BUSINESSBUSINESS NAMENAME BUSINESSBUSINESS NAMENAME Pleistocene coalition news VOLUME 6, ISSUE 2 MARCH-APRIL 2014 Inside - Challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific a g e n d a s - Pleistocene footprints P A G E 2 in the U.K . British avocational ar- Member news and chaeologist—James Reid- other info Moir—was right 100 years Ice & air differentials ; ago when his evidence Technical article on planet- Update on Jeffrey Goodman’s Matt Gatton , Virginia was ignored due to main- wide effects during Pleisto- Flagstaff Stone. Mainstream Steen-McIntyre , stream evolutionism. cene glacial maximals. anthropology does it again after keeping the stone for yet Jeffrey Goodman another 2 1/2 years. P A G E 4 Arkfeld archaeologi- cal site near Clear Brook, Virginia Tales of a fossil collector , Part 5 . Once thought impossible as fossils, Adam Arkfeld Paleo-camera on Belgian TV and radio . Matt Gatton attributes soft-tissue brachiopod pedicles are normal human perceptiveness to Homo erectus and Neanderthals— increasingly being found. Author’s a stance well away from standard anthropology collection: pedicle in Ordovician Lingula P A G E 7 regarding these peoples—e.g., that they were from Missouri. The living fossil, Lingula, incapable of even basic observation. Pleistocene foot- unchanged for 513 million years. prints in the U.K.— Reid-Moir was right Arkfeld Site : Controversial Virginia site yields 100 years ago unusual objects—possibly non-utilitarian artifacts. Richard Dullum and James Reid-Moir was Kevin Lynch way ahead of the main- stream anthropologists P A G E 1 0 who attempted to discredit him—as Dul- Brain matters , Part 2 : Trepanated and elongated skulls . Controversial? Yes. Ignorable? No. Due to practices of censor- Ice and air differ- lum & Lynch explain. Will anthropology now ship and pre-committed interpretation fiascos throughout the entials give proper credit? Not history of anthropology everything the field has published since Darwin needs to be reassessed objectively. The higher Trevor McNaughton likely. It is one of three fields losing credibility the bio, anthro, or paleo education—without critical thinking as objec- skills learned first—the more likely objectivity is missing. P A G E 1 2 tive sci- ence. Debunking evolu- tionary propa- ganda, Part 6 John Feliks P A G E 1 5 Acrothele , former living Brain matters, fossil— Part 2: Trepanated unchanged for 70 million Spirifer (genus), former living Echinoconchus , former & elongated skulls years. Cam- fossil—unchanged for 217 million living fossil—unchanged for brian, Utah. years. Mississippian, Arkansas 131 million years. Missis- Vesna Tenodi (fossil shown actual size, 3 3/8"). sippian, Mississippi. P A G E 1 8 Debunking evolutionary propaganda , Part 6 : The inconvenient facts of living fossils : Brachiopoda . Make no mistake; evolutionism (by whatever name) taught as fact is in trouble. It doesn’t matter if there are 500 million Tales of a Fossil adherents. The reason the author is calling anthropology (beginning with the axiom of cognitive evolution), biology, Collector, Part 5 and paleontology to task ‘as one’ is because they all have an error in common. Even Darwin knew that the fossil record did not support evolution. In science, you simply don’t ignore what the physical evidence says . According to John Feliks paleontology’s own numbers it can be clearly seen that the fossil record is not a record of species, genera, families or orders—let alone classes or phyla—evolving one into the other. What the actual evidence shows —in mainstream terms—is thousands of well-established genera living tens to hundreds of millions of years without changing. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 2 P A G E 2 Member news and other info Update: Paleo-camera development of philosophical artist-in-residence at St. Francis “The oldest or spiritual ideas. See Fig. 2 High School in Louisville. Gatton at the Artefact Festival continues to do invited demonstra- known tent for examples of the quality of tions in the U.S. and abroad having –Matt Gatton dwelling is projection through a simple presented in the UK, Germany, lens-less hole. The oldest France, Portugal, and Belgium. Pleistocene Coalition found- from a roughly known tent dwelling is from Gatton’s articles in PCN giving ing member, Matt Gatton, one million a roughly one million year- overviews of paleocamera are: recently did old Homo erectus site at Gatton, M. 2010a. Paleo-camera a demon- Pont-de-Lavaud, Indre, and the Concept of Representation . stration of France. PCN 2 his paleo- (3):4-5. camera Following is Gatton, M. theory at a link to the 2010b. the Artefact radio pro- Paleo- Festival in gram that camera, Leuven, Phase II: covered the Projected Belgium presenta- images in (February tion. It is in art and 9-13). The Dutch al- ritual (or presentation why Euro- though pean