. C. (Am); Con.: Gibson, School Correspondent and Hon. Secretary K. B. (Ac). School Correspondents' Committee: MR. PETERS. Feb. 2-·Deb"te: "Patriotism is the last refuze of a scoundrel." Pro. : Chairman and HOD. Sec. : OWE~, M. T. (Am) Carr~lthers, B. (Ac); Con.: Bates, Treasurer: BATES, A. P. (Bc) A.P. (Be). Committee: Feb. IG-Pap~r ,:, :\11'. Rose: "LiterJ.tufc and THOMAS, D. P. (Rm) MARTIN, R. A. (Ac) ;\IUSIC. DAVIES, W. W. (Be) TURKER, ]. \Y. (Ac) I-Debate: "That complete political The objects of the School branch are- smancipation is necessary Ior the future (a.) To explain the principles underlying the League of ·.·:t:~·bein(!of India." Pro.: Disley, Nations and the obligations towards the League :1. R. _.;.!i2): Con.: Wright, E. G. (Ac). which this country bas pledged itself to fulfil. (b) To promote an atmosphere favourable to the .... ., That the death of party settlement of international disputes without recourse to war. '- desirable." Pro. : (e) To study international problems . .' ·_.\m:J; Con.: Hawkins, The L.N.LJ. is non-partisan; School branches do not take part in public propaganda, which is the function of adult branches. Annual Subscription-1/- over 16. 6d. under 16. LEAGUE OF PUBLIC ORDER. " L.P.O. All boys are invited to join the League and THE CHILDREN'S COT AND FLORENCE to help in keeping the school building and INSTITUTE FUND.
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