Vote fo r Working Class Candidates l Vote for Dobbs and Carlson! Workers off the World, Unite! Hext Week FULL REPORT ON DOBBS-THOMAS DEBATE the M I liTANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Voi. XII-No. 42 267 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY OCTOBER 18, 1948 PRICE: FIVE CENTS MARSHALL PLOTS DEAL WITH FRANCO “A Remarkable Likeness!” SWP Candidates S.W.P. Candidates Hit Latest War Conspiracy Moves On Ballot in 13 States By FARRELL DOBBS and GRACE CARLSON (In all other states including California and Ohio, write in SWP Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates' Farrell Dobbs and Grace Carlson) The capitalist rulers ot Candidate for Candidate for U. S. President U. S. Vice-President America are broadening their drive to strengthen CALIFORNIA MICHIGAN and bolster up the forces of fascism and world re­ GENORA DOLLINGER action. HARRY PRESS First came the brazen S.W.P. Candidate S.W.P. Candidate reduction of the sentence for U. S. Senator for 20th Assembly District of Use Koch, the “ Beast of Buchenwald,” together (San Francisco) with the commutation of the sentences of other leading Nazis. WILLIAM YANCEY MYRA TANNER WEISS Now on the very heels S.W.P. Candidate of this scandal, comes the S.W.P. Candidate for Secretary of State move to include Franco for 19th Congressional Dist. in the ‘democratic’ camp. (Los Angeles) Everyone knows that Franco conspired against Kutcher, Legless Vet, the legally constituted COLORADO government of Spain in HOWARD LERNER 1936 and with the armed FARRELL DOBBS GRACE CARLSON S.W.P. Candidate Suspended Without Pay aid o f H itle r and Musso­ lini, overthrew the Span­ for Governor James Kutcher, Newark war veteran who lost both legs in action in Italy, received formal ish government by force CONNECTICUT notification on October 12 that “effective upon receipt of this notice” he was suspended with­ out pay from his $42-a-week clerical job with the Veterans A d-® and violence in one of the ministration for “disloyalty” because of his membership in the 11, N.Y., sent out a national ap­ bloodiest civil wars of Socialist Workers Party. peal for support of Kutcher on NEW YORK tary of the Kutcher Civil Rights Oct. 6. It was signed by Harold modern times. He was further notified that Committee; Peter Flynn, Secre­ Russell, armless star of the mo­ the Branch Loyalty Board of the Everyone knows that MORRIS CHERTOV FARRELL DOBBS GRACE CARLSON tary-Treasurer of the New Jer­ tion picture, “The Best Years of VA in Philadelphia has ruled that sey CIO Council and chairman of Our Lives;” Bill Mauldin, author this newest hero of the he be fired permanently on Oct. S.W.P. Candidate the state Kutcher Civil Rights of “ Up Front” and “ Back Home;” 25, if the decision is not reversed Democratic and Republi­ Committee; and Arthur Burch, Carl Holderman, President of the WISCONSIN by a higher body after final ap­ for Governor one of Kutcher’s attorneys. N.J. CIO Council; Merle Miller, can bi-partisan coalition, peal to the Administrator. The Kutcher Civil Rights Com­ former editor of “Yank,” novelist This is the answer that Kutcher is not only a Spanish fas­ mittee, T9 W. 10th St., New York and Editor of Harpers magazine; received after his personal meet­ and Mr. Novack. cist. He served the Nazi ing with Attorney General Tom JAMES BOULTON Clark in Washington on Sept. 30. SWP Election News The A VC Bulletin, national cause faith fu lly during Clark then told Kutcher that he publication of the American Vet­ World War II and sent his S.W.P. Candidate would “study the record" of the erans Committee, in its current MINNESOTA case. issue carries a report on the Blue Division to fight side for Governor Kutcher had demanded that Kutcher case and publishes the by side with’ the Nazi ar­ Clark grant an open hearing to resolution of the AVC National the Socialist Workers Party on Planning Committee calling for mies against the Allies. the charge that it is “subversive,” all liberal organizations to join It is also public knowledge VINCENT R. DUNNE that being the sole ground for in his Defense. the persecution of the war-maim­ Norman Mailer, author of the that the prisons and Con­ S.W.P. Candidate PENNSYLVANIA ed veteran. The SWP was put on great war novel, “The Naked and centration camps where Clark’s “subversive” list without By George Clarke the Dead,” who recently joined fo r U. S. Senator FARRELL DOBBS GRACE CARLSON so much as a notice,^ and subse­ the Kutcher defense committee, thousands of members of quently denied the right of a issued the following statement on on ballot as Militant Workers Party SWP Campaign Manager the Spanish labor move­ hearing to defend itself. the