Upper was covered Matt’s parts Paleolithic in Belgian are all in art looks television English: the way it and radio does) . PCN http:// 2(4):6-7. programs. www.radio1.be/ programmas/ Gatton, M. Matt’s col- bar-du-matin/ 2010c. The league, artefact-de- Camera and French ar- prehistorie-van- the Cave: chaeologist het-beeld Understand- ing the style and expert Below is the of Paleo- on the con- link to the lithic art , struction of television PCN 2 (5):8-9. Paleolithic- program that age tents, covered the Gatton, M., Dr. Claire presenta- and L Car- Bellier, built reon. 2012. tion. It also Projecting the tent for is in Dutch projection: the program Fig. 1. Paleolithic hide tent constructed by with Matt’s a statistical analysis of French archaeologist and specialist in Pa- (Fig. 1 ). explanations cast-light leolithic tents, Dr. Claire Bellier. Top: Long in English. Fig. 2. Top: Detail of sample image The general images . shot of tent in the exhibition space. Mid- projection through hole in hide tent. PCN 4 dle: Close-up showing external construc- idea of pa- http:// Middle: Another sample image projec- www.cobra.be/ (4):1. tion of the tent. Bottom: Internal construc- leo-camera tion. Stills from Dutch Cobra television cm/cobra/ theory is Other se- tion of the tent with Matt explaining paleo- videozone/ program. Bottom: Paleo-camera the- lected publi- camera theory. To Matt’s upper left can that natural rubriek/kunst- ory as rendered by Matt Gatton. cations : be seen a sample hole which works as a light projec- video- camera-obscura through which very high tions within zone/1.1874453 Gatton, M., and L. Carreon. 2011. quality natural images are projected (see hide tents Probability and the Origin of Art: Fig. 2 ). General translation of the Dutch The television program in- were possi- Simulations of the Paleo-camera subtitles: Middle, “So lived Homo erectus cludes some very nice shots of Theory. APLIMAT: Journal of Ap- and Neanderthals,” Bottom: “Our oldest ble—if not the Paleolithic tent Matt’s team plied Mathematics 4:181-90. tent stood in Pont-de-Lavaud in France.” likely— created as well as the simple Gatton, M. 2009. First light: Inside Pont-de-Lavaud is a one million year-old inspirations hole in the tent through which Homo erectus site in Indre, central France.” for early the Palaeolithic camera obscura, In the images were projected. A Kaniari and M Wallace (eds), Acts Stills from Dutch Cobra television program. peoples of seeing: Artists, scientists, and such as MATT G ATTON is a multimedia artist the history of the visual . Zidane year-old Homo erectus , Neanderthals, and Paleolithic theorist with a BA cum Press, London. laude from the University of Louisville Homo erectus and early Homo sapiens ei- and an MFA from the University of site at Pont- ther in visual artistic expres- the Philippines. He has held adjunct WEBSITE: sion such as cave art or positions at the University of Louis- de-Lavaud, http://www.paleocamera.com/ portable plaquettes or in the ville, Kentucky; and De La Salle Indre, France.” University, Philippines; and is an PLEISTOCENE COALITION NEWS VOLUME 6, ISSUE 2 P A G E 3 Member news and other info (cont.) Genes shared with the New early man site in covered by Dr. Alan Bryan— Neanderthals: good Tennessee co-founder of the University and bad news of Alberta’s Anthropology –Virginia Steen-McIntyre Department—excavated at –Virginia Steen-McIntyre Goodman’s The Johnson Flagstaff City Press A January 29, 2014 Arizona site (Tennessee, article by Paul Rincon in 1979. March 8, on the BBC News , Sci- The artifact 2014) issued ence and Environment was discov- the report of website reports that ered at a a new early multiple matings be- depth of 23 man site in a tween Homo sapiens feet and is rock shelter and Neanderthals Fig. 2. The Cumberland Mountains thought to located high of Tennessee. Wikimedia Commons. (Homo sapiens nean- be approxi- on a remote derthalensis ), most mately one bluff in the Upper Cumber- likely over a long period hundred thousand years old. land Plateau ( Fig. 2 ). of time, gave us gene Virginia Steen-Mclntyre, PhD, types that influence Test pits five feet deep un- has done extensive analysis disease, particularly covered primitive stone tools of the grooved lines in the Fig. 1. Ideas about who the type 2 diabetes, similar to those used more stone. Dr. Steen-Mclntyre, a Neanderthals were in rela- Chron's disease, lupus, than 11,000 years ago. The tephrochronologist, is of the tion to us continue to go long-term depression, shelter is located 1,000 feet opinion that a clay rind that back and forth. Image cour- and smoking addic- above the modern valley formed over the stone’s en- tesy NASA (Ed. crop). tion. It is not that any floor, which graved lines one thinks Neander- makes it un- could be re- thals may have smoked but usual.
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