case: “The attack and perse­ A t a press conference in New­ You see elsewhere on this page cution of men of.any left-wing ment are held to this day ark on Oct. 13 arranged by the the pictures of the Socialist political persuasion — Commun­ are just as vile and hor­ WASHINGTON Kutcher Civil Rights Committee, Workers Party standard bearers ist, Socialist Workers, Socialist the victimized veteran told the in this election from coast to or Anarchist — is a direct indica­ rible as those maintained NEW JERSEY reporters: “Five years ago I be­ coast. They occupy top place on tion of the strength of fascism in by Franco’s former came a casualty of World War the revolutionary scroll of honor America. It is part of a larger II. Today I am a casualty in the in America. These candidates are process which is designed to sil­ friends, Hitler and Mus­ battle for civil rights and freedom not place-seekers or opportunists ence finally even the mildest lib­ solini. DANIELS ROBERTS of speech. Two years ago, when but working class fighters —> eral conception in America today. l learned how to use my artifi every last one of them. The facts in Kutcher’s persecu-' But what difference do GEORGE RREITMAN Their candidacy is a challenge S.W.P. Candidate cial limbs, the government gave tion are hideous.” (Continued on page 2) — the only real challenge — in for Governor me a job. Now it has taken that S.W.P. Candidate job away — not for any fault in the midst of a hurricane of reac­ for U. S. Senator the way 1 did my work, but solely tion to the profitmad rulers of because of my political views. our country. Where others have retreated to the storm-cellars, “Meanwhile, I naturally intend to appeal the decision of the the SWP candidates are out in Philadelphia Loyalty Board, front fighting for a new day for OHIO which refused to consider the real American labor. The best way to issues in my case — is the Social­ honor their fight and join their ist Workers Party actually sub­ struggle is to vote SWP. versive; and is it constitutional The SWP is on the presidential to blacklist a legal party without ballot in eleven states, and has WILLIAM E. BOHANNAN HARRY BRAVERMAN local candidates on the ballot in giving it a hearing?” If necessary, Kutcher said, he two other states. Despite the S.W.P. Candidate seemingly small number, this is S.W.P. Candidate will take his ease to the civil fo r llth Congressional Dist. courts and fight it tip to the a great achievement for a first for 19th Congressional Dist. try. Its full significance is esti­ Supreme Court. (N ew ark) mated in the editorial column. (Youngstown) THANKS SUPPORTERS Your campaign manager wants to doff his hat once again in (Still contested in Courts) He took the occasion to thank “the many organizations, perio­ tribute to the gallant comrades dicals and individuals who have who put the party on the ballot come to my support even though — to the few who have done so they don’t share my socialist much. * * * IOWA UTAH ideas.” Participating in the press con­ A roar of approval for our FARRELL DOBBS GRACE CARLSON FARRELL DOBBS GRACE CARLSON ference with Kutcher were Presidential candidate from the George Novack, National Secre- (Continued on page 2) Page Two THE MILITANT Monday, October 18, 1948 Welcome- Grace Carlson! W orld Events Wallace - A Defender of Capitalism ■ By Joseph Hansen ■ — Indian Trotskyist countryside, back to the big port cities. Polls Highest Vote When the Viet-Nam republic And Supporter of Imperialist War In Madras Election was formed three years ago At the elections to the Madras some 90% of the people were il­ literate. Today this figure has By Art Preis Municipal Corporation, the third city, incalculable death and de­ largest local body in India, held been cut down to 20%, about Sudden conversions invite suspicion. Henry Wallace’s case is no exception. There is a 7,000,000 Indo-Chinese having struction. on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, Comrade been taught to read and write remarkable coincidence between his decision to run for president and his interest in labor, the In spite of this, there are those S.C.C. Antonipillai, member of since the new’ government wad Negro people, civil rights, etc.® who will say that by voting for the Central Committee of the formed. Wallace has already left many urge of the capitalist system, Wallace “right now” they will at Bolshevik-Leninist Party was Lacking customary school sup­ footprints in the political sands. Wallace counterposes his childish least be casting a protest vote elected by an overwhelming maj­ notion that all that is needed to against war.
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